857 resultados para Art 5 Ley 1258 de 2008


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar um estudo sobre as contribuições do serviço de registro imobiliário, com destaque em procedimentos de regularização fundiária de imóveis urbanos. Não raras vezes, empreendedores, administradores públicos, juízes, sociedade deparam-se com situações em que há a necessidade de titulação da terra como mecanismo de formalização da propriedade, oportunidade em que são exigidos os requisitos estabelecidos na legislação de regência. A adoção em caráter estrito das regras estabelecidas, em contraposição às peculiaridades e ao desregramento de assentamentos informais, importaria em eterna manutenção dos mesmos à margem da lei. Há, assim, de se criar mecanismos de consenso e soluções de compromisso, em que poder público, registrador imobiliário, operadores do direito e a própria comunidade envolvam-se no sentido de colmatar uma solução intermediária. Solução esta que, sem perder a necessária segurança jurídica dos registros públicos, possibilite a adoção de mecanismos que facilitem o acesso dos ocupantes à titulação da terra em que vivem. O título de propriedade representa mais do que mero papel. Traduz o poder de direito sobre determinado terreno, alçando-o da condição de um capital morto para elemento ativo em um mercado cada dia mais globalizado. Nesta esteira, arregimenta economicamente não apenas a população diretamente envolvida, quanto também possibilita, através da inserção dos imóveis regularizados no mercado, um aproveitamento e um incremento econômico catalisador de transformações econômico-sociais. Novos direitos, novos bens em garantia, novas condições de crédito, renovada segurança jurídica, enfim, novas oportunidades são desdobradas aos detentores, que agora podem investir sem o receio da precariedade decorrente de mera situação de posse. Estuda-se, assim, neste trabalho a importante atuação do registrador imobiliário e as vantagens decorrentes do processo de regularização fundiária, como um processo a ser estimulado e incrementado, concretizador de cidadania e efetivador dos direitos fundamentais de propriedade (art 5 CF/88) e de moradia (art. 6 da CF/88).


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The use of anti-roll bars to provide additional roll stiffness and therefore to reduce the trade-off between ride and rollover performance has previously been studied. However, little work has been carried out to investigate the benefits of a switchable roll stiffness. Such a semi-active anti-roll system has the ability to have a low roll stiffness during straight-ahead driving for improved ride performance and high roll stiffness during cornering for improved roll performance. Modelling of such a system is conducted and the model is validated against a semi-active anti-roll system fitted to an experimental vehicle. Experimental and theoretical investigations are used to investigate the performance of such a system with several different strategies employed to switch to the high-stiffness state. The use of an air suspension on the vehicle to roll into corners is also investigated, as is the possibility of exploiting the road layout by allowing the vehicle to be in a low-roll-stiffness configuration during a corner, and then to switch to the high-roll-stiffness configuration midcorner, hence 'locking in' a roll angle. The best rollover performance improvement that was achieved was 12.5 per cent. © IMechE 2008.


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We present a novel system design that can generate the optimized wavelength-tunable optical pulse streams from an uncooled gain-switched Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser using an optical amplifier as external light source. The timing jitter of gain-switched laser has been reduced from about 3 ps to 600 fs and the pulse width has been optimized by using our system. The stability of the system was also experimentally investigated. Our results show that an uncooled gain-switched FP laser system can feasibly produce the stable optical pulse trains with pulse width of 18 ps at the repetition frequency of 5 GHz during 7 h continuous working. We respectively proved the system feasibility under 1 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 5 GHz operation. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura e Urbanismo.


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The initial results from clinical trials investigating the utility of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging for use with radio-frequency ablation (RFA) procedures in the liver are presented. To date, data have been collected from 6 RFA procedures in 5 unique patients. Large displacement contrast was observed in ARFI images of both pre-ablation malignancies (mean 7.5 dB, range 5.7-11.9 dB) and post-ablation thermal lesions (mean 6.2 dB, range 5.1-7.5 dB). In general, ARFI images provided superior boundary definition of structures relative to the use of conventional sonography alone. Although further investigations are required, initial results are encouraging and demonstrate the clinical promise of the ARFI method for use in many stages of RFA procedures.


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El sistema de producción invernal de frutilla, dominado por 'Camarosa'., tiende a ampliar su espectro varietal. Las recomendaciones actuales de fertilización no consideran particularidades genéticas ni eficiencia en el uso de los nutrientes (EUNu). Los objetivos de este trabajo de tesis son: estudiar la respuesta de cultivares de frutilla contrastantes en morfología y fisiología a incrementos en la fertilización NPKCaMg, determinar e interpretar índices de EUNu y cuantificar efectos ambientales, genotípicos y nutricionales sobre los atributos de calidad de frutos. Se evaluaron 'Camarosa'., 'Camino Real', 'Sabrosa' y 'Ventana' ante incrementos en la fertilización, a partir de un tratamiento testigo '1' (120N, 30P, 186K, 31Ca y 12Mg kg/ha) proporcionalmente a '1,5' en 2006, '1,33' y '1,66' en 2007, '1,5' y '2' en 2008. Esto determinó una respuesta genotípica diferencial cuadrática que definió dosis óptimas: 'Camarosa' 15 por ciento a dosis 1,53, 'Camino Real' 6 por ciento a dosis 1,36, 'Sabrosa' 4 por ciento a dosis 1,29 y 'Ventana' 19 por ciento a dosis 1,59. A mitad del ciclo, el número de hojas se correlacionó con el rendimiento total y los cultivares de mayor respuesta mostraron mayor K y menor Ca foliar, acentuado al aumentar la fertilización. La productividad del nutriente aportado (rendimiento/fertilización) resultó mayor en cultivares más productivos y de mayor respuesta. El balance de nutrientes (absorción/fertilización) dependió de la interacción genotipo por ambiente. La eficiencia de recuperación (absorción/fertilización) fue proporcional a la respuesta a la fertilización. Los coeficientes de eficiencia interna (biomasa/absorción y rendimiento/absorción) resultaron diferentes entre cultivares y consistentes entre tratamientos de fertilización. Peso de fruto y sólidos solubles totales variaron con la interacción genotipo por ambiente; firmeza, tono de color, y acidez con el genotipo y el ambiente; ninguno de ellos varió la nutrición. Los resultados sientan bases nutricionales para el cultivo de frutilla, en cuanto a la absorción genotípico-diferencial de nutrientes y sus efectos en el crecimiento, producción y EUNu.


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Giovanni Battista Montano (1534-1621), who was born in Milan and trained as a woodcarver, relocated permanently to Rome in the early 1570s where his interest in sculpting was replaced by intense study of the city’s antique monuments and ruins. Although Montano carried out several sculptural and architectural projects during his time in Rome, it is his surviving corpus of drawings that testifies to his passion of exploring ancient architecture through the medium of drawing. While Montano was not famous during his lifetime, a large body of his intriguing designs became celebrated and widely circulated after his death thanks to the 1624 publication of Montano’s designs by his loyal pupil, Giovanni Battista Soria. Montano’s lifelong work differs from virtually all of his predecessors and contemporaries in its “fantastical” and ornamental nature. This thesis explores Montano’s artistic training as it relates to his later interest in imaginatively reconstructing antique buildings, along with his disregard for archaeological or historical accuracy. The subject matter upon which Montano focused is discussed, along with his objective in creating a large corpus of half-historical, half-invented drawings. His drawing techniques are explored with specific reference to the largest group of extant Montano drawings, today housed in Sir John Soane’s Museum, London, England, and also in reference to three original Montano drawings in the Centre Canadien d’Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. Also explored is the legacy and impact of Montano’s drawings and the later publications of his designs on the works of Roman Baroque architects, specifically Borromini and Bernini. This thesis ultimately attempts to understand the impact of the intellectual and artistic environment surrounding Montano in late sixteenth and early seventeenth century Rome, his drawing techniques, his choice of subject matter, and the reception that his unique works received from contemporary artists and intellectuals, along with those of the following generation.


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Many modern artists paint in oil or oil-modified alkyd paints over acrylic grounds. In some cases the oil based paints do not remain adhered to the ground. In a set of composite samples of oil or alkyd paints, over acrylic grounds, naturally aged for nine years, some of the samples delaminated. Samples were analyzed with X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma (ICP), Fourier transform infrared - attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), pyrolysis gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (PY-GC/MS), laser desorption/ionization mass-spectrometry (LDI-MS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and other methods, in order to find what the delaminating ones have in common. In addition, two examples of severely delaminating paintings were examined, to confirm the results from the laboratory-prepared samples. Results indicate the main cause of delamination is metal soaps in the oil paint and particularly zinc soaps. There is some evidence that metal soaps were more concentrated at the interface between the layers and this disrupted the adhesion. The ground is a minor consideration as well, rougher grounds providing better adhesion than smooth ones.


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This is a book review of Jiří Přibáň, Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2007, 226 pp, ISBN: 978-0-7546-7073-5


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Este é um estudo de investigação realizado mediante pesquisa, de carácter exploratório-descritivo, cuja finalidade é verificar a satisfação dos profissionais que integram o ACES (Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde) do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Com o Decreto-lei n.º 28/2008, de 22 de Fevereiro, são introduzidas alterações significativas das quais se destaca uma nova forma de gestão em saúde, considerando-se a componente humana (profissionais de saúde) como a melhor forma de incrementar o acesso dos cidadãos à prestação e serviço dos cuidados de saúde. Cabe ao conselho clínico do ACES a verificação do grau de satisfação dos profissionais (alínea g), art. 26.º, do DL 28/2008, de 22 de Fevereiro) face às mudanças nos serviços de saúde é ainda prematuro para os serviços dedicarem algum do seu tempo a está questão pelo que a investigadora pretende monitorizar a satisfação dos profissionais face a está reorganização que poderá servir de ferramenta para futuros planeamentos e gestão.