998 resultados para 736


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Transparent gamma-LiAlO2 single crystal has been grown by Temperature Gradient technique. The surface of the wafer annealed in O-2-atmosphere at 1100 degrees C for 70 h became opaque and Li-poor phase (LiAl5O8); while, that annealed in Li-rich atmosphere kept transparent and smooth. The full-width at half maximum value dropped to 30 arcsecs when the wafer was annealed in Li-rich atmosphere. That annealed in O-2-atmosphere increased to 78 arcsec. Compared with absorption spectra, we can conclude that the 196 nm absorption peak was caused by Li vacancies and the 736 nm peak was caused by O vacancies.


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The 10at% Yb-YAP crystal has been grown by the Czochralski method. The absorption and emission spectra and fluorescence lifetime of Yb:YAP crystal at room temperature were studied. There is a strong absorption band centered at 959 nm and the absorption cross-section of 1.51 × 10-20 cm2. The emission cross-section at 1040 nm is 0.6 × 10-20 cm2 and the fluorescence lifetime is about 1.2 ms. The effects of O2-annealing on the spectral properties were studied. The spectroscopic properties strongly depended on the axis direction and b axis was the best direction for laser output. The spectrum parameters of Yb:YAP and Yb:YAG crystal were compared.}


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Este estudo avaliou o efeito de diferentes métodos de silanização e aplicação do ácido hidrofluorídrico (HF) sobre a resistência à microtração de uma cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio a um cimento resinoso. Quarenta blocos de IPS e.max Press /Ivoclar Vivadent (5x5x6mm) foram cimentados a blocos de resina Z250/3M ESPE (5x5x6mm) usando o cimento resinoso RelyX ARC/3M ESPE de acordo com os seguintes métodos de tratamento superficial: G1: 20s de ácido fluorídrico (HF) + silano não hidrolisado Primer-Activactor/Dentsply (SNH) seco à temperatura ambiente; G2: 20s HF + silano pré-hidrolisado RelyX Ceramic-Primer/3M ESPE (SPH) seco à temperatura ambiente; G3: 10s HF + SNH seco com ar quente (50oC-2min); G4: 10sHF + SPH seco com ar quente (50oC-2min); G5: sem ácido, SNH seco com ar quente (50oC-2min); G6: sem ácido, SPH seco com ar quente (50oC-2min); G7: sem ácido, SNH seco à temperatura ambiente; G8: sem ácido, SPH seco à temperatura ambiente. Antes de cada método de silanização, os blocos cerâmicos receberam acabamento com lixas de carbeto de silício (220-600) e limpeza com ácido fosfórico 37% (1min). A cimentação foi realizada com carga vertical de 1kg por 10min. Os conjuntos de cerâmica/cimento/resina foram armazenados em água destilada (37C) por 24 horas e depois seccionados em máquina de corte Isomet 1000 a fim de obter palitos (n = 40) de 1mm2 de área da seção transversal, que foram submetidos ao teste de microtração em máquina de ensaio universal Emic (v = 0,5mm/min). O modo de fratura foi avaliado em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando ANOVA / Dunnett (p-valor = 0,000). As médias MPa e desvio padrão foram: G1-21,5 (8,9) BC; G2-30,5 (7,2) A; G3-19.4 (9.1) BC; G4-24,0 (9,0) B; G5-8.1 (3.2) D; G6 -18,0 (6,2) C; G7-7.8 (2,6) D; G8-6.3 (2,5) D. Grupos 2, 3, 4 e 6 não tiveram falhas prematuras dos palitos contra os grupos 1, 5, 7 e 8, que apresentaram 2,2; 44,4; 75,6 e 33,3% de perdas prematuras, respectivamente. O teste de correlação foi realizado apresentando significância estatística, com valor de -0,736 (p-valor = 0,000), mostrando que, a medida que o percentual de perda prematura aumenta, a média da MPa diminui. Quanto ao modo de fratura, observou-se 44,97% de falhas do tipo mista, 51,70% de falhas do tipo adesiva, 3,33% de falhas do tipo coesiva do cimento. Quando é realizada a supressão do condicionamento com HF como pré-tratamento da superfície cerâmica IPS e.max Press, a aplicação de silano SPH, associada ao seu tratamento térmico, deve ser o método de silanização recomendado, embora os valores mais elevados de resistência de união tenham sido os obtidos quando utilizado o condicionamento com HF por 20s. Quando é realizada a redução do tempo de condicionamento com HF para 10s, a aplicação do silano (SPH ou SNH) deve ser sempre associada ao seu tratamento térmico. O SNH só deve ser usado se as superfícies das cerâmicas IPS e.max Press forem tratadas com HF.


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Water currents are vertically structured in many marine systems and as a result, vertical movements by fish larvae and zooplankton affect horizontal transport (Power, 1984). In estuaries, the vertical movements of larvae with tidal periods can result in their retention or ingress (Fortier and Leggett, 1983; Rijnsdorp et al., 1985; Cronin and Forward, 1986; Forward et al., 1999). On the continental shelf, the vertical movements of organisms interact daily and ontogenetically with depth-varying currents to affect horizontal transport (Pillar et al., 1989; Barange and Pillar, 1992; Cowen et al., 1993, 2000; Batchelder et al., 2002).


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Estimates of instantaneous mortality rates (Z) and annual apparent survival probabilities (Φ) were generated from catch-curve analyses for oceanic-stage juvenile loggerheads (Caretta caretta) in the waters of the Azores. Two age distributions were analyzed: the “total sample” of 1600 loggerheads primarily captured by sighting and dipnetting from a variety of vessels in the Azores between 1984 and 1995 and the “tuna sample” of 733 loggerheads (a subset of the total sample) captured by sighting and dipnetting from vessels in the commercial tuna fleet in the Azores between 1990 and 1992. Because loggerhead sea turtles begin to emigrate from oceanic to neritic habitats at age 7, the best estimates of instantaneous mortality rate (0.094) and annual survival probability (0.911) not confounded with permanent emigration were generated for age classes 2 through 6. These estimates must be interpreted with caution because of the assumptions upon which catch-curve analyses are based. However, these are the first directly derived estimates of mortality and survival probabilities for oceanic-stage sea turtles. Estimation of survival probabilities was identified as “an immediate and critical requirement” in 2000 by the Turtle Expert Working Group of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service.


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本文主要通过样线法和样方法相结合,进行了大量的群落学调查和分析,分别从植物区系、物种多样性的垂直分布格局和森林群落类型三个方面分析了神农架植被的基本特征及其物种多样性,结果表明: 1.神农架地区具有很高的物种丰富度,有高等植物3,479种,隶属于1,010属,202科。 其中,蕨类植物305种,80属,32科;种子植物3,174种,930属,170科,其中裸子植物32种,19属,6科,被子植物3,142种,911属,164科;单子叶植物501种,175属,21科,双子叶植物2,641种,736属,143科。植物区系属的分布区类型中北温带分布型最多,其次为东亚分布、泛热带分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布。中国特有成分占5.65%,较全国的8.12%低。温热比(温带分布型(8-11)属数与热带分布型(2-7)属数的比值)为1.200,比全国(0.385)高。 调查样方中共出现高等植物784种,隶属于454属,144科,其中蕨类植物41种,32属,16科;种子植物743种,422属,128科,其中裸子植物20种,14属,5科,被子植物723种,408属,123科;单子叶植物86种,58属,11科,双子叶植物637种,350属,112科。属的分布区类型中北温带分布型最多,其次为东亚分布、泛热带分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布。温热比为1.52,草本层>乔木层>灌木层分别为2.18、1.76和1.14。 2.神农架植被类型多样,具有常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、亚高山针叶林、硬叶常绿阔叶林和亚高山灌丛草甸等自然植被类型。本文,依据乔木物种的重要值将神农架地区的森林植被划分出了69个类型。用Twinspan将调查的森林群落划分为32组,能基本上反映群落间相似的关系。 3.神农架地区具有完整的植被垂直带谱:海拔900 (1300) m以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔900 (1300) m~1500 (1800)ⅡI为常绿落叶阔叶混交林带;海拔1500 (1800) m-2000 (2200)m为落叶阔叶林带;海拔2000 (2200) m~2400 (2600)m为针阔混交林带:海拔2400 (2600)m以上为亚高山针叶林带。神农架地区植被的垂直带的分化从总体上比较显著,但由于小生境的异质性和人为干扰,垂直带谱又具有一定的模糊性和次生性。南北坡具有一定的差异,但不十分明显,也说明神农架植被的过渡性。 4.神农架物种多样性的垂直分布格局。神农架的物种多样性与海拔的关系,类似于“中间膨胀”规律(mid-altitude bulge),在中低海拔处生物多样性最高。通过二次多项式回归拟合,得到如下拟合曲线: 1)海拔与总体物种数:y= _14.445x2+ 34.74lx+42.07,Xd=1.203km; 2)海拔与乔木层物种数:y=-6.9707x2+ 21.334x+0.2004,Xdrl.530km; 3)海拔与灌木层物种数:y=-6.1599x2+ 9.9747x+30.991,Xd=0.8 lOkm: 4)海拔与草本层物种数:y= _3.9907x2+ 10.455x+15.35,Xd-1.308km; 5)海拔与乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=_0.3337x2+ 0.9877x+0.2537,Xd' 1.480km; 6)海拔与灌木层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=-0.1938xz+ 0.422lx+1.2103,Xd=1.089km: 7)海拔与草本层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=_0.1072x2+ 0.294lx+0.9954,Xd=1.372km; x为海拔( km),y为各物种多样性指标,Xd为物种多样性的最大时的海拔。 从这些拟合曲线中可以看出:总体物种多样性在海拔1200m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带最高:乔木层物种多样性在海拔1500m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带与落叶阔叶林的过渡带最高;灌木层物种多样性在海拔800-llOOm左右的常绿阔叶林与常绿落叶阔叶混交林带的过渡带最高;草本层物种多样性在海拔1300-1400m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带最高。 但物种多样性随海拔变化有许多的起伏和波动。这些波动有些反映了群落的垂直带谱随海拔梯度变化的特点,在垂直带谱的过渡区物种多样性往往较高;有些波动反映了一些特殊的生境,有些反映了人为活动的影响,造成了神农架植被的次生性。因此,影响神农架物种多样性垂直分布的因素有:植被本身的性质和特点、过渡带的特点、生境的异质性和人为活动。 5.神农架植被水平地带性的过渡性。海拔1300m以下的植物属的分布区类型的温热比南坡总是比北坡小,而且相差十分显著,反映了神农架作为植被分界线的价值。神农架南坡的基带植被是常绿阔叶林,因此南坡属于中亚热带。北坡的基带植被,虽然也有常绿树种的零星分布,甚至有小块的常绿阔叶林,完全由于小生境所至,分布的主要类型是常绿落叶阔叶混交林,应属于北亚热带。因此,神农架是中、北亚热带重要的过渡地带。神农架地区中北亚热带的具体分界线宜按照分长江干流和汉水的水岭来划界,即猴子石、大窝坑、神农架、神农顶、老君山一线,南坡属于中亚热带,北坡属于北亚热带。 总之,神农架处于我国中、北亚热带的过渡带,具有过渡带的性质,具有很高的物种多样性,拥有完整的植被垂直带谱,具有多种多样的植物群落及其组成的生态系统。而且,具有我国许多特有植物和珍稀濒危保护植物和许多资源植物。因此,神农架植被在我国植被体系中具有重要的地位,是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,是生物多样性保护的关键地区,也应是生物多样性研究的热点地区。 另外,调查分析了黄山和万朝山植被及其物种多样性与垂直分布格局,结果表明: 6.黄山样方中共出现高等植物259种,隶属于263属,110科,其中蕨类植物14种,II属,8科,种子植物345种,152属,105科,其中裸子植物9种,8属,6科,被子植物336种,144属,99科,其中单子叶植物37种,27属,6科,双子叶植物299种,117属,90科。属的分布区类型中北温带分布最多,其次为东亚分布和泛热带分布,再次为东亚北美间断分布、热带亚洲分布以及旧世界温带分布,与神农架和万朝山也较相似,但热带分布的属更多一些。温热比为1.1875,灌木层>草本层>乔木层,分别为1.3818、1.2609和1.2143。 黄山的森林植被类型有针叶林、常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和竹林。Twinspan将调查的森林群落划分为22组,反映群落间相似的关系,比较清楚和适用。依据乔木物种的重要值将森林植被划分出了34个类型。黄山物种多样性的与海拔的关系不十分明显。黄山植被的垂直带谱不是十分明显,将其垂直带谱划分为:海拔1300m(1500m)以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔1300m(1500m)-1500m(1600m)常绿落叶阔叶混交林 带;1500m(1600m)以上为落叶阔叶林、黄山松林、山地灌木草丛带。垂直带谱在不同坡向上有差别,东、南、西坡的相似性较大,而北坡与其差别较大。 7.万朝山样方中共出现高等植物490种,隶属于339属,124科,其中蕨类植物21种,18属,11科,种子植物469种,321属,113科,其中裸子植物9种,7属,4科,被子植物460种,314属,109科,其中单子叶植物47种,37属,11科,双子叶植物413种,277属,98科。植物属的分布区类型中,北温带分布所占最多,其次为泛热带分布、东亚分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布,。温热比为1.3366,草本层>乔木层>灌木层,分别为1.5429、1.4063和1.0645。 万朝山的植被类型包括针叶林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和常绿落时阔叶混交林,但没有典型的常绿阔叶林。依据乔木物种的重要值将森林植被划分出了20个类型。万朝山物种多样性与海拔的关系则不十分明显。万朝山的人为干扰比较强,植被的次生性很大,南、北坡物种多样性随海拔升高的起伏较大。


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A popular method used to reduce vibration transmitted from underground railways into nearby buildings is floating-slab track, whereby a concrete slab supporting the two rails is mounted on rubber bearings or steel springs to isolate it from the tunnel invert. This paper adds a track model to a previously developed three-dimensional tunnel model in order to assess the effectiveness of floating-slab track. A slab beam coupled to the tunnel in the wavenumber domain, with the slab bearings represented by an elastic layer, is examined first. A second beam representing the two rails together is then coupled to the slab, and axle masses representing a train are added to the rail beam. Power-spectral densities and RMS levels of soil vibration due to random roughness-displacement excitation between the masses and the rail beam are calculated. Analytical techniques are used to minimise the computational requirements of the model. The results demonstrate the inadequacy of simple mass-spring and Winkler-beam models with rigid foundations for the assessment of the vibration-isolation performance of railway track. They suggest that the achievable insertion loss is modest and that floating the track slab may in fact cause increased transmission of vibration under certain conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.