839 resultados para residential building industry
Joint venture design teams are formed to combine resources and expertise in order to secure multi-discipline engineering design services on major projects. Bringing together resources from two ordinarily competing companies to form one joint team is however challenging as each parent company brings to the project its own organisational culture, processes and team attitudes. This study examined the factors that impact on forming a successful joint venture project team. Three critical areas were identified from an extensive literature review; Joint Venture Arrangements, Parent Companies and Forming the Team; and a survey was conducted with professionals who have worked in joint venture project teams in the Australian building industry in order to identify factors that affected successful joint venture team formation, and the common lessons learnt. This study reinforced the importance of three key criteria - trust, commitment and compatibility - for partner alignment. The results also identified four key lessons learnt which included; selecting the right resources, enabling a collaborative working environment by way of project office, implementing an independent Joint Venture Manager, and allocating work which is best for project with fees reflecting risk where risk is disproportionate.
This paper presents the details of experimental studies on the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of LiteSteel beams (LSB). The LSB has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges, made using a unique manufacturing process. In some applications in the building industry LSBs are used with only one web side plate (WSP) at their supports and are not used with full height web side plates (WSP) at their supports. Past research studies showed that theses real support connections did not provide simply supported conditions. Many studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs with simply supported conditions subject to pure bending and predominant shear actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of LSBs. Hence detailed experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with real support conditions. A total of 28 experimental tests were conducted as part of the studies. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. It was found that the effect of using one WSP on the shear behaviour of LSB is significant and there is about 25% shear capacity reduction due to the lateral movement of the bottom flange at the supports. Shear capacity of LSB was also found to decrease when full height WSPs were not used. Suitable support connections were developed to improve the shear capacity of LSBs based on test results.
Prefabrication has been promoted as a means to improve the efficiency of the Australian house building industry. Issues affecting the uptake of prefabrication were identified through interviews with small and medium sized building companies. Prefabrication’s specific impact on housing construction and smaller organisations has not been frequently investigated. Similar past research has been conducted without the use of a clear theoretical grounding guiding the identification of relevant issues. The current study is guided by a combination of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This allowed the identification of a broad range of issues across attitudinal, normative, behavioural control and technology adaptation domains. Results revealed improved quality was often offset against practical cost implications. While a high quality of prefabricated products was reported, key technical challenges included coordinating the transporting of modules, and balancing standardisation and product flexibility. Resistance from traditional industry stakeholders regarding build methods, financing, and openness to encouraging prefabrication was commonly reported. The key role of government decision making in facilitating greater demand and competitiveness of prefabricated businesses in the consumer marketplace was also highlighted. Further research is currently being undertaken by the authors, which builds on the exploratory results of the current study through confirmatory, quantitative surveying.
This paper presents the details of experimental studies on the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of hollow flange channel beams, known as LiteSteel beams (LSB). The LSB has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges, made using a unique manufacturing process. In many applications in the building industry LSBs are used with only one web side plate (WSP) at their supports. The WSPs are also often not full height plates. Past research studies showed that these real support connections did not provide the required simply supported conditions. Many studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs with simply supported conditions subject to pure bending and predominant shear actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the effect of real support conditions on the shear strength of LSBs. Hence a detailed experimental study based on 25 shear tests was undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with real support conditions. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. It was found that the effect of using one WSP on the shear behaviour of LSB is significant and there is about 25% shear capacity reduction due to the lateral movement of the bottom flange at the supports. Shear capacity of LSB was also found to decrease when full height WSPs were not used. Suitably improved support connections were developed to improve the shear capacity of LSBs based on test results. Details of the recommended support connections and shear capacity results are given in this paper.
Light gauge Steel Frame (LSF) walls are extensively used in the building industry due to the many advantages they provide over other wall systems. Although LSF walls have been used widely, fire design of LSF walls is based on approximate prescriptive methods based on limited fire tests. Also these fire tests were conducted using the standard fire curve [1] and the applicability of available design rules to realistic design fire curves has not been verified. This paper investigates the accuracy of existing fire design rules in the current cold-formed steel standards and the modifications proposed by previous researchers. Of these the recently developed design rules by Gunalan and Mahendran [2] based on Eurocode 3 Part 1.3 [3] and AS/NZS 4600 [4] for standard fire exposure [1] were investigated in detail to determine their applicability to predict the axial compression strengths and fire resistance ratings of LSF walls exposed to realistic design fire curves. This paper also presents the fire performance results of LSF walls exposed to a range of realistic fire curves obtained using a finite element analysis based parametric study. The results from the parametric study were used to develop a simplified design method based on the critical hot flange temperature to predict the fire resistance ratings of LSF walls exposed to realistic fire curves. Finally, the stud failure times (fire resistance rating) obtained from the fire design rules and the simplified design method were compared with parametric study results for LSF walls lined with single and double plasterboards, and externally insulated with rock fibres under realistic fire curves.
[ES]En el proyecto se analizan diferentes soluciones de fachada y cubierta de un edificio residencial, buscando la eficiencia energética y la economía. Para ello, partiendo de un caso concreto, se estudian las cargas térmicas del edificio existente y de otras dos soluciones posibles. En estas además, se utilizan materiales sostenibles, con el fin de hacer el menor impacto medioambiental posible. Se ha analizado también la rentabilidad de estas soluciones, para comprobar cuál es la más adecuada desde un punto de vista económico.
[ES]El rápido aumento de las nuevas tecnologías, así como el aumento del uso tanto del transporte público como del privado ha conllevado un aumento en los niveles de ruido. Además, la proximidad de las industrias a las ciudades y los trabajos diarios a pie de calle no han mejorado esta situación, sino que la ha empeorado. Debido a este aumento de la intensidad sonora, las enfermedades que derivan de ello han aumentado. Por ello, las soluciones para disminuir los niveles de ruido que llegan a la población se han ido desarrollando cada vez más. En el caso de las viviendas cercanas a los aeropuertos, la solución adoptada comúnmente es la insonorización acústica del edificio por su relativa sencillez. En este trabajo, se estudia un caso concreto de un edificio residencial cercano al aeropuerto de Loiu, Bilbao y se resuelve la opción más sencilla posible de aislamiento acústico para la vivienda.
During the past few years the attention of architects, engineers and others encased in or connected with the building industry has been attracted to the possibilities of the application of welding processes to the joining of structural members. As oxy-acetylene welding was developed before electric arc welding became perfected it was only natural that the gas torch should be first considered. It developed however on examination of the two processes that while acetylene welding gave better results in most cases it was only in the hands of experts that it could consistently outscore the arc as a welding medium. Arc-welding has the advantage over the acetylene process, where each individual operator must use his own judgement as to the proper flame, in that a squad of arc-welders can work under the direction of a single expert supervisor who accepts the responsibility of fixing the current value and of determining the proper size of welding rod to be used on any given type of work.
Essa dissertação é um estudo de antropologia urbana sobre as relações entre moradores e entre moradores e empregados em dois edifícios residenciais nos bairros do Maracanã e Grajaú. O objetivo foi demonstrar os sentidos subjacentes ao uso das noções de indivíduo e de pessoa, de individualismo e de hierarquia, em cada um desses contextos de relacionamento. Foram realizadas sete entrevistas semi-estruturadas com homens e mulheres de camadas médias urbanas. Os sentidos sugeridos pelos moradores apontaram para a existência de uma tensão entre as noções de público e privado, cordialidade e impessoalidade nos modos de classificar a si mesmo e aos outros nas interações sob diferentes circunstâncias dentro do edifício. Os depoimentos dos entrevistados concederam maior destaque às relações que mantinham com suas empregadas domésticas do que com as empregadas de outros condôminos. Nesse caso concedeu-se destaque para a operação de classificações em que pravaleciam a hierarquização e a subordinação, da parte dos moradores, e expedientes de agenciamento, por parte dos empregados.
This paper investigates 'future-proofing' as an unexplored yet all-important aspect in the design of low-energy dwellings. It refers particularly to adopting lifecycle thinking and accommodating risks and uncertainties in the selection of fabric energy efficiency measures and low or zero-carbon technologies. Based on a conceptual framework for future-proofed design, the paper first presents results from the analysis of two 'best practice' housing developments in England; i.e., North West Cambridge in Cambridge and West Carclaze and Baal in St. Austell, Cornwall. Second, it examines the 'Energy and CO2 Emissions' part of the Code for Sustainable Homes to reveal which design criteria and assessment methods can be practically integrated into this established building certification scheme so that it can become more dynamic and future-oriented.Practical application: Future-proofed construction is promoted implicitly within the increasingly stringent building regulations; however, there is no comprehensive method to readily incorporate futures thinking into the energy design of buildings. This study has a three-fold objective of relevance to the building industry:Illuminating the two key categories of long-term impacts in buildings, which are often erroneously treated interchangeably:- The environmental impact of buildings due to their long lifecycles.- The environment's impacts on buildings due to risks and uncertainties affecting the energy consumption by at least 2050. This refers to social, technological, economic, environmental and regulatory (predictable or unknown) trends and drivers of change, such as climate uncertainty, home-working, technology readiness etc.Encouraging future-proofing from an early planning stage to reduce the likelihood of a prematurely obsolete building design.Enhancing established building energy assessment methods (certification, modelling or audit tools) by integrating a set of future-oriented criteria into their methodologies. © 2012 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
Countries across the world are being challenged to decarbonise their energy systems in response to diminishing fossil fuel reserves, rising GHG emissions and the dangerous threat of climate change. There has been a renewed interest in energy efficiency, renewable energy and low carbon energy as policy‐makers seek to identify and put in place the most robust sustainable energy system that can address this challenge. This thesis seeks to improve the evidence base underpinning energy policy decisions in Ireland with a particular focus on natural gas, which in 2011 grew to have a 30% share of Ireland’s TPER. Natural gas is used in all sectors of the Irish economy and is seen by many as a transition fuel to a low-carbon energy system; it is also a uniquely excellent source of data for many aspects of energy consumption. A detailed decomposition analysis of natural gas consumption in the residential sector quantifies many of the structural drives of change, with activity (R2 = 0.97) and intensity (R2 = 0.69) being the best explainers of changing gas demand. The 2002 residential building regulations are subject to an ex-post evaluation, which using empirical data finds a 44 ±9.5% shortfall in expected energy savings as well as a 13±1.6% level of non-compliance. A detailed energy demand model of the entire Irish energy system is presented together with scenario analysis of a large number of energy efficiency policies, which show an aggregate reduction in TFC of 8.9% compared to a reference scenario. The role for natural gas as a transition fuel over a long time horizon (2005-2050) is analysed using an energy systems model and a decomposition analysis, which shows the contribution of fuel switching to natural gas to be worth 12 percentage points of an overall 80% reduction in CO2 emissions. Finally, an analysis of the potential for CCS in Ireland finds gas CCS to be more robust than coal CCS for changes in fuel prices, capital costs and emissions reduction and the cost optimal location for a gas CCS plant in Ireland is found to be in Cork with sequestration in the depleted gas field of Kinsale.
This presentation will attempt to address the issue of whether the engineering design community has the knowledge, data and tool sets required to undertake advanced evacuation analysis. In discussing this issue I want to draw on examples not only from the building industry but more widely from where ever people come into contact with an environment fashioned by man. Prescriptive design regulations the world over suggest that if we follow a particular set of essentially configurational regulations concerning travel distances, number of exits, exit widths, etc it should be possible to evacuate a structure within a pre-defined acceptable amount of time. In the U.K. for public buildings this turns out to be 2.5 minutes, internationally in the aviation industry this is 90 seconds, in the UK rail industry this is 90 seconds and the international standard adopted by the maritime industry is 60 minutes. The difficulties and short comings of this approach are well known and so I will not repeat them here, save to say that this approach is usually littered with “magic numbers” that do not stand up to scrutiny. As we are focusing on human behaviour issues, it is also worth noting that more generally, the approach fails to take into account how people actually behave, preferring to adopt an engineer’s view of what people should do in order to make their design work. Examples of the failure of this approach are legion and include the; Manchester Boeing 737 fire, Kings Cross underground station fire, Piper Alpha oil platform explosion, Ladbroke Grove Rail crash and fire, Mont Blanc tunnel fire, Scandinavian Star ferry fire and the Station Nightclub fire.
It is predicted that climate change will result in rising sea levels, more frequent and extreme weather events, hotter and drier summers and warmer and wetter winters. This will have a significant impact on the design of buildings, how they are kept cool and how they are weathered against more extreme climatic conditions. The residential sector is already a significant environmental burden with high associated operational energy. Climate change, and a growing population requiring residence, has the potential to exacerbate this problem seriously. New paradigms for residential building design are required to enable low-carbon dioxide operation to mitigate climate change. They must also face the reality of inevitable climate change and adopt climate change adaptation strategies to cope with future scenarios. However, any climate adaptation strategy for dwellings must also be cognisant of adapting occupant needs, influenced by ageing populations and new technologies. This paper presents concepts and priorities for changing how society designs residential buildings by designing for adaptation. A case study home is analysed in the context of its stated aims of low energy and adaptability. A post-occupancy evaluation of the house is presented, and future-proofing strategies are evaluated using climate projection data for future climate change scenarios.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas