308 resultados para Algherese dialect
This research investigates the phenomenon of translationese in two monolingual comparable corpora of original and translated Catalan texts. Translationese has been defined as the dialect, sub-language or code of translated language. This study aims at giving empirical evidence of translation universals regardless the source language.Traditionally, research conducted on translation strategies has been mainly intuition-based. Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing techniques provide reliable information of lexical frequencies, morphological and syntactical distribution in corpora. Therefore, they have been applied to observe which translation strategies occur in these corpora.Results seem to prove the simplification, interference and explicitation hypotheses, whereas no sign of normalization has been detected with the methodology used.The data collected and the resources created for identifying lexical, morphological and syntactic patterns of translations can be useful for Translation Studies teachers, scholars and students: teachers will have more tools to help students avoid the reproduction of translationese patterns. Resources developed will help in detecting non-genuine or inadequate structures in the target language. This fact may imply an improvement in stylistic quality in translations. Translation professionals can also take advantage of these resources to improve their translation quality.
Although the Santiago variety of Cape Verdean Creole (CVC) has been the subject of numerous linguistic works, the second major variety of the language, i.e. the São Vicente variety of CVC (CVSV), has hardly been described. Nevertheless this lack of studies and given its striking differences, on all linguistic levels, from the variety of Santiago (CVST), the implicit explanation for such divergences, echoed for decades in the literature on CVC, has been the presumably decreolized character of CVSV. First, this study provides a comprehensive fieldwork-based synchronic description of CVSV major morpho-syntactic categories in the intent to document the variety. Second, it aims to place the study of CVSV within a broader scope of contact linguistics in the quest to explain its structure. Based on analyses of historical documents and studies, it reconstructs the sociohistorical scenario of the emergence and development of CVSV in the period of 1797- 1975. From the comparison of the current structures of CVSV and CVST, the examination of linguistic data in historical texts and the analysis of sociohistorical facts it becomes clear that the contemporary structure of CVSV stems from the contact-induced changes that occurred during the intensive language and dialect contact on the island of São Vicente in the early days of its settlement in the late 18th and ensuing early 19th century development, rather than from modern day pressure of Portuguese. Although this dissertation argues for multiple explanations rather than a single theory, by showing that processes such as languages shift among the first Portuguese settlers, L2 acquisition, migration of the Barlavento speakers and subsequent dialect leveling as well as language borrowing at a later stage were at stake, it demonstrates the usefulness of partial-restructuring model proposed by Holm (2004).
Summary: Variation and its explanation, with respect to dialect material from southeast Häme
Summary: On the relation between language variation and social change : the possessive mopheme system in the Artjärvi dialect in the 20th century
Summary: The use of hän, he and se, ne pronouns in extensions of reported discourse in the Siikainen dialect
Summary: Dialect boundaries and admistrative boundaries in Finnish Lapland
A part de l"ús del pretèrit perifràstic, format amb el verb ir + infinitiu (xistaví) o anar + infinitiu (català), els paral lelismes més interessants entre el xistaví i el català són de tipus lèxic. Tanmateix, sovint no resulta gens fàcil decidir si les formes compartides són préstecs directes o si constitueixen part d"un tresor comú. Determinades paraules com ara sep i boc, amb oclusiva final, i llesca, amb [ʎ] inicial, porten l"empremta d"identitat catalana, així com borde < bord, amb vocal de suport final en aragonès i en castellà, i cotón, sense l"article àrab aglutinat (però amb [n] final en aragonès). La forma mielsa és un catalanisme tan antic que presenta diftongació de la vocal radical en aragonès. A més a més, tancar, que és específic de l"Aragó oriental, sembla ser resultat de l"expansió del català a territoris dialectals veïns. En canvi, bachoca és tan generalitzat també es troba a Múrcia i València que no pot ésser considerat com el cas anterior. En aquest article intentem d"avaluar l"impacte del lèxic català en l"aragonès de Gistaín (xistaví).
Treball en què que s'analitza la traducció del castellà al català en l'àmbit oral col·loquial a partir d'un exemple real pràctic (una pel·lícula) per tal de determinar els problemes més comuns d'aquest tipus de traducció i de quina manera s’hi ha d’enfrontar el traductor per aconseguir un producte final satisfactori.
Summary: Palatalisation in dialect research and in literature written in the Savo dialect
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Präsenz deutscher Dialekte im Internet, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem österreichischen Dialekt Steirisch liegt. Es wird untersucht, in welchem Maße dieser Dialekt im Rahmen der Kommunikation via Internet verwendet wird
El treball següent ofereix una visió global d'un dels dialectes de la llengua alemanya que menys ha estat objecte de recerca i investigació, el saxó, centrant-se en la presència escrita de què gaudeix aquesta varietat actualment i el seu prestigi social a Alemanya a través dels anys
Summary: A quantitative analysis of the distribution of dialect words