984 resultados para Argó
[EN] This paper examines the syntactic ideas of Pablo Pedro Astarloa (1752-1806) as he explained in his Discursos filosóficos sobre la lengua primitiva (1805), and tries to put them in the context of the debate between rationalists and sensualists, who argued whether there is a «natural order» of words. Astarloa developed a system for accounting the word order in the primitive language of mankind (and hence in the Basque language) founded in three types of «nobleness», and in the principle that the noblest element precedes the less noble one. The first type (nobleza de origen) orders words according to their meaning. The second type (nobleza de ministerio) orders words according to the part of speech they belong to, or the semantic function they have. Finally, the third type (nobleza de mérito or de movilidad) considers the will for communication and, as a result, word order reflects the information structure. Moreover Astarloa ’s three types of nobleness are arranged in a hierarchy of superiority: movilidad > ministerio > origen. So Astarloa ’s syntax appears near to sensualists ’ conceptions on word order because it did not appeal for a fixed natural order of words; instead he proposed a variable word order based mainly on the communicative process.
284 p. : graf.
A new bioassay technique combining leaf disk and softagar over-layer methods was developed to investigate the allelopathic effect of deciduous leaf litters on the growth of cyanobacteria ( Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz.). Bioactive substances exuded from leaf disks caused inhibitory plaques on the agar plate containing cyanobacteria , and the rate of diffusion depended on the specific leaf disk area. Most of the leaf litters collected around reservoirs in Japan showed inhibitory activity to M. aeruginosa , with Rhus trichocarpa Miq., Quercus variabilis Blume and Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Muell. Arg. being the strongest among the 22 tested species.(PDF has 4 pages.)
Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memoriam of R. L. Trask - R. L. Trasken oroitzapenetan ikerketak Euskalaritzaz eta Hizkuntzalaritza Historikoaz
R. Etxepare, R. Gómez & J. A. Lakarra (arg.), Beñat Oihartzabali Gorazarre - Festschrift for Bernard Oyharçabal. Donostia-San Sebastián: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia & UPV/EHU.
Beatriz Fernández eta Pablo Albizu (arg.)
Amaia Alvarez Uria eta Gema Lasarte Leonet (arg.)
Beñat Oihartzabali Gorazarre: Festschrift for Bernard Oyharçabal / Ricardo Etxepare, Ricardo Gómez, Joseba Andoni Lakarra (arg./eds)
Reed. in J. A. Lakarra (ed.) 1992, Manuel de Larramendi. Hirugarren mendeurrena (1690-1990), Andoain: Andoaingo Udala [etc], 193-205 & in R. Gómez & J. A. Lakarra (arg.) 1992, Euskalaritzaren historiaz, I: XVI-XIX. mendeak, Donostia-San Sebastián: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia & UPV/EHU, 261-274.
Ed. by Xabier Artiagoitia, Patxi Goenaga & Joseba A. Lakarra.
A leucine-inserting tRNA has been transformed into a serine-inserting tRNA by changing 12 nucleotides. Only 8 of the 12 changes are required to effect the conversion of the leucine tRNA to serine tRNA identity. The 8 essential changes reside in basepair 11-24 in the D stem, basepairs 3-70, 2-71 and nucleotides 72 and 73, all of the acceptor stem.
Functional amber suppressor tRNA genes were generated for 14 species of tRNA in E. coli, and their amino acid specificities determined. The suppressors can be classified into three groups, based upon their specificities. Class I suppressors, tRNA^(Ala2)_(CUA), tRNA^(GlyU)_(CUA), tRNA^(HisA)_(CUA), tRNA^(Lys)_(CUA), and tRNA^(ProH)_(CUA), inserted the predicted amino acid. The Class II suppressors, tRNA^(GluA)_(CUA) , tRNA^(GlyT)_(CUA), and tRNA^(Ile1)_(CUA) were either partially or predominantly mischarged by the glutamine aminoacyl tRNA synthetase (AAS). The Class III suppressors, tRNA^(Arg)_(CUA), tRNA^(AspM)_(CUA), tRNA^(Ile2)_(CUA), tRNA^(Thr2)_(CUA), tRNA^(Met(m))_(CUA) and tRNA^(Val)_(CUA) inserted predominantly lysine.
Peio Salaburu, Patxi Goenaga eta Ibon Sarasola (arg.)
Iñigo Arteatx, Xabier Artiagoitia, Arantzazu Elordieta (arg.)
Xabier Artiagoitia eta Joseba A. Lakarra (arg.)
Pablo Albizu eta Beatriz Fernández (arg.)