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水土保持的核心任务是防治土壤侵蚀 ,植物措施能有效地控制水土流失 ,因此水土流失区植被的恢复和建造成为水土保持工作的重心之一。植被盖度是衡量植物群落水土保持功能大小的一个重要质量指标 ,潜势盖度、有效盖度和临界盖度是植物恢复过程中的三个重要标准。较详细地论述了三个盖度的含义 ,并举例说明了有效益度、临界盖度的确定方法。


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In this paper, marine brown algae Laminaria japonica was chemically modified by crosslinking with epichlorohydrin (EC1 and EC2), or oxidizing by potassium permanganate (PC), or crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA), or only washed by distilled water (DW). They were used for equilibrium sorption uptake studies with Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+.


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In this paper, marine brown algae Laminaria japonica was chemically modified by crosslinking with epichlorohydrin (EC1 and EC2), or oxidizing by potassium permanganate (PC), or crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA), or only washed by distilled water (DW). They were used for equilibrium sorption uptake studies with Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+. The experimental data have been analyzed using Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson isotherms. The results showed that the biosorption equilibrium was well described by both the Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson isotherms.


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Photoluminescent multilayers were fabricated by layer-by-layer deposition between europium-substituted heteropolytungstate K-13 [Eu(SiW11O39)(2)].28H(2)O (denoted ESW) and a cationic polymer of quaternized poly(4-vinylpyridine) partially complexed with osmium bis(2,2'-bipyridine) (denoted as QPVP-Os) on glassy carbon and quartz substrates. The resulting photoluminescent organic-inorganic hybrid multilayers were characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, UV-Vis absorption spectrometry, cyclic voltammetry and photoluminescence spectra. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, UV-Vis absorption spectrometry and cyclic voltammetry results demonstrated that the multilayers were regular growth each layer adsorption. The photoluminescent properties of the films at room temperature were investigated to show the characteristic Eu3+ emission pattern of D-5(0) --> (7) F-j.


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The phase transition of two kinds of solvent-induced crystalline syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS). gamma-sPS and delta(c)-sPS, has been studied via WAXD and DSC. gamma-sPS transform to a-sPS at 195-225 degrees C before melt during heating, whereas delta(e)-sPS transform to first gamma-sPS and then a-sPS at 100-200 degrees C and 200-215 degrees C, respectively. The transition of delta(e)-gamma and gamma-a occurs for below melting point of sPS indicates they are all solid-solid transition.


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The synthesis and properties of the title complex CH3OCOCH2CH2SnCl3.2-HOC6H4CH=NC6H4-3'-CH3 are described. It crystallizes from benzene in the monoclinic space group P2(1/n) with unit cell dimensions a=10.326 (C),b=6.815(8), c=12.931(6) Angstrom, beta =111.52(3,)degrees, V=2088.7(1) Angstrom (3), Z=4, F(000) =1040, mu =16.31 cm(-1), Dc=1. 67g/cm(3) final R factor is 0.037 for 3177 observed reflections, 1 greater than or equal to3 sigma (1(0)). The tin atom in the structure of the complex exists in a distored octahedral geometry defined by three Cl atoms, the C and O atoms of a chelating methoxycarbonylethyl. group as well as an O atom derived from the Schiff base ligand.


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are an evolutionarily ancient family of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), playing a crucial role in innate immune responses. Here we present a Toll homolog from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis, designated FcToll. The full-length cDNA of FcToll is 4115 bp including a poly A-tail of 16 bp, encoding a putative protein of 931 amino acids. The predicted protein consists of an extracellular domain with a potential signal peptide, 16 leucine-rich repeats (LRR), two LRR-C-terminal (LRR-CT) motifs, and two LRR-N-terminal (LRR-NT) motifs, followed by a transmembrane segment of 23 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic Toll/Interteukin-IR (TIR) domain of 139 residues. Genomic structure of FcToll gene contains five exons and four introns. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that it belongs to insect-type invertebrate Toll family. Transcripts of FcToll gene were constitutively expressed in various tissues, with predominant level in lymphoid organ. Real-time PCR assays demonstrated that expression patterns of FcToll were distinctly modulated after bacterial or viral stimulation, with significant enhancement after 5 h post-Vibrio anguillorum challenge but markedly reduced levels immediately after white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) exposure. These results suggest that FcToll might be involved in innate host defense, especially against the pathogen V. anguillarum. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Morphology and culture studies on germlings of Sargassum thunbergii (Mertens et Roth) Kuntze were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. Growth characteristics of these germlings grown under different temperatures (from 10 to 25A degrees C), irradiances (from 9 to 88 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)), and under blue and white light conditions are described. The development of embryonic germlings follows the classic "8 nuclei 1 egg" type described for Sargassaceae. Fertilized eggs spent 5-6 h developing into multicellular germlings with abundant rhizoids after fertilization. Under conditions of 20A degrees C, 44 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) and photoperiod of 12 h, young germlings with one or two leaflets reached 2-3 mm in length after 8 weeks. Temperature variations (10, 15, 20, 25A degrees C) under 88 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) significantly influenced the growth rate within the first week, although this effect became less obvious after 8 weeks, especially at 15 and 20A degrees C. Variation in germling growth was highly significant under different irradiances (9, 18, 44, 88 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) at 25A degrees C. Low temperature (10A degrees C) reduced germling growth. Growth of germlings cultured under blue light was lower than in white light. Optimal growth of these germlings occurred at 25A degrees C and 44 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1).


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Based upon analyses of grain-size, rare earth element (REE) compositions, elemental occurrence phases of REE, and U-series isotopic dating, the sediment characteristics and material sources of the study area were examined for the recently formed deep-sea clays in the eastern Philippine Sea. The analytical results are summarized as follows. (1) Low accumulation rate, poor sorting and roundness, and high contents of grains coarser than fine silt indicate relatively low sediment input, with localized material source without long distance transport. (2) The REE Contents are relatively high. Shale-normalized patterns of REE indicate weak enrichment in heavy REE (HREE), Ce-passive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly. (3) Elemental occurrence phases of REE between the sediments with and without crust are similar. REE mainly concentrate in residual phase and then in ferromanganese oxide phase. The light REE (LREE) enrichment, Ce-positive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly occur in residual phase. Ferromanganese oxide phase shows the characteristics of relatively high HREE content and Ce-passive anomaly. (4) There are differences in each above mentioned aspect between the sediments with and without ferromanganese crust. (5) Synthesizing the above characteristics and source discriminant analysis, the study sediments are deduced to mainly result from the alteration of local and nearby volcanic materials. Continental materials transported by wind and/or river (ocean) flows also have minor contributions.


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对虾病害在世界范围内的广泛传播,给水产养殖和沿海农村经济造成了重大损失。自1993 年对虾白斑病暴发以来,中国明对虾的养殖一直一蹶不振。引起对虾大规模死亡的原因是多方面的,其主要原因是养殖环境恶化、对虾种质退化和抗病力下降。因此,深入开展对虾免疫机制研究,并在此基础上寻找对虾疾病防治的有效方法,改良种质和培育抗病品系,已成为对虾养殖业走可持续发展之路的当务之急。 Toll 样受体(Toll-like receptors, TLRs)家族是进化保守的哺乳动物模式识别蛋白(pattern recognition receptors, PRR),在先天免疫系统中起着非常重要的作用。本研究采用同源克隆和RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)技术从中国明对虾中克隆到Toll 样受体同源基因,并将其命名为FcToll。它全长4115 bp,3’UTR 包含16 个poly A 尾巴,开放阅读框编码931 个氨基酸的多肽。预测的该多肽包含典型的Toll 样受体结构,分为胞外区、跨膜区和胞内区。其中胞外区有信号肽,有16 个富含亮氨酸的重复序列eucine-rich repeats, LRR),并含有2个LRR-C 末端基序和2 个LRR-N 末端基序;跨膜区是23 个氨基酸的一次跨膜结构域;胞内区是含有139 个氨基酸的TIR 结构域(Toll/Interleukin-1R)。克隆 发现FcToll 的基因组结构包含5 个外显子和4 个内含子。系统发生分析揭示FcToll归属于“昆虫型”的无脊椎动物Toll 样受体家族。组织分布研究发现FcToll 在中国明对虾中是组成型表达的,在淋巴器官中表达量较显著。分别利用不同病原体刺激健康的中国明对虾,Real-time PCR 发现该基因在刺激后表达水平呈现不同的表达谱:灭活鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)注射后5 小时,该基因表达显著 上调;而WSSV(white spot syndrome virus)注射后该基因表达则迅速下调,感染后23 小时内其表达水平均低于对应时间点的对照组。这就表明FcToll 可能参与中国明对虾的先天免疫防御,尤其可能参与入侵弧菌的免疫应答。


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作者认为, 哺乳动物进化过程中体型增大有4 个方面的原因, 即: (1) 较大的种类在与利用相同资源的较小种类的竞争中具有优势;(2) 为了避免激烈的种间竞争, 一些种类专门利用某些只适合于体型较大者利用的资源;(3) 某些食草动物依靠增大体型来增强对付天敌的能力;(4) 捕食者—猎物之间的协同进化导致两者体型增大。这些机制反映了竞争作用, 捕食作用以及资源利用的特化对哺乳动物进化过程的影响。文章还分析了贝格曼定律不能说明恒温动物体型增大机制的原因, 并用化石证据对贝格曼定律的种种误解给予阐释。此外, 对体型特大化的哺乳动物在第四纪冰期灭绝的原因给出了一个纯生态学意义的解释。


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A doença conhecida como Meia do Feijoeiro", causada pelo fungo de solo (Thanatephorus cucumens), é um dos fatores limitantes da cultura do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris) na região amazônica. A produtividade obtida no Estado do Acre, nos últimos anos, não ultrapassou 600 Kg/ha. Nesta região, as lavouras tradicionalmente implantadas na segunda quinzena de março e início de abril, geralmente, são atacadas pela "Mela» com perda total da produção. Mesmo quando as plantas chegam a frutificar, os grãos são danificados pela doença. Agricultores que plantam um pouco mais tarde, conseguem colheitas razoáveis. Entretanto, o plantio tardio tem provocado muitas perdas devido a falta de chuvas por ocasião da floração do feijão. Com o impacto da chuva o fungo presente no solo é transportado para a parte aérea da planta, causando a doença, que dissemina-se rápida e facilmente nas condições climáticas desta Região. Uma cobertura morta impedindo esse impacto direto da chuva com o solo, evitará o aparecimento da doença.


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Suganami, Hidemi, 'Wendt, IR and Philosophy: A Critique', In: 'Constructivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and His Critics', (New York: Routledge), pp.57-72, 2006 RAE2008