El dialecte saxó:Presència escrita i prestigi social

Autoria(s): Benito Ramo, Claudia



El treball següent ofereix una visió global d'un dels dialectes de la llengua alemanya que menys ha estat objecte de recerca i investigació, el saxó, centrant-se en la presència escrita de què gaudeix aquesta varietat actualment i el seu prestigi social a Alemanya a través dels anys

As a field of study, dialectology has multiple branches and methods that change depending onthe investigation focus: every single language has its many geographical varieties, which may differin the role they have in society, in their importance and use in written communication or in theperception of other native speakers. This paper deals with Upper Saxon, a geographical variety ofGerman spoken mainly in the area of Saxony, a Federal State located in the East of Germany.The purpose of this research is to identify the main linguistic and non-linguistic features of thisdialect, to delve into the current status of written Saxon and to offer different perspectives regardingits popularity and reputation. This project involves three topics, each of which constitutes aseparated part of the paper. The first part is a description of the theoretical framework, that is to say,it presents the phonology, grammar and lexicon of the Saxon variety. The second one presents therole of Saxon in three different spheres of influence: media and advertising, literature and theatersand cabarets. Finally, the last chapter offers different perspectives through articles from someGerman newspapers and magazines regarding the popularity of Saxon dialect and includes thecomparison to the results of a survey conducted during the investigation process.






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Palavras-Chave #Alemany -- Variació #Saxònia (Alemanya) #Dialectes
