1000 resultados para spinless particles


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Oxidative stress caused by generation of free radicals and related reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the sites of deposition has been proposed as a mechanism for many of the adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to particulate matter (PM). Recently, a new profluorescent nitroxide molecular probe (BPEAnit) developed at QUT was applied in an entirely novel, rapid and non-cell based assay for assessing the oxidative potential of particles (i.e. potential of particles to induce oxidative stress). The technique was applied on particles produced by several combustion sources, namely cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke. One of the main findings from the initial studies undertaken at QUT was that the oxidative potential per PM mass significantly varies for different combustion sources as well as the type of fuel used and combustion conditions. However, possibly the most important finding from our studies was that there was a strong correlation between the organic fraction of particles and the oxidative potential measured by the PFN assay, which clearly highlights the importance of organic species in particle-induced toxicity.


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The surface chemistries of three particulate samples collected from the lower stratosphere have been determined using a Scanning Auger Microprobe (SAM). These samples are typical of the most abundant natural and anthropogenic particles observed within the stratosphere in the >2µm diameter size fraction. Successive sputtering and analysis below the first few adsorbed monolayers of all particles shows the presence of a thin <150A) sulphur layer. These sulphur regions probably formed by surface reaction of sulphur-rich aerosols with each particle within the stratosphere. Settling rate calculations show that a typical sphere (10µm diameter) may reside within the aerosol layer for ~20 days and thus, provide a qualitative guide to surface sulphur reaction rates.


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The characteristics of dust particles deposited during the 2009 dust storm in the Gold Coast and Brisbane regions of Australia are discussed in this paper. The study outcomes provide important knowledge in relation to the potential impacts of dust storm related pollution on ecosystem health in the context that the frequency of dust storms is predicted to increase due to anthropogenic desert surface modifications and climate change impacts. The investigated dust storm contributed a large fraction of fine particles to the environment with an increased amount of total suspended solids, compared to dry deposition under ambient conditions. Although the dust storm passed over forested areas, the organic carbon content in the dust was relatively low. The primary metals present in the dust storm deposition were aluminium, iron and manganese, which are common soil minerals in Australia. The dust storm deposition did not contain significant loads of nickel, cadmium, copper and lead, which are commonly present in the urban environment. Furthermore, the comparison between the ambient and dust storm chromium and zinc loads suggested that these metals were contributed to the dust storm by local anthropogenic sources. The potential ecosystem health impacts of the 2009 dust storm include, increased fine solids deposition on ground surfaces resulting in an enhanced capacity to adsorb toxic pollutants as well as increased aluminium, iron and manganese loads. In contrast, the ecosystem health impacts related to organic carbon and other metals from dust storm atmospheric deposition are not considered to be significant.


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Ions play an important role in affecting climate and particle formation in the atmosphere. Small ions rapidly attach to particles in the air and, therefore, studies have shown that they are suppressed in polluted environments. Urban environments, in particular, are dominated by motor vehicle emissions and, since motor vehicles are a source of both particles and small ions, the relationship between these two parameters is not well known. In order to gain a better understanding of this relationship, an intensive campaign was undertaken where particles and small ions of both signs were monitored over two week periods at each of three sites A, B and C that were affected to varying degrees by vehicle emissions. Site A was close to a major road and reported the highest particle number and lowest small ion concentrations. Precursors from motor vehicle emissions gave rise to clear particle formation events on five days and, on each day this was accompanied by a suppression of small ions. Observations at Site B, which was located within the urban airshed, though not adjacent to motor traffic, showed particle enhancement but no formation events. Site C was a clean site, away from urban sources. This site reported the lowest particle number and highest small ion concentration. The positive small ion concentration was 10% to 40% higher than the corresponding negative value at all sites. These results confirm previous findings that there is a clear inverse relationship between small ions and particles in urban environments dominated by motor vehicle emissions.


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An accurate evaluation of the airborne particle dose-response relationship requires detailed measurements of the actual particle concentration levels that people are exposed to, in every microenvironment in which they reside. The aim of this work was to perform an exposure assessment of children in relation to two different aerosol species: ultrafine particles (UFPs) and black carbon (BC). To this purpose, personal exposure measurements, in terms of UFP and BC concentrations, were performed on 103 children aged 8-11 years (10.1 ± 1.1 years) using hand-held particle counters and aethalometers. Simultaneously, a time-activity diary and a portable GPS were used to determine the children’s daily time-activity pattern and estimate their inhaled dose of UFPs and BC. The median concentration to which the study population was exposed was found to be comparable to the high levels typically detected in urban traffic microenvironments, in terms of both particle number (2.2×104 part. cm-3) and BC (3.8 μg m-3) concentrations. Daily inhaled doses were also found to be relatively high and were equal to 3.35×1011 part. day-1 and 3.92×101 μg day-1 for UFPs and BC, respectively. Cooking and using transportation were recognized as the main activities contributing to overall daily exposure, when normalized according to their corresponding time contribution for UFPs and BC, respectively. Therefore, UFPs and BC could represent tracers of children exposure to particulate pollution from indoor cooking activities and transportation microenvironments, respectively.


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The degree of diversity or similarity detected in comets depends primarily on the lifetimes of the individual cometary nuclei at the time of analysis. It is inherent in our understanding of cometary orbital dynamics and the seminal model of comet origins that cometary evolution is the natural order of events in our Solar System. Thus, predictions of cometary behaviour in terms of bulk physical, mineralogical or chemical parameters should contain an appreciation of temporal variation(s). Previously, Rietmeijer and Mackinnon [1987] developed mineralogical bases for the chemical evolution of cometary nuclei primarily with regard to the predominantly silicate fraction of comet nuclei. We suggested that alteration of solids in cometary nuclei should be expected and that indications of likely reactants and products can be derived from judicious comparison with terrestrial diagenetic environments which include hydrocryogenic and low-temperature aqueous alterations. In a further development of this concept, Rietmeijer [1988] provides indirect evidence for the formation of sulfides and oxides in comet nuclei. Furthermore, Rietmeijer [1988] noted that timescales for hydrocryogenic and low-temperature reactions involving liquid water are probably adequate for relatively mature comets, e.g. P/comet Halley. In this paper, we will address the evolution of comet nuclei physical parameters such as solid particle grain size, porosity and density. In natural environments, chemical evolution (e.g. mineral reactions) is often accompanied by changes in physical properties. These concurrent changes are well-documented in the terrestrial geological literature, especially in studies of sediment diagenesis and we suggest that similar basic principles apply within the upper few meters of active comet nuclei. The database for prediction of comet nuclei physical parameters is, in principle, the same as used for the proposition of chemical evolution. We use detailed mineralogical studies of chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPS) as a guide to the likely constitution of mature comets traversing the inner Solar System. While there is, as yet, no direct proof that a specific sub-group or type of chondritic IDP is derived from a specific comet, it is clear that these particles are extraterrestrial in origin and that a certain portion of the interplanetary flux received by the Earth is cometary in origin. Two chondritic porous (CP) IDPS, sample numbers W701OA2 and W7029CI, from the Johnson Space Center Cosmic Dust Collection have been selected for this study of putative cometary physical parameters. This particular type of particle is considered a likely candidate for a cometary origin on the basis of mineralogy, bulk composition and morphology. While many IDPs have been subjected to intensive study over the past decade, we can develop a physical parameter model on only these two CP IDPs because few others have been studied in sufficient detail.


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In this paper, we report the preparation and characterisation of nanometer-sized TiO2, CdO, and ZnO semiconductor particles trapped in zeolite NaY. Preparation of these particles was carried out via the traditional ion exchange method and subsequent calcination procedure. It was found that the smaller cations, i.e., Cd2+ and Zn2+ could be readily introduced into the SI′ and SII′ sites located in the sodalite cages, through ion exchange; while this is not the case for the larger Ti species, i.e., Ti monomer [TiO]2+ or dimer [Ti2O3]2+ which were predominantly dispersed on the external surface of zeolite NaY. The subsequent calcination procedure promoted these Ti species to migrate into the internal surface of the supercages. These semiconductor particles confined in NaY zeolite host exhibited a significant blue shift in the UV-VIS absorption spectra, in contrast to the respective bulk semiconductor materials, due to the quantum size effect (QSE). The particle sizes calculated from the UV-VIS optical absorption spectra using the effective mass approximation model are in good agreement with the atomic absorption data.


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The overall aim of our research was to characterize airborne particles from selected nanotechnology processes and to utilize the data to develop and test quantitative particle concentration-based criteria that can be used to trigger an assessment of particle emission controls. We investigated particle number concentration (PNC), particle mass (PM) concentration, count median diameter (CMD), alveolar deposited surface area, elemental composition, and morphology from sampling of aerosols arising from six nanotechnology processes. These included fibrous and non-fibrous particles, including carbon nanotubes (CNTs). We adopted standard occupational hygiene principles in relation to controlling peak emission and exposures, as outlined by both Safe Work Australia, (1) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®). (2) The results from the study were used to analyses peak and 30-minute averaged particle number and mass concentration values measured during the operation of the nanotechnology processes. Analysis of peak (highest value recorded) and 30-minute averaged particle number and mass concentration values revealed: Peak PNC20–1000 nm emitted from the nanotechnology processes were up to three orders of magnitude greater than the local background particle concentration (LBPC). Peak PNC300–3000 nm was up to an order of magnitude greater, and PM2.5 concentrations up to four orders of magnitude greater. For three of these nanotechnology processes, the 30-minute average particle number and mass concentrations were also significantly different from the LBPC (p-value < 0.001). We propose emission or exposure controls may need to be implemented or modified, or further assessment of the controls be undertaken, if concentrations exceed three times the LBPC, which is also used as the local particle reference value, for more than a total of 30 minutes during a workday, and/or if a single short-term measurement exceeds five times the local particle reference value. The use of these quantitative criteria, which we are terming the universal excursion guidance criteria, will account for the typical variation in LBPC and inaccuracy of instruments, while precautionary enough to highlight peaks in particle concentration likely to be associated with particle emission from the nanotechnology process. Recommendations on when to utilize local excursion guidance criteria are also provided.


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that exposure to particulate air pollution is associated with several adverse health effects. Recently, interest has focused on ultrafine particles (UFPs, diameter ≤ 100 nm), due to the adverse health effects caused by their ability to induce inflammation and deposit in secondary organs [1]. These effects are much more pronounced in children because they inhale a higher dose of UFPs relative to both lung size (when compared with adults) [2] and increased breathing rates, since they are generally more physically active than adults ...


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Generally, the magnitude of pollutant emissions from diesel engines is ultimately coupled to the structure of fuel molecules. The presence of oxygen, level of unsaturation and the carbon chain length of respective molecules influence the combustion chemistry. It is speculated that increased oxygen content in the fuel may lead to the increased oxidative potential (Stevanovic, S. 2013). Also, upon the exposure to UV and ozone in the atmosphere, the chemical composition of the exhaust is changed. The presence of an oxidant and UV is triggering the cascade of photochemical reactions as well as the partitioning of semi-volatile compounds between the gas and particle phase. To gain an insight into the relationship between the molecular structures of the esters, their volatile organic content and the potential toxicity of diesel exhaust particulate matter, measurements were conducted on a modern common rail diesel engine. This research also investigates the contribution of atmospheric conditions on the transfer of semi-volatile fraction of diesel exhaust from the gas phase to the particle phase and the extent to which semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) are related to the oxidative potential, expressed through the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Stevanovic, S. 2013)...


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The aim of this study was to quantify school children’s exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP) in urban environments. The study was conducted as part of a larger epidemiological project aiming to determine the association between exposures to UFPs and children’s health, titled “Ultrafine Particles from Traffic Emissions and Children’s Health”1 (UPTECH). School children aged 8-11 years old at 24 state schools within the Brisbane Metropolitan Area participated in the present study. This paper presents the methodology and results for calculating deposited UFP surface area in the alveolar region (dose), where UFP deposition is more efficient for particles larger than 6 nm...


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Exposure to ultrafine particles (UFPs) is deemed to be a major risk affecting human health. Therefore, airborne particle studies were performed in the recent years to evaluate the most critical micro-environments, as well as identifying the main UFP sources. Nonetheless, in order to properly evaluate the UFP exposure, personal monitoring is required as the only way to relate particle exposure levels to the activities performed and micro-environments visited. To this purpose, in the present work, the results of experimental analysis aimed at showing the effect of the time-activity patterns on UFP personal exposure are reported. In particular, 24 non-smoking couples (12 during winter and summer time, respectively), comprised of a man who worked full-time and a woman who was a homemaker, were analyzed using personal particle counter and GPS monitors. Each couple was investigated for a 48-h period, during which they also filled out a diary reporting the daily activities performed. Time activity patterns, particle number concentration exposure and the related dose received by the participants, in terms of particle alveolar-deposited surface area, were measured. The average exposure to particle number concentration was higher for women during both summer and winter (Summer: women 1.8×104 part. cm-3; men 9.2×103 part. cm-3; Winter: women 2.9×104 part. cm-3; men 1.3×104 part. cm-3), which was likely due to the time spent undertaking cooking activities. Staying indoors after cooking also led to higher alveolar-deposited surface area dose for both women and men during the winter time (9.12×102 and 6.33×102 mm2, respectively), when indoor ventilation was greatly reduced. The effect of cooking activities was also detected in terms of women’s dose intensity (dose per unit time), being 8.6 and 6.6 in winter and summer, respectively. On the contrary, the highest dose intensity activity for men was time spent using transportation (2.8 in both winter and summer).


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A method of producing particles having nano-sized grains comprises the steps of: (a) prepg. a soln. contg. one or more metal cations; (b) mixing the soln. from step (a) with one or more surfactants to form a surfactant/liq. mixt. and (c) heating the mixt. from step (b) above to form the particles. [on SciFinder(R)]


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A method of producing particles having nano-sized grains comprises the steps of: (a) prepg. a soln. contg. one or more metal cations; (b) mixing the soln. from step (a) with one or more surfactants to form a surfactant/liq. mixt. and (c) heating the mixt. from step (b) above to form the particles. [on SciFinder(R)]


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A method for producing metal oxide particles having nano-sized grains is disclosed. A solution of metal cations is mixed with surfactant under conditions such that surfactant micelles are formed. This mixture is then heated to form the metal oxide particles; this heating step removing the surfactant, forming the metal oxide and creating the pore structure of the particles. The pore structures are disordered. This method is particularly advantageous for production of complex (multi-component) metal oxides in which the different atomic species are homogeneously dispersed.