978 resultados para pulp drying
Introduction: Stem cells are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types. An important source of adult stem cells is the dental pulp. In dentistry, regenerative strategies are of importance because of hard dental tissue damage especially as result of caries lesions, trauma, or iatrogenic procedures. The regeneration of dental tissues relies on the ability of stem cells to produce extracellular (ECM) proteins encountered in the dental pulp tissue. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the expression and distribution of proteins encountered in dental pulp ECM (type I collagen, fibronectin, and tenascin) in stem cells. Methods: Human immature dental pulp stem cells (hIDPSCs) from deciduous (DL-1 and DL-4 cell lines) and permanent (DL-2) teeth were used. The distribution of ECM proteins was observed using the immunofluorescence technique. The gene expression profile was evaluated using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Results: Positive reactions for all ECM proteins were observed independently of the hIDPSCs analyzed. Type I collagen appeared less evident in DL-2 than in other hIDPSCs. Fibronectin and tenascin were less clear in DL-4. The RT-PCR reactions showed that type I collagen was lesser expressed in the DL-2 cells, whereas fibronectin and tenascin were similarly expressed in all hIDPSCs. Conclusions: The distribution and expression of ECM proteins differ among the hIDPSCs. These differences seemed to be related to the donor tooth conditions (deciduous or permanent, retained or erupted, and degree of root reabsorption). (J Endod 2010;36:826-831)
Aim of the present study was to investigate the neuroprotective effect of dental pulp cells (DPCs) in in vitro models of Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Primary cultures of hippocampal and ventral mesencephalic neurons were treated for 24 h with amyloid beta (A beta(1-42)) peptide 1-42 and 6-OHDA, respectively. DPCs isolated from adult rat incisors were previously cultured in tissue culture inserts and added to the neuron cultures 2 days prior to neurotoxin treatment. Cell viability was assessed by the MTT assay. The co-culture with DPCs significantly attenuated 6-OHDA and A beta(1-42)-induced toxicity in primary cultures of mesencephalic and hippocampal neurons, and lead to an increase in neuronal viability in untreated cultures, suggesting a neurotrophic effect in both models. Furthermore, human dental pulp cells expressed a neuronal phenotype and produced the neurotrophic factors NGF, GDNF, BDNF, and BMP2 shown by microarray screening and antibody staining for the representative proteins. DPCs protected primary neurons in in vitro models of Alzheimer`s and Parkinson`s disease and can be viewed as possible candidates for studies on cell-based therapy.
Diabetes can interfere in tissue nutrition and can impair dental pulp metabolism. This disease causes oxidative stress in cells and tissues. However, little is known about the antioxidant system in the dental pulp of diabetics. Thus, it would be of importance to study this system in this tissue in order to verify possible alterations indicative of oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate some parameters of antioxidant system of the dental pulp of healthy (n = 8) and diabetic rats (n = 8). Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin in rats. Six weeks after diabetes induction, a pool of the dental pulp of the 4 incisors of each rat (healthy and diabetic) was used for the determination of total protein and sialic acid concentrations and catalase and peroxidase activities. Data were compared by a Student t test (p <= 0.05). Dental pulps from both groups presented similar total protein concentrations and peroxidase activity. Dental pulps of diabetic rats exhibited significantly lower free, conjugated, and total sialic acid concentrations than those of control tissues. Catalase activity in diabetic dental pulps was significantly enhanced in comparison with that of control pulps. The result of the present study is indicative of oxidative stress in the dental pulp caused by diabetes. The increase of catalase activity and the reduction of sialic acid could be resultant of reactive oxygen species production.
Aim To evaluate the use of pulse oximetry as a test for pulp vitality, by comparing in the same patient, the levels of oxygen saturation of the index finger and of the maxillary central incisor and canine teeth without clinically detectable pulp inflammation. Methodology Seventeen male and female patients aged between 26 and 38 years participated and a total of 32 maxillary central incisor and 32 canine teeth were analysed. Selection criteria required the teeth to have healthy crowns, or with restorations no more than 2 mm in diameter and no clinical and radiographical signs or symptoms of pulp or periapical inflammatory changes. The negative control group consisted of 10 root filled teeth. Measurements were first taken from the index finger of patients. Their teeth were then subjected to a thermal test with refrigerant gas and then to a vitality test with pulse oximetry. Data were analysed by Pearson`s and paired t-tests. Results There were no significant statistical correlations between blood oxygen levels in the index finger and in the teeth of the patient (P > 0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the oxygen levels between the two tooth groups studied and the index finger (P <= 0.002). Mean oxygen values in the index finger of patients were 95% (SD = 1.6), oxygen values in the maxillary central incisor were 91.29% (SD = 2.61) and mean oxygen values in maxillary canine were 90.69% (SD = 2.71). Conclusion The method determined consistently the level of blood oxygen saturation of the pulp in maxillary central incisor and canine teeth and can therefore be used for pulp vitality testing. Further studies are required to assess the effectiveness and validity of pulse oximetry in determining pulp vitality in traumatized teeth.
Introduction: Collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are expressed by odontoblasts and present in dentin. We hypothesized that odontoblasts express other collagen-degrading enzymes such as cysteine cathepsins, and their activity would be present in dentin, because odontoblasts are known to express at least cathepsin D. Effect of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) on cathepsin expression was also analyzed. Methods: Human odontoblasts and pulp tissue were cultured with and without TGF-beta, and cathepsin gene expression was analyzed with DNA microarrays. Dentin cathepsin and MMP activities were analyzed by degradation of respective specific fluorogenic substrates. Results: Both odontoblasts and pulp tissue demonstrated a wide range of cysteine cathepsin expression that gave minor responses to TGF-beta. Cathepsin and MMP activities were observed in all dentin samples, with significant negative correlations in their activities with tooth age. Conclusions: These results demonstrate for the first time the presence of cysteine cathepsins in dentin and suggest their role, along with MMPs, in dentin modification with aging. (J Endod 2010;36:475-481)
Objectives: To analyze the expression of tenascin, fibronectin, collagens I and III, osteonectin, and bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) in the extracellular matrix of pulp tissue in primary teeth during physiologic root resorption. Method and Materials: Eighteen teeth were decalcified and equally distributed into 3 groups (group I, teeth with two-thirds root length; group II, teeth with one-third root length; and group III, teeth lacking the root). Results: Immunohistochemical analysis showed that all the proteins were expressed. Tenascin, collagen I, and osteonectin showed strong and broad reactivity in group I, with weaker and rare reactivity in groups II and III. The expression of fibronectin, collagen III, and BMP4 did not vary with root resorption phase. Conclusion: The expression of tenascin, collagen I, and osteonectin was reduced in the extracellular matrix and odontoblasts during root resorption. This fact may be related to the decreasing pulp response to damage and treatment during the progression of root resorption. (Quintessence Int 2009; 40: 553-558)
The present randomized, controlled prospective study evaluated the histomorphological response of human dental pulps capped with two grey mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) compounds. Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 human permanent pre-molars. The pulp was capped either with ProRoot (Dentsply) or MTA-Angelus (Angelus) and restored with zinc oxide eugenol cement. After 30 and 60 days, teeth were extracted and processed for histological examination and the effects on the pulp were scored. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (alpha = 0.05). In five out of the 40 teeth bacteria were present in pulp tissue. No significant difference was observed between the two materials (P > 0.05) in terms of overall histological features (hard tissue bridge, inflammatory response, giant cells and particles of capping materials). Overall, 94% and 88% of the specimens capped with MTA-Angelus and ProRoot, respectively, showed either total or partial hard tissue bridge formation (P > 0.05). Both commercial materials ProRoot (Dentsply) and MTA-Angelus (Angelus) produced similar responses in the pulp when used for pulp capping in intact, caries-free teeth.
Objectives: To compare the response of human dental pulp capped with a mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Ca(OH)(2) powder. Methods and Material: Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 permanent premolars. The pulp was then capped with either Ca(OH)(2) powder (CH) or MTA and restored with resin composite. After 30 days (groups CH30 and MTA30) and 60 days (groups CH60 and MTA60), the teeth were extracted and processed for HE and categorized in a histological score system. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (alpha=0.05). Results: In regard to dentin bridge formation, CH30 showed a tendency towards superior performance compared to MTA30 (p>0.05), although the products showed comparable results at day 60. In the item ""Inflammation"" and ""General State of the Pulp"" (p>0.05), CH showed a tendency towards presenting a higher inflammatory response. In the item ""Other Pulpal Findings,"" MTA and Ca(OH)(2) showed equal and excellent performance after 30 and 60 days (p>0.05). Conclusion: After 30 days, Ca(OH)(2) powder covered with calcium hydroxide cement showed faster hard tissue bridge formation compared to MTA. After 60 days, Ca(OH)(2) powder or NITA materials showed a similar and excellent histological response with the formation of a hard tissue bridge in almost all cases with low inflammatory infiltrate.
Introduction: Fibroblasts are the most abundant cells in dental pulp. To investigate their capacity to produce the chemokines CCL3, CXCL8, and CXCL12 as well as nitric oxide (NO), we evaluated the production of these mediators in supernatants of cultured human dental pulp fibroblasts (HDPF) stimulated by heat-killed Enterococcus faecalis (HKEF). Methods: Primary cultures of HDPF were stimulated with medium alone or HKEF (1:1, 10:1, or 100:1 bacteria:fibroblast) for 1, 6, and 24 hours. Chemokines and NO were assessed through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Griess reaction, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed by using analysis of variance and Tukey post test. Results: CCL3 was not detected, whereas constitutive CXCL8 was not affected. Production of CXCL12 was increased at 1 and 6 hours, and NO was increased at the concentration of 1:1 bacteria:fibroblast at 24 hours. Viability and proliferation assays did not reveal cell number differences. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that heat-killed E. faecalis is able to increase production of CXCL12 and NO by HDPF. (J Endod 2010;36:91-94)
A dynamic modelling methodology, which combines on-line variable estimation and parameter identification with physical laws to form an adaptive model for rotary sugar drying processes, is developed in this paper. In contrast to the conventional rate-based models using empirical transfer coefficients, the heat and mass transfer rates are estimated by using on-line measurements in the new model. Furthermore, a set of improved sectional solid transport equations with localized parameters is developed in this work to reidentified on-line using measurement data, the model is able to closely track the dynamic behaviour of rotary drying processes within a broad range of operational conditions. This adaptive model is validated against experimental data obtained from a pilot-scale rotary sugar dryer. The proposed modelling methodology can be easily incorporated into nonlinear model based control schemes to form a unified modelling and control framework.place the global correlation for the computation of solid retention time. Since a number of key model variables and parameters are identified on-line using measurement data, the model is able to closely track the dynamic behaviour of rotary drying processes within a broad range of operational conditions. This adaptive model is validated against experimental data obtained from a pilot-scale rotary sugar dryer. The proposed modelling methodology can be easily incorporated into nonlinear model based control schemes to form a unified modelling and control framework.
The thin-layer drying behaviour of bananas in a beat pump dehumidifier dryer was examined. Four pre-treatments (blanching, chilling, freezing and combined blanching and freezing) were applied to the bananas, which were dried at 50 degreesC with an air velocity of 3.1 m s(-1) and with the relative humidity of the inlet air of 10-35%. Three drying models, the simple model, the two-term exponential model and the Page model were examined. All models were evaluated using three statistical measures, correlation coefficient, root means square error, and mean absolute percent error. Moisture diffusivity was calculated based on the diffusion equation for an infinite cylindrical shape using the slope method. The rate of drying was higher for the pre-treatments involving freezing. The sample which was blanched only did not show any improvement in drying rate. In fact, a longer drying time resulted due to water absorption during blanching. There was no change in the rate for the chilled sample compared with the control. While all models closely fitted the drying data, the simple model showed greatest deviation from the experimental results. The two-term exponential model was found to be the best model for describing the drying curves of bananas because its parameters represent better the physical characteristics of the drying process. Moisture diffusivities of bananas were in the range 4.3-13.2 x 10(-10) m(2)s(-1). (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.