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383 p. ; P.315-383: "Erauso Kateriñe" antzezlanaren edizioa dago.


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This book elucidates the methods of molecular gas dynamics or rarefied gas dynamics which treat the problems of gas flows when the discrete molecular effects of the gas prevail under the circumstances of low density, the emphases being stressed on the basis of the methods, the direct simulation Monte Carlo method applied to the simulation of non-equilibrium effects and the frontier subjects related to low speed microscale rarefied gas flows. It provides a solid basis for the study of molecular gas dynamics for senior students and graduates in the aerospace and mechanical engineering departments of universities and colleges. It gives a general acquaintance of modern developments of rarefied gas dynamics in various regimes and leads to the frontier topics of non-equilibrium rarefied gas dynamics and low speed microscale gas dynamics. It will be also of benefit to the scientific and technical researchers engaged in aerospace high altitude aerodynamic force and heating design and in the research on gas flow in MEMS

  • 目次内容                                                                
[1]  Molecular structure and energy states (21)  
[2]  Some basic concepts of kinetic theory (51)  
[3]  Interaction of molecules with solid surface (131)  
[4]  Free molecular flow (159)  
[5]  Continuum models (191)  
[6]  Transitional regime (231)  
[7]  Direct simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) method (275)  
[8]  Microscale slow gas flows, information preservation method (317)  
[App. I]  Gas properties (367)  
[App. II]  Some integrals (369)  
[App. III]  Sampling from a prescribed distribution (375)  
[App. IV]  Program of the couette flow (383)  
Subject Index (399)  


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The authors investigated various life history aspects of 19 rockfish species (Sebastes chlorostictus, S. constellatus, S. dalli, S. elongatus, S. ensifer, S. entomelas, S. flavidus, S. goodei, S. hopkinsi, S. levis, S. melanostomus, S. miniatus, S. ovalis, S. paucispinis, S. rosaceus, S. rosenblatti, S. rufus, s. saxicola, S. semicinctus) from the southern California Bight. These aspects included depth distribution, age-length relationships (of 7 species), length-weight relationships, size at first maturity, spawning season, and fecundity. Growth rates of female S. elongatus, S. hopkinsi, S. ova/is, S. saxicola, and S. semicinctus were higher than male conspecifics. Multiple spawning per season was found in 12 species. Generally, most species spawned between late winter and early summer, though there was some spawning within the genus throughout the year. Spawning season duration ranged from 2 (S. flavidus) to 10 months (S. paucispinis). Spawning seasons tended to start earlier in the year and be of longer duration in the southern California Bight, compared to published data on central California conspecifics. Males matured at a smaller length in 7 of the 17 species studied. Maximum fecundities ranged from 18,000 (S. dalll) to about 2,680,000 (S. levis). (PDF file contains 44 pages.)


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The optimization of solution-processed organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells with the acceptor-substituted quinquethiophene DCV5T-Bu-4 as donor in conjunction with PC61BM as acceptor is described. Power conversion efficiencies up to 3.0% and external quantum efficiencies up to 40% were obtained through the use of 1-chloronaphthalene as solvent additive in the fabrication of the photovoltaic devices. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy investigations of the photoactive layer gave insight into the distribution of donor and acceptor within the blend. The unique combination of solubility and thermal stability of DCV5T-Bu-4 also allows for fabrication of organic solar cells by vacuum deposition. Thus, we were able to perform a rare comparison of the device characteristics of the solution-processed DCV5T-Bu-4:PC61BM solar cell with its vacuum-processed DCV5T-Bu-4:C-60 counterpart. Interestingly in this case, the efficiencies of the small-molecule organic solar cells prepared by using solution techniques are approaching those fabricated by using vacuum technology. This result is significant as vacuum-processed devices typically display much better performances in photovoltaic cells. Keywords


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Since 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gearSince 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gear. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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The damage morphologies, threshold fluences in ZnO films were studied with femtosecond laser pulses. Time-resolved reflectivity and transmissivity have been measured by the pump-probe technique at different pump fluences and wavelengths. The results indicate that two-phase transition is the dominant damage mechanism, which is similar to that in narrow band gap semiconductors. The estimated energy loss rate of conduction electrons is 1.5 eV/ps. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Described in this thesis are measurements made of the thick-target neutron yield from the reaction 13C(α, n)16O. The yield was determined for laboratory bombarding energies between 0.475 and 0.700 MeV, using a stilbene crystal neutron detector and pulse-shape discrimination to eliminate gamma rays. Stellar temperatures between 2.5 and 4.5 x 108 oK are involved in this energy region. From the neutron yield was extracted the astrophysical cross-section factor S(E), which was found to fit a linear function: S(E) = [(5.48 ± 1.77) + (12.05 ± 3.91)E] x 105 MeV-barns, center-of-mass system. The stellar rate of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction if calculated, and discussed with reference to helium burning and neutron production in the core of a giant star.

Results are also presented of measurements carried out on the reaction 9Be(α, n)12C, taken with a thin Be target. The bombarding energy-range covered was from 0.340 to 0.680 MeV, with excitation curves for the ground- and first excited-state neutrons being reported. Some angular distributions were also measured. Resonances were found at bombarding energies of ELAB = 0.520 MeV (ECM = 0.360 MeV, Γ ~ 55 keV CM, ωγ = 3.79 eV CM) and ELAB = 0.600 MeV (ECM = 0.415 MeV, Γ ˂ 4 keV CM, ωγ = 0.88 eV CM). The astrophysical rate of the 9Be(α, n)12C reaction due to these resonances is calculated.


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Nerabezaroko haurdunaldi (<19 urte) gehienak herrialde azpigaratuetan gertatzen diren arren, herrialde garatuetako osasun arazo publiko garrantzitsua izaten jarraitzen du. Alabaina, munduko erditze guztietatik 680.000 industrializatu deritzen herrialdeetan suertatzen dira, 15-19 urteko nesketan soilik kontuan hartzen badugu, eta haurdunaldien %60-90a ez desiratua dela estimatzen da. Arazoaren garrantzia ikusita, honi aurre egiteko interbentzioaren beharra ikusten da; baita burututako interbentzio horien inpaktua ezagutzeko beharra ere. Osasun-profesionalok funtzio garrantzitsua betetzen dugu prebentzioaren arloan. Hala, erizainaren figura, hezitzaile bezala, eskoletan eta gainontzeko esparruetan egoteaz gain, Lehen Arreta Mailan nerabeen sexu-heziketan parte hartzeko elementu pribilegiatua osatzen du. Beraz, erizainek kontsultatik ere lehen mailako prebentzioa egin dezala animatu behar da. Helburuak.- Nerabezaroko haurdunaldia prebenitzeko programen eraginkortasuna aztertzea. Bigarren mailako helburu bezala: nerabezaroko haurdunaldirako arrisku-faktoreak eta ondorioak aztertzea, prebentzio eraginkorraren gakoak eta ezaugarri orokorrak aztertzea, eta herrialde garatuetan dauden nerabezaroko haurdunaldiaren programa prebentiboak aztertzea. Metodologia.- Errebisio bibliografikoa egiteko, efectividad, evaluación, prevención, embarazo eta adolescencia hitz gakoak erabili dira hurrengo datu-base elektronikoetan: BVS, Pubmed, Scopus, Proquest Central, Cuiden Plus eta Dialnet. Halaber, OMEko web orrian “adolescent pregnancy prevention” esaldia bilatu da. Emaitzak.- 28 artikulu bildu dira: bederatzi errebisio sistematiko, bost kasu eta kontrol, lau ausazko entsegu kliniko, hiru ikerketa kualitatibo, hiru ikerketa kuasi-experimental, bi errebisio narratibo, ikerketa ekologiko bat eta ikerketa pilotu bat. Ondorioak.- Faktore biologiko, psikologiko eta soziokultural anitz ezagutzen dira ez planifikatutako haurdunaldietara eramaten dutenak. Nolanahi ere, eraginkortasun handien frogatu duten programak faktore anitzetan eragiten dituztenak eta osagai anitzeko interbentzioak barneratzen dituztenak izan dira. Nerabezaroko haurdunaldia prebenitzeko programa desberdinek nerabeen zenbait sexu-portaerarengan eragin positiboa dutela frogatu da. Dena dela, zaila da guztiz eraginkorrak diren baieztatzea; hala nola, ikerketen muga estatistiko askorengatik eta gutxitan haurdunaldi tasak ebaluatzeagatik.


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YAlO3 (YAP) crystals with different Yb3+ concentration have been grown by Czochralski method and cooperative fluorescence of Yb3+ ions in YAP crystal was studied under 940-nm infrared (IR) LD excitation at room temperature. The Yb concentration dependence of absorption intensity of IR and charge transfer bands exhibit different features. The green emission band in the region of 480-520nm was assigned to the cooperative deexcitation of two Yb3+ ions. The remaining upconverted emission bands containing various sharp peaks associated with impurity ions were observed and discussed. Charge transfer luminescence of heavily doped 20at% Yb:YAP is strongly temperature dependent and no concentration quenching of the charge transfer luminescence was found through the investigation of different Yb levels samples. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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用光纤耦合激光二极管抽运Cr,Yb:YAG晶体获得了1.03 μm的自调Q激光输出,输出的调Q脉冲非常稳定,抽运阈值功率为680 mW,脉冲宽度为3.3 ns,获得的平均功率为156 mW,斜率效率为18.5%。随着抽运功率的增大,重复频率成线性增长,而脉宽略有减少,单脉冲能量和峰值功率都始终呈增大趋势。光束质量因子M2为1.17。