729 resultados para self-report measures
The role of parents in the development of anxiety disorders in children is of increasing research and clinical interest. This study investigated interpretation biases of anxious children and their mothers using the ambiguous stimuli task developed by Hadwin, Frost, French, and Richards (1997). Three groups of children (aged 7 to 12 years) and their mothers were recruited; 23 non-clinical controls, 18 children with an anxiety disorder and 15 children with an externalising disorder. Following diagnostic assessments of the children, children and their mothers independently completed the homophone task and self-report measures of anxiety. Mothers of anxious children had significantly higher self-reported anxiety than mothers of non-clinical children. As hypothesised, children in the anxious group had higher threat interpretation scores than the non-clinical group. The hypothesis that mothers of anxious children would make more threat interpretations was not supported. Paired correlations showed no significant association between threat interpretations made by children and their mothers. There was a significant positive correlation between maternal threat interpretation and child anxiety. The results suggest that there is a complex association between mother's anxiety and cognitions and those of their children, which requires further examination in controlled observational and experimental studies, including treatment trials.
Background: This research investigates the relationship between challenging parenting behaviour and childhood anxiety disorders proposed by Bögels and Phares (2008). Challenging parenting behaviour involves the playful encouragement of children to go beyond their own limits, and may decrease children’s risk for anxiety (Bögels & Phares, 2008). Method: Parents (n = 164 mothers, 144 fathers) of 164 children aged between 3.4 and 4.8 years participated in the current study. A multi-method, multi-informant assessment of anxiety was used, incorporating data from diagnostic interviews as well as questionnaire measures. Parents completed self-report measures of their parenting behaviour (n = 147 mothers, 138 fathers) and anxiety (n = 154 mothers, 143 fathers). Mothers reported on their child’s anxiety via questionnaire as well as diagnostic interview (n = 156 and 164 respectively). Of these children, 74 met criteria for an anxiety disorder and 90 did not. Results: Fathers engaged in challenging parenting behaviour more often than mothers. Both mothers’ and fathers’ challenging parenting behaviour was associated with lower report of child anxiety symptoms. However, only mothers’ challenging parenting behaviour was found to predict child clinical anxiety diagnosis. Limitations: Shared method variance from mothers confined the interpretation of these results. Moreover, due to study design, it is not possible to delineate cause and effect. Conclusions: The finding with respect to maternal challenging parenting behaviour was not anticipated, prompting replication of these results. Future research should investigate the role of challenging parenting behaviour by both caregivers as this may have implications for parenting interventions for anxious children.
Child maltreatment has been linked to a myriad of long-term difficulties, including trauma symptomatology. However, not all victims experience long-term distress. Thus, a burgeoning area of research focuses on factors that may impede or facilitate resiliency to the psychological correlates of child maltreatment. Specifically, the severity of the abusive acts may be associated with greater long-term difficulties. To date, however, with the exception of child sexual abuse, few studies have examined the severity of maltreatment as a risk factor in the development of trauma symptoms. In contrast, social support has been theorized to contribute to resiliency following abuse. However, to date, the majority of studies examining positive social support as a protective factor have relied on self-report measures of perceived social support, rather than observational measures of received social support. Moreover, no study to date has examined the role that negative social support (i.e, blaming, criticizing) may play in potentiating trauma symptoms among victims of child maltreatment. Because child maltreatment involves serious boundary violations by a trusted person, a marital relationship is an important domain in which to examine these constructs. That is, it may serve as an arena for the manifestation of psychological disturbances related to maltreatment. Thus, the present study examined whether observationally measured positive and negative spousal social support moderated the relationship between child maltreatment severity (i.e., sexual, physical, psychological abuse; neglect) and trauma symptomatology in women and men. Results indicated that the severity of each type of child maltreatment significantly predicted increased adult trauma symptomatology. Contrary to hypothesized outcomes, positive spousal social support did not predict decreased trauma symptomatology. However, negative spousal social support generally did predict increased trauma symptomatology. There were no consistent patterns of interactions between child maltreatment severity and either type of social support. Future directions for research will be discussed and clinical implications with regard to the intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning of child maltreatment victims will be highlighted.
This study was designed to compare the writing motivation of students with specific language impairments with their non-disabled peers. Due to the cognitive and linguistic demands of the writing process, students with language impairments face unique difficulties during the writing process. It was hypothesized that students with specific language impairments will be more likely to report lower levels of perceived writing competence and be less autonomously motivated to write. Students in grades 3-5 in 11 schools (33 with specific language impairments, 242 non-disabled peers) completed self-report measures, designed from a Self-Determination Theory perspective, which measured the degree that students are intrinsically motivated to write as well as their perceived writing competence. Statistical analyses showed that (1) students with specific language impairments reported lower levels of perceived writing competence and autonomous writing motivation; (2) SLI status was a significant predictor of perceived writing competence after spelling, grade, and gender were controlled; and (3) when spelling, grade, and gender were controlled, perceived writing competence was a significant predictor of autonomous writing motivation, but SLI status was not. The results of this study are expected to inform the current understanding of the relationship between language ability and writing motivation in students with specific language impairments, as well as the design of future writing interventions.
Für die Entwicklung objektiver Testverfahren zur Messung von Angstbewältigungsdispositionen, d.h. von Tests, deren Meßprinzip für die Probanden nicht durchschaubar ist, wurde das Dot-Probe-Paradigma verwendet. Mit diesem Paradigma läßt sich das Aufmerksamkeitsverhalten gegenüber bedrohlichem Material messen. Es wurde angenommen, daß dieses Paradigma besonders gut für eine objektive Messung der Angstbewältigungsdispositionen Vigilanz und kognitive Vermeidung geeignet ist, da Vigilanz durch verstärkte Aufnahme und Verarbeitung bedrohungsbezogener Information gekennzeichnet ist, während sich kognitive Vermeidung in der Abwendung der Aufmerksamkeit von diesen Reizen zeigt. In drei Studien wurde für verschiedene Versionen des Dot-Probe-Paradigmas überprüft, ob die für den Einsatz als Testinstrument in der Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik notwendigen Gütekriterien erfüllt sind. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß das Dot-Probe-Paradigma sowohl bei Verwendung von Wörtern als auch von Bildern als Stimuli für klinisch unauffällige Testpersonen keine reliable Messung ermöglicht. Die erhobenen Werte waren weder über eine Woche hinweg stabil, noch waren sie intern konsistent. Infolge der ungenügenden Reliabilität fanden sich in den Studien nur unsystematische Befunde zum Zusammenhang zwischen dem Aufmerksamkeitsverhalten im Dot-Probe-Paradigma und verschiedenen Fragebogenmaßen. Darüber hinaus vermag die mangelnde Reliabilität auch die in der Literatur berichteten inkonsistenten Befunde bei der Untersuchung nicht-klinischer Stichproben mit diesem Paradigma zu erklären. Mögliche Gründe für die mangelnde Reliabilität der Messung werden diskutiert.
Evidence suggests that the social cognition deficits prevalent in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are widely distributed in first degree and extended relatives. This ¿broader autism phenotype¿ (BAP) can be extended into non-clinical populations and show wide distributions of social behaviors such as empathy and social responsiveness ¿ with ASDs exhibiting these behaviors on the lower ends of the distributions. Little evidence has previously shown relationships between self-report measures of social cognition and more objective tasks such as face perception in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and event-related potentials (ERPs). In this study, three specific hypotheses were addressed: a) increased social ability, as measured by an increased Empathy Quotient, decreased Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-A) score, and increased Social Attribution Task score, will predict increased activation of the fusiform gyrus in response to faces as compared to houses; b) these same measures will predict N170 amplitude and latency showing decreased latency and increased amplitude for faces as compared to houses with increased social ability; c) increased amygdala volume will predict increased fusiform gyrus activation when viewing faces as compared to houses. Findings supported all of the hypotheses. Empathy scores significantly predicted both right FFG activation [F(1,20) = 4.811, p = .041, ß = .450, R2 = 0.20] and left FFG activation [F(1,20) = 7.70, p = .012, ß = .537, R2 = 0.29]. Based on ERP results increased right lateralization face-related N170 was significantly predicted by the EQ [F(1,54) = 6.94, p = .011, ß = .338, R2 = 0.11]. Finally, total amygdala volume significantly predicted right [F(1,20) = 7.217, p = .014, ß = .515, R2 = 0.27] and left [F(1,20) = 36.77, p < .001, ß = .805, R2 = 0.65] FFG activation. Consistent with the a priori hypotheses, traits attributed to the BAP can significantly predict neural responses to faces in a non-clinical population. This is consistent with the face processing deficits seen in ASDs. The findings presented here contribute to the extension of the BAP from unaffected relatives of individuals with ASDs to the general population. These findings also give continued evidence in support of a continuous distribution of traits found in psychiatric illnesses in place of a traditional, dichotomous ¿all-or-nothing¿ diagnostic framework of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Impulsivity is a multifaceted construct that defines a range of maladaptive behavioral styles. The present research aimed to identify different dimensions of impulsive behavior in adolescents from a battery of laboratory behavioral assessments. In one analysis, correlations were examined between two self report and seven laboratory behavioral measures of impulsivity. The correlation between the two self report measures was high compared to correlations between the self report and laboratory behavioral measures. In a second analysis, a principal components analysis was performed with just the laboratory behavioral measures. Three behavioral dimensions were identified -- "impulsive decision-making", "impulsive inattention", and "impulsive disinhibition". These dimensions were further evaluated using the same sample with a confirmatory factor analysis, which did support the hypothesis that these are significant and independent dimensions of impulsivity. This research indicates there are at least three separate subtypes of impulsive behavior when using laboratory behavioral assessments with adolescent participants.
Background: Emotion research in neuroscience targets brain structures and processes involved in discrete emotion categories (e.g. anger, fear, sadness) or dimensions (e.g. valence, arousal, approach-avoidance), and usually relies on carefully controlled experimental paradigms with standardized and often simple emotion-eliciting stimuli like e.g. unpleasant pictures. Emotion research in clinical psychology and psychotherapy is often interested in very subtle differences between emotional states, e.g. differences within emotion categories (e.g. assertive, self-protecting vs. rejecting, protesting anger or specific grief vs. global sadness), and/or the biographical, social, situational, or motivational contexts of the emotional experience, which are desired to be minimized in experimental neuroscientific research. Objective: In order to facilitate the experimental and neurophysiological investigation of psychotherapeutically relevant emotional experiences, the present study aims at developing a priming procedure to induce specific, therapeutically and biographically relevant emotional states under controlled experimental conditions. Methodology: N = 50 participants who reported negative feelings towards another close person were randomly assigned to 2 different conditions. They fulfilled 2 different sentence completion tasks that were supposed to prime either ‘therapeutically productive’ or ‘therapeutically unproductive’ emotional states and completed an expressive writing task and several self-report measures of specific emotion-related constructs. The sentence completion task consisted in max. 22 sentence stems drawn from psychotherapy patients’ statements that have been shown to be typical for productive or unproductive therapy sessions. The subjects of the present study completed these sentence stems with regard to their own negative feelings towards the close person. Results: There were a substantial inter-individual variability concerning the number of completed sentences, and significant correlations between number of completed sentences and problem activation in both conditions. No differences were observed in general mood or problem activation between both groups after priming. Descriptively, there were differences between groups concerning emotion regulation aspects. Significant differences between groups in resolution of negative feelings towards the other person were found. Discussion: The results point in the expected direction, however the small sample sizes (after exclusion of several subjects) and low power hinder the detection of convincing significant effects. More data is needed in order to evaluate the efficacy of this emotional priming procedure.
The present study tested a theoretically derived link between rumination and depressive symptoms through behavioural avoidance and reduced motive satisfaction as a key aspect of positive reinforcement. Rumination, behavioural avoidance, motive satisfaction and levels of depression were assessed via self-report measures in a clinical sample of 160 patients with major depressive disorder. Path analysis-based mediation analysis was used to estimate the direct and indirect effects as proposed by the theoretical model. Operating in serial, behavioural avoidance and motive satisfaction partially mediated the association between rumination and depressive symptoms, irrespective of gender, medication and co-morbid anxiety disorders. This is the first study investigating the associations between behavioural avoidance, rumination and depression in a clinical sample of depressed patients. The findings are in line with an understanding of rumination in depression as also serving an avoidance function. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Research suggests women respond to the aggression-inducing effects of alcohol in a manner similar to men. Highly aggressive men are more prone to alcohol-induced aggression, but this relationship is less clear for women. This study examined whether alcohol consumption would differentially affect laboratory-measured aggression in a sample of aggressive and non-aggressive women and how those differences might be related to components of impulsive behavior. In 39 women recruited from the community (two groups: with and without histories of physical fighting) ages 21–40, laboratory aggressive behavior was assessed following placebo and 0.80 g/kg alcohol consumption (all women experienced both conditions). Baseline laboratory impulsive behavior of three impulsivity models was later assessed in the same women. In the aggression model (PSAP), participants were provoked by periodic subtractions of money, which were blamed on a fictitious partner. Aggression was operationalized as the responses the participant made to subtract money from that partner. The three components of impulsivity that were tested included: (1) response initiation (IMT/DMT), premature responses made prior to the completion of stimulus processing, (2) response inhibition (GoStop), a failure to inhibit an already initiated response, and (3) consequence sensitivity (SKIP and TCIP), the choice for a smaller-sooner reward over a larger-later reward. I hypothesized that, compared to women with no history of physical fighting, women with a history of physical fighting would exhibit higher rates of alcohol-induced laboratory aggression and higher rates of baseline impulsive responding (particularly for the IMT/DMT), which would also be related to the alcohol-induced increases aggression. Consistent with studies in men, the aggressive women showed strong associations between laboratory aggression and self-report measures, while the non-aggressive women did not. However, unlike men, following alcohol consumption it was the non-aggressive women's laboratory aggression that was related to their self-reports of aggression and impulsivity. Additionally, response initiation measures of impulsivity distinguished the two groups, while response inhibition and consequence sensitivity measures did not; commission error rates on the IMT/DMT were higher in the aggressive women compared to the non-aggressive women. Regression analyses of the behavioral measures showed no relationship between the aggression and impulsivity performance of the two groups. These results suggest that the behavioral (and potentially biological) mechanism underlying aggressive behavior of women is different than that of men. ^
While empirical research to date has generally supported positive effects of estrogen on verbal memory performance in women, the literature examining specific effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) on cognitive functioning in mid-life women is more equivocal. The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-Extended Version (RBMT-E), a measure of everyday memory functioning in adults within an average range of cognitive functioning, was administered to a sample of 104 New Zealand women aged 40 to 60 years who had self-selected to either use or not use HRT (53 HRT users and 51 non-users). Self-report. measures of mood, stress, general health and menopausal symptoms were also administered. These variables, along with age and education level, were used in analyses of group differences on the everyday memory measures. Results showed significant differences between the groups for three sub-tests of the RBMT-E:'Story Immediate', 'Story Delayed', and 'Message Delayed'. Women who use HRT scored higher on these subtests than those who do not use HRT. After calculation of a total profile score (adjusting for age and IQ), HRT users score higher than HRT non-users on the RBMT-E overall measure of Everyday Memory. These pilot results suggest that HRT use in this sample-is related to enhanced verbal memory in everyday memory tasks and that the RBMT-E may be a useful tool for further work in this area of research.
The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish translation of the List of Social Situation Problems (LSSP; S. H. Spence, 1980). The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 388 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: Social Anxiety, Adult Oppositional, Assertiveness, and Making Friends, which accounted for 26.64% of the variance. Internal consistency of the total scale was high (alpha = .86). Correlations between the LSSP and two self-report measures of social anxiety, the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents (r = .45) and the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (r = .48), were statistically significant. A significant difference was found between LSSP total scores for adolescents with and without social anxiety (d = 1.14), supporting the construct validity of the scale.
Objectives. To undertake a prospective longitudinal study to assess psychological and decision-related distress after the diagnosis of localized prostate cancer. Methods. A total of I 11 men (93% response rate) with localized prostate cancer were recruited from outpatient urology clinics and urologists' private practices. More than one half (56%) elected to undergo radical prostatectomy, 19% underwent external beam radiotherapy, and 25% chose watchful waiting. Men completed self-report measures before treatment and 2 and 12 months after treatment. The measures used included the University of California, Los Angeles, Prostate Cancer Index, International Prostate Symptom Score, Impact of Events Scale, Constructed Meaning Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Health Care Orientation subscale, and Decisional Conflict Scale. Results. No statistically significant differences were found by medical treatment group in the psychological and decision-related adjustment at baseline or with time. Men who were undecided about their treatment choice had greater decisional conflict and a more negative healthcare orientation, but were not more psychologically distressed, compared with men who had decided. At diagnosis, 63% of men had high decision-related distress, and this persisted for 42% of men 12 months after treatment, despite high satisfaction with their treatment choice. At diagnosis, low-to-moderate psychological distress was most common, with distress decreasing after treatment. The overall quality of life was similar to community norms. Conclusions. The results of our study indicated that men who were undecided about what treatment to receive experienced greater decision-related distress. The final treatment choice was not related to psychological distress about prostate cancer. Psychological and decision-related distress decreased with time, independent of treatment modality. Interventions should target decision-related distress for all men and in-depth psychological support for those who experience ongoing difficulties. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc.
Background: Previous research has reported both a moderate degree of comorbidity between cannabis dependence and major depressive disorder (MDD) and that early-onset cannabis use is associated with increased risks for MDD. Objective: To examine whether associations between both lifetime cannabis dependence and early cannabis use and measures of MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt persist after controlling for genetic and/or shared environmental influences. Design: Cross-sectional survey of twin pairs discordant for lifetime cannabis dependence and those discordant for early cannabis use. Setting: General population sample of twins (median age, 30 years). Participants: Two hundred seventy-seven same-sex twin pairs discordant for cannabis dependence and 311 pairs discordant for early-onset cannabis use (before age 17 years). Main Outcome Measures: Self-report measures of DSM-IV-defined lifetime MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt. Results: Individuals who were cannabis dependent had odds of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt that were 2.5 to 2.9 times higher than those of their non-cannabis-dependent co-twin. Additionally, cannabis dependence was associated with elevated risks of MDD in dizygotic but not in monozygotic twins. Those who initiated cannabis use before age 17 years had elevated rates of subsequent suicide attempt (odds ratio, 3.5 [95% confidence interval, 1.4-8.6]) but not of MDD or suicidal ideation. Early MDD and suicidal ideation were significantly associated with subsequent risks of cannabis dependence in discordant dizygotic pairs but not in discordant monozygotic pairs. Conclusions: Comorbidity between cannabis dependence and MDD likely arises through shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities predisposing to both outcomes. In contrast, associations between cannabis dependence and suicidal behaviors cannot be entirely explained by common predisposing genetic and/or shared environmental predispositions. Previously reported associations between early-onset cannabis use and subsequent MDD likely reflect shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities, although it remains possible that early-onset cannabis use may predispose to suicide attempt.
Associations between parenting style and depressive symptomatology in a community sample of young adolescents (N = 2596) were investigated using self-report measures including the Parental Bonding Instrument and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Specifically, the 25-item 2-factor and 3-factor models by Parker et al. (1979), Kendler's (1996) 16-item 3-factor model, and Parker's (1983) quadrant model for the Parental Bonding Instrument were compared. Data analysis included analysis of variance and logistic regression. Reanalysis of Parker's original scale indicates that overprotection is composed of separate factors: intrusiveness (at the individual level) and restrictiveness (in the social context). All models reveal significant independent contributions from paternal care, maternal care, and maternal overprotection (2-factor) or intrusiveness (3-factor) to moderate and serious depressive symptomatology, controlling for sex and family living arrangement. Additive rather than multiplicative interactions between care and overprotection were found. Regardless of the level of parental care and affection, clinicians should note that maternal intrusiveness is strongly associated with adverse psychosocial health in young adolescents.