999 resultados para sistemas de energia elétrica
O presente trabalho analisa a viabilidade técnica da redução do uso de energia elétrica pela substituição dos chuveiros elétricos por aquecedores solares e apresenta uma análise da redução do custo mensal de energia elétrica para os diferentes municípios de Goiás. Por meio do processamento de dados climatológicos e com o auxílio do aplicativo de informações geográficas SPRING®, foram calculados os valores de irradiâncias (MJ m-2 anual-1) e do número de horas anuais de brilho solar sobre a superfície da Terra e no topo da atmosfera, respectivamente, para os municípios do Estado de Goiás. Com base em dados censitários, calcularam-se o consumo médio de energia elétrica mensal por domicílio (kWh mês-1) e o total anual (kWh ano-1). Analisou-se a redução do custo mensal de energia elétrica por domicílio pela substituição de chuveiros elétricos com diferentes potências comerciais por aquecedores solares. Analisaram-se, ainda, a redução da vazão que passa na turbina (m³ s-1) da principal usina hidrelétrica de Goiás e a relação entre a redução da potência total anual (kW) e a potência gerada por essa usina (kW). Procedeu-se, finalmente, à análise econômica, avaliando-se a relação custo/benefício da substituição proposta. Os resultados mostraram redução média mensal da conta de energia de R$ 36,92 e média de 13 meses para o retorno do capital investido. Pôde-se concluir pela viabilidade técnica, econômica e ambiental da substituição dos chuveiros elétricos pelos sistemas aquecedores/reservatórios térmicos.
Este trabalho investiga o impacto da adoção e da implementação de um Sistema Integrado de Gestão em uma empresa do setor elétrico brasileiro, Companhia Estadual de Energia Elétrica – CEEE. Os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão – SIG´s – compõem um novo conceito para a gestão de informação nas organizações. Esses sistemas prometem a integração de todos os fluxos de informações internos e externos a uma organização. A busca da efetiva integração dos negócios levou inúmeras empresas a implementarem os SIG´s. Como a expectativa de resultados é significativa e os investimentos envolvidos são elevados, a avaliação é uma importante etapa da implementação deste tipo de sistema nas empresas. O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar se a implementação do sistema empresarial Synergia trouxe alteração na eficiência operacional da CEEE. O método de avaliação baseou-se em duas dimensões: utilidade e satisfação pelo usuário. Para avaliação da utilidade do sistema, outras três subdimensões foram estabelecidas: a) impacto nos fatores críticos de sucesso da empresa; b) impacto nos processos; c) impacto nos indicadores de desempenho. Com base em um referencial teórico centrado nas características destes sistemas e nos métodos de avaliação que enfatizam as questões mais significativas a serem consideradas na implementação desses projetos, a pesquisa revelou aspectos da implementação e deficiências do software que conduziram ao insucesso do projeto.
Este estudo propõe um método alternativo para a previsão de demanda de energia elétrica, através do desenvolvimento de um modelo de estimação baseado em redes neurais artificiais. Tal método ainda é pouco usado na estimativa de demanda de energia elétrica, mas tem se mostrado promissor na resolução de problemas que envolvem sistemas de potência. Aqui são destacados os principais fatores que devem pautar a modelagem de um sistema baseada em redes neurais artificiais, que são: seleção das variáveis de entrada; quantidade de variáveis; arquitetura da rede; treinamento; previsão da saída. O modelo ora apresentado foi desenvolvido a partir de uma amostra de 125 municípios do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), nos anos de 1999 a 2002. Como variáveis de entrada, foram selecionados a temperatura ambiente (média e desvio-padrão anual), a umidade relativa do ar (média e desvio-padrão anual), o PIB anual e a população anual de cada município incluído na amostra. Para validar a proposta apresentada, são mostrados resultados baseados nas simulações com o modelo proposto.
Com o objetivo de contribuir com a literatura sobre a regulação dos setores de infraestrutura, este trabalho apresenta uma análise do modelo regulatório utilizado para viabilizar a expansão de capacidade do setor de transmissão de energia elétrica no Brasil. Neste país, de dimensões continentais, o setor de transmissão tem um papel de fundamental importância para garantir o suprimento de energia elétrica e, consequentemente, para viabilizar uma trajetória de crescimento sustentável da atividade econômica. Grandes quantidades de energia são transportadas entre as unidades geradoras, principalmente hidroelétricas que, em muitos casos, estão localizadas em regiões bem distantes dos grandes centros de consumo. Devido à similaridade entre as dimensões continentais e os volumes de energia produzidos e consumidos, são comparados os modelos regulatórios utilizados para a expansão da transmissão no Brasil e Argentina. Aspectos institucionais e dos sistemas políticos nos dois países são ressaltados para explicar as diferenças entre os dois modelos e os resultados alcançados em cada um dos países. Neste caso destacam-se os desafios para expansão da infraestrutura de transmissão de elevada tensão e grande extensão no caso argentino e os benefícios do modelo brasileiro que combina a realização de leilões com um mecanismo de planejamento centralizado. As especificidades do modelo regulatório brasileiro, principalmente do modelo híbrido de leilões de contratos de concessões de transmissão, acompanhado de revisões periódicas da receita dos investidores têm especial atenção. Através de uma análise dos lances apresentados nos leilões realizados no Brasil entre 2002 e 2008, testa-se a reação dos participantes com relação à mudança no modelo regulatório introduzida em 2006, ano em que foi introduzida a revisão tarifária periódica nos contratos de concessão para serviços de transmissão. Evidencia-se que, com esta mudança, os participantes não diminuíram os deságios praticados nos leilões, indicando que não houve aumento da percepção de risco do negócio para os investidores devido a esta mudança na regulação. As informações utilizadas pelos participantes para formulação dos lances, no modelo de leilões para a expansão da transmissão no Brasil, são analisadas através de uma amostra ampliada dos lances apresentados no período 1999-2011. Encontram-se evidências empíricas de que os lances dos participantes são correlacionados, indicando que estes levam em consideração os lances dos seus competidores para formulação de seus próprios lances.
O presente Sumário Executivo traz as conclusões gerais do estudo “Regulação do Comércio Internacional de Energia”, o qual apresenta o Multissistema de Regulação do Comércio Global e do Investimento na área de Energia, especificamente dos setores de combustíveis e energia elétrica. Os quadros regulatórios existentes tanto no sistema multilateral quanto nos sistemas regionais foram analisados a partir da identificação dos grandes temas relacionados ao comércio internacional de energia. Ambos os sistemas criam uma complexa estrutura de regras que podem oferecer soluções construtivas para as questões relativas à escassez de energia e aos altos custos de operação, bem como um mecanismo para a solução de conflitos. No âmbito multilateral, optou-se pela análise baseada em questões e desafios apresentados pelas regras do comércio internacional de energia. No regional, buscou-se apresentar as soluções encontradas nos acordos regionais que supram deficiências e lacunas da regulação multilateral. Cabe apontar que o estudo foi focado na análise das regras que regem o comércio internacional de energia. Desse modo, descartou-se a análise de instrumentos de soft law, que constituem apenas declarações de princípios e intenções e cujo cumprimento não é obrigatório. Também não foram analisadas outras iniciativas internacionais que, apesar de afetarem o setor de energia, não se relacionam ao comércio internacional de bens e serviços energéticos.
Nesta dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Telecomunicações desenvolveu-se um sistema de monitorização de defeitos de uma rede de energia elétrica de média tensão, para melhorar a qualidade de serviço do fornecimento de energia elétrica. O sistema deteta e indica a localização da respetiva falha, que impede o funcionamento de uma parte da rede, também interliga todos os sensores instalados na rede a um ponto central que recebe toda a informação proveniente dos sensores, e ajuda na tomada de decisão. Neste trabalho de dissertação fez-se o estudo e descrição das redes de energia elétrica, realçando a topologia, o modo de operação e parâmetros de qualidade. Assinalou-se também os principais defeitos que podem ocorrer na rede de média tensão. Apresentou-se, ao nível comercial, soluções para mitigar o problema alvo de estudo. Explorou-se, num ambiente de simulação, soluções de deteção dos defeitos da rede, tendo sido desenvolvidos três sistemas distintos: sistema A, sistema B e sistema C. Sistema A que monitoriza o valor nominal da corrente elétrica em cada troço da rede elétrica, sistema B com a monitorização do valor da corrente elétrica em cada posto de transformação e sistema C que compara as correntes no inicio e final de cada troço da rede elétrica, verificando se há alguma discrepância entre ambas. Após a análise e simulação das soluções descreve-se o procedimento realizado para criar um protótipo de um sistema de monitorização. Começou-se por testar, individualmente, os sensores de corrente, circuito de condicionamento, microcontroladores e sistema Scada, usado para a visualização dos dados. Posteriormente, elaborou-se manuais de utilização de forma a auxiliar o sistema em trabalhos futuros que venham dar continuidade a este trabalho. Para validar a análise teórica e confirmar os resultados da simulação, testou-se experimentalmente o sistema de deteção C. Confirmou-se que o sistema de monitorização de defeitos é capaz de detetar e localizar a avaria presente na rede de energia elétrica.
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developing the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. It s important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformer s secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity
Most algorithms for state estimation based on the classical model are just adequate for use in transmission networks. Few algorithms were developed specifically for distribution systems, probably because of the little amount of data available in real time. Most overhead feeders possess just current and voltage measurements at the middle voltage bus-bar at the substation. In this way, classical algorithms are of difficult implementation, even considering off-line acquired data as pseudo-measurements. However, the necessity of automating the operation of distribution networks, mainly in regard to the selectivity of protection systems, as well to implement possibilities of load transfer maneuvers, is changing the network planning policy. In this way, some equipments incorporating telemetry and command modules have been installed in order to improve operational features, and so increasing the amount of measurement data available in real-time in the System Operation Center (SOC). This encourages the development of a state estimator model, involving real-time information and pseudo-measurements of loads, that are built from typical power factors and utilization factors (demand factors) of distribution transformers. This work reports about the development of a new state estimation method, specific for radial distribution systems. The main algorithm of the method is based on the power summation load flow. The estimation is carried out piecewise, section by section of the feeder, going from the substation to the terminal nodes. For each section, a measurement model is built, resulting in a nonlinear overdetermined equations set, whose solution is achieved by the Gaussian normal equation. The estimated variables of a section are used as pseudo-measurements for the next section. In general, a measurement set for a generic section consists of pseudo-measurements of power flows and nodal voltages obtained from the previous section or measurements in real-time, if they exist -, besides pseudomeasurements of injected powers for the power summations, whose functions are the load flow equations, assuming that the network can be represented by its single-phase equivalent. The great advantage of the algorithm is its simplicity and low computational effort. Moreover, the algorithm is very efficient, in regard to the accuracy of the estimated values. Besides the power summation state estimator, this work shows how other algorithms could be adapted to provide state estimation of middle voltage substations and networks, namely Schweppes method and an algorithm based on current proportionality, that is usually adopted for network planning tasks. Both estimators were implemented not only as alternatives for the proposed method, but also looking for getting results that give support for its validation. Once in most cases no power measurement is performed at beginning of the feeder and this is required for implementing the power summation estimations method, a new algorithm for estimating the network variables at the middle voltage bus-bar was also developed
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developping the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. Its important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformers secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity
The reconfiguration of a distribution network is a change in its topology, aiming to provide specific operation conditions of the network, by changing the status of its switches. It can be performed regardless of any system anomaly. The service restoration is a particular case of reconfiguration and should be performed whenever there is a network failure or whenever one or more sections of a feeder have been taken out of service for maintenance. In such cases, loads that are supplied through lines sections that are downstream of portions removed for maintenance may be supplied by the closing of switches to the others feeders. By classical methods of reconfiguration, several switches may be required beyond those used to perform the restoration service. This includes switching feeders in the same substation or for substations that do not have any direct connection to the faulted feeder. These operations can cause discomfort, losses and dissatisfaction among consumers, as well as a negative reputation for the energy company. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a heuristic for reconfiguration of a distribution network, upon the occurrence of a failure in this network, making the switching only for feeders directly involved in this specific failed segment, considering that the switching applied is related exclusively to the isolation of failed sections and bars, as well as to supply electricity to the islands generated by the condition, with significant reduction in the number of applications of load flows, due to the use of sensitivity parameters for determining voltages and currents estimated on bars and lines of the feeders directly involved with that failed segment. A comparison between this process and classical methods is performed for different test networks from the literature about networks reconfiguration
The opening of the Brazilian market of electricity and competitiveness between companies in the energy sector make the search for useful information and tools that will assist in decision making activities, increase by the concessionaires. An important source of knowledge for these utilities is the time series of energy demand. The identification of behavior patterns and description of events become important for the planning execution, seeking improvements in service quality and financial benefits. This dissertation presents a methodology based on mining and representation tools of time series, in order to extract knowledge that relate series of electricity demand in various substations connected of a electric utility. The method exploits the relationship of duration, coincidence and partial order of events in multi-dimensionals time series. To represent the knowledge is used the language proposed by Mörchen (2005) called Time Series Knowledge Representation (TSKR). We conducted a case study using time series of energy demand of 8 substations interconnected by a ring system, which feeds the metropolitan area of Goiânia-GO, provided by CELG (Companhia Energética de Goiás), responsible for the service of power distribution in the state of Goiás (Brazil). Using the proposed methodology were extracted three levels of knowledge that describe the behavior of the system studied, representing clearly the system dynamics, becoming a tool to assist planning activities
The generation of electricity in Brazil is predominantly renewable, with internal hydraulic generation being more than 70% of its energy matrix. The electricity rationing occurred in 2001 due to lack of rain, led the country to increase the participation of alternative energy sources. This need for new sources of energy makes the regional potential to be exploited, which configures the change of generation model from centralized generation to distributed generation. Among the alternative sources of energy, the solar energy is presented as very promising for Brazil, given that most of its territory is located near to the equator line, which implies days with greater number of hours of solar radiation. The state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) has one of the highest levels of solar irradiation of the Brazilian territory, making it eligible to receive investments for the installation of photovoltaic solar plants. This thesis will present the state-of-the-art in solar photovoltaic power generation and will examine the potential for generation of solar photovoltaic power in Brazil and RN, based on solarimetrics measurements conducted by various institutions and also measurements performed in Natal, the state capital
The objective of this work was to analyze the consumption, electric energy cost, and economic results of irrigated citrus (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of a dripping irrigation system with one and two lateral distribution lines, a micro sprinkler irrigation system and a treatment without irrigation. For each irrigation system, three water depths were used: 100%, 75% and 50% of Etc (citrus evapotranspiration). The electric energy cost for two tariff groups, Group A and Group B, was studied. For Group A, the expenses with energy were determined for the Conventional Binomial Structure tariff, the Hour-seasonal tariff (green and blue) and the special tariff for nocturnal irrigation. The kWh cost for the tariff systems were obtained from the website of CPFL (São Paulo State Power and Light Company, Brazil). The best relation between the electric energy consumption (kWh.ha -1) and productivity (t.ha -1) occurred in the treatment irrigated with 50% of the Etc. The irrigated treatments increased productivity. The biggest productivity was observed in the irrigation treatments with 50% of the Etc when compared to the ones with 100% of the Etc. The blue and green Hour-seasonal tariff system of Group A (nocturnal irrigation) was the best option. A biggest economic turnover occurred in the treatments irrigated with 50% of the Etc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS