990 resultados para ventricule droit à double issue


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In this Issue: Double the Benefits...Dacus Library of Winthrop University ...Friends Endowment: A Little Can Go a Long Way...


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We characterize finite determinacy of map germs f : (C-2, 0) -> (C-3, 0) in terms of the Milnor number mu(D(f)) of the double point curve D(f) in (C-2, 0) and we provide an explicit description of the double point scheme in terms of elementary symmetric functions. Also we prove that the Whitney equisingularity of 1-parameter families of map germs f(t) : (C-2, 0) -> (C-3, 0) is equivalent to the constancy of both mu(D(f(t))) and mu(f(t)(C-2)boolean AND H) with respect to t, where H subset of C-3 is a generic plane. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The efficient emulation of a many-core architecture is a challenging task, each core could be emulated through a dedicated thread and such threads would be interleaved on an either single-core or a multi-core processor. The high number of context switches will results in an unacceptable performance. To support this kind of application, the GPU computational power is exploited in order to schedule the emulation threads on the GPU cores. This presents a non trivial divergence issue, since GPU computational power is offered through SIMD processing elements, that are forced to synchronously execute the same instruction on different memory portions. Thus, a new emulation technique is introduced in order to overcome this limitation: instead of providing a routine for each ISA opcode, the emulator mimics the behavior of the Micro Architecture level, here instructions are date that a unique routine takes as input. Our new technique has been implemented and compared with the classic emulation approach, in order to investigate the chance of a hybrid solution.


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Within this thesis a new double laser pulse pumping scheme for plasma-based, transient collisionally excited soft x-ray lasers (SXRL) was developed, characterized and utilized for applications. SXRL operations from ~50 up to ~200 electron volt were demonstrated applying this concept. As a central technical tool, a special Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser front-end was developed for the generation of fully controllable double-pulses to optimally pump SXRLs.rnThis Mach-Zehnder device is fully controllable and enables the creation of two CPA pulses of different pulse duration and variable energy balance with an adjustable time delay. Besides the SXRL pumping, the double-pulse configuration was applied to determine the B-integral in the CPA laser system by amplifying short pulse replica in the system, followed by an analysis in the time domain. The measurement of B-integral values in the 0.1 to 1.5 radian range, only limited by the reachable laser parameters, proved to be a promising tool to characterize nonlinear effects in the CPA laser systems.rnContributing to the issue of SXRL pumping, the double-pulse was configured to optimally produce the gain medium of the SXRL amplification. The focusing geometry of the two collinear pulses under the same grazing incidence angle on the target, significantly improved the generation of the active plasma medium. On one hand the effect was induced by the intrinsically guaranteed exact overlap of the two pulses on the target, and on the other hand by the grazing incidence pre-pulse plasma generation, which allows for a SXRL operation at higher electron densities, enabling higher gain in longer wavelength SXRLs and higher efficiency at shorter wavelength SXRLs. The observation of gain enhancement was confirmed by plasma hydrodynamic simulations.rnThe first introduction of double short-pulse single-beam grazing incidence pumping for SXRL pumping below 20 nanometer at the laser facility PHELIX in Darmstadt (Germany), resulted in a reliable operation of a nickel-like palladium SXRL at 14.7 nanometer with a pump energy threshold strongly reduced to less than 500 millijoule. With the adaptation of the concept, namely double-pulse single-beam grazing incidence pumping (DGRIP) and the transfer of this technology to the laser facility LASERIX in Palaiseau (France), improved efficiency and stability of table-top high-repetition soft x-ray lasers in the wavelength region below 20 nanometer was demonstrated. With a total pump laser energy below 1 joule the target, 2 mircojoule of nickel-like molybdenum soft x-ray laser emission at 18.9 nanometer was obtained at 10 hertz repetition rate, proving the attractiveness for high average power operation. An easy and rapid alignment procedure fulfilled the requirements for a sophisticated installation, and the highly stable output satisfied the need for a reliable strong SXRL source. The qualities of the DGRIP scheme were confirmed in an irradiation operation on user samples with over 50.000 shots corresponding to a deposited energy of ~ 50 millijoule.rnThe generation of double-pulses with high energies up to ~120 joule enabled the transfer to shorter wavelength SXRL operation at the laser facility PHELIX. The application of DGRIP proved to be a simple and efficient method for the generation of soft x-ray lasers below 10 nanometer. Nickel-like samarium soft x-ray lasing at 7.3 nanometer was achieved at a low total pump energy threshold of 36 joule, which confirmed the suitability of the applied pumping scheme. A reliable and stable SXRL operation was demonstrated, due to the single-beam pumping geometry despite the large optical apertures. The soft x-ray lasing of nickel-like samarium was an important milestone for the feasibility of applying the pumping scheme also for higher pumping pulse energies, which are necessary to obtain soft x-ray laser wavelengths in the water window. The reduction of the total pump energy below 40 joule for 7.3 nanometer short wavelength lasing now fulfilled the requirement for the installation at the high-repetition rate operation laser facility LASERIX.rn


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Internet Service Providers’ liability for copyright infringement is a debated issue in France and Belgium, particularly with respect to intermediaries such as providers of hyperlinks and location tool services for which the e-commerce directive does not set explicitly any exemption from liability. Thus, the question arises among other things whether the safe harbour provisions provided for in respect of caching and hosting also could apply to search engines. French and Belgian Courts had recently to decide on this issue in several cases concerning Google’s complementary tools such as Google Videos, Google Images, Google Suggest and Google News. This article seeks to give a summary of and to assess this recent case law.


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Rechtsnormen als Texte – Versuch einer Zusammenführung von Rechtstheorie und Linguistik: Rechtstheoretiker sind sich zwar bewusst, dass Recht wesentlich Sprache ist; diese Voraussetzung wird aber in der konkreten Analyse von Rechtsnormen und ihrer Struktur nur selten systematisch berücksichtigt; zumeist wird von der konkreten sprachlichen Form abgesehen oder der einzelne Satz wird als formale Größe absolut gesetzt. Dazu werden auch meist wichtige Erkenntnisse der Linguistik kaum berücksichtigt, etwa grundlegende Differenzierungen wie jene zwischen Satz und Text bzw. Grammatik und Äußerung oder Ausdruck und Inhalt. Dieser Beitrag versucht, Rechtsnormen als geschriebene Texte sui generis, d. h. als sprachliche Objekte, ernst zu nehmen und aus einem textlinguistischen Blickwinkel zu betrachten, durchaus im Horizont der Rechtstheorie und deren Erkenntnisinteresse, und die grundlegenden Eigenschaften von Rechtsnormen aus dieser zweifachen Perspektive deutlicher zu klären, etwa in Bezug auf die innere Struktur von Rechtsnormen, auf eine Typologie von Rechtsnormen, die Bedeutung von einzelnen Normen, das Verhältnis von innerer Struktur und äusserer Form oder die Adressatenfrage.


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Comparing the treatment of Islamic veils and Christian crucifixes by the European Court of Human Rights, this paper re-examines the charge of “double standards” on the part of this guardian of the European legal order, which is seen as disadvantaging Islam and favoring Christianity. While this is proved partially correct, the paper calls for a more differentiated treatment of the issue. For one, there is a modicum of consistency in the European Court’s decisions, because they are all meant to further “pluralism”. Only, Islam and Christianity fare differently in this respect, as “threat” to and “affirmation” of pluralism, respectively. This distinction hinges on Islam’s compatibility with the liberal-secular order, on which the jury is out. A possible way out of the “pluralism v. pluralism” dilemma, I argue, is signaled in the European Court’s recent decision in Lautsi v. Italy (2011), which pairs a preference for “culturalized” Christianity with robust minority pluralism.


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La « lutte contre les abus » en matière d'asile s'est imposée comme le discours dominant à l'origine des multiples révisions de la loi sur l'asile depuis son entrée en vigueur en 1981. Cette contribution, issue d'un workshop tenu lors des journées des doctorant-e-s du Centre de droit des migrations en novembre 2013, se propose de porter un regard interdisciplinaire sur l'émergence et le développement de cette notion, ainsi que sur le type de mesures adoptées dans le cadre de ce discours.


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Summary. From April until October 2012, China witnessed a series of public protests against the Japanese purchase of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Besides providing further evidence of growing Chinese nationalism, this unrest is interesting for other reasons relevant to EU policy. The Beijing leadership, which is traditionally perceived as the only source of foreign policy decisions in China, faces a changing domestic constellation. Domestic opinion increasingly constrains Chinese foreign policy, and it becomes obvious that foreign policy decision-making in Beijing is not insulated from larger social developments. Even if foreign policy decisions in China are still made without direct input from civil society, the influence of social forces on Chinese foreign policies has to be taken seriously. The EU thus might want to reconsider its approach to China: as long as EU concerns about human rights are met with a rather uncompromising attitude by the Chinese political elites, Brussels should double its efforts to reach Chinese civil society.


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The European Commission’s recent single market initiatives have a second important benefit beyond growth that is often overlooked: Deepening the Single Market for goods and services can also reduce imbalances in the euro area and limit its vulnerability to crises. A further integration of the Single Market thus provides a double dividend of growth and stability. This is the main issue addressed in this background note.


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Advertising matter included in paging.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Typical Double Auction (DA) models assume that trading agents are one-way traders. With this limitation, they cannot directly reflect the fact individual traders in financial markets (the most popular application of double auction) choose their trading directions dynamically. To address this issue, we introduce the Bi-directional Double Auction (BDA) market which is populated by two-way traders. Based on experiments under both static and dynamic settings, we find that the allocative efficiency of a static continuous BDA market comes from rational selection of trading directions and is negatively related to the intelligence of trading strategies. Moreover, we introduce Kernel trading strategy designed based on probability density estimation for general DA market. Our experiments show it outperforms some intelligent DA market trading strategies. Copyright © 2013, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (www.ifaamas.org). All rights reserved.


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Date of Acceptance: 12/12/2014 Support statement: This study was funded by the Wellcome Trust (Ref 092121/Z/10/Z), who played no role in its conception, methods, analysis or interpretation. Funding information for this article has been deposited with FundRef.