982 resultados para 810


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This article contains electromechanical analysis of a piezoelectric bimorph actuator at high electric field by incorporating second-order constitutive equations of piezoelectric material. Tip deflection, block force, block moment, block load, output strain energy, output energy density, input electrical energy, and energy efficiency are analytically derived for the actuator at high electric field. The analysis shows that output energy and energy density increase more rapidly at high electric field, compared to the prediction by the linear model. The analysis shows energy efficiency depends on electric field. Some analytical results are validated with the published experimental results.


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Graphite-flake reinforced Cu47Ti34Zr11 Ni-8 bulk metallic glass matrix composite was fabricated by water-cooled copper mould cast. Most of the graphite flakes still keep unreacted and distribute uniformly in the amorphous matrix except that some reactive wetting occurs by the formation of TiC particles around the flakes. It reveals that the presence of graphite flakes does not affect the onset of the glass transition temperature, crystallization reaction and liquidus of the metallic glass. The resulting material shows obvious serrated flow and higher fracture strength under room temperature compressive load, comparing with the monolithic bulk metallic glass (BMG). Three types of interaction between the shear bands and graphite flakes, namely, shear band termination, shear bands branching and new shear bands formation near the graphite flakes can be observed by quasi-static uniaxial compression test and bonded interface technique through Vickers indentation.


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The concept of biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry was proposed ten years ago. Its principle and the methodology as well as some solutions to problems which have to be faced during the development are mentioned. Its properties of phase sensitive, high throughput and fast sampling, as well as label-free, sensitivity better than 1 ng/ml for Immunoglobulin G, and real-time analysis for protein interaction process, etc. provide a potential for applications in biomedicine field. The recent biosensing development with total internal reflection imaging ellipsometry is presented also. [GRAPHICS] An example of 48 protein arrays in matrix. (C) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The effect of the particle cover over the density interface between two layers of fluids and of the suspended solid particles in the upper turbulcnt layer on the turbulent entrainment has been studied experimentally. The entrainment distance D is a function of the time of power: D=kt, where =0.200-0.130p. For suspended particles in the upper layer and pure 2-layer fluid is equal to 0.200, but the value of k for the suspended particles is smaller than that for the pure 2-layer fluid. The non-dimensional entrainment velocity is E=KRiln, where n=1.50+0.93 p. It is shown that the particle cover over the interface changes the power of Ril in the entrainment and hinders the turbulent entrainment. The variation rule of E for the suspended particles is the same as that for the pure 2-layer fluid, but the K value of the former is smaller than that of the latter. The turbulent mixing mechanism has been discussed.


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利用分离式Hopkinson压杆和MTS-810通用材料试验机研究了SiC_p/6151Al复合材料在不同应变率下的变形行为和增强颗粒尺寸对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明:对于这类复合材料,存在着明显的增强颗粒尺寸效应,具体表面为颗粒越小,材料的强化效果越明显。基于位错增强理论并结合Gao H等人基于压痕实验提出的应变梯度概念,发展了颗粒增强金属基复合材料中应变梯度强化率,并对增强颗粒尺寸效应给予了合理的解释。


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A limnological and fish survey program was developed on 112 lakes and reservoirs of Argentina during the summers of 1984 to 1987. Bathymetric surveys with a SIMRAD Skipper 411 model echosounder and line and lead were conducted on more than 40 lakes. This report presents bathymetric maps for seventeen lakes and reservoirs situated in Patagonian Andes Region and Patagonian Plateau betweem 38°53'S and 45°30'S. The bathymetric maps for two reservoirs were made from topographic maps before impoundment. Hypsographic and depth-area curves, and some morphometric parameters are presented for twenty one Patagonian lakes. Mean depth ranged from 2.0 to 111 m. The deepest lakes are situated in Patagonian Andes Region. Colhue Huapi Lake on Patagonian Plateau, is very shallow, having a mean depth of 2.0 m and being 810 km. in surface area.


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Helburuak: Ikasmaterial hau Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (UPV/EHU) Bilboko Ingeniaritza Goi Eskola Teknikoan (IGET) Makina Hidraulikoak irakasgaian 2004-2005 ikasturtetik 2010-2011 ikasturtera bitartean proposatu diren azterketetako enuntziatuen bilduma bat da. Ariketa horietan, makina hidrauliko guztien artean, bereziki turbomakinak landu dira helburu hauekin: Industria mailan fluidoekin lan egiten duten instalazioen eta makinen kalkuluetan trebetasuna hartzea. Ponpaketa-instalazioetan ponpen aukeraketa egitea, funtzionamendu-puntuak zehaztea, lan-baldintza egokiak zeintzuk diren ulertzea eta ager daitezkeen arazoak aurreikustea. Elektrizitatea lortzeko erabiltzen diren turbina hidraulikoen kalkuluak lantzea: aukeraketa, dimentsionaketa, funtzionamendua, antzekotasuna eta abar. Norentzat: Ikasmaterial hau Ingeniaritza Industrialeko 5. mailako Fluidoen Instalazioak eta Makinak izeneko irakasgaian erabiltzeko aproposa da. Horrez gain, Ingeniaritza Industrialeko Hidraulikari dagokion espezialitatean bereziki eta baita beste alor batzuetan ere erabilgarria izan daiteke: Fluidoen Mekanika, Instalazio Hidraulikoak... Orokorrean, Makina Hidraulikoekin zerikusia duten gaiak lantzen dituen edozein ikaslerentzat prestatutako lana da.


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This study includes an analysis of the trawl survey that was carried out by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project in May, 1997. The objective of the survey was to assess the biomass and the potential yield of clupeids and the carrying capacity of the beach seine fishery in the entire Kainji Lake (Nigeria). The biomass of the beach seine by-catch was also estimated. The density (kg /km super(3)) of the clupeids was higher in the Bussa and Foge than in the other stations. The lowest density of clupeids was in the Anfani station followed by Jetty, both in the southern basin. These stations were the deepest parts of all the areas trawled, measuring between 37-120 m of depth. There was an inverse correlation between depth trawled and the catch rates of clupeids, though the correlation was poor. The average annual biomass of the clupeids was estimated at 36,769.85 Mt in the entire Lake with an MSY of 11,705.95 Mt. The smaller species, Sierrathrissa leonensis, made up about 97% of the total clupeid population in the lake and occurred at a shallower depth than the larger species Pellonula afzeliusi. From the clupeid production statistics in 1996, it is estimated that the MSY is already overshot by 34%. Therefore, about 698 beach seines instead of the present 810 would be sufficient for sustainable exploitation of the clupeid stocks. Because of the substantial by-catch in the beach seines, this fishing method was banned from Kainji Lake in 1997. An offshore open water seine net is recommended to replace the beach seines on the lake. The number of these nets should not exceed 500. The current ban on beach seine is supported by this study. Nevertheless, and since the ban may not be 100% effective, effort should concentrate on maintaining that the number of beach seines must be kept at most at the present level. Recommendation is made against the introduction of the pair trawling not only from an economic point of view but also for resource conservation, legal and social reasons. The development of this fishery could pose a serious danger to continuity of stocks. It is proposed that priority be given to the development of an open water seine which is at the same level of exploitation as the beach seine and requires similar cost to acquire. (PDF contains 39 pages)


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[EN] A review focused on recent advances in intramolecular aza-Wittig reaction of phosphazenes with several carbonyl or analogous compounds is reported. Phosphazenes afford intramolecular aza-Wittig reaction with different groups within the molecule as aldehydes, ketones, esters, thioesters, amides, anhydrides and sulfimides. One of the most important applications of this reaction is the synthesis of a wide range of heterocyclic compounds, ranging from simple monocyclic compounds to complex polycyclic and macrocyclic systems.


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The reaction 32S(3He, α) 31S has been used to locate 42 levels in 31S. For 11 of the first 17 levels ℓn-values have been determined. The first 6 excited states of 31S have been studied by applying the particle-gamma correlation method of Litherland and Ferguson (their Method II) to the reaction 32S(3He, αγ) 31S. The resulting spins and parities are: EX, Jπ = 1.25 MeV, 3/2+; 2.23 MeV, 5/2+; 3.08 MeV, 1/2+; 3.29 MeV, 5/2+, 3/2+; 3.35 MeV, 7/2, 3/2; 3.44 MeV, 3/2+. Mixing and branching ratios have also been determined. The ground state Q-value for the reaction 32S(3He, α)31S has been measured to be 5.538 ± 0.006 MeV. Analysis of the spectra of the reaction 32S(3He, α)33Cl which were obtained as a by-product of the spectra of the reaction 32S(3He, α) 31S located levels in 33Cl at the following excitation energies: 0, 810 ± 9, (1978 ± 14), 2351 ± 9, 2686 ± 8, 2848 ± 9 (a known doublet), 2980 ± 9, and 4119 ± 10 keV. The 2.0 MeV level was only weakly populated, and to confirm its existence the reaction 36Ar(p, α)33Cl has been studied. In this reaction the 2.0 MeV level was strongly populated and the measured excitation energy was 1999 ± 20 keV. The experimental results for 31S and 33Cl are compared with their analogs and with nuclear model predictions.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o possível efeito protetor da L-glutamina e da L-arginina sobre a próstata ventral de ratos quando administradas por gavagem. Procurou-se simular as condições clinicas de pacientes submetidos à radioterapia pélvica tendo como órgão alvo outro órgão pélvico que não a próstata. Foram analisados os efeitos desta irradiação sobre a próstata considerando este órgão como normal. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar divididos em quatro grupos: Controle, animais não submetidos à irradiação (n= 10); Irradiado, submetidos à irradiação abdominal e sem suplementação adicional de aminoácido por 21 dias (n= 10); Irradiado + Lglutamina, submetidos à irradiação abdominal e com suplementação adicional de L- glutamina por 21 dias (n= 10); e Irradiado + L-arginina, submetidos à irradiação abdominal e com suplementação adicional de L- arginina por 21 dias (n= 9). Os grupos foram mantidos em condições padrão de laboratório durante todas as etapas do experimento. Os animais submetidos à irradiação abdominal receberam uma dose única de 1000 cGy no dia 8 da experimentação. A Lglutamina e a L-arginina foram dissolvidas em água destilada e administrada por gavagem através da agulha IC-810. As próstatas foram removidas e processadas para inclusão em parafina. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros: estrutura acinar (área dos ácinos e altura do epitélio) e colágeno analisados por métodos morfométricos e peso corporal. O ganho de peso nos grupos suplementados foi significativamente maior se comparado ao grupo irradiado. Houve redução da altura do epitélio no grupo irradiado quando comparado ao controle. A altura do epitélio no grupo suplementado com L-arginina foi significativamente maior do que nos grupos irradiado e suplementado com L-glutamina. Houve diminuição, de aproximadamente 18%, da área dos ácinos no grupo suplementado com L-glutamina. Já no grupo suplementado com Larginina o valor foi similar ao do controle. O efeito da L-glutamina sobre o parênquima prostático foi o de manter proporcionalmente o colágeno, preservando a integridade da matriz extracelular. No grupo suplementado com L-arginina, apesar da discreta redução na distribuição proporcional de colágeno este também manteve índices semelhantes ao do controle. A radiação abdominal promoveu algumas modificações estruturais na próstata ventral de ratos. Essas modificações podem ser parcialmente prevenidas pela suplementação oral com L-glutamina e de L-arginina.


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