760 resultados para visual arts education
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo constituiu-se numa análise das Representações de Professores de Artes Visuais acerca de suas práticas pedagógicas no contexto do Ensino Médio. Tendo como objetivo geral analisar as Representações de Professores de Artes Visuais do Ensino Médio sobre a Prática Pedagógica. A análise fora produzida a partir do conceito de Representações na perspectiva de Roger Chartier (1990; 1991;1994): sobre prática pedagógica com Veiga (2011; 2010): sobre formação de professores: Pimenta (2009) e Coelho (2009; 2010): em Arte com Barbosa (2009; 2010) e Fusari & Ferraz (2001; 2009). Utilizamos como caminho metodológico a Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (2010). O estudo é uma pesquisa do tipo analítico- descritiva. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados: documentos oficiais e questionário, do qual participaram 15 professores de Arte efetivos da Rede Pública Estadual do Ensino Médio. Os resultados do estudo revelaram, que acerca da prática pedagógica, os professores, em sua maioria, apesar de terem um bom tempo de serviço, demonstraram a representação de uma triangulação apresentada em três vértices: leitura, baseada no senso comum, sem fundamentação Teórica/Ideal; o fazer, a prática no improviso, predominando o lado Prático/Real, e a contextualização superficial por falta de fundamentação, de unidade teórica/prática. Ressaltamos como aproximações conclusivas a vulnerabilidade na formação de professores de Arte. Essa formação é deficiente no que tange à capacidade de desenvolver a prática pedagógica com qualidade nas escolas públicas estaduais. Inferimos que urge a necessidade de (re) avaliar a formação de professores de Artes Visuais inicial e continuada, forjando um profissional com compromisso reflexivo-crítico com a sua prática social na educação.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
In a concise way, the article reports part of the Master of Arts dissertation in Music entitled The meaning of the teaching of Arts in H. Gardner's perspective, presented in the IAUNESP [Arts Institute-State of Sao Paulo University] in 2008. Some considerations on the Statutory Law n. 11.769/08 were added to the original text. The produced research had an exploratory nature and a theoretical mark. Some texts by Howard Gardner, by the psychologist Eliane Leao, as well as the text of the National Syllabus Parameters-Art, from the Department of Elementary Education, served as a foundation for this article. The intended aim was to demonstrate to what extent the pedagogical proposition of the Arts Education projected by H. Gardner is similar to the one proposed by the National Syllabus Parameters, and which would the benefits be in this age group of an artistic sensitizing work for the development of the individual's personality.
This paper deals with the training of art educators, focusing on the courses offered at public universities in the state of São Paulo, where, specifically the pedagogical approach of training curricula of grades offered at UNESP, campus of São Paulo and Bauru. In the current situation have been proposed, from training in undergraduate courses, new tasks and responsibilities to work teaching the teacher in order to develop this educational increasingly effective so as to ensure efficient productivity autonomous learner in the process cognitive development in basic education, the teacher being assigned the task of stimulating that process and manage situations of educational work as a way of systematizing knowledge. The research consisted of questioning whether that teacher training allowed contact with the educational resources necessary for teaching, under current conditions assigned by the neoliberal conjuncture educational work of art educator with a view to the formation of aesthetic sensibility of the students from the class working, privileged pupils of public schools, to contribute to establishing the apprehension about the pedagogical training of art educators to confront the reality school, considering the specificity of action of these teachers. Therefore we conducted a desk study of existing legislation and the National Curriculum Guidelines that guide teacher training, correlating them to Pedagogical Policy Projects and curricula of undergraduate courses in Arts Education and / or Visual Arts courses UNESP. The work of desk research, quantitative and analytical, refers strictly pedagogical part, amid restructuring curriculum established by the undergraduate courses in the periods 2003 to 2011, with the promulgation of the CNE/ CP nº. 9 / 2001 and the Resolution CNE/CP n.º 1/2002 and n.º 2/2002... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
From a bibliographical study, the objective is the study of children's literature and its contributions in the lives of pre-readers, especially from zero to three years. This course of completion of work includes Children's Literature and Visual Arts, addressing the relationship between the illustration and children's books, indicating the importance of their contact from the first years of life, and how much contribute to the emotional, cognitive and child's learning, also helping to solve problems they will face throughout life, awakening the imagination and creativity, necessary factors in the child's education. By reading the stories, by adults, children are immersed in an imaginary world which stimulates the drawing, the music, to leave, thinking, imagining, playing, seeing the book and write, so the allies books Early Childhood Education will help the child, making it capable person, critical and interested in learning. In addition to attracting and marvel children, illustrations and graphic design aroused the interest in books and reading, inspiring the imagination and creation, therefore, the books submitted for babies should be made of materials that are suitable for their age group therefore more resistant and attractive, containing attributes for the development of motor and sensory skills of babies and children
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work is about the extension project “Plastic Research Centre”, developed at Unesp (Bauru/São Paulo/Brasil) by the author along with the students of Artistic Education (Plastic Arts). Aiming to encourage the students on supports and alternative techniques, the Audiovisual and Visual Arts Study Group - GRAVA was created as a place for reflexion and creation. The group has been seeking a personal language, improving it as the means to communicate its interpretation of the world are investigated, being it in the urban space or in cultural and virtual centres. By extending the university knowledge to the local community, it is intended to motivate the student’s research along with the professoriate and promote the creation process and artistic works focusing the group’s view on the context it is inserted.
The complex analysis is, in actuality, a fundamental mathematical object, given its applicability to various areas of science. This paper proposes a more interesting intertwining of mathematical content to the Visual Arts, through computer graphics. The presentation of aesthetic standards, using the “domain coloring” for viewing a complex function, shows that algebraic and geometric properties can be “colored” which makes its study more human, contextualized, pleasant and dynamic, leading to greater ability to understand, to absorb and to create concepts. This work shows the contribution to the interdisciplinarity to study of mathematics.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
As with many organisms across the globe, Cicindela nevadica lincolniana is threatened with extinction. Understanding ecological factors that contribute to extinction vulnerability and what methods aid in the recovery of those species is essential in developing successful conservation programs. Here we examine behavioral mechanisms for niche partitioning along with improving techniques for captive rearing protocol and increasing public awareness about the conservation of this local insect. Ovipositional selectivity was examined for Cicindela nevadica lincolniana, Cicindela circumpicta, Cicindela togata, Cicindela punctulata, and Cicindela fulgida. Models reflect that these species of co-occurring tiger beetles select different ranges of salinity in which to oviposit thereby reducing the potential for interspecific competition. In a second study, thermoregulatory niche partitioning was examined for the same complex of tiger beetle species. Time spent in the sun, on different substrates, and engaging in various behaviors associated with thermoregulation were significantly different during different parts of the day and between species. I continued along a previous line of study to develop a viable captive rearing program. So far fourteen adult Cicindela nevadica lincolniana have been successfully reared in captivity. Overwintering mortality has been determined as a key factor in the mortality of this species in captivity. Finally, I examined the potential for using the visual arts to promote the conservation of Cicindela nevadica lincolniana and associated saline wetlands. The results from surveys conducted at the exhibit suggest that art exhibits can have a strong positive impact on members of the community.
In this study I consider the role of poetic description in Pasternak’s ‘Deviat’sot piatyi god’ (‘1905’) in the context of the genre of the poema. Descriptive passages in poetic narratives, as a rule, provide a static setting for a protagonist’s actions. In the absence of any single hero in Pasternak’s poema, topography itself begins to move. I examine the categories of stasis and motion, central to ‘1905’, at the intersection of the visual and the verbal. The idea of reanimating the events of the first Russian revolution twenty years after the fact borders on the ekphrastic in places, where the poet transposes techniques and genres from the visual arts into a verse epic. Finally, I suggest that aesthetic perception itself is the dominant principle in the poema, as opposed to documentary faithfulness, which is traditionally emphasized in the scholarship on this work.
A new agenda has been coalescing for residential liberal arts education in the United States. At its core are various forms of experiential learning that had long been relegated to the margins of institutions in which pure intellectual achievement was largely separated from, and prized above, practical application of knowledge. Recent years have brought growing student interest in opportunities to engage in experiential learning, including community service, internships, student-faculty research partnerships, study abroad, or co-operative education. All types of colleges and universities have been investing in these programs and in curricular modifications intended to begin integrating them into a coherent educational program. With support from several major associations, foundations, and research collaborations, this twenty-first century reframing of the aims of education has included a persistent call for better evaluative data to gauge the extent to which college students are actually meeting learning goals that faculty are being encouraged to specify more fully.