777 resultados para research assistantships, research education, research assistants, reserach supervisors, case study


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Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Santarm para obteno do grau de mestre em Cincias de Educao na especializao de Superviso e Orientao Pedaggica


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This study examines the organizational structures and decision-making processes used by school districts to recruit and hire school librarians. For students to acquire the information and technology literacy education they need, school libraries must be staffed with qualified individuals who can fulfill the librarians role as leader, teacher, instructional partner, information specialist, and program administrator. Principals are typically given decision rights for hiring staff, including school librarians. Research shows that principals have limited knowledge of the skills and abilities of the school librarian or the specific needs and functions of the library program. Research also indicates that those with specific knowledge of school library programs, namely school district library supervisors, are only consulted on recruiting and hiring about half the time. School districts entrust library supervisors with responsibilities such as professional development of school librarians only after they are hired. This study uses a theoretical lens from research on IT governance, which focuses on the use of knowledge-fit in applying decision rights in an organization. This framework is appropriate because of its incorporation of a specialist with a specific knowledge set in determining the placement of input and decision rights in the decision-making processes. The method used in this research was a multiple-case study design using five school districts as cases, varying by the involvement of the supervisors and other individuals in the hiring process. The data collected from each school district were interviews about the districts recruiting and hiring practices with principals, an individual in HR, library supervisors, and recently hired school librarians. Data analysis was conducted through iterative coding from themes in the research questions, with continuous adjustments as new themes developed. Results from the study indicate that governance framework is applicable to evaluating the decision-making processes used in recruiting and hiring school librarians. However, a districts use of governance did not consistently use knowledge-fit in the determination of input and decision rights. In the hiring process, governance was more likely to be based on placing decision rights at a certain level of the district hierarchy rather than the location of specific knowledge, most often resulting in site-based governance for decision rights at the school-building level. The governance of the recruiting process was most affected by the shortage or surplus of candidates available to the district to fill positions. Districts struggling with a shortage of candidates typically placed governance for the decision-making process on recruiting at the district level, giving the library supervisor more opportunity for input and collaboration with human resources. In districts that use site-based governance and that place all input and decision rights at the building level, some principals use their autonomy to eliminate the school library position in the allotment phase or hire librarians that, while certified through testing, do not have the same level of expertise as those who achieve certification through LIS programs. The principals in districts who use site-based governance for decision rights but call on the library supervisor for advisement stated how valuable they found the supervisors expertise in evaluating candidates for hire. In no district was a principal or school required to involve the library supervisor in the hiring of school librarians. With a better understanding of the tasks involved, the effect of district governance on decision-making, and the use of knowledge to assign input and decision rights, it is possible to look at how all of these factors affect the outcome in the quality of the hire. A next step is to look at the hiring process that school librarians went through and connect those with the measurable outcomes of hiring: school librarian success, retention, and attrition; the quality of school library program services, outreach, and involvement in a school; and the perceptions of the success of the school librarian and the library program as seen from students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other community stakeholders.


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Over the past several decades, the landscape of the workplace has changed in many industrialized nations. In the United States this time period has seen the outright elimination or outsourcing of well-paying blue collar jobs. The workforce continues to evolve, change, and become more global, and men and women are making nontraditional occupational decisions, whether by choice or necessity. The traditional views of men and women have begun to shift. However, gender assumptions about masculinity have failed to keep pace with the shift. There are approximately 1.8 million elementary grade level teachers in United States public schools; of these, a mere 9% are male. The paucity of male teachers in the elementary grades has been a concern for many years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 86% of all special education teachers are female. In 2012, 86.2% of all special education teachers were female, and by the following year, the number had dropped to 80.4%. The evidence indicates that more men are embarking on nontraditional career paths. Despite theses changes there is minimal research looking at the experiences of men working as special education teachers My goal in this study was to obtain a better understanding of the influences on and the process by which men make the decision to pursuing a career teaching special education in the elementary grades. The study utilized social role theory (Eagly, 1987), and Steads (2014) social constructionist theory as well as Williams (1992) glass escalator proposition The findings of this study confirm some of the factors related to career choice, experiences and barriers faced by men in nontraditional careers detailed in the literature. Three themes emerged for each research question: Experiences, advocacy, and benefits. Three themes emerged around the second research question exploring the experiences of men in a female-concentrated profession: The male body, communication, and perception. Three themes arose around the third research question: administration, My Masculinity, and pay. The findings run counter to Williams glass escalator proposition, which posits men working in female-concentrated professions are at an advantage. The findings advance support for Buschmeyers theory of (2013) alternative masculinity.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educao Fsica


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educao Fsica


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RESUMO: A formao profissional em Educao Fsica vem sofrendo mudanas significativas ao longo da histria. Aps a dcada de 1980, com a Lei de Directrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional (LDBEN, N9394, de 20 de Dezembro de 1996), emergiram novos olhares para o curso. Neste novo contexto, o curso de Educao Fsica da Universidade Estadual da Paraba UEPB vem redimensionando sua prtica com vista na formao de um profissional comprometido com a educao em sua dimenso tica, poltica, social e cultural. Assim, tivemos como objectivo, investigar a contribuio do Estgio Supervisionado na formao inicial do licenciado em Educao Fsica. A pesquisa molda-se como um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. A unidade selecionada para o estudo foi o Curso de Licenciatura em Educao Fsica da Universidade Estadual da Paraba, Paraba-Brasil. Participaram da pesquisa dez alunos(as) egressos(as) do referido curso. Os dados foram coletados atravs de entrevistas e analisadas a partir da Anlise de contedo. Os resultados apontam a persistncia da dicotomia teoria e prtica no estgio docente; deficincias no trabalho de superviso do estgio, bem como na insatisfao dos(as) entrevistados(as) frente aos aspectos terico-prticos do referido curso para atuao no mercado de trabalho . ABSTRACT: Vocational training in physical education hs undergone significant changes throughout history. After the 80s, with the Lei de Directrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional (LDBEN) n 9.394/96, nem perspectives have emerged for the course. In this new context the course of Physical Education, State University of Paraiba UEPB redefined its practice in order to promote the formation of a professional committed to education in its ethical, political, social and cultural aspects. Thus, we aimed to investigate the extent to which supervised training has a relevant contribution for the initial degree in Physical Education. This research project is a case-study using a qualitative approach. The participants were ten students from Bachelor of Physical Education, State University of Paraiba, Brazil. Data were collected through interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The findings indicate that the dichotomy between theory and practice in teacher training is quite evident. The results also demonstrated deficiencies in the supervision of the training and a level of dissatisfaction concerning the applicability of the theoretical and practical aspects the course for the labour market.


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RESUMO:Para que o sucesso educativo se verifique, a escola tem de ajustar a sua prtica educativa a todos os alunos, incluindo os que apresentam necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Portugal dispe de legislao que assegura o direito educao e igualdade de oportunidades, consignados na Constituio da Repblica Portuguesa (artigos 71, 73 e 74), em consonncia com a Declarao Universal dos Direitos do Homem e na Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo (artigos 2, 7, 17 e 18). O nosso pas subscreveu tambm a Declarao de Salamanca, a qual reuniu, em 1994, o consenso de noventa e dois governos e de vinte e cinco organizaes internacionais, reafirmando o direito educao para todos. A construo da escola inclusiva passa pela responsabilizao da escola por todos os alunos, na perspectiva de educao para todos, exigindo a sua concretizao novas estratgias e resposta a novos desafios. H que alterar prticas para atender diversidade. Assim, as escolas precisam de estar arquitectonicamente adaptadas s necessidades dos alunos que utilizam a cadeira de rodas como forma de mobilidade, respeitando o direito diferena e possibilitando, em igualdade de oportunidades, o sucesso escolar e educativo. Levar prtica as medidas previstas na lei portuguesa e implementar, em cada escola, a incluso do aluno com mobilidade condicionada, implica equipar as escolas com adaptaes, meios e recursos educativos facilitadores do seu processo ensino/aprendizagem. A constatao do que efectivamente acontece no terreno educativo no que concerne aos alunos com deficincia motora que usam a cadeira de rodas para se movimentarem assume toda a centralidade da nossa investigao, que tem o cariz de um estudo de caso. Incide sobre a compreenso mais aprofundada de como se processa o acesso arquitectnico nas escolas do Ensino Bsico da Zona Norte e mais concretamente do Concelho de Guimares. Recolhemos dados atravs de questionrios dirigidos aos professores de apoio educativo e coordenadores de escola; ouvimos os alunos com deficincia motora pronunciar-se sobre as dificuldades que sentiam; observmos o seu quotidiano escolar e, finalmente, escutmos as entidades locais, atravs de uma entrevista realizada Vereadora da Cultura do Concelho de Guimares. Os resultados obtidos sero, como foi acordado, divulgados aos intervenientes com responsabilidades directas no campo da educao que se prontificaram a partilhar connosco a sua informao e saber, no sentido de os sensibilizar para a necessidade de rever o aspecto das acessibilidades arquitectnicas nas instituies educativas que servem o seu concelho, pois, como verificmos, muito h ainda a fazer para que o Ensino Bsico, universal e obrigatrio, se traduza numa igualdade de oportunidades de acesso e sucesso educativo para os alunos que utilizam a cadeira de rodas para se movimentarem no espao escolar. ABSTRACT: For the educational success of a school it has to adjust its educational practice so that it includes those with special needs. According to the Portuguese law, disabled people have the right to education and equal opportunities, well expressed in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (articles 71st, 73rd, and 74th), in consonance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in the main law the educational system (articles 2nd, 7th, 17th and 18th). Our country has also subscribed the Declaration of Salamanca, which was written in 1994 with the agreement of Representatives from ninety-two governments and twenty-five International Organizations, where was reaffirmed the right of education for all. It is necessary that school increases its responsibility in what concerns the education of all its students. Educating all and every student demands new strategies to face new challenges and so some practices have to be changed to respond to diversity. Schools must be architecturally adapted to give the disabled students, who use a wheel chair, equal opportunities to achieve educational success. Taking the measures foreseen in Portuguese law into practice, and implementing in each school the inclusion of students with conditioned mobility, involves equipping schools with adaptations, equipment and educational resources that facilitate the teaching / learning process. The observation of what actually happens on educative ground, regarding to pupils with motor disabilities who use a wheelchair to move, assumes the centrality of our research, which is a case study. It focuses on the deeper understanding of the way the architectonic access in primary schools of the North, and more specifically the Municipality of Guimares, is processed. We collected data through questionnaires addressed to educational support teachers and school coordinators; heard students with motor disabilities to comment on the difficulties they felt; observed their daily school life, and finally heard the local authorities, through an interview the Councillor of Culture of the Municipality of Guimares. As agreed, the results will be communicated to intervenients with direct responsibilities in the field of education who were willing to share with us their information and knowledge in order to raise awareness of the need of looking over the aspect of architectural accessibility in educational institutions that serve their county, because, as noted, much remains to be done so that the basic education, universal and compulsory, will result in equality of educational opportunities in access and success for students who use a wheelchair to move in school space.


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A presente investigao procurou descrever, de forma exaustiva, o processo de previso, negociao, implementao e avaliao do Contrato de Execuo celebrado entre a Cmara Municipal de Sintra e o Ministrio da Educao em 2009. Este contrato corresponde a um instrumento previsto na regulamentao do quadro de transferncias de competncias para os municpios em matria de educao, de acordo com o regime previsto no Decreto-Lei n. 144/2008, de 28 de julho. Definida a problemtica e os objetivos, a investigao centrou-se num estudo de caso no qual foi feita a descrio e interpretao do processo e das aes desenvolvidas pelos intervenientes no perodo compreendido entre 2008 e 2011. Recorreu-se confrontao dos dados obtidos atravs da anlise das fontes documentais e do recurso s entrevistas realizadas aos responsveis pelo Pelouro da Educao e diretores dos Agrupamentos de Escolas, luz da reviso da literatura e do contributo de diferentes trabalhos de investigadores nesta matria. A investigao permitiu concluir que o processo de contratualizao foi algo complexo face realidade deste Municpio e que o normativo apresenta vrias lacunas no que diz respeito contratualizao da referida transferncia de competncias, designadamente porque procura generalizar algo que no , de todo, generalizvel o campo da educao face complexidade dos territrios educativos em causa e aos dos intervenientes envolvidos no mesmo.


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Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno do grau de Mestre em Cincias da Educao, Especialidade Interveno Precoce


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administrao do Porto para a obteno do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientao da Professora Doutora Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias


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Tese de Doutoramento em Cincias da Educao (rea de especializao em Tecnologia Educativa).


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criana (rea de especializao em Literatura para a Infncia).


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvitt johtoryhmn tehtvn ja toiminnan trkeys ja tarve.Tavoitteena oli saada selville johtoryhmn muodostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijit sek johtoryhmn toimintaan vaikuttavia tekijit ja miten johtoryhm vaikuttaa yrityksen tuloksellisuuteen.Tapaustutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluilla,jotka analysoitiin aihepiireittin.Tutkimustuloksen mukaan johtoryhmtyskentely on yrityksiss trke yrityksen tuloksellisessa toiminnassa sek strategian muodostuksessa. Johtoryhmn muodostumiseen vaikuttavat yrityksen strategia, mutta johtoryhmn ty on trke mys itse strategian muodostumiselle. Johtoryhmn kokoonpanoon vaikuttavat erityisesti johtajien kokemus ja koulutus. Hyv luottamuksen taso johtoryhmss vaikuttaa positiivisesti uusien ideoiden syntyyn, ja edesauttaa nin mys johtoryhmn voimavarojen keskittymist yrityksen kannalta oleellisiin asioihin.


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This thesis research was a qualitative case study of a single class of Interdisciplinary Studies: Introduction to Engineering taught in a secondary school. The study endeavoured to explore students' experiences in and perceptions of the course, and to investigate the viability of engineering as an interdisciplinary theme at the secondary school level. Data were collected in the form of student questionnaires, the researcher's observations and reflections, and artefacts representative of students' work. Data analysis was performed by coding textual data and classifying text segments into common themes. The themes that emerged from the data were aligned with facets of interdisciplinary study, including making connections, project-based learning, and student engagement and affective outcomes. The findings of the study showed that students were positive about their experiences in the course, and enjoyed its project-driven nature. Content from mathematics, physics, and technological design was easily integrated under the umbrella of engineering. Students felt that the opportunity to develop problem solving and teamwork skills were two of the most important aspects of the course and could be relevant not only for engineering, but for other disciplines or their day-to-day lives after secondary school. The study concluded that engineering education in secondary school can be a worthwhile experience for a variety of students and not just those intending postsecondary study in engineering. This has implications for the inclusion of engineering in the secondary school curriculum and can inform the practice of curriculum planners at the school, school board, and provincial levels. Suggested directions for further research include classroom-based action research in the areas of technological education, engineering education in secondary school, and interdisciplinary education.


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The purpose of this research study was to determine if the instructional model, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), would allow for the successful teaching of sport to disengaged female students in Physical Education (PE) classes. An instrumental case study research design was used to determine grade nine female students experiences with TGfU, the factors of TGfU that facilitated their engagement, and the ways in which these students resisted engaging in TGfU. Data was collected through a pre and post TGfU unit focus group, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and researcher reflections. Results showed that TGfU caused an increase in the participants engagement in PE physically, mentally, and socially/emotionally. Future researchers could structure their entire study holistically and should examine TGfUs impact on student engagement over the course of an entire semester. Subsequent studies should moreover examine the presence of disengagement within physically skilled students in PE.