992 resultados para Admiralty Inlet, Baffin Island, Canada
Admiralty Bay on the King George Island hosts the Brazilian, Polish and Peruvian research stations as well as the American and Ecuadorian field stations. Human activities in this region require the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, thereby placing the region at risk of hydrocarbon contamination. Hydrocarbon monitoring was conducted on water and sediment samples from the bay over 15 years. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used for the analysis of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seawater samples and gas chromatography with flame ionization and/or mass spectrometric detection was used to analyse individual n-alkanes and PAHs in sediment samples. The results revealed that most sites contaminated by these Compounds are around the Brazilian and Polish research stations due to the intense human activities, mainly during the summer. Moreover, the sediments revealed the presence of hydrocarbons from different sources, suggesting a mixture of the direct input of oil or derivatives and derived from hydrocarbon combustion. A decrease in PAH concentrations occurred following improvement of the sewage treatment facilities at the Brazilian research station, indicating that the contribution from human waste may be significant.
Since the early 1990s, phytoplankton has been studied and monitored in Potter Cove (PC) and Admiralty Bay (AB), King George/25 de Mayo Island (KGI), South Shetlands. Phytoplankton biomass is typically low compared to other Antarctic shelf environments, with average spring - summer values below 1 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a)/m**3. The physical conditions in the area (reduced irradiance induced by particles originated from the land, intense winds) limit the coastal productivity at KGI, as a result of shallow Sverdrup's critical depths (Zc) and large turbulent mixing depths (Zt). In January 2010 a large phytoplankton bloom with a maximum of around 20 mg Chl a/m**3, and monthly averages of 4 (PC) and 6 (AB) mg Chl a/m**3, was observed in the area, making it by far the largest recorded bloom over the last 20 yr. Dominant phytoplankton species were the typical bloom-forming diatoms that are usually found in the western Antarctic Peninsula area. Anomalously cold air temperature and dominant winds from the eastern sector seem to explain adequate light : mixing environment. Local physical conditions were analyzed by means of the relationship between Zc and Zt, and conditions were found adequate for allowing phytoplankton development. However, a multiyear analysis indicates that these conditions may be necessary but not sufficient to guarantee phytoplankton accumulation. The relation between maximum Chl a values and air temperature suggests that bottom-up control would render such large blooms even less frequent in KGI under the warmer climate expected in the area during the second half of the present century.
Re-Os and Pb-Pb isotopic analysis of reduced varved sediments cored in the deeper basin of Saanich Inlet (B.C.) are presented. From core top to 61 cm down-core, spanning approximately the last 100 yrs of sedimentation, 187Os/188Os ratio and Os concentration respectively increase from ~0.8 to ~0.9 and from 55 to 60 ppt, whereas Re concentration decreases from 3600 to 2600 ppt. Re correlates with Corg (R2=0.6) throughout the entire section, whereas Os follows Re and Corg trends deeper down-core, suggesting a decoupling of a Re- and Os-geochemistry during burial and/or very early diagenesis. No systematic compositional differences are observed between seasonal laminae. 204Pb-normalized lead isotope ratios increase from sediment surface down to 7 cm down-core, then decrease steadily to pre-industrial levels at ~50 cm down-core. This pattern illustrates the contamination from leaded gasoline until the recent past. The measured Pb isotopic ratios point primarily toward gasoline related atmospheric lead from the USA. The osmium isotopic values measured are significantly lower than those of modern seawater-Os. In comparison with other anoxic environments, the osmium content of Saanich Inlet sediments is low, and its Os isotopic composition suggests significant inputs from unradiogenic sources (detrital and/or dissolved). Ultramafic lithologies in the watershed of the Fraser River are suspected to contribute to sedimentary inputs as well as to the input of dissolved unradiogenic osmium in the water of Saanich Inlet. The presence of some unradiogenic Os from anthropogenic contamination cannot be discounted near the core top, but since deeper, pre-anthropogenic levels also yielded unradiogenic Os results, one is led to conclude that the overall low 187Os/188Os ratios result from natural geochemical processes. Thus, the bulk sediment of Saanich Inlet does not appear to record 187Os/188Os composition of the marine end-member of the only slightly below normal salinity, fjord water. The low seawater-derived Os content of the sediment, coupled with unradiogenic Os inputs from local sources, explains the overall low isotopic values observed. As a consequence, such near-shore anoxic sediments are unlikely to record changes in the past ocean Os isotopic composition.
Recent ostracods in surface sediment samples from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica
Ostracods from Admiralty Bay on King George Island (South Shetland Islands) represent 29 podocopid species, belonging to 19 genera, one cladocopid and six myodocopid species. They were recovered from Recent marine and/or glacio-marine sediment samples from water depths of up to 520 m. These ostracods constitute a variable assemblage, which is overall typical for the Antarctic environment. Shallow-water assemblages tend to be more variable in terms of frequencies and species richness than deep-water assemblages. The later are low in numbers and remain relatively high diversities. Overall, no linear relation between ostracod assemblage-composition and environmental features analyzed was recognized.
This dataset contains the results of granulometric and bulk geochemical analyses of Van Veen surface samples obtained by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in the course of the 2012 and 2013 summer field seasons. The sampling was performed along transects in depths generally <13 m, to a distance of about <5 km off Herschel Island. In 2012, 75 samples in Pauline Cove and in the vicinity of Simpson Point were obtained. Sample collection was expanded in 2013, on transects established the previous year, with additional locations in Tetris Bay and Workboat Passage. Samples consisted of approximately 100 g of the top 3-6 cm of sediment, and were frozen in the field and freeze dried at the AWI before undergoing analytical procedures. Sample locations were recorded with the onboard global positioning system (GPS) unit. Grain size distributions in our study were obtained using laser diffractometry at the AWI (Beckman Coulter LS200) on the <1 mm fraction of samples oxidized with 30% H2O2 until effervescence ceased to remove organics. Some samples were also sieved using a sieve stack with 1 phi intervals. GRADISTAT (Blott and Pye, 2001) was used to calculate graphical grain size statistics (Folk and Ward, 1957). Grain diameters were logarithmically transformed to phi values, calculated as phi=-log2d, where d is the grain diameter in millimeters (Blott and Pye, 2001; Krumbein, 1934). Freeze dried samples were ground and ground using an Elemetar Vario EL III carbon-nitrogen-sulphur analyzer at the AWI to measure total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN). Tungsten oxide was added to the samples as a catalyst to the pyrolysis. Following this analysis, total organic carbon (TOC) was determined using an Elementar VarioMax. Stable carbon isotope ratios of 13C/12C of 118 samples were determined on a DELTAplusXL mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen) at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany . An additional analysis on 69 samples was carried out at the University of Hamburg with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta V, Thermo Scientific, Germany) coupled to an elemental analyzer (Flash 2000, Thermo Scientific, Germany). Prior to analysis, soil samples were treated with phosphoric acid (43%) to release inorganic carbon. Values are expressed relative to Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) using external standards (USGS40, -26.4 per mil VPDB and IVA soil 33802153, -27.5 per mil VPDB).