904 resultados para regular polyhedra


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We show that if E is an atomic Banach lattice with an ordercontinuous norm, A, B ∈ Lr(E) and MA,B is the operator on Lr(E) defined by MA,B(T) = AT B then ||MA,B||r = ||A||r||B||r but that there is no real α > 0 such that ||MA,B || ≥ α ||A||r||B ||r.


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The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (2008) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) recommend a full clinical and psychological assessment by an appropriately trained clinician; this should include a detailed developmental and psychiatric history. Stimulant medications, which are Schedule II controlled drugs, are the most commonly prescribed medicines in the UK and across the world for the management of ADHD. Children and young people with a diagnosis of ADHD receiving these stimulant medications are required to attend regular review appointments with a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist or specialist nurse under shared care guidelines with general practices, and it has long been recognized that appropriately educated nurses can assist in the management of ADHD. Owing to the pharmacological action of the stimulant medication on neurotransmission, there is potential for misuse and dependence. A growing body of evidence suggests that adolescents with ADHD can become involved in drug diversion and that the topic should be explored during assessment. The level of misuse of prescribed stimulants is increasing, and adolescents and young people with ADHD may misuse to enhance cognitive function for academic purposes. The following scenario highlights some of the challenges and opportunities for independent nurse prescribers working in child and adolescent mental health services.


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Learning or writing regular expressions to identify instances of a specific
concept within text documents with a high precision and recall is challenging.
It is relatively easy to improve the precision of an initial regular expression
by identifying false positives covered and tweaking the expression to avoid the
false positives. However, modifying the expression to improve recall is difficult
since false negatives can only be identified by manually analyzing all documents,
in the absence of any tools to identify the missing instances. We focus on partially
automating the discovery of missing instances by soliciting minimal user
feedback. We present a technique to identify good generalizations of a regular
expression that have improved recall while retaining high precision. We empirically
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique as compared to
existing methods and show results for a variety of tasks such as identification of
dates, phone numbers, product names, and course numbers on real world datasets


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A (κ, τ)-regular set is a subset of the vertices of a graph G, inducing a κ-regular subgraph such that every vertex not in the subset has τ neighbors in it. A main eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix A of a graph G has an eigenvector not orthogonal to the all-one vector j. For graphs with a (κ, τ)-regular set a necessary and sufficient condition for an eigenvalue be non-main is deduced and the main eigenvalues are characterized. These results are applied to the construction of infinite families of bidegreed graphs with two main eigenvalues and the same spectral radius (index) and some relations with strongly regular graphs are obtained. Finally, the determination of (κ, τ)-regular sets is analyzed. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An induced matching of a graph G is a matching having no two edges joined by an edge. An efficient edge dominating set of G is an induced matching M such that every other edge of G is adjacent to some edge in M. We relate maximum induced matchings and efficient edge dominating sets, showing that efficient edge dominating sets are maximum induced matchings, and that maximum induced matchings on regular graphs with efficient edge dominating sets are efficient edge dominating sets. A necessary condition for the existence of efficient edge dominating sets in terms of spectra of graphs is established. We also prove that, for arbitrary fixed p ≥ 3, deciding on the existence of efficient edge dominating sets on p-regular graphs is NP-complete. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A family of quadratic programming problems whose optimal values are upper bounds on the independence number of a graph is introduced. Among this family, the quadratic programming problem which gives the best upper bound is identified. Also the proof that the upper bound introduced by Hoffman and Lovász for regular graphs is a particular case of this family is given. In addition, some new results characterizing the class of graphs for which the independence number attains the optimal value of the above best upper bound are given. Finally a polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the size of the maximum independent set of an arbitrary graph is described and the computational experiments carried out on 36 DIMACS clique benchmark instances are reported.


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Let G be a finite graph with an eigenvalue μ of multiplicity m. A set X of m vertices in G is called a star set for μ in G if μ is not an eigenvalue of the star complement G\X which is the subgraph of G induced by vertices not in X. A vertex subset of a graph is (k ,t)-regular if it induces a k -regular subgraph and every vertex not in the subset has t neighbors in it. We investigate the graphs having a (k,t)-regular set which induces a star complement for some eigenvalue. A survey of known results is provided and new properties for these graphs are deduced. Several particular graphs where these properties stand out are presented as examples.


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In spectral graph theory a graph with least eigenvalue 2 is exceptional if it is connected, has least eigenvalue greater than or equal to 2, and it is not a generalized line graph. A ðk; tÞ-regular set S of a graph is a vertex subset, inducing a k-regular subgraph such that every vertex not in S has t neighbors in S. We present a recursive construction of all regular exceptional graphs as successive extensions by regular sets.


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In this paper, relevant results about the determination of (k,t)-regular sets, using the main eigenvalues of a graph, are reviewed and some results about the determination of (0,2)-regular sets are introduced. An algorithm for that purpose is also described. As an illustration, this algorithm is applied to the determination of maximum matchings in arbitrary graphs.


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Rationale Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular among smokers worldwide. Commonly reported reasons for use include the following: to quit smoking, to avoid relapse, to reduce urge to smoke, or as a perceived lower-risk alternative to smoking. Few studies, however, have explored whether electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) deliver measurable levels of nicotine to the blood. Objective This study aims to explore in experienced users the effect of using an 18-mg/ml nicotine first-generation e-cigarette on blood nicotine, tobacco withdrawal symptoms, and urge to smoke. Methods Fourteen regular e-cigarette users (three females), who are abstinent from smoking and e-cigarette use for 12 h, each completed a 2.5 h testing session. Blood was sampled, and questionnaires were completed (tobacco-related withdrawal symptoms, urge to smoke, positive and negative subjective effects) at four stages: baseline, 10 puffs, 60 min of ad lib use and a 60-min rest period. Results Complete sets of blood were obtained from seven participants. Plasma nicotine concentration rose significantly from a mean of 0.74 ng/ml at baseline to 6.77 ng/ml 10 min after 10 puffs, reaching a mean maximum of 13.91 ng/ml by the end of the ad lib puffing period. Tobacco-related withdrawal symptoms and urge to smoke were significantly reduced; direct positive effects were strongly endorsed, and there was very low reporting of adverse effects. Conclusions These findings demonstrate reliable blood nicotine delivery after the acute use of this brand/model of e-cigarette in a sample of regular users. Future studies might usefully quantify nicotine delivery in relation to inhalation technique and the relationship with successful smoking cessation/harm reduction.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de mestrado, Educação Especial - Domínios Cognitivo e Motor, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Governor Moses calls on South Carolinians to endeavor to become a respected member of the United States following the U.S. Civil War. His message addresses the status of the national debt, South Carolina public education, the South Carolina Orphan Asylum, the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, the state penitentiary, the state’s quarantine of small pox, the revenue-generating phosphate deposits in the state, immigration to the state, the state’s flagship university, current state legislation, and the state militia.


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This speech was delivered to by the Governor to give the general assembly information of the condition of the state and give them recommendations to consider measures that the Governor deems necessary or expedient. He provides the information regarding the state debt, taxes, and bonded debt. He describes the financial agent of the state as well as the expenditures of the state government.