964 resultados para Anderson, Elizabeth


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Electrical conductivity measurements show that Ln1-x Sr x CoO3, (Ln = Pr or Nd) undergoes a non-metal-metal transition when x≈0 3. The d.c. conductivity of compositions with 0


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Anderson localization is known to be inevitable in one-dimension for generic disordered models. Since localization leads to Poissonian energy level statistics, we ask if localized systems possess `additional' integrals of motion as well, so as to enhance the analogy with quantum integrable systems. We answer this in the affirmative in the present work. We construct a set of nontrivial integrals of motion for Anderson localized models, in terms of the original creation and annihilation operators. These are found as a power series in the hopping parameter. The recently found Type-1 Hamiltonians, which are known to be quantum integrable in a precise sense, motivate our construction. We note that these models can be viewed as disordered electron models with infinite-range hopping, where a similar series truncates at the linear order. We show that despite the infinite range hopping, all states but one are localized. We also study the conservation laws for the disorder free Aubry-Andre model, where the states are either localized or extended, depending on the strength of a coupling constant. We formulate a specific procedure for averaging over disorder, in order to examine the convergence of the power series. Using this procedure in the Aubry-Andre model, we show that integrals of motion given by our construction are well-defined in localized phase, but not so in the extended phase. Finally, we also obtain the integrals of motion for a model with interactions to lowest order in the interaction.


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Resumen: En este artículo, se ensaya un análisis crítico del libro de Amartya Sen La idea de la justicia. En primer lugar, se analizan los contrastes entre pragmatismo y objetividad en la idea de justicia propuesta por Sen. Luego se desarrolla el concepto de ‘capacidad’ propuesto por este economista, y se presentan las objeciones de Martha Nussbaum a este planteo. A continuación, el artículo señala los vínculos entre la idea de justicia y las concepciones económicas de Amartya Sen y analiza el debate acerca del esquema de maximización protagonizado por este pensador y Elizabeth Anderson. Finalmente, se realiza una valoración de la obra como totalidad, destacando la importancia de la razón práctica en el análisis de la justicia.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop "Applications of in situ Fluorometers in Nearshore Waters" was held in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, February 2-4,2005, with sponsorship by the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GoMOOS), one of the ACT partner organization. The purpose of the workshop was to explore recent trends in fluorometry as it relates to resource management applications in nearshore environments. Participants included representatives from state and federal environmental management agencies as well as research institutions, many of whom are currently using this technology in their research and management applications. Manufacturers and developers of fluorometric measuring systems also attended the meeting. The Workshop attendees discussed the historical and present uses of fluorometry technology and identified the great potential for its use by coastal managers to fulfill their regulatory and management objectives. Participants also identified some of the challenges associated with the correct use of Fluorometers to estimate biomass and the rate of primary productivity. The Workshop concluded that in order to expand the existing use of fluorometers in both academic and resource management disciplines, several issues concerning data collection, instrument calibration, and data interpretation needed to be addressed. Participants identified twelve recommendations, the top five of which are listed below: Recommendations 1) Develop a "Guide" that describes the most important aspects of fluorescence measurements. This guide should be written by an expert party, with both research and industry input, and should be distributed by all manufacturers with their instrumentation. The guide should also be made available on the ACT website as well as those of other relevant organizations. The guide should include discussions on the following topics: The benefits of using fluorometers in research and resource management applications; What fluorometers can and cannot provide in terms of measurements; The necessary assumptions required before applying fluorometry; Characterization and calibration of fluorometers; (pdf contains 32 pages)


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This article outlines the outcome of work that set out to provide one of the specified integral contributions to the overarching objectives of the EU- sponsored LIFE98 project described in this volume. Among others, these included a requirement to marry automatic monitoring and dynamic modelling approaches in the interests of securing better management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The particular task given to us was to devise the elements of an active management strategy for the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir. This is one of the larger reservoirs supplying the population of the London area: after purification and disinfection, its water goes directly to the distribution network and to the consumers. The quality of the water in the reservoir is of primary concern, for the greater is the content of biogenic materials, including phytoplankton, then the more prolonged is the purification and the more expensive is the treatment. Whatever good that phytoplankton may do by way of oxygenation and oxidative purification, it is eventually relegated to an impurity that has to be removed from the final product. Indeed, it has been estimated that the cost of removing algae and microorganisms from water represents about one quarter of its price at the tap. In chemically fertile waters, such as those typifying the resources of the Thames Valley, there is thus a powerful and ongoing incentive to be able to minimise plankton growth in storage reservoirs. Indeed, the Thames Water company and its predecessor undertakings, have a long and impressive history of confronting and quantifying the fundamentals of phytoplankton growth in their reservoirs and of developing strategies for operation and design to combat them. The work to be described here follows in this tradition. However, the use of the model PROTECH-D to investigate present phytoplankton growth patterns in the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir questioned the interpretation of some of the recent observations. On the other hand, it has reinforced the theories underpinning the original design of this and those Thames-Valley storage reservoirs constructed subsequently. The authors recount these experiences as an example of how simulation models can hone the theoretical base and its application to the practical problems of supplying water of good quality at economic cost, before the engineering is initiated.


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A Hipóxia-isquemia (HI) perinatal é um problema de saúde pública, e ocorrem aproximadamente 1,5 casos de encefalopatias por HI por 1000 nascidos vivos. Dos que sobrevivem 25-60% sofrem de deficiências permanentes do desenvolvimento neurológico, incluindo paralisia cerebral, convulsões, retardo mental, e dificuldade de aprender. Neurônios e oligodendrócitos, especialmente os progenitores, são os mais afetados pela HI. Existem vários modelos de HI, no entanto, poucos levam em consideração as intercorrências maternas, a importância da atividade placentária, e as trocas entre mãe-filho, que são clinicamente observadas em humanos. Robinson estabeleceu um modelo de HI sistêmica pré-natal transitório, onde o fluxo das artérias uterinas da rata grávida era obstruído por 45 minutos no décimo oitavo dia (E18) de gestação. Neste modelo foram observadas alterações que são similares às observadas em cérebros humanos que passaram por hipóxia perinatal, dentre as quais foram relatados aumento no nível de apoptose. Caspase-3 é descrita como uma enzima que atua na apoptose, e é amplamente utilizada como marcador para células apoptóticas. Vários autores vêm mostrando, entretanto, que a enzima caspase-3 pode estar ativada para fins não apoptóticos. No modelo de HI sistêmica pré-natal, foram observados astrogliose na substância branca, morte de oligodendrócitos, lesão em axônios tanto na substância branca como no córtex cerebral, e danos motores. Pouco se sabe da influencia do insulto HI no desenvolvimento do cerebelo, considerando que o cerebelo junto com o córtex motor, contribui para o controle motor. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição da caspase-3 clivada durante o desenvolvimento do cerebelo em um modelo de HI pré-natal. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que as células caspase-3 clivadas apresentaram duas morfologias distintas em ambos os grupos. Uma onde a caspase-3 foi observada apenas no núcleo, oscilando entre células com imunorreatividade fraca a intensa, e de células com a presença da caspase-3 no corpo celular, nos prolongamentos condensados e presença de fragmentos ao redor do soma, morfologia típica de célula em apoptose. A HI pré-natal, assim como nos hemisférios cerebrais, levou ao aumento de células caspase-3 clivadas com morfologia de progenitores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo do grupo HI em P2, mas não em P9 e P23. Também foi demonstrado que a HI pré-natal não levou a uma ativação da apoptose em oligodendrócitos, neurônios e microglia (identificados por seus respectivos marcadores, CNPase, NeuN e ED1) apresentando marcação no núcleos de células GFAP+, na substância branca, camada granular e nas células da glia de Bergmann, em P9 e P23 no cerebelo. Podemos concluir que a HI pré-natal aumentou o número de células imunorreativas para a caspase-3 em um período crítico do desenvolvimento da oligodendroglia no cerebelo, e que a diminuição de progenitores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo decorrente do insulto pré-natal visto em trabalhos anteriores, pode estar relacionada a morte celular por apoptose, embora não se possa descartar a hipótese da participação dessas células que apresentam caspase-3 clivada em outros eventos não apoptóticos desencadeados pela hipóxia-isquemia.


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This compilation of references to works which synthesize information on coastal topics is intended to be useful to resource managers in decision making processes. However, the utility must be understand in terms of its limited coverage. The bibliography is not inclusive of all the published materials on the topics selected. Coverage is clearly defined in the following paragraph. The time span of the bibliography is limited to references that were published from I983 to 1993, except for a last-minute addition of a few 1994 publications. All searches were done in mid- to late-1993. The bibliography was compiled from searches done on the following DIALOG electronic databases: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, BlOSlS Previews, Dissertation Abstracts Online, Life Sciences Collection, NTlS (National Technical lnformation Service), Oceanic Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, SciSearch, and Water Resources Abstracts. In addition, two NOAA electronic datases were searched: the NOAA Library and lnformation Catalog and the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. Synthesis of information is not an ubiquitous term used in database development. In order to locate syntheses of required coastal topics, 89 search terms were used in combinations which required 10 searches from each file. From the nearly 6,000 citations which resulted from the electronic searches, the most appropriate were selected to produce this bibliography. The document was edited and indexed using Wordperfect software. When available, an abstract has been included. Every abstract was edited. The bibliography is subdivided into four main topics or sections: ecosystems, coastal water body conditions, natural disasters, and resource management. In the ecosystems section, emphasis is placed on organisms in their environment on the major coastlines of the U.S. In the second section, coastal water body conditions, the environment itself is emphasized. References were found for the Alaskan coast, but none were found for Hawaii. The third section, on natural disasters, emphasizes environmental impacts resulting from natural phenomena. Guidelines, planning and management reports, modelling documents, strategic and restoration plans, and environmental economics related to sustainability are included in the fourth section, resource management. Author, geographic, and subject indices indices are provided. The authors would like to thank Victor Omelczenko and Terry Seldon of the NOAA Sea Grant Office for access to and training on the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. We are grateful also to Dorothy Anderson, Philip Keavey, and Elizabeth Petersen who reviewed the draft document.


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A total of 66 specimens of Niviventer andersoni with intact skulls was investigated on pelage characteristics and cranial morphometric variables. The data were subjected to principal component analyses as well as to discriminant analyses, and measurement


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The fishery resources of Lake George and Ugandan waters of Lake Edward are described. The main fish species currently observed in the commercial catches were determined and the reasons of changes in species composition of the catches. that occurred in the recent years, are explained. The fishing activity and some economic and nutritional aspects of four fishing villages, selected among the ten present within the Queen Elizabeth National Park boundaries, are analyzed, In the end some suggestions are given for management of the fishery resources of these lakes.


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Generally it has not been recognized that salamanders of two distinctive color morphs currently are assigned to Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson. One form is uniformly dark brown dorsally, with bright orange coloration confined to the ventral edge of the tail; the other has a dark brown to black dorsal ground color with orange dorsolateral warts, an orange vertebral crest, and orange lateral and medial crests on the head. In addition, the limbs and ventrolateral surfaces of the second form have a variable pattern of orange coloration. The brown form occurs in northeastern India, Nepal, northern Burma, Bhutan, northern Thailand, the type locality in extreme western Yunnan, and perhaps in northern Vietnam. The orange-patterned form occurs only in western Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The two forms appear to be allopatric but occur close together in the area of the type locality near the Burma border in western Yunnan. There is no evidence of color intergradation in specimens from this region. Analyses of morphometric and meristic characters, however, suggest the possibility of limited genetic exchange between adjacent populations of brown and orange-patterned forms in western Yunnan. The genetic and taxonomic relationships between the two forms is not fully resolved. However, these two highly distinctive forms obviously have evolved along independent trajectories and merit taxonomic recognition. We therefore propose to restrict the concept of Tylototriton verrucosus to the brown form and designate a neotype for that purpose, and we describe a new species to receive the orange-patterned form.


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The spectrum of differential tunneling conductance in Si-doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice is measured at low electric fields. The conductance spectra feature a zero-bias peak and a low-bias dip at low temperatures. By taking into account the quantum interference between tunneling paths via superlattice miniband and via Coulomb blockade levels of impurities, we theoretically show that such a peak-dip structure is attributed to a Fano resonance where the peak always appears at the zero bias and the line shape is essentially described by a new function \xi\/\xi\+1 with the asymmetry parameter q approximate to 0. As the temperature increases, the peak-dip structure fades out due to thermal fluctuations. Good agreement between experiment and theory enables us to distinguish the zero-bias resonance from the usual Kondo resonance.