919 resultados para transpiration rate
The functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions is an important tool for uses as diverse as assessment of the stress-related sensitivity of different plant cultivars and characterization of soil structure. Two of the most pervasive sources of stress are soil resistance to root penetration (SR) and matric potential (psi). However, the assessment of these sources of stress on physiological processes in different soils can be complicated by other sources of stress and by the strong relation between SR and psi in a soil. A multivariate boundary line approach was assessed as a means of reducing these cornplications. The effects of SR and psi stress conditions on plant responses were examined under growth chamber conditions. Maize plants (Zea mays L.) were grown in soils at different water contents and having different structures arising from variation in texture, organic carbon content and soil compaction. Measurements of carbon exchange (CE), leaf transpiration (ILT), plant transpiration (PT), leaf area (LA), leaf + shoot dry weight (LSDW), root total length (RTL), root surface area (RSA) and root dry weight (RDW) were determined after plants reached the 12-leaf stage. The LT, PT and LA were described as a function of SR and psi with a double S-shaped function using the multivariate boundary line approach. The CE and LSDW were described by the combination of an S-shaped function for SR and a linear function for psi. The root parameters were described by a single S-shaped function for SR. The sensitivity to SR and psi depended on the plant parameter. Values of PT, LA and LSDW were most sensitive to SR. Among those parameters exhibiting a significant response to psi, PT was most sensitive. The boundary line approach was found to be a useful tool to describe the functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Frozen samples of mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) with skin were irradiated with gamma radiation doses of 0.0 kGy (control) and 3 kGy at 2 different radiation dose rates: 0.32 kGy/h (3 kGy) and 4.04 kGy/h (3 kGy). Batches of irradiated and control samples were evaluated during 11 d of refrigerated (2 +/- 1 degrees C) storage for the following parameters: total psychrotrophic bacteria count, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), evaluation of objective color (L*, a*, and b*) and a sensory evaluation (irradiated odor, oxidized odor, pink and brown colors). No statistical difference (P > 0.05) was found amongst the TBARS values obtained for the MDCM samples irradiated with dose rates of 0.32 and 4.04 kGy/h. There was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the psychrotrophic bacterial count as from the 7th day of refrigerated storage, for the MDCM samples irradiated at the dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h. With respect to the attribute of oxidized odor, the samples irradiated with a dose rate of 0.32 kGy/h showed a stronger intensity and were significantly different (P < 0.05) from the sample irradiated with a dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h on days 0 and 2 of refrigerated storage. Irradiation with a dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h (3 kGy) was shown to be the best condition for the processing of MDCM according to the evaluation of all the variables, under the conditions of this study. Practical Application The results obtained for the application of different dose rates of ionizing radiation to mechanically deboned chicken meat will provide the food industry with information concerning the definition of the best processing conditions to maximize the sensory and food quality.
P>Brazilian Santa Ines (SI) sheep are very well-adapted to the tropical conditions of Brazil and are an important source of animal protein. A high rate of twin births was reported in some SI flocks. Growth and Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) are the first two genes expressed by the oocyte to be associated with an increased ovulation rate in sheep. All GDF9 and BMP15 variants characterized, until now, present the same phenotype: the heterozygote ewes have an increased ovulation rate and the mutated homozygotes are sterile. In this study, we have found a new allele of GDF9, named FecGE (Embrapa), which leads to a substitution of a phenylalanine with a cysteine in a conservative position of the mature peptide. Homozygote ewes presenting the FecGE allele have shown an increase in their ovulation rate (82%) and prolificacy (58%). This new phenotype can be very useful in better understanding the genetic control of follicular development; the mechanisms involved in the control of ovulation rate in mammals; and for the improvement of sheep production.
P>Yellow and sweet passion fruit are insect-pollinated species native to the tropics. Fruits are used commercially for human consumption worldwide. The yellow passion fruit is an outcrossing species with self-incompatible flowers. However, the reproductive system of the sweet passion fruit (Passiflora alata) has not been well elucidated. The objective of this work was to characterize aspects of the mating system in the sweet passion fruit using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite markers, particularly the rate of outcrossing in P. alata progenies. A multilocus outcrossing rate of t(m) = 0.994 was determined from RAPD and t(m) = 0.940 from microsatellites, supporting P. alata as an outcrossing species. The fixation indices of the maternal generation (F(m)) were -0.200 and 0.071 with RAPD and microsatellite loci, respectively, indicating the absence of inbreeding in the maternal generation. The paternity correlation (r(p)) varied from -0.008 with RAPD markers to 0.208 with microsatellite markers, suggesting a low probability of finding full sibs within the progenies. The results demonstrated that all progenies assessed in this study were derived from outcrossing.
The objective was to develop and test a procedure for applying variable rates of fertilizers and evaluate yield response in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) with regard to the application of phosphorus and potassium. The work was conducted during the 2004 season in a 6.4 ha field located in central Sao Paulo state. Two treatments were applied with alternating strips of fixed and variable rates during the whole season: one following the fertilizing procedures recommended locally, and the other based on a grid soil sampling. A prototype pneumatic fertilizer applicator was used, carrying two conveyor belts, one for each row. Harvesting was done with a commercial harvester equipped with a customized volumetric yield monitor, separating the two treatments. Data were analyzed based on geostatistics, correlations and regressions. The procedure showed to be feasible and effective. The area that received fertilizer applications at a variable rate showed a 34% yield increase compared to the area that received a fixed rate. The variable rate fertilizer resulted in a savings of 23% in phosphate fertilizer and a 13% increase in potassium fertilizer, when compared to fixed rate fertilizer. Yield in 2005, the year after the variable rate treatments, still presented residual effect from treatments carried out during the previous cycle.
Correct modeling of root water uptake partitioning over depth is an important issue in hydrological and crop growth models. Recently a physically based model to describe root water uptake was developed at single root scale and upscaled to the root system scale considering a homogeneous distribution of roots per soil layer. Root water uptake partitioning is calculated over soil layers or compartments as a function of respective soil hydraulic conditions, specifically the soil matric flux potential, root characteristics and a root system efficiency factor to compensate for within-layer root system heterogeneities. The performance of this model was tested in an experiment performed in two-compartment split-pot lysimeters with sorghum plants. The compartments were submitted to different irrigation cycles resulting in contrasting water contents over time. The root system efficiency factor was determined to be about 0.05. Release of water from roots to soil was predicted and observed on several occasions during the experiment; however, model predictions suggested root water release to occur more often and at a higher rate than observed. This may be due to not considering internal root system resistances, thus overestimating the ease with which roots can act as conductors of water. Excluding these erroneous predictions from the dataset, statistical indices show model performance to be of good quality.
Semicontinuous cultures were carried out at different dilution rates (D) and light intensities (I) to determine the maximum productivity of Arthrospira platensis cultivated in helicoidal photobioreactor up to the achievement of pseudo-steady-state conditions. At I = 108 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), the semicontinuous regime ensured the highest values of maximum cell concentration (X(m) = 5772 +/- 113 mg L(-1)) and productivity (P(XS) = 1319 +/- 25 mg L(-1) d(-1)) at the lowest (D = 0.1 day(-1)) and the highest (D = 0.3 day(-1)) dilution rates, respectively. A kinetic model derived from that of Monod was proposed to determine the relationship between the product of light intensity to dilution rate (ID) and the cell productivity, which were shown to exert a combined influence on this parameter. This result put into evidence that pseudosteady-state conditions could be modified according to circumstances, conveniently varying one or other of the two independent variables. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The behavior of S. platensis was investigated in this study through fed-batch pulse-feeding cultures performed at different carbon dioxide feeding rates (F = 0.44-1.03 g L-1 d(-1)) and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD = 80-250 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) in a bench-scale helical photobioreactor. To achieve this purpose, an inorganic medium lacking the carbon source was enriched by gaseous carbon dioxide from a cylinder. The maximum cell concentration achieved was 12.8 g L-1 at PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) and F= 0.44 g L-1 d(-1) of CO2. At PPFD = 80 and 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), the carbon utilization efficiency (CUE) reached maximum values of 50 and 69%, respectively, after about 20 days, and then it decreased, thus highlighting a photolimitation effect. At PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), CUE was >= 90% between 20 and 50 days. The photosynthetic efficiency reached its maximum value (9.4%) at PPFD = 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). The photoinhibition threshold appeared to strongly depend on the feeding rate: at high PPFD, an increase in the amount of fed CO2 delayed the inhibitory effect on biomass growth, whereas at low PPFD, excess CO2 addition caused the microalga to stop growing. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The primary objective of this study was to assess the lingual kinematic strategies used by younger and older adults to increase rate of speech. It was hypothesised that the strategies used by the older adults would differ from the young adults either as a direct result of, or in response to a need to compensate for, age-related changes in the tongue. Electromagnetic articulography was used to examine the tongue movements of eight young (M526.7 years) and eight older (M567.1 years) females during repetitions of /ta/ and /ka/ at a controlled moderate rate and then as fast as possible. The younger and older adults were found to significantly reduce consonant durations and increase syllable repetition rate by similar proportions. To achieve these reduced durations both groups appeared to use the same strategy, that of reducing the distances travelled by the tongue. Further comparisons at each rate, however, suggested a speed-accuracy trade-off and increased speech monitoring in the older adults. The results may assist in differentiating articulatory changes associated with normal aging from pathological changes found in disorders that affect the older population.
Tonic immobility was induced in black tipped reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanoptera) and heart rate and ventral aortic blood pressure recorded. Without branchial irrigation, tonic immobility was correlated with a significant depression in blood pressure and heart rate irrespective of the sharks being in air or in water. Tonic immobility with branchial irrigation resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure in sharks in air, but not in water. Heart rate was unchanged when the gills were irrigated. Intra-arterial injections of atropine abolished the bradycardia and blood pressure rise associated with tonic immobility. We conclude that, during tonic immobility, sharks are able to receive afferent information from the ventilatory system and make appropriate responses via the vagus nerve.
Transpiration efficiency, W, the ratio of plant carbon produced to water transpired and carbon isotope discrimination of leaf dry matter, Delta(d)' were measured together on 30 lines of the C-4 species, Sorghum bicolor in the glasshouse and on eight lines grown in the field. In the glasshouse, the mean W observed was 4.9 mmol C mol(-1) H2O and the range was 0.8 mmol C mol(-1) H2O The mean Delta(d) was 3.0 parts per thousand and the observed range was 0.4 parts per thousand. In the field, the mean W was lower at 2.8 mmol C mol H2O and the mean Delta(d) was 4.6 parts per thousand. Significant positive correlations between W and Delta(d) were observed for plants grown in the glasshouse and in the field. The observed correlations were consistent with theory, opposite to those for C-4 species, and showed that variation in Delta(d) was an integrated measure of long-term variation in the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 partial pressure, p(i)/p(a). Detailed gas exchange measurements of carbon isotope discrimination during CO2 uptake, Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) were made on leaves of eight S. bicolor lines. The observed relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) was linear with a negative slope of 3.7 parts per thousand in Delta(A) for a unit change in p(i)/p(a). The slope of this linear relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) in C-4 species is dependent on the leakiness of the CO2 concentrating mechanism of the C pathway, We estimated the leakiness (defined as the fraction of CO2 released in the bundle sheath by C-4 acid decarboxylations, which is lost by leakage) to be 0.2. We conclude that, although variation in Delta(d) observed in the 30 lines of S. bicolor is smaller than that commonly observed in C-4 species, it also reflects variation in transpiration efficiency, W. Among the eight lines examined in detail and in the environments used, there was considerable genotype x environment interaction.
The cardiac limb of the baroreflex loop was studied in the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus, The classical pharmacological methodology using phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was used to trigger blood pressure changes, and the resulting alterations in heart rate were analysed quantitatively using a logistic function. Interindividual differences in resting heart rates and blood pressures were observed, but all seven animals displayed clear baroreflex responses. Atropine and sotalol greatly attenuated the response. A maximal baroreflex gain of 7.2 beats min(-1) kPa(-1) was found at a mean aortic pressure of 6.1 kPa, indicating the active role of the baroreflex in a wide pressure range encompassing hypotensive and hypertensive states. At the lowest mean aortic pressures (5.0 kPa), the synergistic role of the pulmonary-to-systemic shunt in buffering the blood pressure drop also contributes to blood pressure regulation, Pulse pressure showed a better correlation,vith heart rate and also a higher gain than mean aortic, systolic or diastolic pressures, and this is taken as an indicator of the existence of a differential control element working simultaneously with a linear proportional element.
Physiological and kinematic data were collected from elite under-19 rugby union players to provide a greater understanding of the physical demands of rugby union. Heart rate, blood lactate and time-motion analysis data were collected from 24 players (mean +/- s((x) over bar): body mass 88.7 +/- 9.9 kg, height 185 +/- 7 cm, age 18.4 +/- 0.5 years) during six competitive premiership fixtures. Six players were chosen at random from each of four groups: props and locks, back row forwards, inside backs, outside backs. Heart rate records were classified based on percent time spent in four zones (>95%, 85-95%, 75-84%, <75% HRmax). Blood lactate concentration was measured periodically throughout each match, with movements being classified as standing, walking, jogging, cruising, sprinting, utility, rucking/mauling and scrummaging. The heart rate data indicated that props and locks (58.4%) and back row forwards (56.2%) spent significantly more time in high exertion (85-95% HRmax) than inside backs (40.5%) and outside backs (33.9%) (P < 0.001). Inside backs (36.5%) and outside backs (38.5%) spent significantly more time in moderate exertion (75-84% HRmax) than props and locks (22.6%) and back row forwards (19.8%) (P < 0.05). Outside backs (20.1%) spent significantly more time in low exertion (< 75% HRmax) than props and locks (5.8%) and back row forwards (5.6%) (P < 0.05). Mean blood lactate concentration did not differ significantly between groups (range: 4.67 mmol.l(-1) for outside backs to 7.22 mmol.l(-1) for back row forwards; P < 0.05). The motion analysis data indicated that outside backs (5750 m) covered a significantly greater total distance than either props and locks or back row forwards (4400 and 4080 m, respectively; P < 0.05). Inside backs and outside backs covered significantly greater distances walking (1740 and 1780 m, respectively; P < 0.001), in utility movements (417 and 475 m, respectively; P < 0.001) and sprinting (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001) than either props and locks or back row forwards (walking: 1000 and 991 m; utility movements: 106 and 154 m; sprinting: 72 and 94 m, respectively). Outside backs covered a significantly greater distance sprinting than inside backs (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001). Forwards maintained a higher level of exertion than backs, due to more constant motion and a large involvement in static high-intensity activities. A mean blood lactate concentration of 4.8-7.2 mmol.l(-1) indicated a need for 'lactate tolerance' training to improve hydrogen ion buffering and facilitate removal following high-intensity efforts. Furthermore, the large distances (4.2-5.6 km) covered during, and intermittent nature of, match-play indicated a need for sound aerobic conditioning in all groups (particularly backs) to minimize fatigue and facilitate recovery between high-intensity efforts.
Four experiments were carried out in Merino ewes during a period of 4 years to determine the long-term effects of immunization against different synthetic peptides mimicking the amine terminal of the or subunit of porcine inhibin. Peptides were conjugated to human serum albumin and 100-200 mu g emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant for the primary immunization. Usually two booster injections were given at monthly intervals with 50-100 mu g conjugated peptide using either incomplete Freund's adjuvant or Montanide : Marcel. In some experiments a further immunization was carried in the next year. Blood samples were taken 10 days after each immunization, during the luteal phase, for estimation of gonadotrophin concentrations and determination of inhibin antibody titres. One day after blood sampling cloprostenol was used to induce luteolysis and laparoscopy was performed in the subsequent oestrous cycle. Immunization of ewes with synthetic peptides 1-32, 1-26, 7-26 and 8-30 resulted in large increases in the ovulation rate (OR). An approximately two-fold increase in OR was observed following the first booster immunization with these peptides and a three- to five-fold increase after the second booster immunization. Immunization with these large peptides resulted in a sustained increase in OR for a period of at least 1 year after the second booster immunization. Of the shorter peptides, peptides 10-26 and 13-26 gave a reasonable ovulatory response, although it was more difficult to obtain a response with peptides 1-16, 8-22, 13-25, 8-19 and 10-19; peptides 7-13 and 1-6 gave no response (but were examined for one breeding season only). The smaller peptides led to lower inhibin antibody titres that were not necessarily associated with increased follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or OR. More intensive blood sampling in one experiment showed that following primary immunization against peptide 1-32 there was a transient increase in plasma FSH which did not lead to an increased OR. Moreover, a prolonged period of raised FSH after the first booster was significantly correlated with increased OR. In these animals antibody titres were only slightly increased after primary immunization, but after the first booster immunization higher titres were observed that were significantly correlated with trough FSH values and the subsequent OR. These results are interpreted as showing that (1) to obtain an increase in OR peptides 1-32, 1-26 and 7-26 are suitable as immunogens; (2) smaller peptides are less reliable, often require multiple injections, and the response may be delayed; and (3) an extended period of raised plasma FSH is needed to give a large ovulatory response.
Our group have recently proposed that low prenatal vitamin D may be a risk-modifying factor for schizophrenia. Climate variability impacts on vitamin D levels in a population via fluctuations in the amount of available UV radiation. In order to explore this hypothesis, we examined fluctuations in the birthrates for people with schizophrenia born between 1920 and 1967 and three sets of variables strongly associated with UV radiation. These included: (a) the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), a marker of El Nino which is the most prominent meteorological factor that influences Queensland weather: (b) measures of cloud cover and (c) measures of sunshine. Schizophrenia births were extracted from the Queensland Mental Health register and corrected for background population birth rates. Schizophrenia birth rates had several apparently non-random features in common with the SO1. The prominent SO1 fluctuation event that occurred between 1937 and 1943 is congruent with the most prominent fluctuation in schizophrenia birth rates. The relatively flat profile of SOI activity between 1927 and 1936 also corresponds to the flattest period in the schizophrenia time series. Both time series have prominent oscillations in the 3 ~, year range between 1946 and 1960. Significant associations between schizophrenia birth rates and measures of both sunshine and cloud cover were identified,and all three time series shared periodicity in the 3-4 year range. The analyses suggest that the risk of schizophrenia is higher for those born during times of increased cloud cover,reduced sunshine and positive SO1. These ecological analyses provide initial support for the vitamin D hypothesis, however alternative non-genetic candidate exposures also need to be considered. Other sites with year-to-year fluctuations in cloud cover and sunshine should examine patterns of association between these climate variables and schizophrenia birth rates. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.