Granulometry and Bulk Geochemistry of Nearshore Sediments, Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Canada

Autoria(s): Radosavljevic, Boris; Lantuit, Hugues; Plessen, Birgit; Knoblauch, Christian

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 69.558591 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -138.994431 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 69.501100 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -139.306000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 69.576300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -138.848100 * DATE/TIME START: 2012-08-14T22:51:14 * DATE/TIME END: 2013-08-08T09:40:21 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m




This dataset contains the results of granulometric and bulk geochemical analyses of Van Veen surface samples obtained by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in the course of the 2012 and 2013 summer field seasons. The sampling was performed along transects in depths generally <13 m, to a distance of about <5 km off Herschel Island. In 2012, 75 samples in Pauline Cove and in the vicinity of Simpson Point were obtained. Sample collection was expanded in 2013, on transects established the previous year, with additional locations in Tetris Bay and Workboat Passage. Samples consisted of approximately 100 g of the top 3-6 cm of sediment, and were frozen in the field and freeze dried at the AWI before undergoing analytical procedures. Sample locations were recorded with the onboard global positioning system (GPS) unit. Grain size distributions in our study were obtained using laser diffractometry at the AWI (Beckman Coulter LS200) on the <1 mm fraction of samples oxidized with 30% H2O2 until effervescence ceased to remove organics. Some samples were also sieved using a sieve stack with 1 phi intervals. GRADISTAT (Blott and Pye, 2001) was used to calculate graphical grain size statistics (Folk and Ward, 1957). Grain diameters were logarithmically transformed to phi values, calculated as phi=-log2d, where d is the grain diameter in millimeters (Blott and Pye, 2001; Krumbein, 1934). Freeze dried samples were ground and ground using an Elemetar Vario EL III carbon-nitrogen-sulphur analyzer at the AWI to measure total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN). Tungsten oxide was added to the samples as a catalyst to the pyrolysis. Following this analysis, total organic carbon (TOC) was determined using an Elementar VarioMax. Stable carbon isotope ratios of 13C/12C of 118 samples were determined on a DELTAplusXL mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen) at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany . An additional analysis on 69 samples was carried out at the University of Hamburg with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta V, Thermo Scientific, Germany) coupled to an elemental analyzer (Flash 2000, Thermo Scientific, Germany). Prior to analysis, soil samples were treated with phosphoric acid (43%) to release inorganic carbon. Values are expressed relative to Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) using external standards (USGS40, -26.4 per mil VPDB and IVA soil 33802153, -27.5 per mil VPDB).


text/tab-separated-values, 24069 data points








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Access constraints: unrestricted


Alfred Wegener Institute - Research Unit Potsdam

Palavras-Chave #Area/locality; AWI_PerDyn; Beckman Coulter Laser diffraction particle size analyzer LS 200; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, total; Comment; Date/Time of event; delta 13C, organic carbon; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Description; Difference; Distance; Element analyser CNS, Elementar Vario EL III; Element analyser CNS, elementar Vario MAX C; Event label; Grain size, combined laser diffraction and sieve analyses; Grain size, mean; Grain size, sieving, sieve stack 1 phi interval (-3->4); Grain size description; Gravel; Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Canada; Kurtosis; Kurtosis description; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; Mean, grain size; Mode, grain size; Nitrogen, total; PC1210001; PC1210002; PC1210003; PC1210004; PC121001; PC121002; PC121003; PC121004; PC122001; PC122002; PC122003; PC122004; PC122005; PC123001; PC123002; PC123003; PC123004; PC124001; PC124002; PC124003; PC124004; PC124005; PC125001; PC125002; PC125003; PC125004; PC125005; PC126001; PC126002; PC126003; PC127001; PC127002; PC127003; PC127004; PC127005; PC127006; PC128001; PC128002; PC128003; PC128004; PC128005; PC128006; PC129001; PC129002; PC129003; PC129004; Percentile 10; Percentile 50; Percentile 90; Periglacial Dynamics @ AWI; Ratio; Sample type; Sand; Sediment type; Size fraction < 0.002 mm, > 9 phi, clay; Size fraction < 0.063 mm, mud, pelite, silt+clay; Size fraction 0.004-0.002 mm, 8.0-9.0 phi, very fine silt; Size fraction 0.008-0.004 mm, 7.0-8.0 phi, fine silt; Size fraction 0.016-0.008 mm, 6.0-7.0 phi, medium silt; Size fraction 0.032-0.016 mm, 5.0-6.0 phi, coarse silt; Size fraction 0.063-0.032 mm, 4.0-5.0 phi, very coarse silt; Size fraction 0.125-0.063 mm, 3.0-4.0 phi, very fine sand; Size fraction 0.250-0.125 mm, 2.0-3.0 phi, fine sand; Size fraction 0.500-0.250 mm, 1.0-2.0 phi, medium sand; Size fraction 1.000-0.500 mm, 0.0-1.0 phi, coarse sand; Size fraction 16-8 mm, medium gravel; Size fraction 2.000-1.000 mm, (-1.0)-0.0 phi, very coarse sand; Size fraction 30-10 mm, coarse gravel, pebble; Size fraction 4.0-2.0 mm, very fine gravel, granule; Size fraction 64-32 mm, very coarse gravel; Size fraction 8.0-4.0 mm, fine gravel; Skewness; Skewness description; Sorting; Sorting description; Sulfur, total; TB121001; TB121002; TB121003; TB121004; TB122001; TB122002; TB122003; TB122004; TB122005; TB123001; TB123002; TB123003; TB123004; TB123005; TB124001; TB124002; TB124003; TB124004; TB124005; TB125001; TB125002; TB125003; TB125004; TB125005; TB126001; TB126002; TB126003; TB126004; TB126005; Texture; Transect; UTM Easting, Universal Transverse Mercator; UTM Northing, Universal Transverse Mercator; VA-01; VA-02; VA-03; van Veen Grab; VB-01; VB-02; VB-03; VB-03-2; VB-03-3; VC-01; VC-02; VC-03; VD-01; VD-02; VE-01; VE-02; VF-01; VF-02; VG-01; VG-02; VG-03; VG-04; VGRAB; VH-01; VH-02; VH-03; VH-04; VH-05; VH-06; VH-07; VI-01; VI-02; VI-03; VI-04; VI-04-2; VI-05; VI-06; VI-07; VI-08; VI-09; VI-10; VI-11; VI-11-1; VJ-02; VJ-03; VJ-04; VJ-05; VJ-06; VJ-07; VJ-07-2; VJ-08; VJ-10; VJ-11; VJ-12; VK-01; VK-02; VK-03; VK-04; VK-05; VK-06; VK-07; VK-07-2; VK-08; VK-08-2; VK-09; VK-10; VK-11; VK-12; VL-02; VL-03; VL-04; VL-05; VL-06; VL-07; VL-08; VL-09; VL-10; VM-01; VM-02; VM-03; VM-04; VM-05; VM-06; VM-07; VM-08; VM-09; VM-10; VM-11; VM-12; VM-13; VN-01; VN-02; VN-03; VN-04; VN-05; VN-06; VN-07; VN-08; VN-09; VN-10; VN-11; VN-12; VN-13; VN-14; VO-01; VO-02; VO-03; VO-04; VO-05; VO-06; VO-07; VO-08; VO-09; VO-10; VO-11; VO-12; VO-12-2; VO-13; VO-14; VP-01; VP-02; VP-03; VP-04; VP-05; VP-06; VP-07; VP-08; VP-09; VP-10; VP-11; VP-12; VP-13; VP-14; VQ-01; VQ-03; VQ-04; VR-01; VR-03; VR-05; VR-07; VS-02; VS-04; VS-06; VS-09; VT-01; VT-02; VT-04; VT-06; VT-08; VT-09; VU-06; VU-09; VU-10; VV-01; VV-05; VV-06; VV-08; VV-09; VW-01; VW-05; VW-06; VW-07; VW-08; VW-09
