999 resultados para Anciano de 80 o más años
A method for the identification and quantification of pesticide residues in water, soil, and sediment samples has been developed, validated, and applied for the analysis of real samples. The specificity was determined by the retention time and the confirmation and quantification of analyte ions. Linearity was demonstrated over the concentration range of 20 to 120 µg L(-1), and the correlation coefficients varied between 0.979 and 0.996, depending on the analytes. The recovery rates for all analytes in the studied matrix were between 86% and 112%. The intermediate precision and repeatability were determined at three concentration levels (40, 80, and 120 µg L(-1)), with the relative standard deviation for the intermediate precision between 1% and 5.3% and the repeatability varying between 2% and 13.4% for individual analytes. The limits of detection and quantification for fipronil, fipronil sulfide, fipronil-sulfone, and fipronil-desulfinyl were 6.2, 3.0, 6.6, and 4.0 ng L(-1) and 20.4, 9.0, 21.6, and 13.0 ng L(-1), respectively. The method developed was used in water, soil, and sediment samples containing 2.1 mg L(-1) and 1.2% and 5.3% of carbon, respectively. The recovery of pesticides in the environmental matrices varied from 88.26 to 109.63% for the lowest fortification level (40 and 100 µg kg(-1)), from 91.17 to 110.18% for the intermediate level (80 and 200 µg kg(-1)), and from 89.09 to 109.82% for the highest fortification level (120 and 300 µg kg(-1)). The relative standard deviation for the recovery of pesticides was under 15%.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
The present work describes for the first time the use of SPME coupled to LC-MS/MS employing the polar organic mode in a stereoselective fungal biotransformation study to investigate the fungi ability to biotransform the drug risperidone into its chiral and active metabolite 9-hydroxyrisperidone (9-RispOH). The chromatographic separation was performed on a Chiralcel OJ-H column using methanol:ethanol (50:50, v/v) plus 0.2% triethylamine as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.8 mL min(-1). The SPME process was performed using a C18 fiber, 30 min of extraction time and 5 min of desorption time in the mobile phase. The method was completely validated and all parameters were in agreement with the literature recommendations. The Cunninghamella echinulata fungus was able to biotransform risperidone into the active metabolite, (+)-9-RispOH, resulting in 100% of enantiomeric excess. The Cunninghamella elegans fungus was also able to stereoselectively biotransform risperidone into (+)- and (-)-9-RispOH enantiomers at different rates. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil social e a capacidade funcional de idosos com déficit cognitivo. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa, descritivo, transversal, com 503 idosos de 60 anos e mais com déficit cognitivo, residentes em Dourados, (MS) e assistidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, com um questionário estruturado para variáveis sociodemográficas e condições de saúde, o Miniexame do Estado Mental e a Medida de Independência Funcional. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 215 idosos com déficit cognitivo, dos quais 32 (14,9%) apresentavam algum grau de dependência. Houve maior grau de dependência no sexo masculino e na faixa etária de 80 anos e mais. As dimensões locomoção e cognição apresentaram os menores valores. CONCLUSÃO: Os diagnósticos cognitivos e funcionais são fundamentais para o planejamento de ações que favoreçam a promoção e manutenção da capacidade funcional do idoso.
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Doctorado en Gestión Costera
[ES]El Sterna, velero de 26 metros capitaneado por el reconocido navegante oceánico y emprendedor Albert Bargués, es el único barco de nuestro país que ofrece viajes a vela por las grandes latitudes. A finales de octubre llega a Barcelona después de estar 5 meses para el Ártico. Albert y su equipo, junto con los grupos de viajeros que han embarcado en el Sterna este verano, han vivido experiencias irrepetibles y un acercamiento intenso a la naturaleza navegando por las Islas Svalbard, Isla del Hueso, Jan Mayen, costa este de Groenlandia …. La filosofía de Sterna se que “Todavía hay lugares en la tierra donde sólo se puede llegar desde el mar”. Con este principio, se navega por destinos poco habituales y remotos donde predomina el valor ambiental y el descubrimiento. Es un proyecto empresarial nacido en nuestro país y que, entre otras cosas, ha sido elegido por distintas entidades e iniciativas, como una de las empresas más innovadoras del momento invitándola a participar en diversos eventos (Salón Internacional del Turismo de Cataluña 2014 en Innovation Zone, Exposición Ayer, hoy y mañana Cataluña Emprende…). La voluntad de los fundadores de Sterna se aportar un valor ambiental y social a través de su actividad. Por eso el barco y sus navegaciones están disponibles para llevar a cabo proyectos de investigación y de divulgación del conocimiento. Entre las colaboraciones de Sterna de esta primera campaña en el ártico han salido una serie de publicaciones periódicas en la sección El Viajero de El País digital y un documental, en edición en estos momentos, “Latitud 80º” que ya ha sido presentado en foros internacionales del sector www.goroka.tv/portfolio/latitud-80-sterna/.
Flüchtige organische Verbindungen (volatile organic compounds, VOCs), besonders rnTerpene, gelten als Vorläufer des sekundären organischen Aerosols (secondary rnorganic aerosols, SOA). Terpene werden von Pflanzen zur Abwehr oder zur rnAttraktion von Bestäubern emittiert. Ungesättigten Verbindungen, wie Sesquiterpene, rnsind sehr ozonolyseempfindlich und weisen nur geringe Konzentrationen in der rnAtmosphäre auf. Zudem lassen sie sich mit handelsüblichen rnThermodesorptionseinheiten meist nicht ohne Artefakte nachweisen, da sie eine hohe rnReaktivität mit vielen Oberflächen zeigen. rnDiese Arbeit präsentiert Forschungsergebnisse der qualitativen und rn(semi)quantitativen Auswertungen flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen in rnLaborstudien und biogenen Emissionsproben (Feldmessungen) mittels rnThermodesorption-Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie (TD-GC/MS). Speziell rnzur Analyse hochreaktiver Verbindungen wurde eine Thermodesorptionseinheit für die rnGC/MS entwickelt. Diese besteht aus einer Kryofokussierung, einem Desorptionsofen rnund einer Heizung. Die Steuerung erfolgt über eine eigens dafür geschaffene rnBedienoberf läche von Labview® an einem PC über eine nachgeschaltete SPS rn(speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung). Das komplette Desorptionsprogramm und der rnStart der GC/MS-Analyse wurden automatisiert. rnDie Quantifizierung alle Proben wurde über Diffusionsquellen und rnVergleichsmessungen durch auf Adsorptionsröhrchen aufgebrachte rnVerdünnungsreihen realisiert. Um Informationen über die mutmaßlichen Vorläufer des rnsekundären organischen Aerosols zu erhalten, wurde zudem eine Ozon-Scrubber-rnMethode basierend auf Propen entwickelt. Diese wurde anhand von Standards in einer rnReaktionskammer getestet und in Feldmessungen erfolgreich angewendet. rnQuantitative Analysen zeigen, dass die meisten Terpene so vollständig vor der rnOzonolyse bewahrt werden können. Für hochreaktive Analyte wie α-Humulen oder rnβ-Caryophyllen wurden Wiederfindungsraten von über 80 % erreicht. So konnte die rnTemperaturabhängigkeit der Terpen-Emissionen der Fichte (Picea abies) in rnFeldmessungen nachgewiesen werden. rnEine weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeit wurde mit der Unterscheidung verschiedener rnArten der gleichen Gattung anhand der Emissionsmuster und der möglichen rnAbgrenzung verschiedener Bestäubertypen am Beispiel der Gattung Salvia untersucht. rnDie Emissionsanalysen zeigen, dass eine Zuordnung der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse rnzusätzlich zu anderen Vergleichen möglich ist. Das gleiche gilt für die Differenzierung rnvon Bestäubertypen. Die Ergebnisse der Feldmessungen wurden durch rnMethodenvergleich zwischen biogenen Emissionsmessungen mit anschließender rnTD-GC/MS-Analyse und Extraktionen der jeweiligen Blüten/Blätter mit rnanschließender GC/MS-Messung bestätigt.
We describe here a new reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection method for quantifying intact cytokinin nucleotides in human K-562 leukemia cells. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the intracellular metabolites (cytokinin monophosphorylated, diphosphorylated, and triphosphorylated nucleotides) in riboside-treated cells. For the protein precipitation and sample preparation, a trichloroacetic acid extraction method is used. Samples are then back-extracted with diethyl ether, lyophilized, reconstituted, and injected into the LC system. Analytes were quantified in negative selected ion monitoring mode using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer. The method was validated in terms of retention time stabilities, limits of detection, linearity, recovery, and analytical accuracy. The developed method was linear in the range of 1-1,000 pmol for all studied compounds. The limits of detection for the analytes vary from 0.2 to 0.6 pmol.
wol fer ṭaiṭšṭ ...[Seligman Ulma Guenzburg]
wol fer ṭaiṭšṭ ...Zelikmn Ulma fun Gentzbrgir gišlechṭ
Vorbesitzer: Bruno Trudelonis de Itstein; Karmeliterkloster Frankfurt am Main
BACKGROUND Niemann-Pick type C (NP-C) is a rare progressive neurodegenerative lipid storage disorder with heterogeneous clinical presentation and challenging diagnostic procedures. Recently oxysterols have been reported to be specific biomarkers for NP-C but knowledge on the intra-individual variation and on reference intervals in children and adolescents are lacking. METHODS We established a LC-MS/MS assay to measure Cholestane-3β, 5α, 6β-triol (C-triol) and 7-Ketocholesterol (7-KC) following Steglich esterification. To assess reference intervals and intra-individual variation we determined oxysterols in 148 children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years and repeat measurements in 19 of them. RESULTS The reported method is linear (r>0.99), sensitive (detection limit of 0.03 ng/mL [0.07 nM] for C-triol, and 0.54 ng/mL [1.35 nM] for 7-KC) and precise, with an intra-day imprecision of 4.8% and 4.1%, and an inter-day imprecision of 7.0% and 11.0% for C-triol (28 ng/ml, 67 nM) and 7-KC (32 ng/ml, 80 nM), respectively. Recoveries for 7-KC and C-triol range between 93% and 107%. The upper reference limit obtained for C-triol is 40.4 ng/mL (95% CI: 26.4-61.7 ng/mL, 96.0 nM, 95% CI: 62.8-146.7 nM) and 75.0 ng/mL for 7-KC (95% CI: 55.5-102.5 ng/mL, 187.2 nM, 95% CI: 138.53-255.8 nM), with no age or gender dependency. Both oxysterols have a broad intra-individual variation of 46%±23% for C-triol and 52%±29% for 7-KC. Nevertheless, all Niemann-Pick patients showed increased C-triol levels including Niemann-Pick type A and B patients. CONCLUSIONS The LC-MS/MS assay is a robust assay to quantify C-triol and 7-KC in plasma with well documented reference intervals in children and adolescents to screen for NP-C in the pediatric population. In addition our results suggest that especially the C-triol is a biomarker for all three Niemann-Pick diseases.
Alte Signatur: II,49
Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main