972 resultados para Atores
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Avaliação da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016
Reestruturar a prática na sala de aula: Aprendizagem ativa e cooperativa "Entre atores e mediadores"
O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Apresenta o percurso refletido pela estagiária nas intervenções realizadas durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. Para tal, este trabalho está sustentado em material teórico e científico de vários autores que defendem a aprendizagem ativa e a metodologia de trabalho de projeto como possíveis promotores da aprendizagem. Esta informação foi ajustada à respetiva prática educativa, na qual os/as alunos/as desempenharam um papel fundamental como participantes ativos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A informação obtida foi registada através de técnicas de observação direta utilizadas ao longo do estágio, com vista a perceber quais as necessidades, interesses do grupo/turma e de cada aluno/a e de que forma as aprendizagens foram significativas para o processo ensino - aprendizagem. Finalmente, pretendeu-se evidenciar que devemos ter em consideração a participação dos/as alunos/as nas estratégias utilizadas em sala de aula, visando o constante desenvolvimento da criança, o que nos torna profissionais reflexivos e críticos da nossa atuação educativa face ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. É com estes objetivos em mente que o professor deve promover oportunidades de aprendizagens ativas e significativas, num ambiente estimulante e desafiador.
The environmental movement rises up strongly in the year 1972 with the Stocolmus Conference, in the middle of pressions concerning the environmental preservation, in consequence of the environmental catastrophes. In spite of the fact that, in Brazil, the environmental movement has is institutionalization with the 1988 Constitution, in a way that the councils became democratic spaces, and provided the society’s participation in the management of public policies. In this way, we propose a discussion about the participation and the exercise of the citizenship in the State Council of Environment of Rio Grande do Norte (CONEMA), focusing the glance about the decisory process, as from the expression of the social actors. For that, our research compilate documents of the meetings of the referring council, transcribing the main discussions about the environmental necessities which were important in the potiguar society, and checking how these agents defend their interest during the meetings. We understand, with these informations, the role of CONEMA/RN as a communicative mechanism between State and Society. With the analysis of the informations of the extraordinary meetings from 2007 to 2014, we concluded that the CONEMA is a council where the civil organized society takes part on the decisory process, despite the great influence of the representative actors of public power over the representative actors of civil society. The results of this research confirm the discrepancy between the participation of representative councilors of civil society in CONEMA/RN. The conclusion point out that the civil society representative don’t, yet, assimilate the citizen duty, the responsibility of it1s action, producing, in this way, damages for the legal structure of the potiguar environmental legislation, with serious consequences on the public policy implementation
The present work is to present an experience artistic and pedagogical means of a laboratory-developed with senescent students from their memory files. Unlike other works developed with students of the third age, we make use of the archives of memory, where the drama takes from improvisations developed memories, in other words, the text is built not just recollected by students. Our work, however, is built by a look from the outside. The affective memories narrated by students serve as an engine for text construction and spectacle titled Vamos Falar de Amor. In this experiment the teacher-director also becomes an dramaturgista, and uses her imagination, that also comes filled with her own memories, in order to complete the gaps of the narrative, in a hybrid process in which the collective memory interlace the individual memory, transforming epic into dramatic. Here the route designed to get to the construction of the text and left the text for the second scripture, the spectacle. We want to show that old age is comprised of various hues, and that this phase of human development brings aspects that differ from old to old, and that education and theater can be a resumption of the social role of the elderly in contemporary surroundings. Therefore, the dramaturgy of memory creates the dramaturgy of belonging, facilitating in many aspects the Scenic Play with the elderly ones.
This thesis aims to analyze how the performance of the coalitions affected the formulation process of the Programa Universidade para Todos ─ Prouni. This is a program in which students from public high school, or who have been integral stock in private colleges and universities receive scholarships in private institutions, which receive tax incentives in federal taxes. As analytical framework, was used the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) framework developed by Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith (1993) that conceives the process of formulation of policies as a result of competition between groups of actors called coalitions, which are involved or interested in an issue of public policy. The actors coalesce into coalitions from beliefs, values, technical postures and positions on operational matters of public policy and act coordinately to defend their interests, interfering in the formulation of policies. With regard to methodological aspects, it is a qualitative study that used a narrative structure to present the development of Brazilian higher education and Prouni, analyzing official documents, shorthand notes of public congressional hearings and interviews with servers who worked in Ministry of Education (Brazil) time of program formulation, legislative counsel of the brazilian congress, plus the former deputy rapporteur of the Bill 3.582 / 2004, which led to Prouni. Two coalitions were identified: statist, which stood contrary to the program, and privatized, which defended its formulation. The clashes, which occurred mainly in Congress, highlight the strategies to operationalize beliefs. The two coalitions heavily used technical information and mobilization, through militancy (mobilizate troops). However, privatizing coalition acted more strongly in this case and was able to turn their beliefs into more effective action strategies. The final configuration of the Prouni was beneficial for private institutions, and showed a change in public policies related to higher education, since government support through tax breaks, before granted only to non-profit IES, became extensive also the IES with lucrative purpose.
The objective of this thesis is to understand how a certain social condition becomes relevant enough to be regarded as an issue worthy of government action and how certain proposed initiatives prevail while others are discarded. More specifically, the goal is to discuss public policy for education and check whether the analytical models employed are significant enough to explain how the literacy issue became part of the policy agenda of the government of the State of Ceará in Brazil, and how the Literacy Program at the Right Age (PAIC) developed over time. From the empirical perspective about public policy for education in Brazil, this is a relevant case when one takes into account that, historically, the literacy policies are focused on teenagers and adults, implying a lack of specific initiatives towards children at the proper age of learning to read and write. In order to understand what drove this issue to the top of the state government agenda, this thesis is primarily based on the literature about public policy analysis, with focus on the agenda setting process and development of proposals. A hybrid approach is used, combining analytical tools from Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model (1995), the Advocacy Coalition Framework by Sabatier and Jenkins Smith (1993) and the historical new institutionalism lens. The research method is qualitative and based on the single case study method. The data set was assembled from institutional PAIC-related documents, tachygraphy notes from sessions at Ceará’s State House of Representatives, press clippings, academic studies and interviews with key participants from several organizations. The conclusion of this thesis is that, given the complexity of the case in point, the combination of the three analytical methods is adequate and necessary to understanding the multiple drivers for this issue to have entered Ceará’s state government agenda and the design of the PAIC itself. Particularly relevant are the ideas and the policy entrepreneurs, the processes of problem recognition for the composition of a wide coalition and for the specification of alternatives, and the path dependence of the education policy in Ceará. This study adds, as a result, to a better understanding of the stages that make up the agenda setting in public policy, in particular in the field of education.
The objective of this thesis is to understand how a certain social condition becomes relevant enough to be regarded as an issue worthy of government action and how certain proposed initiatives prevail while others are discarded. More specifically, the goal is to discuss public policy for education and check whether the analytical models employed are significant enough to explain how the literacy issue became part of the policy agenda of the government of the State of Ceará in Brazil, and how the Literacy Program at the Right Age (PAIC) developed over time. From the empirical perspective about public policy for education in Brazil, this is a relevant case when one takes into account that, historically, the literacy policies are focused on teenagers and adults, implying a lack of specific initiatives towards children at the proper age of learning to read and write. In order to understand what drove this issue to the top of the state government agenda, this thesis is primarily based on the literature about public policy analysis, with focus on the agenda setting process and development of proposals. A hybrid approach is used, combining analytical tools from Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model (1995), the Advocacy Coalition Framework by Sabatier and Jenkins Smith (1993) and the historical new institutionalism lens. The research method is qualitative and based on the single case study method. The data set was assembled from institutional PAIC-related documents, tachygraphy notes from sessions at Ceará’s State House of Representatives, press clippings, academic studies and interviews with key participants from several organizations. The conclusion of this thesis is that, given the complexity of the case in point, the combination of the three analytical methods is adequate and necessary to understanding the multiple drivers for this issue to have entered Ceará’s state government agenda and the design of the PAIC itself. Particularly relevant are the ideas and the policy entrepreneurs, the processes of problem recognition for the composition of a wide coalition and for the specification of alternatives, and the path dependence of the education policy in Ceará. This study adds, as a result, to a better understanding of the stages that make up the agenda setting in public policy, in particular in the field of education.
Estudar a pós-modernidade é sempre tarefa delicada devido aos muitos desdobramentos que um único tema pode tornar possível. Zygmunt Bauman nos abre a possibilidade de analisar o cerne da questão e, partindo dele, encontrar os motivos da crise global da contemporaneidade. Com isso, analisando tanto os atores hegemônicos como a banalização geral, podemos compreender muitos fatores essenciais sobre os meandros da atual crise de consciência e da razão humana, males que atingem diretamente o ser humano em sua identidade cotidiana.
A experiência na construção da governança ambiental em torno do Parque Nacional Tortuguero na Costa Rica é a questão principal deste artigo. A mesma será analisada a partir da implementação do Conselho Local de Tortuguero/Setor Oeste e das articulações de atores do Setor Costeiro, notadamente, onde há incidência maior de turismo. Estruturou-se este artigo com base em pesquisas qualitativas, a exemplo de coleta de informações da bibliografia especializada, de dados documentais, legais e também via entrevistas. Por meio de tais movimentos, identificou-se uma série de ações relacionadas à conservação do meio ambiente e do turismo, dentro de uma perspectiva sustentável. Entretanto, em que pese os avanços alcançados, constata-se ainda a necessidade de se empreender mais esforços por parte de todos os envolvidos, sobretudo do Estado e na sua interação com os demais atores, pois persistem problemas diversos que são, historicamente, são insustentáveis a pensar-se em manejo do meio ambiente.
"No Capítulo 10 − Avaliação externa e seus efeitos: a perspetiva dos atores escolares, os autores Eduarda Rodrigues, Filipa Seabra, Helena Queirós, Joana Sousa, Conceição Lamela, Natália Costa e José Carlos Morgado apresentam dois estudos de caso, um realizado num agrupamento de escolas e outro numa escola secundária, escolhidos por constituírem “casos” de melhoria das classificações e corresponderem a situações críticas do processo de avaliação externa. Com base nas entrevistas ao diretor, ao coordenador da equipa de autoavaliação e aos coordenadores dos órgãos de gestão intermédia e nos dados de um inquérito por questionário aos docentes, é avaliado o impacto da AEE nas mudanças organizacionais, curriculares e pedagógicas e nos resultados académicos e sociais nas instituições escolares envolvidas" (Bidarra, Barreira & Vaz-Rebelo, 2016; Prefácio).
A área da Justiça e Assuntos Internos é uma das áreas de mais rápido crescimento no contexto das políticas da União Europeia. As matérias nela incluídas – tradicionalmente consideradas áreas de soberania dos Estados-membros – suscitam com frequência questões ao nível da proteção de direitos fundamentais e da relação dos cidadãos com as autoridades estatais e supra-estatais. O Tratado de Lisboa atribui também aqui poderes inéditos aos parlamentos – tanto o Parlamento Europeu, como os parlamentos nacionais –, os quais, investidos da sua legitimidade representativa, podem agora desempenhar um papel fundamental na redução do défice democrático da UE, participando no desenvolvimento e aprofundamento das políticas europeias neste domínio, quer através de um escrutínio melhorado ex-ante e ex-post, quer colaborando na necessária e desejada aproximação da Europa aos cidadãos. O presente estudo avalia a evolução do Espaço de Liberdade, Segurança e Justiça à luz das teorias da securitização iniciadas pela Escola de Copenhaga e desenvolvidas pela Escola de Paris, com a finalidade de analisar o potencial de dessecuritização da agenda e das práticas através dos parlamentos. O caso da proteção de dados, reconhecido como direito fundamental, foi escolhido para aprofundar a análise, em função da utilização crescente pelas autoridades competentes de estratégias de intelligence e no contexto do elevado número de bases de dados policiais da União com características de interoperabilidade e do consequente aumento do recurso ao intercâmbio de dados de natureza pessoal, que ocorre no âmbito da cooperação operacional.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, 2016.
Mestrado (dissertação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.