998 resultados para silicon detectors


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Purpose Two diodes which do not require correction factors for small field relative output measurements are designed and validated using experimental methodology. This was achieved by adding an air layer above the active volume of the diode detectors, which canceled out the increase in response of the diodes in small fields relative to standard field sizes. Methods Due to the increased density of silicon and other components within a diode, additional electrons are created. In very small fields, a very small air gap acts as an effective filter of electrons with a high angle of incidence. The aim was to design a diode that balanced these perturbations to give a response similar to a water-only geometry. Three thicknesses of air were placed at the proximal end of a PTW 60017 electron diode (PTWe) using an adjustable “air cap”. A set of output ratios (ORfclin Det ) for square field sizes of side length down to 5 mm was measured using each air thickness and compared to ORfclin Det measured using an IBA stereotactic field diode (SFD). k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr was transferred from the SFD to the PTWe diode and plotted as a function of air gap thickness for each field size. This enabled the optimal air gap thickness to be obtained by observing which thickness of air was required such that k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr was equal to 1.00 at all field sizes. A similar procedure was used to find the optimal air thickness required to make a modified Sun Nuclear EDGE detector (EDGEe) which s “correction-free” in small field relative dosimetry. In addition, the feasibility of experimentally transferring k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr values from the SFD to unknown diodes was tested by comparing the experimentally transferred k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr values for unmodified PTWe and EDGEe diodes to Monte Carlo simulated values. Results 1.0 mm of air was required to make the PTWe diode correction-free. This modified diode (PTWeair) produced output factors equivalent to those in water at all field sizes (5–50 mm). The optimal air thickness required for the EDGEe diode was found to be 0.6 mm. The modified diode (EDGEeair) produced output factors equivalent to those in water, except at field sizes of 8 and 10 mm where it measured approximately 2% greater than the relative dose to water. The experimentally calculated k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr for both the PTWe and the EDGEe diodes (without air) matched Monte Carlo simulated results, thus proving that it is feasible to transfer k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr from one commercially available detector to another using experimental methods and the recommended experimental setup. Conclusions It is possible to create a diode which does not require corrections for small field output factor measurements. This has been performed and verified experimentally. The ability of a detector to be “correction-free” depends strongly on its design and composition. A nonwater-equivalent detector can only be “correction-free” if competing perturbations of the beam cancel out at all field sizes. This should not be confused with true water equivalency of a detector.


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The use of bat detectors to monitor bat activity is common. Although several papers have compared the performance of different brands, none have dealt with the effect of different habitats nor have they compared narrow- and broad-band detectors. In this study the performance of four brands of ultrasonic bat detector, including three narrowband and one broad-band model, were compared for their ability to detect a 40 kHz continuous sound of variable amplitude along 100 metre transects. Transects were laid out in two contrasting bat habitat types: grassland and forest. Results showed that the different brands of detector differed in their ability to detect the source in terms of maximum and minimum detectable distance of the source. The rate of sound degradation with distance as measured by each brand was also different. Significant differences were also found in the performance of different brands in open grassland versus deep forest. No significant differences were found within any brand of detector. Though not as sensitive as narrow-band detectors, broad-band models hold an advantage in their ability to identify species where several species are found sympatrically.


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Si has attracted enormous research and manufacturing attention as an anode material for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) because of its high specific capacity. The lack of a low cost and effective mechanism to prevent the pulverization of Si electrodes during the lithiation/ delithiation process has been a major barrier in the mass production of Si anodes. Naturally abundant gum arabic (GA), composed of polysaccharides and glycoproteins, is applied as a dualfunction binder to address this dilemma. Firstly, the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide in GA are crucial in ensuring strong binding to Si. Secondly, similar to the function of fiber in fiberreinforced concrete (FRC), the long chain glycoproteins provide further mechanical tolerance to dramatic volume expansion by Si nanoparticles. The resultant Si anodes present an outstanding capacity of ca. 2000 mAh/g at a 1 C rate and 1000 mAh/g at 2 C rate, respectively, throughout 500 cycles. Excellent long-term stability is demonstrated by the maintenance of 1000 mAh/g specific capacity at 1 C rate for over 1000 cycles. This low cost, naturally abundant and environmentally benign polymer is a promising binder for LIBs in the future.


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Automatic Vehicle Identification Systems are being increasingly used as a new source of travel information. As in the last decades these systems relied on expensive new technologies, few of them were scattered along a networks making thus Travel-Time and Average Speed estimation their main objectives. However, as their price dropped, the opportunity of building dense AVI networks arose, as in Brisbane where more than 250 Bluetooth detectors are now installed. As a consequence this technology represents an effective means to acquire accurate time dependant Origin Destination information. In order to obtain reliable estimations, however, a number of issues need to be addressed. Some of these problems stem from the structure of a network made out of isolated detectors itself while others are inherent of Bluetooth technology (overlapping detection area, missing detections,\...). The aim of this paper is threefold: First, after having presented the level of details that can be reached with a network of isolated detectors we present how we modelled Brisbane's network, keeping only the information valuable for the retrieval of trip information. Second, we give an overview of the issues inherent to the Bluetooth technology and we propose a method for retrieving the itineraries of the individual Bluetooth vehicles. Last, through a comparison with Brisbane Transport Strategic Model results, we highlight the opportunities and the limits of Bluetooth detectors networks. The aim of this paper is twofold. We first give a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned issues. Further, we propose a methodology that can be followed, in order to cleanse, correct and aggregate Bluetooth data. We postulate that the methods introduced by this paper are the first crucial steps that need to be followed in order to compute accurate Origin-Destination matrices in urban road networks.


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Although a wide range of periodic surface nets can be grown on low index silicon surfaces, only a few of these have quasi-one dimensional symmetry. If high index silicon surfaces, such as (553) and (557), are used instead, the surface unit cell contains steps. It is possible to fabricate a number of quasi-one dimensional nanoline systems on the terraces and some of these have nested energy bands near the Fermi level. These nano-scale systems may support exotic many-electron states produced by enhanced electron correlations and a reduction in electron screening in one spatial dimension. In this paper, our groups' experimental and theoretical studies of nanolines phases, grown on both low index and vicinal silicon surfaces are reviewed. These studies give us insight into the electronic properties of artificial nanoline structures.


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In this article, we present the detailed investigations on platinum related midgap state corresponding to E-c -0.52 eV probed by deep level transient spectroscopy. By irradiating the platinum doped samples with high-energy (1.1 MeV) gamma rays, we observed that the concentration of the midgap state increases and follows a square dependence with irradiation dose. However, the concentration of the acceptor corresponding to E-c -20.28 eV remained constant. Furthermore, from the studies on passivation by atomic hydrogen and thermal reactivation, we noticed that the E-c -0.52 eV level reappears in the samples annealed at high temperatures after hydrogenation. The interaction of platinum with various defects and the qualitative arguments based on the law of mass action suggest that the platinum related midgap defect might possibly correspond to the interstitial platinum-divacancy complex (V-Pt-V).


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The theoretical optimization of the design parametersN A ,N D andW P has been done for efficient operation of Au-p-n Si solar cell including thermionic field emission, dependence of lifetime and mobility on impurity concentrations, dependence of absorption coefficient on wavelength, variation of barrier height and hence the optimum thickness ofp region with illumination. The optimized design parametersN D =5×1020 m−3,N A =3×1024 m−3 andW P =11.8 nm yield efficiencyη=17.1% (AM0) andη=19.6% (AM1). These are reduced to 14.9% and 17.1% respectively if the metal layer series resistance and transmittance with ZnS antireflection coating are included. A practical value ofW P =97.0 nm gives an efficiency of 12.2% (AM1).


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Recent decreases in costs, and improvements in performance, of silicon array detectors open a range of potential applications of relevance to plant physiologists, associated with spectral analysis in the visible and short-wave near infra-red (far-red) spectrum. The performance characteristics of three commercially available ‘miniature’ spectrometers based on silicon array detectors operating in the 650–1050-nm spectral region (MMS1 from Zeiss, S2000 from Ocean Optics, and FICS from Oriel, operated with a Larry detector) were compared with respect to the application of non-invasive prediction of sugar content of fruit using near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS). The FICS–Larry gave the best wavelength resolution; however, the narrow slit and small pixel size of the charge-coupled device detector resulted in a very low sensitivity, and this instrumentation was not considered further. Wavelength resolution was poor with the MMS1 relative to the S2000 (e.g. full width at half maximum of the 912 nm Hg peak, 13 and 2 nm for the MMS1 and S2000, respectively), but the large pixel height of the array used in the MMS1 gave it sensitivity comparable to the S2000. The signal-to-signal standard error ratio of spectra was greater by an order of magnitude with the MMS1, relative to the S2000, at both near saturation and low light levels. Calibrations were developed using reflectance spectra of filter paper soaked in range of concentrations (0–20% w/v) of sucrose, using a modified partial least squares procedure. Calibrations developed with the MMS1 were superior to those developed using the S2000 (e.g. coefficient of correlation of 0.90 and 0.62, and standard error of cross-validation of 1.9 and 5.4%, respectively), indicating the importance of high signal to noise ratio over wavelength resolution to calibration accuracy. The design of a bench top assembly using the MMS1 for the non-invasive assessment of mesocarp sugar content of (intact) melon fruit is reported in terms of light source and angle between detector and light source, and optimisation of math treatment (derivative condition and smoothing function).


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Stable solid adducts of SiF4 with the following aminocyclophosphazenes have been synthesized : N3P3(NHCH2CH2NH)(NMe2)4(,1 ) ; N3P3(NHCH2CH2NH)C14(,2 ) ; N3P3(NMe2)4C12(,3 ) ; N3P3(NHMe),,(4) ; N3P3(NMe2),, (5) ; N,P,(NHMe),, (6) ; N4P4(NMe2),, (7) ; and N,P,(NHBu'),, (8). They have been characterized by elemental analysis, i.r., and n.m.r. ( H, 31 P, and 19F) spectroscopy. The composition of the adducts varies depending on the ring size and also on the nature of the substituents on the phosphorus. The number of SiF4 molecules accommodated by the ligands is larger when the ring size is large, while it is less when the ligands contain chlorine. Except in the cases of ligands (1) and (2), bonding is through the ring nitrogens. With (I), both exocyclic nitrogen and ring nitrogen atoms, and with (2) only exocyclic nitrogen atoms, participate in co-ordination. In these two cases the silicon is six-co-ordinated, while in the other cases it is five-co-ordinated.


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The electrical and optical properties of the thermally induced quenched-in levels in p-silicon which have heen attributed to iron are studied. The two levels, HI and H2, are located at Ev + 0.42 eV and Ev + 0.52 eV, respectively, as determined by TSCAP, DLTS, and transient photocapacitance methods. The photoionization cross sections are well described by Lucovsky's model. The hole capture by H1 is temperature dependent; a barrier of 40 meV is measured. However, multiphonon emission mechanism cannot be invoked to explain this temperature dependence due to the inferred zero lattice relaxation. The source of iron contamination is found to be the ambient conditions, in particular the quartz tube. The conflicting reports regarding the stability and the variation in the reported capture cross section values suggests that the observed Ev + 0.4 eV level must be a complex centre. The inferred near zero lattice relaxation during the electron transition implies weak coupling to the host lattice.


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Electrically active deep levels related to nickel in silicon are studied under different diffusion conditions, quenching modes, and annealing conditions. The main nickel-related level is at Ev+0.32 eV. Levels at Ev+0.15 and Ev+0.54 eV are not related to nickel while those at Ev+0.50 and Ev+0.28 eV may be nickel related. Their concentrations depend on the quenching mode. There is no nickel-related level in the upper half of the band gap. The complicated annealing behavior of the main nickel-related level is explained on the basis of the formation and dissociation of a nickel-vacany complex. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Electrical properties of deep defects induced in n-silicon by -particles of about 10 MeV energy at a dose of 1014 and 1015 cm-2 are studied by DLTS. The levels at Ec -0.18 eV, Ec -0.26 eV, and Ec -0.48 eV are identified as A center, V2 (=/-) and V2 (-/0) on the basis of activation energy, electron capture cross section, and annealing behavior. Two other irradiation related levels at Ec -0.28 eV and Ec -0.51 eV could not be related to any known center.