923 resultados para self-perceived recovery performance


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Due to shortage of time and limited availability of faculty surgeons to teach basic surgical skills during medical graduation, the search for alternative ways of simulated training with feedback is needed. The purpose of this study was to compare the simulated teaching of suture skills to novice medical students by senior medical students and by experienced faculty surgeons. Forty-eight novice medical students were randomly assigned to three practice conditions on bench model (n = 16): self-directed suture training (control), senior medical student-directed suture skills' training, or experienced faculty surgeon-directed suture skills' training. Pre- and post-tests were applied. Global Rating Scale with blinded evaluation and self-perceived confidence based on Likert scale were used to assess all suture performances in pre- and post-training. Effect size was also calculated. The analysis made after training showed that the students who received feedback from the instructors had better performance based on the Global Rating Scale (all p < 0.0000) and felt more confident to carry out sutures (all p < 0.0000) when compared to the control. There was no significant difference (all p > 0.05) between the student-directed teaching and faculty-directed teaching groups. The magnitude of the effect (instructor-directed training suture) was considered large (>0.80) in all measurements. The acquisition of suture skills after student-directed training was similar to the training supervised by faculty surgeon, and the increase in suture performances of trainees that received instructor administered training was superior to self-directed learning. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Italia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To evaluate the oral health indicators by determining the experience of dental caries and periodontal disease and identification of self-perceived oral health status of pregnant adolescents and to assess the association between the studied variables. A transversal study, survey type and survey of the oral health status of 127 adolescents, 10-19 years of age, pregnant, accompanied by the Unified Health System of Araçatuba-SP was performed. The self-perceived oral health and socio-demographic data were recorded using an adapted questionnaire. The oral health statuses were analyzed using the DMFT and CPI indices in accordance with the criteria established by the WHO for epidemiological survey. Descriptive statistical analyzes and the Fisher's exact test with a significance level of 5% was performed, as well as a logistic regression analysis to verify the association between the variables. Of the total, 41.0% reported having satisfactory oral health, while 63.0% believed they had problems with their teeth and gums. The DMFT index was 12.51 (SD = 4.21). The percentage of caries-free was 6.3%, and 91.3% had periodontal problems. A statistically significant association was found between the variables: self-perceived oral health and periodontal disease p = 0.0166 and self-reported gum disease and periodontal disease p = 0.0039. Most patients considered their oral health as poor and reported having dental and gum problems, which can also be observed in the clinical examination since the caries experience of the pregnant women examined was considered high and the symptoms of periodontal disease were observed in most of the volunteers.


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Background: The search for alternative and effective forms of training simulation is needed due to ethical and medico-legal aspects involved in training surgical skills on living patients, human cadavers and living animals. Aims : To evaluate if the bench model fidelity interferes in the acquisition of elliptical excision skills by novice medical students. Materials and Methods: Forty novice medical students were randomly assigned to 5 practice conditions with instructor-directed elliptical excision skills' training (n = 8): didactic materials (control); organic bench model (low-fidelity); ethylene-vinyl acetate bench model (low-fidelity); chicken legs' skin bench model (high-fidelity); or pig foot skin bench model (high-fidelity). Pre- and post-tests were applied. Global rating scale, effect size, and self-perceived confidence based on Likert scale were used to evaluate all elliptical excision performances. Results : The analysis showed that after training, the students practicing on bench models had better performance based on Global rating scale (all P < 0.0000) and felt more confident to perform elliptical excision skills (all P < 0.0000) when compared to the control. There was no significant difference (all P > 0.05) between the groups that trained on bench models. The magnitude of the effect (basic cutaneous surgery skills' training) was considered large (>0.80) in all measurements. Conclusion : The acquisition of elliptical excision skills after instructor-directed training on low-fidelity bench models was similar to the training on high-fidelity bench models; and there was a more substantial increase in elliptical excision performances of students that trained on all simulators compared to the learning on didactic materials.


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Purpose: It determines if participating in sports and/or physical activity influences perceived health among the elderly. Basic procedures: Data were drawn from a population subsample of subjects aged 65 - 79 years old that took part in a survey conducted in 2008 by the IESA-CSIC. A regression model was performed with perceived health status with the dependent variable and sociodemographic characteristics and physical activity as independent variables. Results: Physical activity is closely associated to per-ceived health, although sport has little influence on this relationship. Conclusions: Doing exercise or feeling that one is physically active makes the elderly feel better about their health status. However, this age group practises few sports and sport is not found to have an important or constant influence on self-perceived health status among the elderly.


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En las últimas décadas, ha aumentado el interés de la investigación sobre el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz en la adolescencia por ser una etapa sensible, crítica y crucial para la adquisición de hábitos y conductas saludables de vida. Estos estudios han mostrado que la adquisición de unos niveles óptimos de coordinación y competencia motriz van a ser determinantes para el bienestar del adolescente y van a estar relacionados e influidos por otras dimensiones del desarrollo de la persona. Recientes investigaciones han sacado a la luz datos alarmantes sobre el aumento de problemas de coordinación motriz en la población infantil y adolescente (Cantell, Smyth y Ahonen, 1994; Gómez, 2004; Ruiz, Graupera, Gutiérrez y Miyahara, 2003; Sudgen y Chambers, 2005) donde abrocharse los botones de una camisa o correr de forma armónica puede ser todo un mundo lleno de dificultades y consecuencias sobre otras dimensiones del desarrollo (Ramón-Otero y Ruiz, 2015). Estos problemas han sido tratados por investigadores como una “dificultad oculta” (Gómez, Ruiz y Mata, 2006), cuya manifestación está presente en las actividades de la vida cotidiana, en contextos deportivos, en juegos y/o en la clase de Educación Física (Ruiz, 2004). La preocupación por estas dificultades se ha extendido a nivel internacional, creando todo un campo de investigación que estudia el diagnóstico de éstos problemas, conocido bajo las siglas DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder). El presente estudio se centra en la etapa adolescente, periodo de transición entre la etapa infantil y adulta, caracterizada por numerosos cambios biológicos, cognitivos y socioemocionales (Santrock, 2005), que van a determinar la adaptación con el entorno (Gallahue, Ozmun y Goodway, 2011; Gómez, Ruiz, y Mata, 2006). El propósito principal del estudio es analizar el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz en la etapa adolescente investigando las diferencias de género y de edad en relación con variables psicosociales, los hábitos de práctica y las variables antropométricas. El diseño de la investigación se estructura en dos estudios. El primero de ellos, de carácter transversal, analizó una muestra representativa de 1.966 adolescentes de 1º a 4º de la ESO. El segundo, de naturaleza longitudinal, utilizó un grupo de 89 adolescentes del estudio transversal los cuales fueron estudiados durante 4 años, desde los 12 a los 15 años. Los mismos instrumentos fueron utilizados en ambos estudios: el Test Sportcomp para la evaluación de la coordinación motriz, el test AMPET4 para valorar la motivación de logro para el aprendizaje en Educación Física, el inventario HBSC para conocer los hábitos saludables sobre la práctica de actividad física y, por ultimo, se utilizó un estadiómetro para obtener el peso y la altura y así calcular el índice de masa corporal (IMC). La toma de datos del Estudio Transversal se realizó en 2 cursos académicos (2011/12 - 2012/13), en la cual se requirieron 3 sesiones coincidiendo con la clase de Educación Física. En la primera sesión, se evaluó la coordinación motriz. En la segunda se aplicaron los cuestionarios (AMPET4 y HBSC) y, en la última sesión se midió el peso y la altura en un espacio reservado al estadiómetro. El análisis de datos fue descriptivo y diferencial de cada una de las variables estudiadas: motoras, psicosociales, de hábitos de práctica de actividad física y antropométricas. Asimismo, se llevaron a cabo pruebas de análisis univariante y multivariante, calculando el valor-p y las pruebas de efecto. Respecto al Estudio Longitudinal, la toma de datos se llevó cabo durante 4 años desde el 2011 al 2014. La evaluación de la coordinación motriz se realizó en cada uno de los 4 años. Sin embargo, los 2 cuestionarios y las medidas antropométricas fueron evaluadas en el primer y cuarto año. Los análisis de datos fueron descriptivos y comparativos entre las variables analizadas. En el caso de la coordinación motriz, se realizaron las pruebas de medidas repetidas y, en el caso de las demás variables analizadas, se realizaron Prueba T para muestras relacionadas. Los resultados globales mostraron que el índice motor en el Estudio Transversal fue progresivo en el conjunto de chicos. Sin embargo, en las chicas, el rendimiento se estabiliza a partir de los 13 años. En el caso del Estudio Longitudinal, este índice se estabiliza en los 3 primeros años y a la edad de los 14, es cuando comienzan a acusarse las diferencias de género. En el caso de los hombres el rendimiento mejora y, por el contrario, en las mujeres empeora. En el Estudio Transversal, el análisis de varianza mostraron diferencias en función de la edad [F(7, 1958) = 220.70, p < .001; η2 = .101], del género [F(7, 1958) = 29.76, p < .001; η2 = .044], así como en la interacción entre ambos [F(7, 1958)= 11.90, p < .001; η2 = .018]. Únicamente aparecieron diferencias significativas con la edad en todos los grupos de hombres, excepto entre 14 y 15 años. En el Longitudinal, los contrastes multivariados mostraron que no hubo diferencias sgnificativas en el tiempo [F(3,85) = .05, p = .987, η2= .002] mostrando un nivel de coordinación estable a lo largo de los años, aunque existieron diferencias entre chicos y chicas [F(3,85) = 4.64 p = .005] con un tamaño de efecto destacable (η2 = .141). En cuanto a la motivación de logro para prender en Educación Física, en ambos estudios, los chicos fueron los que obtuvieron puntuaciones más elevadas en todas las dimensiones positivas del test (compromiso de aprendizaje, competencia autopercibida y comparada). Sin embargo, en la dimensión negativa del test, la referida a la ansiedad y al agobio ante el fracaso, fueron las chicas las que puntuaron más alto. En el Estudio Transversal, los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en todas las dimensiones del AMPET4 en función del nivel de coordinación motriz: compromiso con el aprendizaje [F(2, 1644) = 8.66, p < .001; η2 = .010], competencia autopercibida [F(2, 1644) = 50.94, p < .001; η2 = .048], competencia comparada [F(2, 1644) = 41.56, p < .001, η2 = .020] y ansiedad [F(2, 1644) = 16.67, p < .001, η2 = .058]. En este sentido, los grupos de mejor nivel de coordinación motriz, fueron los que mayor puntuación obtuvieron en las dimensiones positivas y los que menor, en la negativa. En el Estudio Longitudinal, también se encontraron diferencias entre el primer y cuarto año de estudio en todas las dimensiones, excepto en competencia motriz autopercibida. Estas diferencias se tradujeron en una disminución en las 3 variables significativas del primer al cuarto año. Respecto al inventario HBSC, en el Estudio Longitudinal, la prueba T mostró únicamente la existencia de diferencias significativas entre el primer y cuarto año en 2 de los 11 ítems: percepción de la forma física (p = .006) y percepción de la salud (p = .047), los cuales disminuyeron en el intervalo de tiempo del estudio. En el Transversal, las diferencias se observaron en función del género (p < .001) y de la edad (p < .001). Asimismo, se mostraron diferencias significativas en todos los ítems respecto al nivel de coordinación motriz, excepto en 2 de ellos: frecuencia tiempo libre con los amigos fuera del colegio (p = .580) y facilidad para hacer amigos en el centro escolar (p = .098). Por último, en las variables antropométricas, los resultados del Estudio Transversal y Longitudinal coinciden tanto en la estatura como en el peso, apuntando, que en ambos estudios, se produce un aumento progresivo tanto en chicos como en chicas a medida que se avanza en edad. Concretamente en el Transversal, estas diferencias en la edad se encuentran en todos los grupos en ambos géneros, excepto en el conjunto de chicas entre los 14 y los 15 años. Asimismo, ambos estudios coincidieron en que tanto las ganancias en cm y kg, como las puntuaciones medias, fueron mayores en los chicos que en las chicas. Respecto al IMC, los 2 estudios coincidieron en que la evolución es paralela, y tal y como apuntan los resultados del Transversal, no se encontraron diferencias ni en la edad (p = 792) ni en el género (p = 284). No obstante, el Longitudinal apuntó únicamente diferencias significativas entre el primer y cuarto año en el conjunto de los hombres [t(41) = -4.01, p < .001]. Finalmente, y en relación con los niveles de coordinación motriz, hubo diferencias significativas en relación con el IMC (p = .012), mostrando como el grupo de peso normal coincide con puntuaciones óptimas de coordinación motriz. A modo de conclusiones, el presente estudio revela cómo la adquisición de un nivel de coordinación óptimo va a ser fundamental para el desarrollo psicosocial, para el desarrollo de hábitos saludables de práctica y para mantener un IMC dentro de la normalidad para el género y la edad. De esta manera, el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz será un aspecto fundamental para lograr un estado de bienestar físico y mental, y unos hábitos favorables para la práctica de actividad física. ABSTRACT In the past couple of decades, adolescence stage in motor coordination gained significant interest in research especially due to its sensitive and critical importance to achieving a healthy life style. These studies observed how to acquire optimum levels of coordination and motor competence, which proved crucial to the quality of the adolescent stage in addition to being influenced by other dimensions of development for each individual. Recent research shed light to an alarming set of data, which showed increased motor coordination problems in children and adolescents (Cantell, Smyth & Ahonen, 1994; Gómez, 2004; Ruiz, Graupera, Gutierrez & Miyahara, 2003; Sugden & Chambers, 2005). For instance, even to the extent that buttoning a shirt or running in a harmonic form can lead to a whole set of consequences and difficulties on the development stage. Researchers have addressed such problems in various studies such as “dificultad oculta” (Gomez, Ruiz & Mata, 2006), which literally translates as “hidden trouble”. The studies are evidently present in the activities of daily life, sporting contexts, games and/or Physical Education (Ruiz, 2004). Concern about these difficulties spread internationally, creating a whole framework research studying the diagnosis of these problems, known under the acronym DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder). The study focuses on the adolescent stage, transition period between childhood and adulthood characterized by numerous biological, cognitive and socio-emotional changes (Santrock, 2005), which interestingly determines an individual´s adaptation to the environment (Gallahue, Ozmun & Goodway, 2011; Gomez, Ruiz & Mata, 2006). The main purpose of the study is to analyse the development of motor coordination in the adolescent stage investigating gender differences and age in relation to psychological variables, physical activity habits and anthropometric variables. The research design is structured in two studies. The first (transversal nature), analyses a representative sample of 1,966 adolescents from 1st to 4th of Secondary Education School. The second (longitudinal nature) used a group of 89 teenagers from cross-sectional study, which were studied for four years, from 12 to 15 years. The same instruments were used in both studies, namely; “Sportcomp Test” used to evaluate of motor coordination; “AMPET4 Test” which assesses the motivational achievement of learning Physical Education; “HBSC Inventory” to find out the healthy habits gained from physical activities; And finally a “stadiometer” was used to obtain the weight and height and thus calculate the body mass index (BMI). The data collection of the cross-sectional Study was conducted in two academic years (2011/12 - 2012/13), in which 3 sessions coinciding with the Physical Education level are required. In the first session, motor coordination was evaluated; questionnaires were applied in the second session (AMPET4 and HBSC); and in the last session the weight and height were measured in a reserved space for the “stadiometer”. Notably, data analysis was descriptive and differential in each of the variable studies: motor, psychological, practical and anthropometric habits of physical activity. Thus the tests were conducted in a univariate and multivariate analysis, calculating the p-value and effect tests. Regarding the Longitudinal Study, data collection was carried out during four years from 2011 to 2014 inclusively. The assessment of motor coordination was performed on each of the four years, however, the 2 questionnaires and anthropometric measures were evaluated in the first and fourth year. Data analyses were also descriptive and comparative among the variables that were put to the test. In the case of motor coordination tests, they were done on repeated measures, whilst, in the case of other variables analysed, they were accomplished through T Tests under comparable samples. The overall results showed that the engine Motor Index in Study 1 was progressive in all male gender studies, however in the females the performance remained constant after reaching 13 years of age. For the Longitudinal Study, this index is stabilized in the first 3 years and at the age of 14 is when the gender differences take place. In the case of males, the performance improves, however, in females worsens. The cross-sectional Study, analysis of variance showed differences in terms of age [F(7, 1958) = 220.70, p < .001; η2 = .101], gender [F(7, 1958) = 29.76, p <.001; η2 = .044], as well as their interaction [F(7, 1958) = 11.90, p <.001; η2 = .018]. They only show significant differences in respect to age in the male set sample, in all groups except between 14 and 15 years old. In the Longitudinal, the multivariate contrasts showed no significant differences in time [F(3,85) = 0.05, p = 0.987, η2 = 0.002] showing a stable level of coordination over the years, but if there were differences between both genders [F(3,85) = 4.64, p = .005] it took place with a noteworthy effect size (η2 = .141). In regards, to the Motivational Achievement for learning Physical Education, in both studies the male sample administered obtained higher scores on all the positive dimensions of the test (commitment to learning, self-assessed competence, and comparable competence). However, on the negative assessment side, namely, anxiety and fear of failure, the female sample scored higher than the male one. In Study 1, the multivariate analysis showed significant differences between the psychosocial dimensions and levels of motor coordination with moderate to significant effect [Lambada de Wilks = .931, F(8, 3282) = 14.99; p = <0.001; η2 = .035]. By the same token, the groups with the best level of motor coordination were the highest scoring ones in the positive dimensions, whilst the lower performing ones, performed better in the negative dimension. In the longitudinal study, there is also differences were also found between the first and fourth years of study in all dimensions, except in self-perceived motor competition. These differences resulted in a significant decrease in the 3 variables from first to fourth year. Regarding, the “HBSC Inventory”, the T test in the longitudinal study showed uniquely the existence of significant differences between the first and fourth year in 2 of the 11 items: perception of physical fitness (p = .006) and perceived health (p = 047), which diminished in the interval time of the study. In the Cross-sectional study, the se differences were also observed in gender (p < .001) and age (p < .001). Similarly, they showed significant differences in all items in respect to the motor coordination level, except in 2 of them; frequency of free time with friends outside of school (p = .580) and the ease to make friends at the educational centre (p = 098). And last but not least, the anthropometric variables, both the results of the Transversal and Longitudinal Study matched both height and weight, pointing out that in both studies a gradual increase in both genders, as they grow older. Notably in the Cross-sectional, these differences in age are found in all groups in both genders, except for the set of girls between 14 and 15 years. Thus both studies concluded that both gains in cm and kg and the mean scores were higher amongst males compared to females. Regarding BMI, the 2 studies concluded that the evolution is parallel, and as pointed cross-sectional study there isn’t differences found in age (p = 792) or in gender (p = 284). However, the Longitudinal study uniquely shows significant difference between the first and fourth year for male set sample [t (41) = -4.01, p < .001]. Finally, in relation to levels of motor coordination, there were significant differences in relation to BMI (p = .012), showing how the “normal weight group” matches the optimal scores of motor coordination. In conclusion, this study reveals how the acquisition of an optimal level of coordination is vital for psychological development, to develop and practice healthy habits, and to maintain a BMI within the normal range for age and gender. Therefore, the development of motor coordination is fundamental to achieving a state of physical and mental wellbeing, and preferable habits to pursuing physical activity.


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OBJECTIVES: The goals of the present study are to explore the association between perceived sexism and self-perceived health, health-related behaviors, and unmet medical care needs among women in Spain; to analyze whether higher levels of discrimination are associated with higher prevalence of poor health indicators and to examine whether these relationships are modified by country of origin and social class. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study is based on a cross-sectional design using data from the 2006 Spanish Health Interview Survey. We included women aged 20-64 years (n = 10,927). Six dependent variables were examined: four of health (self-perceived health, mental health, hypertension, and having had an injury during the previous year), one health behavior (smoking), and another related to the use of the health services (unmet need for medical care). Perceived sexism was the main independent variable. Social class and country of origin were considered as effect modifiers. We obtained the prevalence of perceived sexism. Logistic regression models, adjusted for potential confounders, were fitted to study the association between sexism and poor health outcomes. Results: The prevalence of perceived sexism was 3.4%. Perceived sexism showed positive and consistent associations with four poor health outcomes (poor self-perceived health, poor mental health, injuries in the last 12 months, and smoking). The strength of these associations increased with increased scores for perceived sexism, and the patterns were found to be modified by country of origin and social class. CONCLUSION: This study shows a consistent association between perceived sexism and poor health outcomes in a country of southern Europe with a strong patriarchal tradition.


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O presente estudo analisou a relação entre a percepção do sistema de práticas de recursos humanos e a percepção de desempenho individual, bem como o papel do compromisso afectivo, enquanto variável mediadora desta relação. Mais especificamente, tendo como referência o modelo de gestão de recursos humanos de Guest, avaliou-se se a percepção que os trabalhadores tinham do sistema de práticas de recursos humanos estava associada à sua percepção de desempenho individual, bem como se o compromisso afectivo, enquanto ligação sócio-emocional que os trabalhadores estabelecem com a sua organização, poderia desenvolver-se como resposta afectiva à percepção do sistema de gestão de recursos humanos e, deste modo, contribuir para explicar a percepção do desempenho individual. As hipóteses foram testadas com modelos de equações estruturais numa amostra de 1885 trabalhadores de uma empresa do sector da banca que responderam a um questionário on-line. Os resultados demonstraram que, tal como esperado, a percepção do sistema de gestão de recursos humanos estava positivamente associada à percepção de desempenho individual e que esta relação era parcialmente mediada pelo compromisso afectivo. No seu conjunto, os resultados deste estudo apontam alguns dos benefícios de uma gestão estratégica de recursos humanos centrada no compromisso dos trabalhadores, sendo discutidas diversas implicações para a gestão de recursos humanos.


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The economic crisis over the past years has challenged managers in many ways. In our longitudinal study during the global recession, we examine how perceived firm performance interacts with sources of supervisor support and stress to affect managers’ work-family conflict. First, we draw from Conservation of Resources theory to analyze how sources of supervisor support and stress relate to managers’ work-family conflict. Second, we explore how perceived firm performance modifies the relationships between these factors and work-family conflict. Our surveys of 182 managers before and during the crisis reveal that perceived firm performance significantly alters the effectiveness of sources of supervisor support in relieving work-family conflict. Additionally, perceived poor firm performance was found to intensify the negative effect of stressors on work-family conflict. Our results highlight the need to consider an organization’s perceived health when studying managers’ attitudes and career outcomes.


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Different components of driving skill relate to accident involvement in different ways. For instance, while hazard-perception skill has been found to predict accident involvement, vehicle-control skill has not. We found that drivers rated themselves superior to both their peers and the average driver on 18 components of driving skill (N = 181 respondents). These biases were greater for hazard-perception skills than for either vehicle-control skills or driving skill in general. Also, ratings of hazard-perception skill related to self-perceived safety after overall skill was controlled for. We suggest that although drivers appear to appreciate the role of hazard perception in safe driving, any safety benefit to be derived from this appreciation may be undermined by drivers' inflated opinions of their own hazard-perception skill. We also tested the relationship between illusory beliefs about driving skill and risk taking and looked at ways of manipulating drivers' illusory beliefs.


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Background It has been recognized that a clinically significant portion of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) continue to experience anginal and other related symptoms that are refractory to the combination of medical therapy and revascularization. The Euro Heart Survey on Revascularization (EHSCR) provided an opportunity to assess pharmacological treatment and outcome in patients with proven CAD who were ineligible for revascularization. Methods We performed a secondary analysis of EHS-CR data. After excluding patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction and those in whom revascularization was not indicated, 4409 patients remained in the analyses. We selected two groups: (1) patients in whom revascularization was the preferred treatment option (n = 3777, 86%), and (2) patients who were considered ineligible for revascularization (n = 632, 14%). Results Patient ineligible for revascularization had a worse risk profile, more often had a total occlusion (59% vs. 37%, p < 0.001), were treated more often with ACE-inhibitors (65% vs. 55%, p < 0.001) but less likely with aspirin (83% vs. 88%, p < 0.001). Overall, they had higher case-fatality at 1-year (7.0% vs. 3.7%, p < 0.001). Regarding self-perceived health status, measured via the EuroQol 5D (EQ-5D) questionnaire, these same patients reported more problems on all dimensions of the EQ-5D. Furthermore, in the revascularization group we observed an increase between discharge and 1-year follow up (utility score from 0.85 to 1.00) whereas patients ineligible for revascularization did not improve over time (utility score remained 0.80) Conclusion In this large cohort of European patients with CAD, those considered ineligible for revascularization had more co-morbidities and risk factors, and scored worse on self-perceived health status as compared to revascularized patients in the revascularization group. With the exception of ACE-inhibitors and aspirin, there were no major differences regarding drug treatment between the two groups. Given these clinically significant observations, there appears to be a role for nurse-led, multidisciplinary, rehabilitation teams that target clinically vulnerable patients whose symptoms remain refractory to standard medical care.


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PURPOSE: To determine the objective measures of visual function that are most relevant to subjective quality of vision and perceived reading ability in patients with acquired macular disease. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients with macular disease underwent a comprehensive assessment of visual function. The patients also completed a vision-related quality-of-life questionnaire that included a section of general questions about perceived visual performance and a section with specific questions on reading. RESULTS: Results of all tests of vision correlated highly with reported vision-related quality-of-life impairment. Low-contrast tests explained most of the variance in self-reported problems with reading. Text-reading speed correlated highly with overall concern about vision. CONCLUSIONS: Reading performance is strongly associated with vision-related quality of life. High-contrast distance acuity is not the only relevant measure of visual function in relation to the perceived visual performance of a patient with macular disease. The results suggest the importance of print contrast, even over print size, in reading performance in patients with acquired macular disease.


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The question of how to develop leaders so that they are more effective in a variety of situations, roles and levels has inspired a voluminous amount of research. While leader development programs such as executive coaching and 360-degree feedback have been widely practiced to meet this demand within organisations, the research in this area has only scratched the surface. Drawing from the past literature and leadership practices, the current research conceptualised self-regulation, as a metacompetency that would assist leaders to further develop the specific competencies needed to perform effectively in their leadership role, leading to an increased rating of leader effectiveness and to enhanced group performance. To test this conceptualisation, a longitudinal field experimental study was conducted across ten months with a pre- and two post-test intervention designs with a matched control group. This longitudinal field experimental compared the difference in leader and team performance after receiving self-regulation intervention that was delivered by an executive coach. Leaders in experimental group also received feedback reports from 360-degree feedback at each stage. Participants were 40 leaders, 155 followers and 8 supervisors. Leaders’ performance was measured using a multi-source perceptual measure of leader performance and objective measures of team financial and assessment performance. Analyses using repeated measure of ANCOVA on pre-test and two post-tests responses showed a significant difference between leader and team performance between experimental and control group. Furthermore, leader competencies mediated the relationship between self-regulation and performance. The implications of these findings for the theory and practice of leadership development training programs and the impact on organisational performance are discussed.


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Purpose: To investigate the correlation between tests of visual function and perceived visual ability recorded with a 'quality-of-life' questionnaire for patients with central field loss. Method: 12 females and 7 males (mean age = 53.1 years; Range = 23 - 80 years) with subfoveal neovascular membranes underwent a comprehensive assessment of visual function. Tests included unaided distance vision, high and low contrast distance logMAR visual acuity (VA), Pelli-Robson contrast senstivity (at 1m), near logMAR word VA and text reading speed. All tests were done both monocularly and binocularly. The patients also completed a 28 point questionnaire separated into a 'core' section consisting of general questions about perceived visual function and a 'module' section with specific questions on reading function. Results: Step-wise multiple regression analysis was used to determine which visual function tests were correlated with the patients's perceived visual function and to rank them in order of importance. The visual function test that explains most of the variance in both 'core' score (66%0 and the 'module' score (68%) of the questionnaire is low contrast VA in the better eye (P<0.001 in both cases). Further, the module score also accounts for a significant proportion of the variance (P<0.01) of the distance logMAR VA in both the better and worse eye, and the near logMAR in both the better eye and binocularly. Conclusions: The best predictor of both perceived reading ability and of general perceived visual ability in this study is low contrast logMAR VA. The results highlight that distance VA is not the only relevant measure of visual fucntion in relation to a patients's perceived visual performance and should not be considered a determinant of surgical or management success.


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We propose that specialty store managers, as well as outside sales personnel attached to the store, have selling responsibilities. In addition, we propose that sales personnel, as well as store managers, should have a propensity for leadership, which reflects an individual's enduring disposition to exhibit leadership within the context of his or her organizational roles. In two studies, we develop a new individual difference measure of propensity to lead and investigate its nomological validity within a specialty retail store environment. As predicted, leadership propensity was predictive of self-rated sales performance and a proclivity to identify prospects through cold calls to close sales, to reveal customer orientation, and to exhibit organizational citizenship behavior. We found that propensity to lead did not differ between salespeople and retail store managers, but we found that the respondent's role moderated the relationship between propensity to lead and supervisor performance ratings. Study limitations and managerial implications of this heretofore unidentified trait of salespeople are discussed.