990 resultados para surface functionalization


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Der Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit liegt auf der kontrollierten Benetzung von festen Oberflächen, die in vielen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel in der Mikrofluidik, für Beschichtungen und in biologischen Studien von Zellen oder Bakterien, von großer Bedeutung ist.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, wie Nanorauigkeit das Benetzungsverhalten, d.h. die Kontaktwinkel und die Pinningstärke, von hydrophoben und superhydrophoben Beschichtungen beeinflusst. Hierfür wird eine neue Methode entwickelt, um eine nanoraue Silika-Beschichtung über die Gasphase auf eine superhydrophobe Oberfläche, die aus rauen Polystyrol-Silika-Kern-Schale-Partikeln besteht, aufzubringen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Topographie und Dichte der Nanorauigkeiten bestimmt, ob sich die Superhydrophobizität verringert oder erhöht, d.h. ob sich ein Flüssigkeitstropfen im Nano-Wenzel- oder Nano-Cassie-Zustand befindet. Das verstärkte Pinning im Nano-Wenzel-Zustand beruht auf dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeitsmolekülen in die Nanoporen der Beschichtung. Im Nano-Cassie-Zustand dagegen sitzt der Tropfen auf den Nanorauigkeiten, was das Pinning vermindert. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden mit molekulardynamischen Simulationen in Bezug gesetzt, die den Einfluss der Oberflächenbeschichtungsdichte und der Länge von fluorinierten Silanen auf die Hydrophobizität einer Oberfläche untersuchen. rnEs wurden bereits verschiedenste Techniken zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben, d.h. extrem flüssigkeitsabweisenden, Oberflächen entwickelt. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung liegt darin, Funktionalitäten einzuführen, ohne die superhydrophoben Eigenschaften einer Oberfläche zu verändern. Dies ist extrem anspruchsvoll, da funktionelle Gruppen in der Regel hydrophil sind. In dieser Arbeit wird eine innovative Methode zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben Oberflächen aus Janus-Mikrosäulen mit variierenden Dimensionen und Topographien entwickelt. Die Janus-Säulen haben hydrophobe Seitenwände und hydrophile Silika-Oberseiten, die anschließend selektiv und ohne Verlust der superhydrophoben Eigenschaften der Oberfläche funktionalisiert werden können. Diese selektive Oberflächenfunktionalisierung wird mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie und durch das chemische Anbinden von fluoreszenten Molekülen an die Säulenoberseiten sichtbar gemacht. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass das Benetzungsverhalten durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeit und Festkörper in der Nähe der Benetzungslinie bestimmt wird. Diese Beobachtung widerlegt das allgemein akzeptierte Modell von Cassie und Baxter und beinhaltet, dass hydrophile Flächen, die durch mechanischen Abrieb freigelegt werden, nicht zu einem Verlust der Superhydrophobizität führen müssen, wie allgemein angenommen.rnBenetzung kann auch durch eine räumliche Beschränkung von Flüssigkeiten kontrolliert werden, z.B. in mikrofluidischen Systemen. Hier wird eine modifizierte Stöber-Synthese verwendet, um künstliche und natürliche Faser-Template mit einer Silika-Schicht zu ummanteln. Nach der thermischen Zersetzung des organischen Templat-Materials entstehen wohldefinierte Silika-Kanäle und Kanalkreuzungen mit gleichmäßigen Durchmessern im Nano- und Mikrometerbereich. Auf Grund ihrer Transparenz, mechanischen Stabilität und des großen Länge-zu-Durchmesser-Verhältnisses sind die Kanäle sehr gut geeignet, um die Füllgeschwindigkeiten von Flüssigkeiten mit variierenden Oberflächenspannungen und Viskositäten zu untersuchen. Konfokale Mikroskopie ermöglicht es hierbei, die Füllgeschwindigkeiten über eine Länge von mehreren Millimetern, sowie direkt am Kanaleingang zu messen. Das späte Füllstadium kann sehr gut mit der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung beschrieben werden. Die anfänglichen Füllgeschwindigkeiten sind jedoch niedriger als theoretisch vorhergesagt. Wohingegen die vorhergehenden Abschnitte dieser Arbeit sich mit der quasistatischen Benetzung beschäftigen, spielt hier die Dynamik der Benetzung eine wichtige Rolle. Tatsächlich lassen sich die beobachteten Abweichungen durch einen geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Fortschreitkontaktwinkel erklären und durch dynamische Benetzungstheorien modellieren. Somit löst diese Arbeit das seit langem diskutierte Problem der Abweichungen von der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung bei kleinen Füllgeschwindigkeiten.


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Acrylic bone cement is widely used to anchor orthopedic implants to bone and mechanical failure of the cement mantle surrounding an implant can contribute to aseptic loosening. In an effort to enhance the mechanical properties of bone cement, a variety of nanoparticles and fibers can be incorporated into the cement matrix. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are a class of particles that display high potential for use as reinforcement within bone cement. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantify the impact of modifying an acrylic cement with various low-loadings of mesoporous silica. Three types of MSNs (one plain variety and two modified with functional groups) at two loading ratios (0.1 and 0.2 wt/wt) were incorporated into a commercially available bone cement. The mechanical properties were characterized using four-point bending, microindentation and nanoindentation (static, stress relaxation, and creep) while material properties were assessed through dynamic mechanical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Four-point flexural testing and nanoindentation revealed minimal impact on the properties of the cements, except for several changes in the nano-level static mechanical properties. Conversely, microindentation testing demonstrated that the addition of MSNs significantly increased the microhardness. The stress relaxation and creep properties of the cements measured with nanoindentation displayed no effect resulting from the addition of MSNs. The measured material properties were consistent among all cements. Analysis of scanning electron micrographs images revealed that surface functionalization enhanced particle dispersion within the cement matrix and resulted in fewer particle agglomerates. These results suggest that the loading ratios of mesoporous silica used in this study were not an effective reinforcement material. Future work should be conducted to determine the impact of higher MSN loading ratios and alternative functional groups. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de biosensor óptico sin marcado, basado en una combinación de técnicas de caracterización óptica de interrogación vertical y estructuras sub-micrométricas fabricadas sobre chips de silicio. Las características más importantes de dicho dispositivo son su simplicidad, tanto desde el punto de vista de medida óptica como de introducción de las muestras a medir en el área sensible, aspectos que suelen ser críticos en la mayoría de sensores encontrados en la literatura. Cada uno de los aspectos relacionados con el diseño de un biosensor, que son fundamentalmente cuatro (diseño fotónico, caracterización óptica, fabricación y fluídica/inmovilización química) son desarrollados en detalle en los capítulos correspondientes. En la primera parte de la tesis se hace una introducción al concepto de biosensor, en qué consiste, qué tipos hay y cuáles son los parámetros más comunes usados para cuantificar su comportamiento. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis del estado del arte en la materia, enfocado en particular en el área de biosensores ópticos sin marcado. Se introducen también cuáles son las reacciones bioquímicas a estudiar (inmunoensayos). En la segunda parte se describe en primer lugar cuáles son las técnicas ópticas empleadas en la caracterización: Reflectometría, Elipsometría y Espectrometría; además de los motivos que han llevado a su empleo. Posteriormente se introducen diversos diseños de las denominadas "celdas optofluídicas", que son los dispositivos en los que se va a producir la interacción bioquímica. Se presentan cuatro dispositivos diferentes, y junto con ellos, se proponen diversos métodos de cálculo teórico de la respuesta óptica esperada. Posteriormente se procede al cálculo de la sensibilidad esperada para cada una de las celdas, así como al análisis de los procesos de fabricación de cada una de ellas y su comportamiento fluídico. Una vez analizados todos los aspectos críticos del comportamiento del biosensor, se puede realizar un proceso de optimización de su diseño. Esto se realiza usando un modelo de cálculo simplificado (modelo 1.5-D) que permite la obtención de parámetros como la sensibilidad y el límite de detección de un gran número de dispositivos en un tiempo relativamente reducido. Para este proceso se escogen dos de las celdas optofluídicas propuestas. En la parte final de la tesis se muestran los resultados experimentales obtenidos. En primer lugar, se caracteriza una celda basada en agujeros sub-micrométricos como sensor de índice de refracción, usando para ello diferentes líquidos orgánicos; dichos resultados experimentales presentan una buena correlación con los cálculos teóricos previos, lo que permite validar el modelo conceptual presentado. Finalmente, se realiza un inmunoensayo químico sobre otra de las celdas propuestas (pilares nanométricos de polímero SU-8). Para ello se utiliza el inmunoensayo de albumina de suero bovino (BSA) y su anticuerpo (antiBSA). Se detalla el proceso de obtención de la celda, la funcionalización de la superficie con los bioreceptores (en este caso, BSA) y el proceso de biorreconocimiento. Este proceso permite dar una primera estimación de cuál es el límite de detección esperable para este tipo de sensores en un inmunoensayo estándar. En este caso, se alcanza un valor de 2.3 ng/mL, que es competitivo comparado con otros ensayos similares encontrados en la literatura. La principal conclusión de la tesis es que esta tipología de dispositivos puede ser usada como inmunosensor, y presenta ciertas ventajas respecto a los actualmente existentes. Estas ventajas vienen asociadas, de nuevo, a su simplicidad, tanto a la hora de medir ópticamente, como dentro del proceso de introducción de los bioanalitos en el área sensora (depositando simplemente una gota sobre la micro-nano-estructura). Los cálculos teorícos realizados en los procesos de optimización sugieren a su vez que el comportamiento del sensor, medido en magnitudes como límite de detección biológico puede ser ampliamente mejorado con una mayor compactación de pilares, alcanzandose un valor mínimo de 0.59 ng/mL). The objective of this thesis is to develop a new concept of optical label-free biosensor, based on a combination of vertical interrogation optical techniques and submicron structures fabricated over silicon chips. The most important features of this device are its simplicity, both from the point of view of optical measurement and regarding to the introduction of samples to be measured in the sensing area, which are often critical aspects in the majority of sensors found in the literature. Each of the aspects related to the design of biosensors, which are basically four (photonic design, optical characterization, fabrication and fluid / chemical immobilization) are developed in detail in the relevant chapters. The first part of the thesis consists of an introduction to the concept of biosensor: which elements consists of, existing types and the most common parameters used to quantify its behavior. Subsequently, an analysis of the state of the art in this area is presented, focusing in particular in the area of label free optical biosensors. What are also introduced to study biochemical reactions (immunoassays). The second part describes firstly the optical techniques used in the characterization: reflectometry, ellipsometry and spectrometry; in addition to the reasons that have led to their use. Subsequently several examples of the so-called "optofluidic cells" are introduced, which are the devices where the biochemical interactions take place. Four different devices are presented, and their optical response is calculated by using various methods. Then is exposed the calculation of the expected sensitivity for each of the cells, and the analysis of their fabrication processes and fluidic behavior at the sub-micrometric range. After analyzing all the critical aspects of the biosensor, it can be performed a process of optimization of a particular design. This is done using a simplified calculation model (1.5-D model calculation) that allows obtaining parameters such as sensitivity and the detection limit of a large number of devices in a relatively reduced time. For this process are chosen two different optofluidic cells, from the four previously proposed. The final part of the thesis is the exposition of the obtained experimental results. Firstly, a cell based sub-micrometric holes is characterized as refractive index sensor using different organic fluids, and such experimental results show a good correlation with previous theoretical calculations, allowing to validate the conceptual model presented. Finally, an immunoassay is performed on another typology of cell (SU-8 polymer pillars). This immunoassay uses bovine serum albumin (BSA) and its antibody (antiBSA). The processes for obtaining the cell surface functionalization with the bioreceptors (in this case, BSA) and the biorecognition (antiBSA) are detailed. This immunoassay can give a first estimation of which are the expected limit of detection values for this typology of sensors in a standard immunoassay. In this case, it reaches a value of 2.3 ng/mL, which is competitive with other similar assays found in the literature. The main conclusion of the thesis is that this type of device can be used as immunosensor, and has certain advantages over the existing ones. These advantages are associated again with its simplicity, by the simpler coupling of light and in the process of introduction of bioanalytes into the sensing areas (by depositing a droplet over the micro-nano-structure). Theoretical calculations made in optimizing processes suggest that the sensor Limit of detection can be greatly improved with higher compacting of the lattice of pillars, reaching a minimum value of 0.59 ng/mL).


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El gran desarrollo industrial y demográfico de las últimas décadas ha dado lugar a un consumo crecientemente insostenible de energía y materias primas, que influye negativamente en el ambiente por la gran cantidad de contaminantes generados. Entre las emisiones tienen gran importancia los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV), y entre ellos los compuestos halogenados como el tricloroetileno, debido a su elevada toxicidad y resistencia a la degradación. Las tecnologías generalmente empleadas para la degradación de estos compuestos presentan inconvenientes derivados de la generación de productos tóxicos intermedios o su elevado coste. Dentro de los procesos avanzados de oxidación (Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP), la fotocatálisis resulta una técnica atractiva e innovadora de interés creciente en su aplicación para la eliminación de multitud de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos, y se ha revelado como una tecnología efectiva en la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles clorados como el tricloroetileno. Además, al poder aprovechar la luz solar como fuente de radiación UV permite una reducción significativa de costes energéticos y de operación. Los semiconductores más adecuados para su empleo como fotocatalizadores con aprovechamiento de la luz solar son aquellos que tienen una banda de energía comparable a la de los fotones de luz visible o, en su defecto, de luz ultravioleta A (Eg < 3,5 eV), siendo el más empleado el dióxido de titanio (TiO2). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de polímeros orgánicos comerciales como soporte para el TiO2 en fotocatálisis heterogénea y su ensayo para la eliminación de tricloroetileno en aire. Para ello, se han evaluado sus propiedades ópticas y su resistencia a la fotodegradación, y se ha optimizado la fijación del fotocatalizador para conseguir un recubrimiento homogéneo, duradero y con elevada actividad fotocatalítica en diversas condiciones de operación. Los materiales plásticos ensayados fueron el polietileno (PE), copolímero de etil vinil acetato con distintos aditivos (EVA, EVA-H y EVA-SH), polipropileno (PP), polimetil (metacrilato) fabricado en colada y extrusión (PMMA-C y PMMA-E), policarbonato compacto y celular (PC-C y PC-Ce), polivinilo rígido y flexible (PVC-R y PVC-F), poliestireno (PS) y poliésteres (PET y PETG). En base a sus propiedades ópticas se seleccionaron el PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH y PVC-R, los cuales mostraron un valor de transmitancia superior al 80% en el entorno de la región estudiada (λ=365nm). Para la síntesis del fotocatalizador se empleó la tecnología sol-gel y la impregnación multicapa de los polímeros seleccionados por el método de dip-coating con secado intermedio a temperaturas moderadas. Con el fin de evaluar el envejecimiento de los polímeros bajo la radiación UV, y el efecto sobre éste del recubrimiento fotoactivo, se realizó un estudio en una cámara de exposición a la luz solar durante 150 días, evaluándose la resistencia química y la resistencia mecánica. Los resultados de espectroscopía infrarroja y del test de tracción tras el envejecimiento revelaron una mayor resistencia del PMMA y una degradación mayor en el PS, PVC-R y EVA SH, con una apreciable pérdida del recubrimiento en todos los polímeros. Los fotocatalizadores preparados sobre soportes sin tratamiento y con tres capas de óxido de titanio mostraron mejores resultados de actividad con PMMA-C, PET y PS, con buenos resultados de mineralización. Para conseguir una mayor y mejor fijación de la película al soporte se realizaron tratamientos químicos abrasivos con H2SO4 y NaOH y tratamientos de funcionalización superficial por tecnología de plasma a presión atmosférica (APP) y a baja presión (LPP). Con los tratamientos de plasma se consiguió una excelente mojabilidad de los soportes, que dio lugar a una distribución uniforme y más abundante del fotocatalizador, mientras que con los tratamientos químicos no se obtuvo una mejora significativa. Asimismo, se prepararon fotocatalizadores con una capa previa de dióxido de silicio con la intervención de surfactantes (PDDA-SiO2-3TiO2 y SiO2FC-3TiO2), consiguiéndose buenas propiedades de la película en todos los casos. Los mejores resultados de actividad con tratamiento LPP y tres capas de TiO2 se lograron con PMMA-C (91% de conversión a 30 ppm de TCE y caudal 200 ml·min-1) mejorando significativamente también la actividad fotocatalítica en PVC-R y PS. Sin embargo, el material más activo de todos los ensayados fue el PMMA-C con el recubrimiento SiO2FC-3TiO2, logrando el mejor grado de mineralización, del 45%, y una velocidad de 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, que dio lugar a la eliminación del 100 % del tricloroetileno en las condiciones anteriormente descritas. A modo comparativo se realizaron ensayos de actividad con otro contaminante orgánico tipo, el formaldehído, cuya degradación fotocatalítica fue también excelente (100% de conversión y 80% de mineralización con 24 ppm de HCHO en un caudal de aire seco de 200 ml·min-1). Los buenos resultados de actividad obtenidos confirman las enormes posibilidades que ofrecen los polímeros transparentes en el UV-A como soportes del dióxido de titanio para la eliminación fotocatalítica de contaminantes en aire. ABSTRACT The great industrial and demographic development of recent decades has led to an unsustainable increase of energy and raw materials consumption that negatively affects the environment due to the large amount of waste and pollutants generated. Between emissions generated organic compounds (VOCs), specially the halogenated ones such as trichloroethylene, are particularly important due to its high toxicity and resistance to degradation. The technologies generally used for the degradation of these compounds have serious inconveniences due to the generation of toxic intermediates turn creating the problem of disposal besides the high cost. Among the advanced oxidation processes (AOP), photocatalysis is an attractive and innovative technique with growing interest in its application for the removal of many organic and inorganic compounds, and has emerged as an effective technology in eliminating chlorinated organic compounds such as trichloroethylene. In addition, as it allows the use of sunlight as a source of UV radiation there is a significant reduction of energy costs and operation. Semiconductors suitable to be used as photocatalyst activated by sunlight are those having an energy band comparable to that of the visible or UV-A light (Eg <3,5 eV), being titanium dioxide (TiO2), the most widely used. The main objective of this study is the test of commercial organic polymers as supports for TiO2 to be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis and its assay for removing trichloroethylene in air. To accomplish that, its optical properties and resistance to photooxidation have been evaluated, and different operating conditions have been tested in order to optimize the fixation of the photocatalyst to obtain a homogeneous coating, with durable and high photocatalytic activity. The plastic materials tested were: polyethylene (PE), ethyl vinyl acetace copolymers with different additives (EVA, EVA-H and EVA -SH), polypropylene (PP), poly methyl (methacrylate) manufactured by sheet moulding and extrusion (PMMA-C and PMMA-E), compact and cellular polycarbonates (PC-C PC-Ce), rigid and flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC-R and PVC-F), polystyrene (PS) and polyesters (PET and PETG). On the basis of their optical properties PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH and PVC-R were selected, as they showed a transmittance value greater than 80% in the range of the studied region (λ = 365nm). For the synthesis of the photocatalyst sol-gel technology was employed with multilayers impregnation of the polymers selected by dip-coating, with intermediate TiO2 drying at moderate temperatures. To evaluate the polymers aging due to UV radiation, and the effect of photoactive coating thereon, a study in an sunlight exposure chamber for 150 days was performed, evaluating the chemical resistance and the mechanical strength. The results of infrared spectroscopy and tensile stress test after aging showed the PMMA is the most resistant sample, but a greater degradation in PS, PVC-R and EVA SH, with a visible loss of the coating in all the polymers tested. The photocatalysts prepared on the untreated substrates with three layers of TiO2 showed better activity results when PMMA-C, PET and PS where used. To achieve greater and better fixation of the film to the support, chemical abrasive treatments, with H2SO4 and NaOH, as well as surface functionalization treatments with atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) and low pressure plasma (LPP) technologies were performed. The plasma treatment showed the best results, with an excellent wettability of the substrates that lead to a better and uniform distribution of the photocatalyst compared to the chemical treatments tested, in which no significant improvement was obtained. Also photocatalysts were prepared with the a silicon dioxide previous layer with the help of surfactants (SiO2- 3TiO2 PDDA-and-3TiO2 SiO2FC), obtaining good properties of the film in all cases. The best activity results for LPP-treated samples with three layers of TiO2 were achieved with PMMA-C (91% conversion, in conditions of 30 ppm of TCE and 200 ml·min-1 air flow rate), with a significant improvement of the photocatalytic activity in PVC-R and PS samples too. However, among all the materials assayed, PMMA-C with SiO2FC-3TiO2 coating was the most active one, achieving the highest mineralization grade (45%) and a reaction rate of 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, with total trichloroethylene elimination in the same conditions. As a comparative assay, an activity test was also performed with another typical organic contaminant, formaldehyde, also with good results (100% conversion with 24 ppm of HCHO and 200 ml·min-1 gas flow rate). The good activity results obtained in this study confirm the great potential of organic polymers which are transparent in the UV-A as supports for titanium dioxide for photocatalytic removal of air organic pollutants.


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Los sistemas micro electro mecánicos (MEMS) han demostrado ser una exitosa familia de dispositivos que pueden usarse como plataforma para el desarrollo de dispositivos con aplicaciones en óptica, comunicaciones, procesado de señal y sensorización. Los dispositivos MEMS estándar suelen estar fabricados usando tecnología de silicio. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de estos MEMS se puede mejorar si se usan otros materiales. Por ejemplo, el diamante nanocristalino (NCD) ofrece unas excelentes propiedades mecánicas, transparencia y una superficie fácil de funcionalizar. Por otro lado, el sistema de materiales (In; Ga; Al)N, los materiales IIIN, se pueden usar para producir estructuras monocristalinas con alta sensibilidad mecánica y química. Además, el AlN se puede depositar por pulverización catódica reactiva sobre varios substratos, incluyendo NCD, para formar capas policristalinas orientadas con alta respuesta piezoeléctrica. Adicionalmente, tanto el NCD como los materiales III-N muestran una gran estabilidad térmica y química, lo que los hace una elección idónea para desarrollar dispositivos para aplicaciones para alta temperatura, ambientes agresivos e incluso para aplicaciones biocompatibles. En esta tesis se han usado estos materiales para el diseño y medición de demostradores tecnológicos. Se han perseguido tres objetivos principales: _ Desarrollo de unos procesos de fabricación apropiados. _ Medición de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales y de los factores que limitan el rendimiento de los dispositivos. _ Usar los datos medidos para desarrollar dispositivos demostradores complejos. En la primera parte de esta tesis se han estudiado varias técnicas de fabricación. La estabilidad de estos materiales impide el ataque y dificulta la producción de estructuras suspendidas. Los primeros capítulos de esta disertación se dedican al desarrollo de unos procesos de transferencia de patrones por ataque seco y a la optimización del ataque húmedo sacrificial de varios substratos propuestos. Los resultados de los procedimientos de ataque se presentan y se describe la optimización de las técnicas para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de NCD y materiales III-N. En un capítulo posterior se estudia el crecimiento de AlN por pulverización catódica. Como se ha calculado en esta disertación para obtener una actuación eficiente de MEMS, las capas de AlN han de ser finas, típicamente d < 200 nm, lo que supone serias dificultades para la obtención de capas orientadas con respuesta piezoeléctrica. Las condiciones de depósito se han mapeado para identificar las fronteras que proporcionan el crecimiento de material orientado desde los primeros pasos del proceso. Además, durante la optimización de los procesos de ataque se estudió un procedimiento para fabricar películas de GaN nanoporoso. Estas capas porosas pueden servir como capas sacrificiales para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de GaN con baja tensión residual o como capas para mejorar la funcionalización superficial de sensores químicos o biológicos. El proceso de inducción de poros se discutirá y también se presentarán experimentos de ataque y funcionalización. En segundo lugar, se han determinado las propiedades mecánicas del NCD y de los materiales III-N. Se han fabricado varias estructuras suspendidas para la medición del módulo de Young y de la tensión residual. Además, las estructuras de NCD se midieron en resonancia para calcular el rendimiento de los dispositivos en términos de frecuencia y factor de calidad. Se identificaron los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que limitan ambas figuras de mérito y se han desarrollado modelos para considerar estas imperfecciones en las etapas de diseño de los dispositivos. Por otra parte, los materiales III-N normalmente presentan grandes gradientes de deformación residual que causan la deformación de las estructuras al ser liberadas. Se han medido y modelado estos efectos para los tres materiales binarios del sistema para proporcionar puntos de interpolación que permitan predecir las características de las aleaciones del sistema III-N. Por último, los datos recabados se han usado para desarrollar modelos analíticos y numéricos para el diseño de varios dispositivos. Se han estudiado las propiedades de transducción y se proporcionan topologías optimizadas. En el último capítulo de esta disertación se presentan diseños optimizados de los siguientes dispositivos: _ Traviesas y voladizos de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicados a nanoconmutadores de RF para señales de alta potencia. _ Membranas circulares de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicadas a lentes sintonizables. _ Filtros ópticos Fabry-Pérot basados en cavidades aéreas y membranas de GaN actuadas electrostáticamente. En resumen, se han desarrollado unos nuevos procedimientos optimizados para la fabricación de estructuras de NCD y materiales III-N. Estas técnicas se han usado para producir estructuras que llevaron a la determinación de las principales propiedades mecánicas y de los parámetros de los dispositivos necesarios para el diseño de MEMS. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos se han usado para el diseño optimizado de varios dispositivos demostradores. ABSTRACT Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have proven to be a successful family of devices that can be used as a platform for the development of devices with applications in optics, communications, signal processing and sensorics. Standard MEMS devices are usually fabricated using silicon based materials. However, the performance of these MEMS can be improved if other material systems are used. For instance, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) offers excellent mechanical properties, optical transparency and ease of surface functionalization. On the other hand, the (In; Ga; Al)N material system, the III-N materials, can be used to produce single crystal structures with high mechanical and chemical sensitivity. Also, AlN can be deposited by reactive sputtering on various substrates, including NCD, to form oriented polycrystalline layers with high piezoelectric response. In addition, both NCD and III-N materials exhibit high thermal and chemical stability, which makes these material the perfect choice for the development of devices for high temperatures, harsh environments and even biocompatible applications. In this thesis these materials have been used for the design and measurement of technological demonstrators. Three main objectives have been pursued: _ Development of suitable fabrication processes. _ Measurement of the material mechanical properties and device performance limiting factors. _ Use the gathered data to design complex demonstrator devices. In a first part of the thesis several fabrication processes have been addressed. The stability of these materials hinders the etching of the layers and hampers the production of free standing structures. The first chapters of this dissertation are devoted to the development of a dry patterning etching process and to sacrificial etching optimization of several proposed substrates. The results of the etching processes are presented and the optimization of the technique for the manufacturing of NCD and III-N free standing structures is described. In a later chapter, sputtering growth of thin AlN layers is studied. As calculated in this dissertation, for efficient MEMS piezoelectric actuation the AlN layers have to be very thin, typically d < 200 nm, which poses serious difficulties to the production of c-axis oriented material with piezoelectric response. The deposition conditions have been mapped in order to identify the boundaries that give rise to the growth of c-axis oriented material from the first deposition stages. Additionally, during the etching optimization a procedure for fabricating nanoporous GaN layers was also studied. Such porous layers can serve as a sacrificial layer for the release of low stressed GaN devices or as a functionalization enhancement layer for chemical and biological sensors. The pore induction process will be discussed and etching and functionalization trials are presented. Secondly, the mechanical properties of NCD and III-N materials have been determined. Several free standing structures were fabricated for the measurement of the material Young’s modulus and residual stress. In addition, NCD structures were measured under resonance in order to calculate the device performance in terms of frequency and quality factor. Intrinsic and extrinsic limiting factors for both figures were identified and models have been developed in order to take into account these imperfections in the device design stages. On the other hand, III-N materials usually present large strain gradients that lead to device deformation after release. These effects have been measured and modeled for the three binary materials of the system in order to provide the interpolation points for predicting the behavior of the III-N alloys. Finally, the gathered data has been used for developing analytic and numeric models for the design of various devices. The transduction properties are studied and optimized topologies are provided. Optimized design of the following devices is presented at the last chapter of this dissertation: _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated beams applied to RF nanoswitches for large power signals. _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated circular membranes applied to tunable lenses. _ GaN based air gap tunable optical Fabry-Pérot filters with electrostatic actuation. On the whole, new optimized fabrication processes has been developed for the fabrication of NCD and III-N MEMS structures. These processing techniques was used to produce structures that led to the determination of the main mechanical properties and device parameters needed for MEMS design. Lastly, the gathered data was used for the design of various optimized demonstrator devices.


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As defined by the European Union, “ ’Nanomaterial’ (NM) means a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or agglomerate, where, for 50 % or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm-100 nm ” (2011/696/UE). Given their peculiar physico-chemical features, nanostructured materials are largely used in many industrial fields (e.g. cosmetics, electronics, agriculture, biomedical) and their applications have astonishingly increased in the last fifteen years. Nanostructured materials are endowed with very large specific surface area that, besides making them very useful in many industrial processes, renders them very reactive towards the biological systems and, hence, potentially endowed with significant hazard for human health. For these reasons, in recent years, many studies have been focused on the identification of toxic properties of nanostructured materials, investigating, in particular, the mechanisms behind their toxic effects as well as their determinants of toxicity. This thesis investigates two types of nanostructured TiO2 materials, TiO2 nanoparticles (NP), which are yearly produced in tonnage quantities, and TiO2 nanofibres (NF), a relatively novel nanomaterial. Moreover, several preparations of MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT), another nanomaterial widely present in many products, are also investigated.- Although many in vitro and in vivo studies have characterized the toxic properties of these materials, the identification of their determinants of toxicity is still incomplete. The aim of this thesis is to identify the structural determinants of toxicity, using several in vitro models. Specific fields of investigation have been a) the role of shape and the aspect ratio in the determination of biological effects of TiO2 nanofibres of different length; b) the synergistic effect of LPS and TiO2 NP on the expression of inflammatory markers and the role played therein by TLR-4; c) the role of functionalization and agglomeration in the biological effects of MWCNT. As far as biological effects elicited by TiO2 NF are concerned, the first part of the thesis demonstrates that long TiO2 nanofibres caused frustrated phagocytosis, cytotoxicity, hemolysis, oxidative stress and epithelial barrier perturbation. All these effects were mitigated by fibre shortening through ball-milling. However, short TiO2 NF exhibited enhanced ability to activate acute pro-inflammatory effects in macrophages, an effect dependent on phagocytosis. Therefore, aspect ratio reduction mitigated toxic effects, while enhanced macrophage activation, likely rendering the NF more prone to phagocytosis. These results suggest that, under in vivo conditions, short NF will be associated with acute inflammatory reaction, but will undergo a relatively rapid clearance, while long NF, although associated with a relatively smaller acute activation of innate immunity cells, are not expected to be removed efficiently and, therefore, may be associated to chronic inflammatory responses. As far as the relationship between the effects of TiO2 NP and LPS, investigated in the second part of the thesis, are concerned, TiO2 NP markedly enhanced macrophage activation by LPS through a TLR-4-dependent intracellular pathway. The adsorption of LPS onto the surface of TiO2 NP led to the formation of a specific bio-corona, suggesting that, when bound to TiO2 NP, LPS exerts a much more powerful pro-inflammatory effect. These data suggest that the inflammatory changes observed upon exposure to TiO2 NP may be due, at least in part, to their capability to bind LPS and, possibly, other TLR agonists, thus enhancing their biological activities. Finally, the last part of the thesis demonstrates that surface functionalization of MWCNT with amino or carboxylic groups mitigates the toxic effects of MWCNT in terms of macrophage activation and capability to perturb epithelial barriers. Interestingly, surface chemistry (in particular surface charge) influenced the protein adsorption onto the MWCNT surface, allowing to the formation of different protein coronae and the tendency to form agglomerates of different size. In particular functionalization a) changed the amount and the type of proteins adsorbed to MWCNT and b) enhanced the tendency of MWCNT to form large agglomerates. These data suggest that the different biological behavior of functionalized and pristine MWCNT may be due, at least in part, to the different tendency to form large agglomerates, which is significantly influenced by their different capability to interact with proteins contained in biological fluids. All together, these data demonstrate that the interaction between physico-chemical properties of nanostructured materials and the environment (cells + biological fluids) in which these materials are present is of pivotal importance for the understanding of the biological effects of NM. In particular, bio-persistence and the capability to elicit an effective inflammatory response are attributable to the interaction between NM and macrophages. However, the interaction NM-cells is heavily influenced by the formation at the nano-bio interface of specific bio-coronae that confer a novel biological identity to the nanostructured materials, setting the basis for their specific biological activities.


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Advancements in the micro-and nano-scale fabrication techniques have opened up new avenues for the development of portable, scalable and easier-to-use biosensors. Over the last few years, electrodes made of carbon have been widely used as sensing units in biosensors due to their attractive physiochemical properties. The aim of this research is to investigate different strategies to develop functionalized high surface carbon micro/nano-structures for electrochemical and biosensing devices. High aspect ratio three-dimensional carbon microarrays were fabricated via carbon microelectromechanical systems (C-MEMS) technique, which is based on pyrolyzing pre-patterned organic photoresist polymers. To further increase the surface area of the carbon microstructures, surface porosity was introduced by two strategies, i.e. (i) using F127 as porogen and (ii) oxygen reactive ion etch (RIE) treatment. Electrochemical characterization showed that porous carbon thin film electrodes prepared by using F127 as porogen had an effective surface area (Aeff 185%) compared to the conventional carbon electrode. To achieve enhanced electrochemical sensitivity for C-MEMS based functional devices, graphene was conformally coated onto high aspect ratio three-dimensional (3D) carbon micropillar arrays using electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) technique. The amperometric response of graphene/carbon micropillar electrode arrays exhibited higher electrochemical activity, improved charge transfer and a linear response towards H2O2 detection between 250&mgr;M to 5.5mM. Furthermore, carbon structures with dimensions from 50 nano-to micrometer level have been fabricated by pyrolyzing photo-nanoimprint lithography patterned organic resist polymer. Microstructure, elemental composition and resistivity characterization of the carbon nanostructures produced by this process were very similar to conventional photoresist derived carbon. Surface functionalization of the carbon nanostructures was performed using direct amination technique. Considering the need for requisite functional groups to covalently attach bioreceptors on the carbon surface for biomolecule detection, different oxidation techniques were compared to study the types of carbon-oxygen groups formed on the surface and their percentages with respect to different oxidation pretreatment times. Finally, a label-free detection strategy using signaling aptamer/protein binding complex for platelet-derived growth factor oncoprotein detection on functionalized three-dimensional carbon microarrays platform was demonstrated. The sensor showed near linear relationship between the relative fluorescence difference and protein concentration even in the sub-nanomolar range with an excellent detection limit of 5 pmol.


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Reported accidents involving the poisoning scorpions are still frequent in Brazil, mainly caused by Tityus serrulatus, known as yellow scorpion. Although antivenom sera are produced routinely by various government laboratories, the effectiveness of its use depends on how quickly treatment is initiated and efficiency in the production of antibodies by the immunized animals. In this study, the development of cationic polymeric nanoparticles of poly(lactic acid) aimed to create a modified delivery system for peptides and proteins of T. serrulatus venom, able to enhance the production of serum antibodies against the scorpion toxins. The cationic nanoparticles were obtained by a low energy nanoprecipitation, after study of the parameters’ variations effects over the physicochemical properties of the particles. The surface functionalization of the nanoparticles with the hyperbranched polyethyleneimine was proved by zeta potential analysis and enabled the adsorption by electrostatic interaction of different types of proteins. The protein loading efficiency of 40-80 % to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 100 % to scorpion venom peptides evaluated by spectrophotometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed the success of the selected parameters established for obtainment of nanoparticles, produced with size between 100 to 250 nm. The atomic force microscopy analysis and in vitro release showed that the spherical nanoparticles provided a sustained release profile of proteins by diffusion mechanism, demonstrating the potential for application of the nanoparticles in vivo.


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Reported accidents involving the poisoning scorpions are still frequent in Brazil, mainly caused by Tityus serrulatus, known as yellow scorpion. Although antivenom sera are produced routinely by various government laboratories, the effectiveness of its use depends on how quickly treatment is initiated and efficiency in the production of antibodies by the immunized animals. In this study, the development of cationic polymeric nanoparticles of poly(lactic acid) aimed to create a modified delivery system for peptides and proteins of T. serrulatus venom, able to enhance the production of serum antibodies against the scorpion toxins. The cationic nanoparticles were obtained by a low energy nanoprecipitation, after study of the parameters’ variations effects over the physicochemical properties of the particles. The surface functionalization of the nanoparticles with the hyperbranched polyethyleneimine was proved by zeta potential analysis and enabled the adsorption by electrostatic interaction of different types of proteins. The protein loading efficiency of 40-80 % to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 100 % to scorpion venom peptides evaluated by spectrophotometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed the success of the selected parameters established for obtainment of nanoparticles, produced with size between 100 to 250 nm. The atomic force microscopy analysis and in vitro release showed that the spherical nanoparticles provided a sustained release profile of proteins by diffusion mechanism, demonstrating the potential for application of the nanoparticles in vivo.


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Rapid, sensitive and selective detection of chemical hazards and biological pathogens has shown growing importance in the fields of homeland security, public safety and personal health. In the past two decades, efforts have been focusing on performing point-of-care chemical and biological detections using miniaturized biosensors. These sensors convert target molecule binding events into measurable electrical signals for quantifying target molecule concentration. However, the low receptor density and the use of complex surface chemistry in receptors immobilization on transducers are common bottlenecks in the current biosensor development, adding to the cost, complexity and time. This dissertation presents the development of selective macromolecular Tobacco mosaic virus-like particle (TMV VLP) biosensing receptor, and the microsystem integration of VLPs in microfabricated electrochemical biosensors for rapid and performance-enhanced chemical and biological sensing. Two constructs of VLPs carrying different receptor peptides targeting at 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) explosive or anti-FLAG antibody are successfully bioengineered. The VLP-based TNT electrochemical sensor utilizes unique diffusion modulation method enabled by biological binding between target TNT and receptor VLP. The method avoids the influence from any interfering species and environmental background signals, making it extremely suitable for directly quantifying the TNT level in a sample. It is also a rapid method that does not need any sensor surface functionalization process. For antibody sensing, the VLPs carrying both antibody binding peptides and cysteine residues are assembled onto the gold electrodes of an impedance microsensor. With two-phase immunoassays, the VLP-based impedance sensor is able to quantify antibody concentrations down to 9.1 ng/mL. A capillary microfluidics and impedance sensor integrated microsystem is developed to further accelerate the process of VLP assembly on sensors and improve the sensitivity. Open channel capillary micropumps and stop-valves facilitate localized and evaporation-assisted VLP assembly on sensor electrodes within 6 minutes. The VLP-functionalized impedance sensor is capable of label-free sensing of antibodies with the detection limit of 8.8 ng/mL within 5 minutes after sensor functionalization, demonstrating great potential of VLP-based sensors for rapid and on-demand chemical and biological sensing.


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Copper complexes containing inorganic ligands were loaded on a functionalized titania (F-TiO2) to obtain drug delivery systems. The as-received copper complexes and those released from titania were tested as toxic agents on different cancer cell lines. The sol–gel method was used for the synthesis and surface functionalization of the titania, as well as for loading the copper complexes, all in a single step. The resultant Cu/F-TiO2 materials were characterized by several techniques. An “in vitro” releasing test was developed using an aqueous medium. Different concentrations (15.6–1000 µg mL−1) of each copper complex, those loaded on titania (Cu/F-TiO2), functionalized titania, and cis-Pt as a reference material, were incubated on RG2, C6, U373, and B16 cancer cell lines for 24 h. The morphology of functionalized titania and the different Cu/F-TiO2 materials obtained consists of aggregated nanoparticles, which generate mesopores. The amorphous phase (in dominant proportion) and the anatase phase were the structures identified through the X-ray diffraction profiles. These results agree with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Theoretical studies indicate that the copper compounds were released by a Fickian diffusion mechanism. It was found that independently of the copper complex and also the cell line used, low concentrations of each copper compound were sufficient to kill almost 100 % of cancer cells. When the cancer cells were treated with increasing concentrations of the Cu/F-TiO2 materials the number of survival cells decreased. Both copper complexes alone as well as those loaded on TiO2 had higher toxic effect than cis-Pt.


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Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are highly promising materials for molecular engineering of electronic and spintronics devices thanks to their surface functionalization properties. In this direction, alkylphosphonic acids have been used to functionalize the most common ferromagnetic electrode in organic spintronics: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). However, a study on the influence of SAMs grafting on LSMO electronic and magnetic properties is still missing. In this letter, we probe the influence of alkylphosphonic acids-based SAMs on the electronic and magnetic properties of the LSMO surface using different spectroscopies. We observe by X-ray photoemission and X-ray absorption that the grafting of the molecules on the LSMO surface induces a reduction of the Mn oxidation state. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements also show that the LSMO work function can be modified by surface dipoles opening the door to both tune the charge and spin injection efficiencies in organic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes.


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Thermal diffusivity of silk fibroin films, α = (1.6 ± 0.24) × 10-7 m2 s-1, was measured by a direct contact method. It was shown to be reduced down to ∼1 × 10-7 m2 s-1 in the crystallized phase, consistent with the multi-domain composition of β-sheet assemblies. Crystalline silk with β-sheets was made by dipping into alcohol and was used as a positive electron beam lithography (EBL) resist. It is shown by direct IR imaging of the 1619 cm-1 amide-I CO spectral signature and 3290 cm-1 amide-A N-H stretching band that an e-beam is responsible for unzipping β-sheets, which subsequently results in exposed areas returning to a water soluble state. This makes it possible to develop a water-based biocompatible silk resist and use it in lithography applications. The general principles of protein crystallization, traceable to spectral changes in IR amide bands of silk, can be used as a guide for the creation of new protein EBL resists and to quantify the electron dose required for solubility. Foam formation and laser treatments of silk can provide new approaches in surface functionalization and fabrication of 3D bio-scaffolds.


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Advancements in the micro-and nano-scale fabrication techniques have opened up new avenues for the development of portable, scalable and easier-to-use biosensors. Over the last few years, electrodes made of carbon have been widely used as sensing units in biosensors due to their attractive physiochemical properties. The aim of this research is to investigate different strategies to develop functionalized high surface carbon micro/nano-structures for electrochemical and biosensing devices. High aspect ratio three-dimensional carbon microarrays were fabricated via carbon microelectromechanical systems (C-MEMS) technique, which is based on pyrolyzing pre-patterned organic photoresist polymers. To further increase the surface area of the carbon microstructures, surface porosity was introduced by two strategies, i.e. (i) using F127 as porogen and (ii) oxygen reactive ion etch (RIE) treatment. Electrochemical characterization showed that porous carbon thin film electrodes prepared by using F127 as porogen had an effective surface area (Aeff 185%) compared to the conventional carbon electrode. To achieve enhanced electrochemical sensitivity for C-MEMS based functional devices, graphene was conformally coated onto high aspect ratio three-dimensional (3D) carbon micropillar arrays using electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) technique. The amperometric response of graphene/carbon micropillar electrode arrays exhibited higher electrochemical activity, improved charge transfer and a linear response towards H2O2 detection between 250μM to 5.5mM. Furthermore, carbon structures with dimensions from 50 nano-to micrometer level have been fabricated by pyrolyzing photo-nanoimprint lithography patterned organic resist polymer. Microstructure, elemental composition and resistivity characterization of the carbon nanostructures produced by this process were very similar to conventional photoresist derived carbon. Surface functionalization of the carbon nanostructures was performed using direct amination technique. Considering the need for requisite functional groups to covalently attach bioreceptors on the carbon surface for biomolecule detection, different oxidation techniques were compared to study the types of carbon–oxygen groups formed on the surface and their percentages with respect to different oxidation pretreatment times. Finally, a label-free detection strategy using signaling aptamer/protein binding complex for platelet-derived growth factor oncoprotein detection on functionalized three-dimensional carbon microarrays platform was demonstrated. The sensor showed near linear relationship between the relative fluorescence difference and protein concentration even in the sub-nanomolar range with an excellent detection limit of 5 pmol.