879 resultados para Advertising--Drugs.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by the protozoan Leishmania that resides mainly in mononuclear phagocytic system tissues. Pentavalent antimonials are the main treatment option, although these drugs have toxic side effects and high resistance rates. A potentially alternative and more effective therapeutic strategy is to use liposomes as carriers of the antileishmanial agents. The aims of this study were to develop antimonial drugs entrapped into phosphatidylserine liposomes and to analyze their biological and physicochemical characteristics. METHODS: Liposomes containing meglumine antimoniate (MA) or pentavalent antimony salt (Sb) were obtained through filter extrusion (FEL) and characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Promastigotes of Leishmania infantum were incubated with the drugs and the viability was determined with a tetrazolium dye (MTT assay). The effects of these drugs against intracellular amastigotes were also evaluated by optical microscopy, and mammalian cytotoxicity was determined by an MTT assay. RESULTS: Liposomes had an average diameter of 162nm. MA-FEL showed inhibitory activity against intracellular L. infantum amastigotes, with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.9μg/mL, whereas that of MA was 60μg/mL. Sb-FEL showed an IC50 value of 0.2μg/mL, whereas that of free Sb was 9μg/mL. MA-FEL and Sb-FEL had strong in vitro activity that was 63-fold and 39-fold more effective than their respective free drugs. MA-FEL tested at a ten-times higher concentration than Sb-FEL did not show cytotoxicity to mammalian cells, resulting in a higher selectivity index. CONCLUSIONS: Antimonial drug-containing liposomes are more effective against Leishmania-infected macrophages than the non-liposomal drugs.
The hospital pharmacy in large and advanced institutions has evolved from a simple storage and distribution unit into a highly specialized manipulation and dispensation center, responsible for the handling of hundreds of clinical requests, many of them unique and not obtainable from commercial companies. It was therefore quite natural that in many environments, a manufacturing service was gradually established, to cater to both conventional and extraordinary demands of the medical staff. That was the case of Hospital das Clinicas, where multiple categories of drugs are routinely produced inside the pharmacy. However, cost-containment imperatives dictate that such activities be reassessed in the light of their efficiency and essentiality. METHODS: In a prospective study, the output of the Manufacturing Service of the Central Pharmacy during a 12-month period was documented and classified into three types. Group I comprised drugs similar to commercially distributed products, Group II included exclusive formulations for routine consumption, and Group III dealt with special demands related to clinical investigations. RESULTS: Findings for the three categories indicated that these groups represented 34.4%, 45.3%, and 20.3% of total manufacture orders, respectively. Costs of production were assessed and compared with market prices for Group 1 preparations, indicating savings of 63.5%. When applied to the other groups, for which direct equivalent in market value did not exist, these results would suggest total yearly savings of over 5 100 000 US dollars. Even considering that these calculations leave out many components of cost, notably those concerning marketing and distribution, it might still be concluded that at least part of the savings achieved were real. CONCLUSIONS: The observed savings, allied with the convenience and reliability with which the Central Pharmacy performed its obligations, support the contention that internal manufacture of pharmaceutical formulations was a cost-effective alternative in the described setting.
This paper reports the study of drug consumption carried out within the population of undergraduate students from 2 colleges of Alfenas, in the state of Minas Gerais state. Both licit and illicit drugs were studied, including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, crack, inhalants, glue, tranquilizers, stimulants, and others. METHODOLOGY: The research included a wide bibliographical search and the application of a questionnaire to approximately 23% of the students (total of 6500 students). RESULTS: A total of 1500 students participated in this investigation. The results demonstrated that there was a significant consumption of both licit and illicit drugs. The pattern of drug consumption in the research sample was similar to other investigations conducted in Brazil and in other countries. DISCUSSION: It was observed that 55% of the university students use drugs. However, the most surprising finding was that most of the students (88%) answered "yes" to the inquiry, "Have you already tried any type of drug, including alcohol and cigarettes?" The students revealed that they had taken drugs even prior to the admission to the university. The results suggest clearly that the university environment does not necessarily represent the starting point for student drug consumption.
Manganese ferrite nanoparticles with a size distribution of 26 ± 7 nm (from TEM measurements) were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The obtained nanoparticles exhibit a superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature with a magnetic squareness of 0.016 and a coercivity field of 6.3 Oe. These nanoparticles were either entrapped in liposomes (aqueous magnetoliposomes, AMLs) or covered with a lipid bilayer, forming solid magnetoliposomes (SMLs). Both types of magnetoliposomes, exhibiting sizes below or around 150 nm, were found to be suitable for biomedical applications. Membrane fusion between magnetoliposomes (both AMLS and SMLs) and GUVs (giant unilamellar vesicles), the latter used as models of cell membranes, was confirmed by F¨orster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) assays, using a NBD labeled lipid as the energy donor and Nile Red or rhodamine B-DOPE as the energy acceptor. A potential antitumor thienopyridine derivative was successfully incorporated into both aqueous and solid magnetoliposomes, pointing to a promising application of these systems in oncological therapy, simultaneously as hyperthermia agents and nanocarriers for antitumor drugs.
Publicado em "NanoPT2016 book of abstracts"
ABSTRACT Objective Investigate the occurrence of dual diagnosis in users of legal and illegal drugs. Methods It is an analytical, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, non-probabilistic intentional sampling, carried out in two centers for drug addiction treatment, by means of individual interviews. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) were used. Results One hundred and ten volunteers divided into abstinent users (group 1), alcoholics (group 2) and users of alcohol and illicit drugs (group 3). The substances were alcohol, tobacco, crack and marijuana. A higher presence of dual diagnosis in group 3 (71.8%) was observed, which decreased in group 2 (60%) and 37.1% of drug abstinent users had psychiatric disorder. Dual diagnosis was associated with the risk of suicide, suicide attempts and the practice of infractions. The crack consumption was associated with the occurrence of major depressive episode and antisocial personality disorder. Conclusion It was concluded that the illicit drug users had a higher presence of dual diagnosis showing the severity of this clinical condition. It is considered essential that this clinical reality is included in intervention strategies in order to decrease the negative effects of consumption of these substances and provide better quality of life for these people.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es estudiar los mecanismos neurobiológicos involucrados en el proceso de sensibilización emocional inducido por la abstinencia a drogas de abuso o por la exposición a un estímulo estresante de caracteristicas incontrolables. El modelo animal de sensibilización a utilizar en este proyecto es la facilitación en la formación de memoria de miedo producida por dichos tratamientos. Nuestra hipótesis sugiere que este proceso es el resultado de un mecanismo desinhibitorio de las interneuronas GABAérgicas del complejo basolateral de la amigdala. Por lo tanto se proponen los siguientes experimentos: 1) El estudio del curso temporal del efecto facilitador sobre la formación de una nueva memoria de miedo luego de la abstinencia a drogas o la exposición a un estímulo estresante (inmovilización). 2) La evaluación de la liberación"in vivo" de dopamina del complejo basolateral de la amigdala durante la adquisición y la expresión de la memoria de miedo en animales previamente expuestos a la abstinencia o al estres. 3) El estudio de la infusión local de antagonistas de receptores dopaminérgicos en el complejo basolateral de la amígdala (BLA) o en el nucleo central de la amígdala (CeA) antes del estrés sobre la adquisición y la expresión de una memoria de miedo. 4) La determinación de la actividad de ERK 1/2 y CREB en el complejo basolateral de la amigdala o en el nucleo central de la amígdala durante la adquisición y la expresión de una memoria de miedo en animales abstinentes o estresados. 5)El estudio de la infusión local de inhibidores de la MEK 1/2 en el complejo basolateral de la amigdala o en el nucleo central de la amígdala antes del estrés sobre la adquisición y la expresión de una memoria de miedo. La facilitación para generar memorias de miedo podría ser un componente crítico del síndrome de abstinencia al etanol responsable de las altas tasas de recurrencia asociadas con el alcoholismo. Por lo tanto se investigará el efecto de la evocación de la memoria de miedo sobre la autoadministración de etanol utilizando un paradigma de libre elección entre agua y soluciones de concentración creciente de etanol en animales en abstinencia al etanol. Con el objeto de investigar si las propiedades reforzantes del etanol están involucradas en el potencial aumento de la ingesta de etanol inducido por la evocación de una memoria de miedo, se evaluará el efecto reforzante de etanol utilizando el paradigma de preferencia por un contexto asociado al etanol.
La osteoartritis es una enfermedad crónica y degenerativa del cartílago articular con elevada prevalencia en pacientes mayores de 60. En su etiología confluyen alteraciones mecánicas y bioquímicas del sistema músculo-esquelético que provocan disbalance entre síntesis y degradación condral., con deterioro y pérdida tisular. El cartílago articular es un tejido paucicelular. Sus escasos condrocitos se dispersan en una matriz moduladora bioquímica y morfológica. La homeostasis osteocondral resume acciones estimulantes, inhibidoras y reguladoras de citokinas e interleukinas Son péptídos liberados por las membranas celulares al líquido sinovial, que difunden hacia el cartílago en tanto órgano blanco. Importante avance en la fisiopatología de la inflamación fue el descubrimiento del rol del óxido nítrico (ON) derivado metabólico de la arginina por acción de las ON-Sintasas (ONS). Estimula la producción de colagenasas (MMP-1), que intensifican la resorción de proteoglicanos En OA también aumenta el factor de necrosis tumoral TNFa, rápidamente activado por su enzima convertidora TACE. Objetivo Evaluar efectos de antiinflamatorios sobre cultivo de cartílago articular de pacientes con osteoartritis y cuantificar in vitro producción de MMPs, relación NO2/NO3. IL6 y TNFa. Material y métodos: En sobrenadante de los cultivos se determinarán por espectrofotometría niveles de NO-2 y NO-3 (Griess et al, 1992) y usando ELISA doble sándwich la actividad de colagenasa (MMP-1), IL-6 y TNF-a, contrastadas con anticuerpos monoclonales .Los parámetros obtenidos con y sin agregado de fármacos, se correlacionarán con la microscopía óptica.
El cáncer de mama es una de las neoplasias más frecuentes de nuestro medio. El calcitriol y sus análogos son una alternativa nueva al uso convencional de antiestrógenos como quimioterapia. Sin embargo, los efectos hipercalcemiantes, secundarios a su aplicación, constituyen una limitación para su uso. Este proyecto está orientado al conocimiento de las bases moleculares antiproliferativas del uso del calcitriol en forma conjunta con drogas que deplecionan glutatión (GSH) tales como menadiona (MEN) y DL-butionina-S,R-sulfoximina (BSO). La hipótesis que se sostiene es que MEN y BSO, al disminuir el contenido de GSH, generan estrés oxidativo el cual puede potenciar el efecto antineoplásico del calcitriol, permitiendo lograr un mayor efecto antiproliferativo con dosis menores del secoesteroide, evitándose los efectos hipercalcemiantes. El objetivo general de este proyecto es dilucidar los mecanismos moleculares de apoptosis desencadenados por calcitriol (D) y/o drogas que deplecionan GSH (MEN o BSO) sobre las células de cáncer de mama MCF-7 en cultivo. Para ello, se tratarán células MCF-7 con concentraciones variables de D (en ausencia y presencia de MEN ó BSO) a diferentes tiempos. Se medirá proliferación celular mediante las técnicas de incorpororación de bromodeoxiuridina y de violeta de cristal. Se analizará el ciclo celular por medio de técnicas de citometría de flujo. Se determinará la participación tanto de la vía intrínseca como de la vía extrínseca de apoptosis. El contenido de GSH y la medición de las actividades del sistema antioxidante se llevará a cabo con técnicas espectrofotométricas. La expresión proteica de diversas caspasas se analizará por Western blots y la expresión génica por transcriptasa reversa-reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. Además, se desarrollarán artificialmente tumores de mama en ratas y se aplicará el tratamiento combinado midiéndose el efecto antitumoral mediante análisis histológicos. Se espera que el tratamiento combinado inhiba la proliferación de las células MCF-7, a través de incremento en la producción de especies reactivas derivadas del oxígeno involucrando la participación de las principales vías apoptóticas, extrínseca e intrínseca. En consecuencia, habría desrregulación de la función mitocondrial. Las defensas antioxidantes podrían estar alteradas. De ocurrir así, el tamaño de los tumores de mama desarrollados experimentalmente y tratados con el tratamiento combinado, estaría disminuido. La importancia de este estudio consiste en la exploración de una nueva estrategia terapéutica para el tratamiento de cáncer de mama.