951 resultados para volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient


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Abstract Water temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles were measured once every month from mid July to mid February in a relatively deep sand-pit lake in southeast Nebraska. These profiles showed depleted DO concentrations below the thermocline during summer stratification indicating areas fish will likely avoid in summer months. Colder temperatures in fall caused complete mixing of the water column allowing fish to inhabit all depths of the lake. An inverse temperature stratification occurred directly below the ice during winter months as ice cover cooled the surface water to below 4 degrees Celsius. Ice cover also blocked air – water oxygen transfer and reduced light for photosynthesizing algae. Associated with winter ice cover, DO concentrations in the hypolimnion decreased significantly, once again reducing available fish habitat. It is likely anglers will have a higher success rate catching fishing in water above 6 meters (m) (~20 feet) in a eutrophic sandpit lake during hot summer months and below ice cover in winter. Fish can utilize all depths of the lake during fall turnover and could theoretically be caught by anglers anywhere in the lake.


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This paper reports an experimental method to estimate the convective heat transfer of cutting fluids in a laminar flow regime applied on a thin steel plate. The heat source provided by the metal cutting was simulated by electrical heating of the plate. Three different cooling conditions were evaluated: a dry cooling system, a flooded cooling system and a minimum quantity of lubrication cooling system, as well as two different cutting fluids for the last two systems. The results showed considerable enhancement of convective heat transfer using the flooded system. For the dry and minimum quantity of lubrication systems, the heat conduction inside the body was much faster than the heat convection away from its surface. In addition, using the Biot number, the possible models were analyzed for conduction heat problems for each experimental condition tested.


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This paper presents experimental results for flow boiling heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux (CHF) in small flattened tubes. The tested flattened tubes have the same equivalent internal diameter of 2.2 mm, but different aspect height/width ratios (H/W) of 1/4, 1/2, 2 and 4. The experimental data were compared against results for circular tubes using R134a and R245fa as working fluids at a nominal saturation temperature of 31 degrees C. For mass velocities higher than 200 kg/m(2)s, the flattened and circular tubes presented similar heat transfer coefficients. Such a behavior is related to the fact that stratification effects are negligible under conditions of higher mass velocities. Heat transfer correlations from the literature, usually developed using only circular-channel experimental data, predicted the flattened tube results for mass velocities higher than 200 kg/m(2)s with mean absolute error lower than 20% using the equivalent diameter to account for the geometry effect. Similarly, the critical heat flux results were found to be independent of the tube aspect ratio when the same equivalent length was kept. Equivalent length is a new parameter which takes into account the channel heat transfer area. The CHF correlations for round tubes predicted the flattened tube data relatively well when using the equivalent diameter and length. Furthermore, a new proposed CHF correlation predicted the present flattened tube data with a mean absolute error of 5%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mössbauer Spektroskopie ist ein unverzichtbares Instrument für die Bestimmung von Oxidationszuständen und für die Analyse von lokalen Ordnungsphänomenen von Mössbauer aktiven Atomen. Weil es sich um eine lokale Methode handelt können sowohl kristalline als auch amorphe Materialien untersucht werden. Die Kombination von lokaler Prüfung mit Mössbauer Spektroskopie und globaler Untersuchung z.B. mit Röntgendiffraktometrie ermöglicht die Studie von Ordnungseffekten von statistisch besetzten Positionen in einer geordneten Matrix. Das wurde hier eingesetzt um die lokale Umgebung in zwei Serien von Heuslerverbindungen, Co2-xFe1+xSi and Co2Mn1-xFexAl zu untersuchen. Für die Co2Mn1-xFexAl Serie wurde eine L21 geordnete Phase in einer insgesamt B2 geordneten Probe detektiert. Ein Wechsel von der AlCu2Mn zu der CuHg2Ti Struktur wurde für die Co2-xFe1+xSi Proben gefunden. Die Transformation von einem Glas zu einem keramischen Material wurde mit 119Sn Mössbauer Spektroskopie untersucht. Die höhere Ordnung in der Keramik wurde von einer kleiner werdenden Mössbauerlinienbreite begleitet. Demzufolge geben die Modifikationen der Sn Umgebungen klar die Transformation des gesamten Materials wieder. Ist die lokale Umgebung von unregelmäßig auftretenden Atomen in einer amorphen Matrix von Interesse, sind lokal prüfende Methoden die zuverlässigsten Methoden die zur Verfügung stehen. In dieser Arbeit wurde 119Sn Mössbauer Spektroskopie eingesetzt um die Oxidationszustände, die lokalen Umgebungen und relativen Intensitäten von Zinn Atomen in einer Silikatmatrix zu bestimmen. Modifikationen dieser Parameter als Funktion von Prozess bestimmenden Parametern wie der Sauerstoffpartialdruck, die Temperatur, die Behandlungsdauer und der Abkühlprozess genauso wie der SnO2 Gehalt sind von Interesse, weil durch Reduktions- und Diffusionsprozesse Änderungen des Koordinations- und des Oxidationszustands der Zinnatome auftreten. Da diese Änderungen in der Glasmatrix verursachen, die das fertige Produkt im industriellen Fertigungsprozess ruinieren können sind diese feinen Veränderungen sehr wichtig. Wenigstens zwei Mössbauerlinien korrespondierend mit zwei verschiedenen Umgebungen für Sn2+ und Sn4+ sind für eine Analyse mit ausreichender Qualität notwendig. Durch Vergleich von den bestimmten Hyperfein Parametern mit den Parametern von Modelsubstanzen werden lokale Umgebungen der Zinnatome entworfen. Für Sn2+ werden zwei auf einer trigonalen Pyramide basierende Umgebungen mit variierender Anzahl von bindenden und nicht-bindenden Sauerstoffatomen formuliert. Für Sn4+ wurde eine tetraedrische und eine oktaedrische Umgebung postuliert. Die relativen Intensitäten der vier Mössbauerlinien wurden um ein Diffusions- und Reaktionsmodell zu entwickeln und um einen Satz von Diffusions- und Transferkoeffizienten zu bestimmen eingesetzt. Die bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten stimmen mit den Literaturdaten überein. Der Massentransferkoeffizient ist kleiner als der bestimmte Wert, aber immer noch in der gleichen Größenordnung. Im Gegensatz zu den Erwartungen ist der präsentierte Diffusionskoeffizient für Sn4+ bestimmt als der von Sn2+. Das wiederum kann durch Berücksichtigung von Elektronhoppingprozessen erklärt werden.


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Production, oxygen uptake, and sinking velocity of copepod fecal pellets egested by Temora longicornis were measured using a nanoflagellate (Rhodomonas sp.), a diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii), or a coccolithophorid (Emiliania huxleyi) as food sources. Fecal pellet production varied between 0.8 pellets ind**-1 h**-1 and 3.8 pellets ind**-1 h**-1 and was significantly higher with T. weissflogii than with the other food sources. Average pellet size varied between 2.2 x 10**5 µm**3 and 10.0 x 10**5 µm**3. Using an oxygen microsensor, small-scale oxygen fluxes and microbial respiration rates were measured directly with a spatial resolution of 2 µm at the interface of copepod fecal pellets and the surrounding water. Averaged volume-specific respiration rates were 4.12 fmol O2 µm**-3 d**-1, 2.86 fmol O2 µm**-3 d**-1, and 0.73 fmol O2 µm**-3 d**-1 in pellets produced on Rhodomonas sp., T. weissflogii, and E. huxleyi, respectively. The average carbon-specific respiration rate was 0.15 d**-1 independent on diet (range: 0.08-0.21 d**-1). Because of ballasting of opal and calcite, sinking velocities were significantly higher for pellets produced on T. weissflogii (322 +- 169 m d**-1) and E. huxleyi (200 +- 93 m d**-1) than on Rhodomonas sp. (35 +- 29 m d**-1). Preservation of carbon was estimated to be approximately 10-fold higher in fecal pellets produced when T. longicornis was fed E. huxleyi or T. weissflogii rather than Rhodomonas sp. Our study directly demonstrates that ballast increases the sinking rate of freshly produced copepod fecal pellets but does not protect them from decomposition.


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This paper explores the possibility of using the Moire-Fourier deflectometry for measuring the local heat transfer coefficient inside small confined flows (micro-channels) and their relevance for checking theoretical models. This optical technique, supplemented with a digital image processing method of fringes, is applied for studying the local heat transfer over a backward facing step. The experimental results are compared with numerical results obtained from a commercial code, which has been contrasted with relevant solutions from the literature and bulk fluid temperature measurements at the inlet and outlet sections. In order to show the possibilities of the experimental technique, the influence of assuming an adiabatic wall on the numerical heat-transfer model is examined and the degree of agreement is discussed. As a result, the paper shows that the proposed Moiré-Fourier technique is a simple experimental setup suitable for temperature measurements with an accuracy similar to the thermocouples but with a spatial resolution near 0.01 mm.Moiré-Fourier deflectometry for local heat transfer measurement over a backward-facing step


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En el campo de la fusión nuclear y desarrollándose en paralelo a ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), el proyecto IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) se enmarca dentro de las actividades complementarias encaminadas a solucionar las barreras tecnológicas que aún plantea la fusión. En concreto IFMIF es una instalación de irradiación cuya misión es caracterizar materiales resistentes a condiciones extremas como las esperadas en los futuros reactores de fusión como DEMO (DEMOnstration power plant). Consiste de dos aceleradores de deuterones que proporcionan un haz de 125 mA y 40 MeV cada uno, que al colisionar con un blanco de litio producen un flujo neutrónico intenso (1017 neutrones/s) con un espectro similar al de los neutrones de fusión [1], [2]. Dicho flujo neutrónico es empleado para irradiar los diferentes materiales candidatos a ser empleados en reactores de fusión, y las muestras son posteriormente examinadas en la llamada instalación de post-irradiación. Como primer paso en tan ambicioso proyecto, una fase de validación y diseño llamada IFMIFEVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo. Una de las actividades contempladas en esta fase es la construcción y operación de una acelarador prototipo llamado LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). Se trata de un acelerador de deuterones de alta intensidad idéntico a la parte de baja energía de los aceleradores de IFMIF. Los componentes del LIPAc, que será instalado en Japón, son suministrados por diferentes países europeos. El acelerador proporcionará un haz continuo de deuterones de 9 MeV con una potencia de 1.125 MW que tras ser caracterizado con diversos instrumentos deberá pararse de forma segura. Para ello se requiere un sistema denominado bloque de parada (Beam Dump en inglés) que absorba la energía del haz y la transfiera a un sumidero de calor. España tiene el compromiso de suministrar este componente y CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) es responsable de dicha tarea. La pieza central del bloque de parada, donde se para el haz de iones, es un cono de cobre con un ángulo de 3.5o, 2.5 m de longitud y 5 mm de espesor. Dicha pieza está refrigerada por agua que fluye en su superficie externa por el canal que se forma entre el cono de cobre y otra pieza concéntrica con éste. Este es el marco en que se desarrolla la presente tesis, cuyo objeto es el diseño del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada del LIPAc. El diseño se ha realizado utilizando un modelo simplificado unidimensional. Se han obtenido los parámetros del agua (presión, caudal, pérdida de carga) y la geometría requerida en el canal de refrigeración (anchura, rugosidad) para garantizar la correcta refrigeración del bloque de parada. Se ha comprobado que el diseño permite variaciones del haz respecto a la situación nominal siendo el flujo crítico calorífico al menos 2 veces superior al nominal. Se han realizado asimismo simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D con ANSYS-CFX en aquellas zonas del canal de refrigeración que lo requieren. El bloque de parada se activará como consecuencia de la interacción del haz de partículas lo que impide cualquier cambio o reparación una vez comenzada la operación del acelerador. Por ello el diseño ha de ser muy robusto y todas las hipótesis utilizadas en la realización de éste deben ser cuidadosamente comprobadas. Gran parte del esfuerzo de la tesis se centra en la estimación del coeficiente de transferencia de calor que es determinante en los resultados obtenidos, y que se emplea además como condición de contorno en los cálculos mecánicos. Para ello por un lado se han buscado correlaciones cuyo rango de aplicabilidad sea adecuado para las condiciones del bloque de parada (canal anular, diferencias de temperatura agua-pared de decenas de grados). En un segundo paso se han comparado los coeficientes de película obtenidos a partir de la correlación seleccionada (Petukhov-Gnielinski) con los que se deducen de simulaciones fluidodinámicas, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Por último se ha realizado una validación experimental utilizando un prototipo y un circuito hidráulico que proporciona un flujo de agua con los parámetros requeridos en el bloque de parada. Tras varios intentos y mejoras en el experimento se han obtenido los coeficientes de película para distintos caudales y potencias de calentamiento. Teniendo en cuenta la incertidumbre de las medidas, los valores experimentales concuerdan razonablemente bien (en el rango de 15%) con los deducidos de las correlaciones. Por motivos radiológicos es necesario controlar la calidad del agua de refrigeración y minimizar la corrosión del cobre. Tras un estudio bibliográfico se identificaron los parámetros del agua más adecuados (conductividad, pH y concentración de oxígeno disuelto). Como parte de la tesis se ha realizado asimismo un estudio de la corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada con el doble fin de determinar si puede poner en riesgo la integridad del componente, y de obtener una estimación de la velocidad de corrosión para dimensionar el sistema de purificación del agua. Se ha utilizado el código TRACT (TRansport and ACTivation code) adaptándalo al caso del bloque de parada, para lo cual se trabajó con el responsable (Panos Karditsas) del código en Culham (UKAEA). Los resultados confirman que la corrosión del cobre en las condiciones seleccionadas no supone un problema. La Tesis se encuentra estructurada de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se realiza una introducción de los proyectos IFMIF y LIPAc dentro de los cuales se enmarca esta Tesis. Además se describe el bloque de parada, siendo el diseño del sistema de rerigeración de éste el principal objetivo de la Tesis. En el segundo y tercer capítulo se realiza un resumen de la base teórica así como de las diferentes herramientas empleadas en el diseño del sistema de refrigeración. El capítulo cuarto presenta los resultados del relativos al sistema de refrigeración. Tanto los obtenidos del estudio unidimensional, como los obtenidos de las simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D mediante el empleo del código ANSYS-CFX. En el quinto capítulo se presentan los resultados referentes al análisis de corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada. El capítulo seis se centra en la descripción del montaje experimental para la obtención de los valores de pérdida de carga y coeficiente de transferencia del calor. Asimismo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en dichos experimentos. Finalmente encontramos un capítulo de apéndices en el que se describen una serie de experimentos llevados a cabo como pasos intermedios en la obtención del resultado experimental del coeficiente de película. También se presenta el código informático empleado para el análisis unidimensional del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada llamado CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis). ABSTRACT In the nuclear fusion field running in parallel to ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) as one of the complementary activities headed towards solving the technological barriers, IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) project aims to provide an irradiation facility to qualify advanced materials resistant to extreme conditions like the ones expected in future fusion reactors like DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Plant). IFMIF consists of two constant wave deuteron accelerators delivering a 125 mA and 40 MeV beam each that will collide on a lithium target producing an intense neutron fluence (1017 neutrons/s) with a similar spectra to that of fusion neutrons [1], [2]. This neutron flux is employed to irradiate the different material candidates to be employed in the future fusion reactors, and the samples examined after irradiation at the so called post-irradiative facilities. As a first step in such an ambitious project, an engineering validation and engineering design activity phase called IFMIF-EVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) is presently going on. One of the activities consists on the construction and operation of an accelerator prototype named LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). It is a high intensity deuteron accelerator identical to the low energy part of the IFMIF accelerators. The LIPAc components, which will be installed in Japan, are delivered by different european countries. The accelerator supplies a 9 MeV constant wave beam of deuterons with a power of 1.125 MW, which after being characterized by different instruments has to be stopped safely. For such task a beam dump to absorb the beam energy and take it to a heat sink is needed. Spain has the compromise of delivering such device and CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) is responsible for such task. The central piece of the beam dump, where the ion beam is stopped, is a copper cone with an angle of 3.5o, 2.5 m long and 5 mm width. This part is cooled by water flowing on its external surface through the channel formed between the copper cone and a concentric piece with the latter. The thesis is developed in this realm, and its objective is designing the LIPAc beam dump cooling system. The design has been performed employing a simplified one dimensional model. The water parameters (pressure, flow, pressure loss) and the required annular channel geometry (width, rugoisty) have been obtained guaranteeing the correct cooling of the beam dump. It has been checked that the cooling design allows variations of the the beam with respect to the nominal position, being the CHF (Critical Heat Flux) at least twice times higher than the nominal deposited heat flux. 3D fluid dynamic simulations employing ANSYS-CFX code in the beam dump cooling channel sections which require a more thorough study have also been performed. The beam dump will activateasaconsequenceofthe deuteron beam interaction, making impossible any change or maintenance task once the accelerator operation has started. Hence the design has to be very robust and all the hypotheses employed in the design mustbecarefully checked. Most of the work in the thesis is concentrated in estimating the heat transfer coefficient which is decisive in the obtained results, and is also employed as boundary condition in the mechanical analysis. For such task, correlations which applicability range is the adequate for the beam dump conditions (annular channel, water-surface temperature differences of tens of degrees) have been compiled. In a second step the heat transfer coefficients obtained from the selected correlation (Petukhov- Gnielinski) have been compared with the ones deduced from the 3D fluid dynamic simulations, obtaining satisfactory results. Finally an experimental validation has been performed employing a prototype and a hydraulic circuit that supplies a flow with the requested parameters in the beam dump. After several tries and improvements in the experiment, the heat transfer coefficients for different flows and heating powers have been obtained. Considering the uncertainty in the measurements the experimental values agree reasonably well (in the order of 15%) with the ones obtained from the correlations. Due to radiological reasons the quality of the cooling water must be controlled, hence minimizing the copper corrosion. After performing a bibligraphic study the most adequate water parameters were identified (conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration). As part of this thesis a corrosion study of the beam dump cooling circuit has been performed with the double aim of determining if corrosion can pose a risk for the copper beam dump , and obtaining an estimation of the corrosion velocitytodimension the water purification system. TRACT code(TRansport and ACTivation) has been employed for such study adapting the code for the beam dump case. For such study a collaboration with the code responsible (Panos Karditsas) at Culham (UKAEA) was established. The work developed in this thesis has supposed the publication of three articles in JCR journals (”Journal of Nuclear Materials” y ”Fusion Engineering and Design”), as well as presentations in more than four conferences and relevant meetings.


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The stepped rotating cylinder electrode (SRCE) geometry has been developed as a simple aid to the practical study of the flow-enhanced corrosion and applied electrochemistry problems commonly observed under conditions of disturbed, turbulent flow. The electrodeposition of cupric ions from an acid sulphate plating bath has been used to characterise differential rates of mass transfer to the SRCE. The variation in thickness of electrodeposited copperfilms has allowed the mapping of local rates of mass transfer over the active surface of this geometry. Both optical and scanning electron microscopy were used for the examination of metallographic sections to provide a high resolution evaluation of the distribution of mass transfer coefficient. Results are also discussed using the convective-diffusion model in combination with the existing direct numerical flow simulation (DNS) data for this geometry.


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Large-eddy simulation is used to predict heat transfer in the separated and reattached flow regions downstream of a backward-facing step. Simulations were carried out at a Reynolds number of 28 000 (based on the step height and the upstream centreline velocity) with a channel expansion ratio of 1.25. The Prandtl number was 0.71. Two subgrid-scale models were tested, namely the dynamic eddy-viscosity, eddy-diffusivity model and the dynamic mixed model. Both models showed good overall agreement with available experimental data. The simulations indicated that the peak in heat-transfer coefficient occurs slightly upstream of the mean reattachment location, in agreement with experimental data. The results of these simulations have been analysed to discover the mechanisms that cause this phenomenon. The peak in heat-transfer coefficient shows a direct correlation with the peak in wall shear-stress fluctuations. It is conjectured that the peak in these fluctuations is caused by an impingement mechanism, in which large eddies, originating in the shear layer, impact the wall just upstream of the mean reattachment location. These eddies cause a 'downwash', which increases the local heat-transfer coefficient by bringing cold fluid from above the shear layer towards the wall.


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The published requirements for accurate measurement of heat transfer at the interface between two bodies have been reviewed. A strategy for reliable measurement has been established, based on the depth of the temperature sensors in the medium, on the inverse method parameters and on the time response of the sensors. Sources of both deterministic and stochastic errors have been investigated and a method to evaluate them has been proposed, with the help of a normalisation technique. The key normalisation variables are the duration of the heat input and the maximum heat flux density. An example of application of this technique in the field of high pressure die casting is demonstrated. The normalisation study, coupled with previous determination of the heat input duration, makes it possible to determine the optimum location for the sensors, along with an acceptable sampling rate and the thermocouples critical response-time (as well as eventual filter characteristics). Results from the gauge are used to assess the suitability of the initial design choices. In particular the unavoidable response time of the thermocouples is estimated by comparison with the normalised simulation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Deep-frying, which consists of immersing a wet material in a large volume of hot oil, presents a process easily adaptable to dry rather than cook materials. A suitable material for drying is sewage sludge, which may be dried using recycled cooking oils (RCO) as frying oil. One advantage is that this prepares both materials for convenient disposal by incineration. This study examines fry-drying of municipal sewage sludge using recycled cooking oil. The transport processes occurring during fry-drying were monitored through sample weight, temperature, and image analysis. Due to the thicker and wetter samples than the common fried foods, high residual moisture is observed in the sludge when the boiling front has reached the geometric center of the sample, suggesting that the operation is heat transfer controlled only during the first half of the process followed by the addition of other mechanisms that allow complete drying of the sample. A series of mechanisms comprising four stages (i.e., initial heating accompanied by a surface boiling onset, film vapor regime, transitional nucleate boiling, and bound water removal) is proposed. In order to study the effect of the operating conditions on the fry-drying kinetics, different oil temperatures (from 120 to 180 degrees C), diameter (D = 15 to 25 mm), and initial moisture content of the sample (4.8 and 5.6 kg water(.)kg(-1) total dry solids) were investigated.


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In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mass transfer rates were studied using the falling drop method. Cibacron Blue 3 GA dye was the transferring solute from the salt phase to the PEG phase. Measurements were undertaken for several concentrations of the dye and the phase-forming solutes and with a range of different drop sizes, e.g. 2.8, 3.0 and 3.7 mm. The dye was observed to be present in the salt phase as finely dispersed solids but a model confirmed that the mass transfer process could still be described by an equation based upon the Whitman two-film model. The overall mass transfer coefficient increased with increasing concentration of the dye. The apparent mass transfer coefficient ranged from 1 x 10-5 to 2 x 10 -4 m/s. Further experiments suggested that mass transfer was enhanced at high concentration by several mechanisms. The dye was found to change the equilibrium composition of the two phases, leading to transfer of salt between the drop and continuous phases. It also lowered the interfacial tension (i.e. from 1.43 x 10-4 N/m for 0.01% w/w dye concentration to 1.07 x 10-4 N/m for 0.2% w/w dye concentration) between the two phases, which could have caused interfacial instabilities (Marangoni effects). The largest drops were deformable, which resulted in a significant increase in the mass transfer rate. Drop size distribution and Sauter mean drop diameter were studied on-line in a 1 litre agitated vessel using a laser diffraction technique. The effects of phase concentration, dispersed phase hold-up and impeller speed were investigated for the salt-PEG system. An increase in agitation speed in the range 300 rpm to 1000 rpm caused a decrease in mean drop diameter, e.g. from 50 m to 15 m. A characteristic bimodal drop size distribution was established within a very short time. An increase in agitation rate caused a shift of the larger drop size peak to a smaller size.


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The literature relating to the performance of pulsed sieve plate liquid-liquid extraction columns and the relevant hydrodynamic phenomenon have been surveyed. Hydrodynamic behaviour and mass transfer characteristics of droplets in turbulent and non-turbulent conditions have also been reviewed. Hydrodynamic behaviour, i.e. terminal and characteristic velocity of droplets, droplet size and droplet breakup processes, and mass transfer characteristics of single droplets (d≤0.6 cm) were investigated under pulsed (mixer-settler & transitional regimes) and non-pulsed conditions in a 5.0 cm diameter, 100 cm high, pulsed sieve plate column with three different sieve plate types and variable plate spacing. The system used was toluene (displaced) - acetone - distilled water. Existing photographic techniques for following and recording the droplet behaviour, and for observing the parameters of the pulse and the pulse shape were further developed and improved. A unique illumination technique was developed by which a moving droplet could be photographed using cine or video photography with good contrast without using any dye. Droplet size from a given nozzle and droplet velocity for a given droplet diameter are reduced under pulsing condition, and it was noted that this effect is enhanced in the presence of sieve plate. The droplet breakup processes are well explained by reference to an impact-breakup mechanism. New correlations to predict droplet diameter based on this mechanism are given below.vskip 1.0cm or in dimensionless groups as follows:- (We)crit= 3.12 - 1.79 (Eo)crit A correlation based on the isotropic turbulence theory was developed to calculate droplet diameter in the emulsion regime.vskip 1.0cm Experimental results show that in the mixer-settler and transitional regimes, pulsing parameters had little effect on the overall dispersed phase mass transfer coefficient during the droplet formation and unhindered travel periods.


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Bubbling fluidized bed technology is one of the most effective mean for interaction between solid and gas flow, mainly due to its good mixing and high heat and mass transfer rate. It has been widely used at a commercial scale for drying of grains such as in pharmaceutical, fertilizers and food industries. When applied to drying of non-pours moist solid particles, the water is drawn-off driven by the difference in water concentration between the solid phase and the fluidizing gas. In most cases, the fluidizing gas or drying agent is air. Despite of the simplicity of its operation, the design of a bubbling fluidized bed dryer requires an understanding of the combined complexity in hydrodynamics and the mass transfer mechanism. On the other hand, reliable mass transfer coefficient equations are also required to satisfy the growing interest in mathematical modelling and simulation, for accurate prediction of the process kinetics. This chapter presents an overview of the various mechanisms contributing to particulate drying in a bubbling fluidized bed and the mass transfer coefficient corresponding to each mechanism. In addition, a case study on measuring the overall mass transfer coefficient is discussed. These measurements are then used for the validation of mass transfer coefficient correlations and for assessing the various assumptions used in developing these correlations.