910 resultados para third sector


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The main purpose of this study was to provide a full account of the Christian social work carried out at the Tampere City Mission (TCM) as well as the Missions sphere of operations from the Second World War to the early 1970s, comprising a period of significant change. The study consists of charting the processes of change and connections within the activities of the TCM and how examining these were linked to the general tendencies of the period, in lay work, social work, professionalization and the representation of gender. The positioning of the activities is described on the basis of these tendencies. The main sources for the study were the archives of the Mission, for example the minutes of meetings, correspondences as well as annual reports, and the archives of its partners, such as the City of Tampere, the Evangelical Lutheran parishes of Tampere and the State Welfare Administration. The archives of the Helsinki, Turku and Stockholm Missions supplied comparison reference and other material. In particular, social welfare and Christian social work technical journals of were used as printed sources. The principal method used was the genetic method of historiology. The research subject was also evaluated from the point of view of third sector research in addition to that of professionalization studies and gender studies. By the beginning of the research period, the TCM had turned more and more dedicatedly into a multipurpose social service organization maintaining social services such as old people s homes and children´s homes. This development continued, even though new areas of activity emerged and older ones fell into disuse. Social innovations sprang up, marriage counseling being one of them. On the national level, the TCM pioneered the provision of sheltered industrial work for intellectually disabled persons as well as housing services for them. As new activities were initiated, they overlapped with the established ones, and the TCM handed some of its child protection functions over to the municipality, in accordance with the current adaptation theory. The use of its own property to produce ever-changing social services may be the reason why the association s work continued on with vitality. Functional networks and political aid in the field of social services also bolstered the association. As in other Nordic countries, nonprofit organizations served as partners rather than competitors, with the State establishing institutional welfare arrangements. In the 1960s the municipal takeover of social services impacted the TCM activities. Rules for government subsidies and municipal allowances were not well established; hence these funds were not easily available, making improvements difficult. The TCM was a community in which women had a relatively strong position and an opportunity to make a difference. Female staff were reasonably equal to men, and women worked as heads of a several institutions. Care work employed a number of men, which went against the traditional segregation of labour between the sexes. The TCM s operations were from early on very professionalized, and were developed with particular care. Keywords: Christian social work, third sector, professionalization, gender


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Extracto del trabajo de investigación presentado en el programa de doctorado, que además está incluido en el formato de artículo en los anales (proceedings) de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Marketing Público y No Lucrativo (Zaragoza, abril de 2003).


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Esta dissertação tem o objetivo geral de analisar o protagonismo que o Instituto Ayrton Senna (organização do Terceiro Setor) tem alcançado na escola pública ao funcionar como braço operativo do empresariado com responsabilidade social na difusão da concepção burguesa de mundo, num contexto histórico do Neoliberalismo da Terceira Via. Esta penetração dos valores empresariais na escola pública se dá através do consenso em torno da falência do Estado na prestação do serviço público que, por sua vez, deveria ser prestado por organizações da sociedade civil (ONGs) em função de sua suposta maior eficiência (pautada nos moldes do mercado). O objetivo específico é identificar como o Instituto Ayrton Senna (IAS), através da concepção de cidadania burguesa pode ressignificar o papel social da escola pública no município do Rio de Janeiro através do desenvolvimento do Programa Acelera Brasil (PAB). A hipótese central é que o IAS, ao aplicar o PAB, ressignifica o papel social da escola pública, atuando como operador do capital ao incorporar a lógica fabril nas escolas públicas, (identificação da qualidade na educação com certificação e treinamento para a realização de avaliações como condição de cidadania) associada a uma face mais humana do capital, introduzindo elementos da noção de capital social, que insere, entre outros, uma relação harmoniosa entre o Estado, a sociedade civil (entendida como Terceiro Setor) e o mercado.


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer e avaliar a contribuição do profissional contábil nas organizações do Terceiro Setor, para transparência e accountability. Para verificar se a gestão da organização pertencente ao Terceiro Setor desempenha suas atividades de forma transparente e accountable, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratóriodescritiva em uma organização pertencente a esse setor denominada Viva Rio, que encontra-se sediada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a Contabilidade pode contribuir muito para essas organizações, principalmente pelo fato de essas entidades, diferentemente das demais organizações do primeiro e segundo setores, precisarem prestar contas aos mais diversos públicos. A organização pesquisada utiliza informações não financeiras e financeiras como ferramenta de auxílio à transparência e accountability, e ainda, os registros contábeis são contabilizados por projetos e por financiadores, o que gera acurácia e tempestividade na disponibilidade dessas informações aos seus interessados.


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A pesquisa busca analisar a operacionalização das diretrizes pedagógicas não formais oferecidas por uma Organização do Terceiro Setor, de base internacional, com comitês locais em vários municípios do Brasil. A investigação pretende, também, abordar a contribuição das programações ofertadas para o desenvolvimento de uma nova relação com o saber segundo Bernard Charlot, de acordo com avaliação dos seus membros, no sentido de interculturalidade. A escolha da organização, objeto de estudo, se justifica por ter surgido após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, em 1948, fundada por estudantes de sete países europeus (Noruega, Dinamarca, França, Suécia, Finlândia, Bélgica e Países Baixos), com o propósito de contribuir para a integração entre diferentes culturas, promovendo o entendimento e a cooperação entre seus países membros, através do intercâmbio de técnicas administrativas e de recursos humanos (AIESEC, 2014). Trata-se de um estudo de caso no qual o referencial teórico destaca os autores Maria da Glória Gohn, Jaime Trilla, José Carlos Libâneo e Simone Park por caracterizarem a educação não formal. Os conceitos relacionados ao Terceiro Setor são trabalhados à luz das concepções dos autores Leilah Landin, Sérgio Haddad e Carlos Montaño. Para o conceito de competências são usadas, principalmente, as abordagens de Acácia Kuenzer e Neise Deluiz e, finalmente, Vera Candau e Maria Aneas, para a abordagem da interculturalidade. A metodologia da pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa se utiliza de métodos diferenciados como: observação não participante, entrevista semipadronizada com quatro intercambistas, pesquisa documental e análise de documentos na internet. Os dados revelam que as práticas pedagógicas de Educação Não Formal apresentam uma dicotomia entre seus valores de paz e os seus fazeres convergentes com a lógica do mercado globalizado. A pesquisa aponta que as ações educativas deveriam ultrapassar a concepção de multiculturalismo, para a de interculturalismo, instaurando o diálogo com as diferenças.


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This article shows the main results obtained from the Delphi study, which was made of politicians and technicians from the Department of Social Policy in the County Council of Gipuzkoa, concerning the possibility of cooperativizing the provision of social services in this historical territory. With this in mind, the structure of this article is in two different parts. The first part develops the theoretical framework which serves as inspiration for the empirical work, where note is made of the main theoretical proposals that have a bearing on the collective dimension of citizen participation in the management of public services. Among the various models, those which prioritise public participation through social and solidarity economy entities stand out. The second part concerns itself with the presentation of the field research results. To this end, the methodological notes concerning the preparation process for the Delphi analysis are presented first and this is immediately followed by a synthesis of the main results obtained in this study. The article ends with a section of conclusions and future lines of action.


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Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.


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This research analyses the importance of the training for the promotion of the social economy in two ways: 1) focusing on the characteristics of the educational offer of Social Economy and 2) analyzing its differences regarding to those studies from the Management, entrepreneurship, and innovations areas. To this aim, it is carried out as a first step a literature review of the contributions that study the relationships that can exist between the education and Economy. Then, being based on this previous analysis, we already center our research on the Social Economy sector and its relations with the education system. To get this objective, it has been developed a database that includes all the postgraduate titles related to the Economics area. Likewise, a questionnaire has been designed with the aim of characterize the training in social Economy. As a conclusion, it is obtained that the training in social economy in postgraduate studies in the Spanish Universities is very poor. On the other hand, there are significant differences between Social Economy degrees and Business Management, entrepreneurship and innovation degrees with regard to different aspects such as: values to transmit, competencies, skills, the way of understanding the Economy, etc. Based on these conclusions, different recommendations are proposed in order to promote and boost this other way of doing Economy through the training and education in postgraduate studies.


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Purpose – During recent years, the concept of civil society, particularly global civil society, has come to the fore in both academia and policy circles. A key component of recent theoretical and policy research is the attempt to do international comparative research on the meaning of civil society. The purpose of this paper is to argue that the language and the terminology used to describe the agents of civil society are reflective of cultural and historical contexts of societies, have distinct meanings and cannot be used interchangeably.

Design/methodology/approach – In different national contexts, the key agents of civil society are referred to differently; nonprofit sector, voluntary and community sector, third sector and social economy. In comparative studies, scholars often list these concepts to indicate that they recognise that the agents of civil society are referred to differently in different societies. The article offers a socio-historical analysis of each concept. It is concluded that teasing out the differences, as well as the similarities, between the nonprofit sector, voluntary and community sector, third sector and social economy, is crucial to robust comparative research on civil society.

Findings – This paper exposes a number of limitations of each of the terminologies used to describe civil society. They all present a much more limiting notion of civil society than that proposed by the founding fathers. None seem to capture the range of civil associations in any society. Yet, assumptions are made that the terminologies used have similar meanings rather than attempting to clarify and define exactly what is being written or described. This is exacerbated by the interchangeable usage of nonprofit/third sector/community and voluntary sector/social economy. In order to progress beyond culturally specific understandings of civil society, it is necessary to examine the terminology used and how it emanates from a specific cultural and political context. Having a clear understanding of the language used and what it signifies is crucial to robust cross-national comparative research.

Originality/value – This paper examines context specific understandings of civil society and the terminology used to define it; a question not previously addressed. It is hoped that this article will generate much needed further debate on cross-national meanings of civil society.


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Translational and transdisciplinary research is needed to tackle complex public health problems. This article has three aims. Firstly, to determine how academics and non-academics (practitioners, policy makers and community workers) identified with the goals of the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health in Northern Ireland and how their attitudes varied in terms of knowledge brokerage and translation. Secondly, to map and analyse the network structure of the public health sector and the placement of the Centre within this. Thirdly, to aggregate responses from members of the network by work setting to construct the trans-sectoral network and devise the Root Mean Sum of Squares to determine the quality and potential value of connections across this network.The analysis was based on data collected from 98 individuals who attended the launch of the Centre in June 2008. Analysis of participant expectations and personal goals suggests that the academic members of the network were more likely to expect the work of the Centre to produce new knowledge than non-academics, but less likely to expect the Centre to generate health interventions and influence health policy. Academics were also less strongly oriented than non-academics to knowledge transfer as a personal goal, though more confident that research findings would be diffused beyond the immediate network. A central core of five nodes is crucial to the overall configuration of the regional public health network in Northern Ireland, with the Centre being well placed to exert influence within this. Though the overall network structure is fairly robust, the connections between some component parts of the network - such as academics and the third sector - are unidirectional.Identifying these differences and core network structure is key to translational and transdisciplinary research. Though exemplified in a regional study, these techniques are generalisable and applicable to many networks of interest: public health, interdisciplinary research or organisational involvement and stakeholder linkage.


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This essay is intended as a self-reflective, auto-critique of the ‘social accounting community’. The essay is directed at the academic community of accountants concerned with social accounting. This `community' is predominantly concerned with English language accounting journals and is preoccupied with the social and environmental practices of the larger private sector organisations. The essay is motivated by a concern over our responsibilities as academics in a world in crisis and a concern that social accounting is losing its energy and revolutionary zeal. This community's social accounting endeavours have taken place in almost complete ignorance of the activities and developments in non accounting communities and, in particular, developments in the public and third sectors. The essay reaches out to the public and third sector work and literature as an illustration of one of the ways in which ‘our’ social accounting can try to prevent itself from becoming moribund.


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European studies frequently regard the economic and social dimensions of EU integration as diametrically opposed, maintaining that this state of affairs is beyond change. This edited collection challenges this perceived wisdom, focusing on the post-Lisbon constitutional landscape. Taking the multi-layered polity that is Europe today as its central organising theme, it examines how the social and the economic might be reconciled under the Union's different forms of governance. The collection has a clear structure, opening with a theoretical appraisal of its theme, before considering three specific policy fields: migration policy and civic integration, company law and corporate social responsibility and the role of third sector providers in public healthcare. It concludes with three case studies in these fields, illustrating how the argument can be practically applied. Insightful and topical, with a unique interdisciplinary perspective, this is an important contribution to European Union law after the Lisbon Treaty


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Partnership working is nowadays a seemingly ubiquitous aspect of the management and delivery of public services, yet there remain major differences of opinion about how they best work for the different stakeholders they involve. The balances between mandate and trust, and between hard and soft power, are crucial to current debates about public service partnerships. This paper explores the example of social housing procurement in Northern Ireland, and the requirement to form mandated procurement groups. The research shows that the exercise of hierarchical power is still important in network governance; that mandated partnerships alter the balance between trust and power in partnership working, but the impact is uneven; and that these relationships are (re)shaping the ‘hybrid’ identity of housing associations. The balance between accountability for public resources and the independence of third sector organisations is the key tension in mandated partnerships. The Northern Ireland experience suggests that trust-based networks could provide more productive working relationships in partnerships for service delivery.


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Comparative research on violent conflict in the Basque Country and Ireland has yielded a sizable body of published academic work. Less well explored is the relationship between conflict transformation and cross-border cooperation in that specific comparative context. This paper provides a comparative examination of Third (not for profit) sector cross-border cooperation as conflict transformation in the Basque (France/Spain) and Irish (UK/Ireland) border regions. To what extent does cross-border cooperation contribute to peacebuilding in the two last violent ethnonationalist conflicts in Western Europe? The comparison is based on the premise that the EU played a different role in both cases. In the Irish case, the EU contributed to the institutionalization of a peace process that included cross-border cooperation between third sector organizations among the policy instruments contributing to conflict transformation. In the Basque case, the unilateral renunciation of violence by ETA (Euskadi eta Askatasuna) in 2010 did not generate the consistent involvement of the EU in a comparable institutional peace process. However, some third sector organizations used EU instruments for cross-border economic, social and cultural cooperation between France and Spain in order to reinforce their cross-border networks, which indirectly impacted on conflict transformation. The effectiveness of this cross-border cooperation for conflict transformation is assessed comparatively. To what extent does this increase in cross-border cooperation “from below” connect to wider institutional and social processes of conflict transformation in Ireland and the Basque Country? Crucially, does the strengthening of cross-border relations on shared issues mollify or sharpen existing identity cleavages? Also considered is the sustainability of such cooperation in these regions in light of the less favourable post-2004 EU funding environment, and the post-2008 economic and political turmoil affecting the relevant EU member states, especially Ireland and Spain.


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A conjuntura atual económica, financeira e social tem pressionado o uso racional dos recursos existentes, seja pelo setor privado ou pelo setor público. Contudo, nem sempre as empresas e organizações conseguem fazê-lo da melhor forma possível, seja por falta de experiência, por falta de conhecimento ou simplesmente pela aversão à mudança. É no contexto de redução de custos/ gastos que a gestão Lean tem vindo a afirmar-se como um método/filosofia eficaz e o suficientemente flexível e robusta para se adaptar a diferentes realidades organizacionais. Nesse seguimento, este relatório testemunha a introdução da gestão Lean numa organização do Terceiro Setor – Centro Social e Paroquial da Vera Cruz, e questiona o seu valor acrescentado mesmo se implementada numa lógica parcelar e numa organização ainda globalmente longe de estar organizada segundo uma lógica Lean. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito do projeto em questão parecem apontar para uma operação bem sucedida e com boas perspetivas futuras, caso a referida organização dê continuidade à sua implementação.