1000 resultados para Agenda inversa


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There is compelling evidence that increased gender equity can make a significant contribution towards alleviating poverty and increasing food security. But past efforts to integrate gender into agricultural research and development practice have failed to address the inequalities that limit women’s access to agricultural inputs, markets, resources and advice. A Gender Transformative Approach (GTA) goes beyond just considering the symptoms of gender inequality, and addresses the social norms, attitudes, behaviors and social systems that underlie them. The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) has placed the GTA at the heart of its gender strategy. This workshop was an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and donors working in this area to address the challenge of how to translate this approach into actual research and development practice. The workshop recommended that a GTA should be adopted alongside, not instead of, existing efforts to reverse gender disparities in resources, technologies and markets. It is through this pairing that improved social and material outcomes can be achieved, with the expectation that when achieved together, both types of outcomes will be more lasting than if achieved individually.


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The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) has developed its Gender Research in Development Strategy centered on a transformative approach. Translating this strategy into actual research and development practice poses a considerable challenge, as not much (documented) experience exists in the agricultural sector to draw on, and significant innovation is required. A process of transformative change requires reflecting on multiple facets and dimensions simultaneously. This working paper is a collation of think pieces, structured around broad the mes and topics, reflecting on what works (and what does not) in the application of gender transformative approaches in agriculture and other sectors, and seeking to stimulate a discussion on the way forward for CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) and other programs to build organizational capacities and partnerships.


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A presente tese de doutorado teve como objetivo estabelecer parâmetros para avaliar a viabilidade do reúso agrícola de águas oleosas da indústria de petróleo, como as águas de produção (AP) de campos de exploração onshore do semiárido nordestino, na irrigação de culturas de girassol destinadas à produção de biodiesel. A AP foi produzida sinteticamente e tratada utilizando-se as técnicas de eletrofloculação (EF) e de osmose inversa (OI). Foram analisados os efeitos da AP não tratada, tratada por EF e por EF combinada com osmose inversa (EF+OI) na germinação, desenvolvimento e produção de biomassa de plântulas de girassol e também nos atributos de um solo característico do semiárido nordestino. Na melhor condição operacional do tratamento da AP por EF (28,6 A m-2 durante 4 min.) foram obtidas eficiências de remoção de óleos e graxas (O&G), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), cor e turbidez superiores a 95%. O tratamento EF+OI promoveu a remoção do excesso de salinidade e de ferro oriundo da etapa de EF, enquadrando-se esses parâmetros dentro de níveis de referência recomendados para água de irrigação. Níveis de O&G e DQO superiores, respectivamente, a 337 mg L-1 e 1.321 mg O2 L-1 na AP bruta produziram efeitos tóxicos, reduzindo-se o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e o percentual de plântulas normais do girassol. Por outro lado, os efluentes tratados por EF e EF+OI produziram efeitos similares no percentual de sementes germinadas, no IVG, no percentual de plântulas normais e na produção de biomassa do girassol. O uso da AP tratada por EF, com ou sem diluição, contribuiu significativamente para o aumento da salinidade e dos teores de sódio do solo, diferentemente da tratada por EF+OI, que produziu efeitos similares ao do controle (água destilada)


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Neste trabalho de dissertação apresentaremos uma classe de precondicionadores baseados na aproximação esparsa da inversa da matriz de coecientes, para a resolução de sistemas lineares esparsos de grandes portes através de métodos iterativos, mais especificamente métodos de Krylov. Para que um método de Krylov seja eficiente é extremamente necessário o uso de precondicionadores. No contexto atual, onde computadores de arquitetura híbrida são cada vez mais comuns temos uma demanda cada vez maior por precondicionadores paralelizáveis. Os métodos de inversa aproximada que serão descritos possuem aplicação paralela, pois so dependem de uma operação de produto matriz-vetor, que é altamente paralelizável. Além disso, alguns dos métodos também podem ser construídos em paralelo. A ideia principal é apresentar uma alternativa aos tradicionais precondicionadores que utilizam aproximações dos fatores LU, que apesar de robustos são de difícil paralelização.


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Recent work in the area of probabilistic user simulation for training statistical dialogue managers has investigated a new agenda-based user model and presented preliminary experiments with a handcrafted model parameter set. Training the model on dialogue data is an important next step, but non-trivial since the user agenda states are not observable in data and the space of possible states and state transitions is intractably large. This paper presents a summary-space mapping which greatly reduces the number of state transitions and introduces a tree-based method for representing the space of possible agenda state sequences. Treating the user agenda as a hidden variable, the forward/backward algorithm can then be successfully applied to iteratively estimate the model parameters on dialogue data. © 2007 Association for Computational Linguistics.


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This paper presents an agenda-based user simulator which has been extended to be trainable on real data with the aim of more closely modelling the complex rational behaviour exhibited by real users. The train-able part is formed by a set of random decision points that may be encountered during the process of receiving a system act and responding with a user act. A sample-based method is presented for using real user data to estimate the parameters that control these decisions. Evaluation results are given both in terms of statistics of generated user behaviour and the quality of policies trained with different simulators. Compared to a handcrafted simulator, the trained system provides a much better fit to corpus data and evaluations suggest that this better fit should result in improved dialogue performance. © 2010 Association for Computational Linguistics.


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O trabalho apresenta as informações reunidas, tratadas e disponibilizadas na forma de um website, que pode ser visto como um instrumento de informação, com vistas à gestão ambiental do município. Ou seja, o website elaborado e disponibilizado pode ser uma ferramenta federadora das diversas iniciativas locais. O website faz parte do conjunto de instrumentos para subsidiar a elaboração da Agenda 21 do Município de Campinas-SP, e disponibilizar, de forma simples e transparente, informações sobre meio ambiente municipal para todos os cidadãos. Os dados numéricos, cartográficos e iconográficos apresentados no website têm sempre um caráter transitório, pois são passíveis de atualização, novas precisões e enriquecimentos. Portanto, devem ser considerados como documentos de trabalho, e que confere um caráter inovador de utilização da Internet.


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During the 1990s attempts to identify a feminist trade union agenda have focused on both the content and process of such a potential agenda. In a period in which trade unions have changed significantly, the general national agenda appears to be changing, acknowledging issues of importance to women. UNISON, Britain's largest trade union, has enshrined proportionality and fair representation in its constitution, developing national initiatives aimed at improving opportunities in work and in the union for women, black workers, manual workers, disabled workers, etc. who traditionally have been less well represented. Many issues affecting women generally have moved to centre stage, yet issues affecting women ancillary workers seem as excluded as ever. Through a study of cleaners in the National Health Service this article argues that workplace interests reflect wider social divisions, but in a variety of patterns depending on the social organization of work. Despite thewidening trade union agenda, particular interests — more specifically the workplace interests of working-class women and black women — continue to be neglected.


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Social movements have an important new campaigning and organizing competence in new information communication technologies. These technologies also enable the members of social movements to readily research the accuracy of information: knowledge becomes globalized and readily accessible. In relation to Big Pharma, women’s social movements and social movements of the medicated intersect, and there is now a substantial challenge to Big Pharma both within developed and developing countries from the terrain of gender and health. This paper documents those challenges and looks towards their consequences in the future both in respect of Big Pharma but also in terms of 'academic' research


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Thomas, R., Urquhart, C., Crossan, S. & Hines, B. (2008). MUES (Mid Wales - Users - Ethnic Services) Ethnic services provision 2007-08. Report for Libraries for Life: Delivering the entitlement agenda for library users in Wales 2007-09. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University. Related policy guidance published separately Sponsorship: CyMAL


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Urquhart, C., Thomas, R., Crossan, S. & Hines, B. (2008). MUES (Mid Wales - Users - Ethnic Services) Ethnic services provision 2007-08. Policy guidance for Libraries for Life: Delivering the entitlement agenda for library users in Wales 2007-09. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University. Relates to report of same title - http://hdl.handle.net/2160/609 Sponsorship: CyMAL


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Systematic reviews comparing the effectiveness of strategies to prevent, detect, and treat chronic kidney disease are needed to inform patient care. We engaged stakeholders in the chronic kidney disease community to prioritize topics for future comparative effectiveness research systematic reviews. We developed a preliminary list of suggested topics and stakeholders refined and ranked topics based on their importance. Among 46 topics identified, stakeholders nominated 18 as 'high' priority. Most pertained to strategies to slow disease progression, including: (a) treat proteinuria, (b) improve access to care, (c) treat hypertension, (d) use health information technology, and (e) implement dietary strategies. Most (15 of 18) topics had been previously studied with two or more randomized controlled trials, indicating feasibility of rigorous systematic reviews. Chronic kidney disease topics rated by stakeholders as 'high priority' are varied in scope and may lead to quality systematic reviews impacting practice and policy.