199 resultados para Archaeal
here is controversy over the role of marine methane hydrates in atmospheric methane concentrations and climate change during the last glacial period. In this study of two sediment cores from the southeast Bering Sea (700 m and 1467 m water depth), we identify multiple episodes during the last glacial period of intense methane flux reaching the seafloor. Within the uncertainty of the radiocarbon age model, the episodes are contemporaneous in the two cores and have similar timing and duration as Dansgaard-Oeschger events. The episodes are marked by horizons of sediment containing 13C-depleted authigenic carbonate minerals; 13C-depleted archaeal and bacterial lipids, which resemble those found in ANME-1 type anaerobic methane oxidizing microbial consortia; and changes in the abundance and species distribution of benthic foraminifera. The similar timing and isotopic composition of the authigenic carbonates in the two cores is consistent with a region-wide increase in the upward flux of methane bearing fluids. This study is the first observation outside Santa Barbara Basin of pervasive, repeated methane flux in glacial sediments. However, contrary to the "Clathrate Gun Hypothesis" (Kennett et al., 2003), these coring sites are too deep for methane hydrate destabilization to be the cause, implying that a much larger part of the ocean's sedimentary methane may participate in climate or carbon cycle feedback at millennial timescales. We speculate that pulses of methane in these opal-rich sediments could be caused by the sudden release of overpressure in pore fluids that builds up gradually with silica diagenesis. The release could be triggered by seismic shaking on the Aleutian subduction zone caused by hydrostatic pressure increase associated with sea level rise at the start of interstadials.
The membrane lipids diglycosyl-glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (2G-GDGTs) in marine subsurface sediments are believed to originate from uncultivated benthic archaea, yet the production of 2G-GDGTs from subseafloor samples has not been demonstrated in vitro. In order to validate sedimentary biosynthesis of 2G-GDGTs, we performed a stable carbon isotope probing experiment on a subseafloor sample with six different 13C-labelled substrates (bicarbonate, methane, acetate, leucine, glucose and Spirulina platensis biomass). After 468 days of anoxic incubation, only glucose and S. platensis resulted in label uptake in lipid moieties of 2G-GDGTs, indicating incorporation of carbon from these organic substrates. The hydrophobic moieties of 2G-GDGTs showed minimal label incorporation, with up to 4 per mil 13C enrichment detected in crenarchaeol-derived tricyclic biphytane from the S. platensis-supplemented slurries. The 2G-GDGT-derived glucose or glycerol moieties also showed 13C incorporation (Dd13C = 18 - 38 per mil) in the incubations with glucose or S. platensis, consistent with a lipid salvage mechanism utilized by marine benthic archaea to produce new 2G-GDGTs. The production rates were nevertheless rather slow, even when labile organic matter was supplied. The 2G-GDGT turnover times of 1700 - 20 500 years were much longer than those estimated for subseafloor microbial communities, implying that sedimentary 2G-GDGTs as biomarkers of benthic archaea are cumulative records of past and present generations.
Marine sediments harbor an enormous quantity of microorganisms, including a multitude of novel species. The habitable zone of the marine sediment column begins at the sediment-water interface and probably extends to depths of several thousands of meters. Studies of the microbial diversity in this ecosystem have mostly relied on molecular biological techniques. We used a complementary method - analysis of intact polar membrane lipids - to characterize the in-situ microbial community in sediments covering a wide range of environmental conditions from Peru Margin, Equatorial Pacific, Hydrate Ridge, and Juan de Fuca Ridge. Bacterial and eukaryotic phospholipids were only detected in surface sediments from the Peru Margin. In contrast, deeply buried sediments, independent of their geographic location, were dominated by archaeal diether and tetraether lipids with various polar head groups and core lipids. We compared ring distributions of archaeal tetraether lipids derived from polar glycosidic precursors with those that are present as core lipids. The distributions of these related compound pools were distinct, suggestive of different archaeal sources, i.e., the polar compounds derive from sedimentary communities and the core lipids are fossil remnants from planktonic communities with possible admixtures of decayed sedimentary archaea. This in-situ production of distinct archaeal lipid populations potentially affects applications of the TEX86 paleotemperature proxy as demonstrated by offsets in reconstructed temperatures between both pools. We evaluated how varying cell and lipid stabilities will influence the sedimentary pool by using a box-model. The results are consistent with (i) a requirement of continuous inputs of freshly synthesized lipids in subsurface sediments for explaining the observed distribution of intact polar lipids, and (ii) decreasing lipid inputs with increasing burial depth.
The objective of this study was to examine the presence and diversity of Archaea within mineral and ornithogenic soils from 12 locations across the Ross Sea region. Archaea were not abundant but DNA sufficient for producing 16S rRNA gene clone libraries was extracted from 18 of 51 soil samples, from four locations. A total of 1452 clones were analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and assigned to 43 operational taxonomic units from which representatives were sequenced. Archaea were primarily restricted to coastal mineral soils which showed a predominance of Crenarchaeota belonging to group 1.1b (>99% of clones). These clones were assigned to six clusters (A through F), based on shared identity to sequences in the GenBank database. Ordination indicated that soil chemistry and water content determined archaeal community structure. This is the first comprehensive study of the archaeal community in Antarctic soils and as such provides a reference point for further investigation of microbial function in this environment.
The radiocarbon contents of various biomarkers extracted from the varve-counted sediments of Saanich Inlet, Canada, were determined to assess their applicability for dating purposes. Calibrated ages obtained from the marine planktonic archaeal biomarker crenarchaeol compared favorably with varve-count ages. The same conclusion could be drawn for a more general archaeal biomarker (GDGT-0), although this biomarker proved to be less reliable due to its less-specific origin. The results also lend support to earlier indications that marine crenarchaeota use dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as their carbon source. The average reservoir age offset DR of 430 years, determined using the crenarchaeol radiocarbon ages, varied by ±110 years. This may be caused by natural variations in ocean-atmosphere mixing or upwelling at the NE Pacific coast but variability may also be due to an inconsistency in the marine calibration curve when used at sites with high reservoir ages.
The Cariaco Basin, a silled, permanently anoxic basin on the continental shelf of Venezuela with a dynamic chemocline (-240-350 m), has been subject of > 20 years of oceanographic observation and sediment trap studies. We evaluated UK'37 and the TEX86 temperature proxies using sinking particles collected in shallow sediment trap samples at 275 m (Trap A) and 455 m (Trap B) (within and below the chemocline). The organic geochemical temperature proxies, UK'37. (based on coccolithophorid alkenone lipids) and TEX86 (based on archaeal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids), use observed relationships between the ratio of specific lipids and measured sea surface temperature to hindcast past sea surface temperatures. In this study, both UK'37 and TEX86 temperature proxies record seasonal temperature variations, including the cooling associated with upwelling events. UK'37-based temperatures are colder than measured sea surface temperatures, and better correlated temperature at the chlorophyll maximum. In sediment trap material collected below the chemocline (Trap B), UK'37 values are higher than those in Trap A. Warmer subchemocline UK'37 based temperatures may be related to autooxidation of sinking particles, either by small amounts of available oxygen or by alternate electron acceptors concentrated in the biologically dynamic chemocline (e.g. intermediate sulfur compounds). The absolute flux weighted TEX86 temperature values measured in sinking particles from Trap A match the measured SST well. The differences in the TEX86 values between Traps A and B are small and reflect less impact of degradation. Overall, the TEX86 temperatures in sinking particles in the Cariaco Basin reflect annual SST.
We have studied the effects of slow infiltration of oxygen on microbial communities in refrigerated legacy samples from ocean drilling expeditions. Storage was in heat-sealed, laminated foil bags with a N2 headspace for geomicrobiological studies. Analysis of microbial lipids suggests that Bacteria were barely detectable in situ but increased remarkably during storage. Detailed molecular examination of a methane-rich sediment horizon showed that refrigeration triggered selective growth of ANME-2 archaea and a drastic change in the bacterial community. Subsequent enrichment targeting methanogens yielded exclusively methylotrophs, which were probably selected for by high sulfate levels caused by oxidation of reduced sulfur species. We provide recommendations for sample storage in future ocean drilling expeditions.
The chemical and isotopic compositions of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) from two mid-slope sites of the northern Cascadia margin were investigated during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 311 to elucidate the organic matter origins and identify potential microbial contributions to SOM. Gas hydrate is present at both locations (IODP Sites U1327 and U1328), with distinct patterns of near-seafloor structural accumulations at the cold seep Site U1328 and deeper stratigraphic accumulations at the slope-basin Site U1327. Source characterization and evidence that some components of the organic matter have been diagenetically altered are determined from the concentrations and isotopic compositions of hydrocarbon biomarkers, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total sulfur (TS). The carbon isotopic compositions of TOC (d13C TOC = -26 to -22 per mil) and long-chain n-alkanes (C27, C29 and C31, d13C = -34 to -29 per mil) suggest the organic matter at both sites is a mixture of 1) terrestrial plants that employ the C3 photosynthetic pathway and 2) marine algae. In contrast, the d15N TN values of the bulk sediment (+4 to +8 per mil) are consistent with a predominantly marine source, but these values most likely have been modified during microbial organic matter degradation. The d13C values of archaeal biomarker pentamethylicosane (PMI) (-46.4 per mil) and bacterial-sourced hopenes, diploptene and hop-21-ene (-40.9 to -34.7 per mil) indicate a partial contribution from methane carbon or a chemoautotrophic pathway. Our multi-isotope and biomarker-based conclusions are consistent with previous studies, based only on the elemental composition of bulk sediments, that suggested a mixed marine-terrestrial organic matter origin for these mid-slope sites of the northern Cascadia margin.
Gas hydrates represent one of the largest pools of readily exchangeable carbon on Earth's surface. Releases of the greenhouse gas methane from hydrates are proposed to be responsible for climate change at numerous events in geological history. Many of these inferred events, however, were based on carbonate carbon isotopes which are susceptible to diagenetic alterations. Here we propose a molecular fossil proxy, i.e., the "Methane Index (MI)", to detect and document the destabilization and dissociation of marine gas hydrates. MI consists of the relative distribution of glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), the core membrane lipids of archaea. The rational behind MI is that in hydrate-impacted environments, the pool of archaeal tetraether lipids is dominated by GDGT-1, -2 and -3 due to the large contribution of signals from the methanotrophic archaeal community. Our study in the Gulf of Mexico cold-seep sediments demonstrates a correlation between MI and the compound-specific carbon isotope of GDGTs, which is strong evidence supporting the MI-methane consumption relationship. Preliminary applications of MI in a number of hydrate-impacted and/or methane-rich environments show diagnostic MI values, corroborating the idea that MI may serve as a robust indicator for hydrate dissociation that is useful for studies of global carbon cycling and paleoclimate change.
Two types of intact branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) were detected in peat bog samples from Bullenmoor, Northern Germany. Glucuronosyl and glucosyl branched GDGTs comprise on average ca. 4% of the microbial intact polar lipids in the anoxic, acidic peat layer ca. 20 cm below the surface of the bog, suggesting an important ecological role for the source microorganisms. No corresponding phospholipids were detected. Notably, glycosidic branched GDGTs are 5-10 times less abundant than their intact isoprenoid counterparts derived from Archaea, while branched GDGT core lipids exceed their isoprenoid analogues by about an order of magnitude. These contrasting relationships may reflect lower standing stocks of the biomass of producers of branched GDGTs, combined with higher population growth rates relative to soil Archaea. Search strategies for the microbial producers of these conspicuous orphan lipids should benefit from the discovery of their intact polar precursors.