255 resultados para Abdominoperineal amputation
PURPOSE: Acute limb ischemia after thrombosis of a popliteal aneurysm is a distinct and limb-threatening entity. Preoperative intra-arterial thrombolysis may improve the outcome in this challenging situation. This study retrospectively analyzed a consecutive series of patients treated with preoperative thrombolysis and subsequent revascularization. METHODS: Thirteen patients with acute limb ischemia caused by thrombosis of a popliteal aneurysm underwent catheter-directed intra-arterial thrombolysis with urokinase and subsequent vascular reconstruction. The angiographic and clinical outcome was analyzed and compared with that in the literature. RESULTS: Complete aneurysm thrombosis with absence of runoff was documented in 12 cases. Thrombolysis restored perfusion with patency of the popliteal artery and a one- or two-vessel runoff in 77% of cases (10/13). Early cumulative graft patency and limb salvage rates were 68% and 83%, respectively, with an ankle/brachial index of 0.8 +/- 0.2. Lytic failure followed by attempts at bypass grafting was present in three patients (23%) and resulted in above-knee amputation. Severe rhabdomyolysis and fatal pulmonary embolism were responsible for a 15% early mortality rate. CONCLUSION: Preoperative thrombolysis followed by bypass grafting is a valid treatment option for patients who can withstand an additional period of ischemia that does not require immediate revascularization and intraoperative lysis. Lytic failure identifies patients with a highly compromised runoff who are probably best treated by means of subsequent amputation, without any attempts at bypass grafting.
During the regeneration of freshwater planarians, polarity and patterning programs play essential roles in determining whether a head or a tail regenerates at anterior or posterior-facing wounds. This decision is made very soon after amputation. The pivotal role of the Wnt/β-catenin and Hh signaling pathways in re-establishing anterior-posterior (AP) polarity has been well documented. However, the mechanisms that control the growth and differentiation of the blastema in accordance with its AP identity are less well understood. Previous studies have described a role of Smed-egfr-3, a planarian epidermal growth factor receptor, in blastema growth and differentiation. Here, we identify Smed-egr-4, a zinc-finger transcription factor belonging to the early growth response gene family, as a putative downstream target of Smed-egfr-3. Smed-egr-4 is mainly expressed in the central nervous system and its silencing inhibits anterior regeneration without affecting the regeneration of posterior regions. Single and combinatorial RNA interference to target different elements of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, together with expression analysis of brain- and anterior-specific markers, revealed that Smed-egr-4: (1) is expressed in two phases - an early Smed-egfr-3-independent phase and a late Smed-egfr-3-dependent phase; (2) is necessary for the differentiation of the brain primordia in the early stages of regeneration; and (3) that it appears to antagonize the activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway to allow head regeneration. These results suggest that a conserved EGFR/egr pathway plays an important role in cell differentiation during planarian regeneration and indicate an association between early brain differentiation and the proper progression of head regeneration.
Marjolin's ulcer describes any malignant transformation of a chronic inflammatory lesion. In the majority of cases, a squamous cell carcinoma is diagnosed. Malignant transformation occurs usually after a long period of latency of chronic infection; it takes approximately 35 years on average. There are no typical clinical presentations, but several indirect signs may suggest the malignant transformation, such as increased or changed discharge, pathologic fracture, a slow-growing exophytic mass, or other suggestive signs of malignant transformation, which should prompt to biopsy for histological exam. The diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis should not prevent to search for carcinoma. We present six patients with chronic osteomyelitis that developed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. All patients were older than 50 years (mean 60 years, range 52-77 years). Five Marjolin's ulcers were located on the lower limb and one on the arm. The average time of the chronic discharging osteomyelitis before diagnosis of carcinoma ranged between 12 and 40 years. All patients were treated by amputation of the affected limb. None had metastasis, and one patient developed local recurrence and received palliative treatment. Our study emphasizes that Marjolin's ulcer should be considered as a rare but significant long-term complication of chronic osteomyelitis. The finding of microorganisms should not prevent from further diagnostic procedures by histopathological examination so that the correct surgical treatment can be performed.
Promazine hydrochloride was injected accidentally in the antecubital artery of a 42-year-old woman, resulting in severe ischemia of the second and third fingers of her right hand which lasted for four days before she was hospitalized. Vasodilation by combining axillary plexus block and intravenous sodium nitroprusside did not improve ischemia and local thrombolysis was performed using recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (50 mg over 8 hours), resulting in normalization of digital pressure in one of the two affected fingers. The outcome was favourable and amputation could be avoided.
Se ha estudiado en laboratorio algunos de los factores que pueden influir en el apareamiento de los individuos de Sesamia nonagrioides Let'., como son la presencia de antenas en los individuos de ambos sexos, la presencia de plantas de maíz y la concentración de feromona sintética en el ambiente. Se ha visto que la amputación de antenas a las hembras no tiene ningún efecto sobre el porcentaje de apareamiento, mientras que la amputación de antenas a los machos lo reduce totalmente. La presencia de feromona sintética en el ambiente reduce significativamente el acoplamiento, siendo esta reducción mayor cuanto mayor es la dosis de feromona. En estos experimentos también se demuestra que cuanto mayor es la densidad de población menor es la reducción del acoplamiento. Finalmente, se ha observado que no hay diferencias de apareamiento con o sin plantas.
The in situ saphenous vein bypass has been introduced in our department since 1989. A total of 26 bypasses in 22 patients have been followed prospectively. Indications for revascularisation have been severe arterial insufficiency in 73% of the cases (stage III or IV). With the exception of one postoperative death (myocardial infarction), all the patients have recovered uneventfully, with a regression to stage I. No amputation has been necessary. Morbidity has been 30%, with mainly minor local complications. The primary patency rate is 83% at one year and 78% after 2 and 3 years, whereas the secondary patency rate is 91% at one year, and remains constant thereafter up to 3 years. Considering our results and those from the literature, we believe that the in situ technique is very valuable, especially for below-knee vascular reconstruction. Technical difficulties of the method are analysed.
We report the case of a 37-year-old woman who developed critical upper limb ischemia caused by a cervical rib. Because the malformation was initially undiagnosed, a vascular bypass was performed, and failure occurred. Following a 6-month therapy with sildenafil, revascularization of the arm was successful and amputation was avoided. A 6-year follow-up shows a rich collateral network at the compression site and normal values of digital plethysmography. Because hand surgeons often see patients with digital ulcerations and other manifestations of peripheral vascular pathology, therapy of ischemia with sildenafil could be an effective treatment option in patients not responding to classic drugs.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology, the surgical treatment, the microbiology, the antibiotic prophylaxis and the outcome of patients with the most severe type of open fractures. METHODS: Retrospective chart reviews of patients with Gustilo type III open fracture admitted to an university hospital in Switzerland between January 2007 and December 2011. The patient's and fracture's characteristics, surgery, antibiotic prophylaxis, and microbiology findings at the initial and at the revision surgery were described. RESULTS: Thirty patients were included (83% male, mean age 41 years). More than half of the patients had polytrauma. In all patients, debridement and stabilization surgery (70% using external fixation) were performed at admission. Soft tissue reconstruction was performed in 87% and in 23% immediate bone graft was performed. Antibiotic prophylaxis were given in all patients for a median duration of 9 days (60% received amoxicillin/clavulanic acid). Positive bacterial culture was found in 53% of the patients at initial surgery and in 88% at revision surgery. At initial and revision surgery, 47% and 88% of the pathogens were amoxicillin/clavulanic acid-resistant. Treatment outcome was favorable in 24 of 30 patients (80%) and in six cases (20%) an amputation had to be performed. None of the patients had chronic bone infection. CONCLUSIONS: Positive cultures were found often in open fractures. Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid which is often mentioned in many guidelines as prophylaxis in open fractures does not cover the most common isolated organisms. The combination of surgery and antibiotic prophylaxis leads to good outcome in Gustilo type III fracture.
Fetoscopic coagulation of placental anastomoses is the treatment of choice for severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. In the present day, fetal laser therapy is also used to treat amniotic bands, chorioangiomas, sacrococcygeal teratomas, lower urinary tract obstructions and chest masses, all of which will be reviewed in this article. Amniotic band syndrome can cause limb amputation by impairing downstream blood flow. Large chorioangiomas (>4 cm), sacrococcygeal teratomas or fetal hyperechoic lung lesions can lead to fetal compromise and hydrops by vascular steal phenomenon or compression. Renal damage, bladder dysfunction and lastly death because of pulmonary hypolasia may be the result of megacystis caused by a posterior urethral valve. The prognosis of these pathologies can be dismal, and therapy options are limited, which has brought fetal laser therapy to the forefront. Management options discussed here are laser release of amniotic bands, laser coagulation of the placental or fetal tumor feeding vessels and laser therapy by fetal cystoscopy. This review, largely based on case reports, does not intend to provide a level of evidence supporting laser therapy over other treatment options. Centralized evaluation by specialists using strict selection criteria and long-term follow-up of these rare cases are now needed to prove the value of endoscopic or ultrasound-guided laser therapy.
Regeneration of lost tissues depends on the precise interpretation of molecular signals that control and coordinate the onset of proliferation, cellular differentiation and cell death. However, the nature of those molecular signals and the mechanisms that integrate the cellular responses remain largely unknown. The planarian flatworm is a unique model in which regeneration and tissue renewal can be comprehensively studied in vivo. The presence of a population of adult pluripotent stem cells combined with the ability to decode signaling after wounding enable planarians to regenerate a complete, correctly proportioned animal within a few days after any kind of amputation, and to adapt their size to nutritional changes without compromising functionality. Here, we demonstrate that the stress-activated c-jun-NH2-kinase (JNK) links wound-induced apoptosis to the stem cell response during planarian regeneration. We show that JNK modulates the expression of wound-related genes, triggers apoptosis and attenuates the onset of mitosis in stem cells specifically after tissue loss. Furthermore, in pre-existing body regions, JNK activity is required to establish a positive balance between cell death and stem cell proliferation to enable tissue renewal, remodeling and the maintenance of proportionality. During homeostatic degrowth, JNK RNAi blocks apoptosis, resulting in impaired organ remodeling and rescaling. Our findings indicate that JNK-dependent apoptotic cell death is crucial to coordinate tissue renewal and remodeling required to regenerate and to maintain a correctly proportioned animal. Hence, JNK might act as a hub, translating wound signals into apoptotic cell death, controlled stem cell proliferation and differentiation, all of which are required to coordinate regeneration and tissue renewal.
Se describen las causas más frecuentes de amputaciones. Se desarrollan las distintas posibilidades de confección de tratamientos sustitutivos del antepié, así como la valoración previa biomecánica del paciente y de los factores que se deben tener en cuenta en la confección de dichos tratamientos.
Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with decreased functional status, diminished quality of life (QoL), amputation, myocardial infarction, stroke, and death. Nevertheless, public awareness of PAD as a morbid and mortal disease is low. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of major lower extremity amputation due to PAD, the extent of reamputations, and survival after major lower extremity amputation (LEA) in a population based PAD patient cohort. Furthermore, the aim was to assess the functional capacity in patients with LEA, and the QoL after lower extremity revascularization and major amputation. All 210 amputees due to PAD in 1998–2002 and all 519 revascularized patients in 1998–2003 were explored. 59 amputees alive in 2004 were interviewed using a structured questionnaire of QoL. Two of each amputee age-, gender- and domicile-matched controls filled in and returned postal self-administered QoL questionnaire as well as 231 revascularized PAD patients (the amount of these patients who engaged themselves to the study), and one control person for each patient completed postal self-administered QoL questionnaire. The incidence rate of major LEA was 24.1/100 000 person-years and it was considerably high during the years studied. The one-month mortality rate was 21%, 52% at one-year, and the overall mortality rate was 80%. When comparing the one-year mortality risk of amputees, LEAs were associated with a 7.4-fold annual mortality risk compared with the reference population in Turku. Twenty-two patients (10%) had ipsilateral transversions from BK to AK amputation. Fifty patients (24%) ended up with a contralateral major LEA within two to four amputation operations. Three bilateral amputations were performed at the first major LEA operation. Of the 51 survivors returning home after their first major LEA, 36 (71%) received a prosthesis; (16/36, 44%) and were able to walk both in- and outdoors. Of the 68 patients who were discharged to institutional care, three (4%) had a prosthesis one year after LEA. Both amputees and revascularized patients had poor physical functioning and significantly more depressive symptoms than their controls. Depressive symptoms were more common in the institutionalized amputees than the home-dwelling amputees. The surviving amputees and their controls had similar life satisfaction. The amputees felt themselves satisfied and contented, whether or not they lived in long-term care or at home. PAD patients who had undergone revascularizations had poorer QoL than their controls. The revascularized patients’ responses on their perceived physical functioning gave an impression that these patients are in a declining life cycle and that revascularizations, even when successful, may not be sufficient to improve the overall function. It is possible that addressing rehabilitation issues earlier in the care may produce a more positive functional outcome. Depressive symptoms should be recognized and thoroughly considered at the same time the patients are recovering from their revascularization operation. Also primary care should develop proper follow-up, and community organizations should have exercise groups for those who are able to return home, since they very often live alone. In rehabilitation programs we should consider not only physical disability assessment but also QoL.
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a sobrevida dos pacientes portadores de carcinoma epidermóide do canal anal submetidos a cirurgia de resgate, por recidiva ou falha do tratamento radioquimioterápico inicial. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva dos pacientes portadores de carcinoma epídermóide do canal anal submetidos a cirurgia de resgate, de outubro de 1986 a setembro de 2000. RESULTADOS: Foram matriculados 93 pacientes portadores de carcinoma epidermóide do canal anal no período, e 21 (22,5%) foram submetidos a resgate cirúrgico. Em 19 pacientes (91%) foi realizada amputação abdominoperineal do reto (operação de Miles), em um paciente exenteração pélvica total e em um paciente excisão local. Não houve mortalidade operatória. A sobrevida média do grupo após resgate cirúrgico foi de 24 meses. CONCLUSÕES: Após recidiva e/ou falha da radioquimioterapia, a cirurgia de resgate é importante no controle locorregional do carcinoma epidermóide do canal anal.
Chondrosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasia that most of the time affects young adults. Its location is preferentially the pelvic and scapular girdle and surgery is its treatment of choice. There are no role for chemo or radiation therapy, because of their low index of response. We describe a case of a 45 year-old male patient with an extensive low grade right umerus chondrosarcoma. In spite of the local extension, there was no invasion of the shoulder neurovascular structures. Treatment proposed was the Tikhoff-Linberg procedure, and the operation was performed with success, with no complications. Free margins were obtained. The patient is now on two years follow-up with no evidence of recurrent disease and is able to drive, fish and carry packs. He can not abduct his arm, but he could not do that even before surgery, due to severe pain. We believe this is an excellent conservative approach to such tumors, that otherwise would require a forequarter amputation, and strongly recommend the technique.
Forequarter amputations are an uncommon option for the treatment of upper limb and shoulder girdle tumors nowadays. This procedure can be done by different approaches and general anesthesia is commonly used. The authors report a case of forequarter amputation by the posterior approach performed for treatment of a soft-tissue sarcoma under a brachial plexus block associated with venous sedation and local anesthesia.