964 resultados para psychological contract type


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The present study aims to analyze the nurse s work process at Family Health Strategy, considering its basic elements and dynamic, and searching to identify aspects that may constitute strengths and weaknesses in its development. This is an analytical case study, with qualitative approach and theoretical-conceptual mark grounded in Dialectic Hermeneutics. Empirical research fields were the Family Health Units of Natal, RN, Brazil. The subjects are nurses working in this Strategy. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured individual interviews combined with field observation. The research was initiated after approval by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, according to the guidelines and rules for research involving humans (Resolution 466/12), ensuring proper ethical precepts. The project was approved by register number 398.929, CAAE 19588813.7.0000.5537. From the 9 interviewed nurses, 8 were female and 1 male, average age of 52 years, average graduation time of 27 years and average time they stayed at the same Family Health territory of 7 years. It was found that it is up to the professional nurse in the Family Health care the important role of taking care of human beings in their life, family and community contexts, producing conditions to meet their needs through therapeutic act in health, using for such purpose both materials and immaterial instruments. It was possible to relate aspects that characterize strengths and weaknesses in the work process of nurses in the ESF, according to the speech of the interviewed workers, including the meanings and contradictions. Among the potentialities observed, it was possible to highlight the wide role of the nurse at Family Health; the perception of nurses about teamwork; the relative autonomy of nurses; the commitment of professionals to work; Humanization as a technology; the presence of other agents at work, such as directors and officers at the primary health units; the professional s experience time and contract type in the case studied. As weaknesses in the work process of nurses at Family Health Strategy, were highlighted the limited skills of the workforce; the difficulty in 10 identifying specific limits of the work of nurses in this scenario; the disturbances that occur in the process, the existing gaps in multiprofessional teams; Structural deficits of the units in the studied case, the low coverage of the Family Health in the county, and the political vulnerability of the work conditions. It is considered necessary to understand the dilemmas experienced in everyday life of nurses at Family Health Strategy as part of multiprofessional teams, facing actual achievement of changes in work processes necessary for the reorientation of health care in Brazil. In accordance, it is necessary to promote proper working conditions and welfare of labor agents which are protagonists the work at the United Health System


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Non-monotone incentive structures, which - according to theory - are able to induce optimal behavior, are often regarded as empirically less relevant for labor relationships. We compare the performance of a theoretically optimal non-monotone contract with a monotone one under controlled laboratory conditions. Implementing some features relevant to real-world employment relationships, our paper demonstrates that, in fact, the frequency of income-maximizing decisions made by agents is higher under the monotone contract. Although this observed behavior does not change the superiority of the non-monotone contract for principals, they do not choose this contract type in a significant way. This is what we call the monotonicity puzzle. Detailed investigations of decisions provide a clue for solving the puzzle and a possible explanation for the popularity of monotone contracts.


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Desde as últimas décadas do século XX que, perante um cenário marcado pela complexidade de uma economia globalizada, a Administração Pública tem sido coagida a passar por processos de reforma. As referências à reestruturação da Administração Pública por motivos políticos, económicos e financeiros, são frequentes na literatura, e surgem, quase sempre, num discurso imperativo. Neste contexto, foram introduzidos mecanismos de mercado por se acreditar que estes produzem soluções mais eficazes para o cidadão-cliente, uma administração motivadora, para quantos nela trabalham, e eficiência económica. Na esfera pública, mais do que transformar inputs em outputs, importa, avaliar os outcomes, isto é, o impacto sobre o valor público. Inúmeros estudos concorreram para enquadrar e justificar a reforma do sector público. Continuam, porém, a faltar respostas de como compatibilizar a gestão orçamental com práticas ideológicas das organizações, nomeadamente ao nível da gestão de recursos humanos. Este estudo tem como objectivo central contribuir para um melhor conhecimento dos efeitos que a prática da avaliação do desempenho, em vigor na Administração Pública Portuguesa, tem no contrato psicológico dos colaboradores. Para o teste das hipóteses propusemos um modelo de investigação, tomando como referência a teoria de Guest. Com uma abordagem qualitativa, construímos um inquérito por questionário, que foi aplicado a alguns colaboradores de uma Instituição pública. Os dados recolhidos permitiram a elaboração de quadros de referência de resultados que, por meio da análise de conteúdo, nos possibilitou tirar ilações acerca do comprometimento organizacional e comportamentos de cidadania organizacional dos Colaboradores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com características exploratórias que, acreditamos, possa ser a base para trabalhos futuros sobre os efeitos do SIADAP nos indivíduos e nas organizações. Os resultados mostram que o sentimento de que a organização não cumpriu os termos do contrato psicológico é moderado por um esforço emocional, que mantém o colaborador na organização, evidenciando, ainda, um comprometimento afectivo com a Instituição e comportamentos de virtude cívica. / Since the last decades of the 20th century, in a scenario marked by the complexity of a globalized economy, the Public Administration has been forced to undergo reform processes. References to the restructuring of the Public Administration for political, economical and financial reasons are frequent in literature, and arise, in most cases, in an imperative tone. In this context, market mechanisms were introduced, as it is believed that they produce more efficient solutions for the citizen-client, motivated administration for whom many work, and economic efficiency. In the public sphere, more than just transforming inputs into outputs, it is important to evaluate the outcomes, that is, the impact on the public value. Numerous studies have contributed to contextualize and justify the public sector reform. However, there are still no answers of how to develop compatibility between the budgetary management and the ideological practices of the organizations, namely on the level of human resource management. The main aim of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of the effects that the practice of performance appraisal, in force in the Portuguese Public Administration, has on the employee's psychological contract. For this hypothesis test, we proposed a research model, with reference to Guest's theory. With a qualitative approach, we constructed a survey questionnaire that was applied to some employees of a Public Institution. The data gathered allowed the elaboration of results frameworks which, by means of the content analysis, enabled us to draw conclusions of the employees' organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. It is a research with exploratory characteristics, which we believe, may provide the basis for future work on the effects of the SIADAP on individuals and organizations. The results indicate that the feeling that the organization did not fulfil the psychological contract terms is moderated by an emotional effort, which leads the employee to remain in the organization, also showing an affective commitment to the institution and civic virtue behaviours.


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Poucos são os estudos que relacionam variáveis de nível individual como o género, idade e antiguidade na empresa, com a percepção de contracto psicológico, no entanto para além destas variáveis moldarem o conteúdo do contracto psicológico (Guest, 2004), parecem também determinar diferentes valores e interesses de trabalho (Elizur, 1994; Bal, Lange, Jansen e Velde, 2008). Tais evidências chamam a atenção das organizações para o facto de diferentes grupos de trabalhadores apresentarem diferentes percepções de contracto psicológico, podendo consequentemente responder de diferente forma às mesmas políticas organizacionais (Freese & Schalk, 1996). O presente estudo procurou perceber se diferentes grupos de trabalhadores, de diferentes géneros, idades e antiguidades apresentam diferentes percepções de contracto psicológico, procurando posteriormente aceder às causas percebidas de quebra de contracto (Renegação, Disrupção, Incongruência e Anulação), mencionadas na literatura por Rousseau (1995) e Morrinson e Robinson (1997). Foi utilizada uma amostra, recolhida por conveniência, de 83 participantes pertencentes a uma empresa do sector alimentar, constituída por 57,8% de mulheres e 42,2% de homens. Em média possuem 37 anos de idade e 9 anos de antiguidade na empresa. Foi aplicado um questionário, desenvolvido por Lester, Turnley, Bloodgood e Bolino (2002) constituído por diferentes dimensões (Compensação, Recompensas com base na performance, Características da Função, Progressão e Desenvolvimento, Recursos e Relação Laboral) que constituem o contracto psicológico, assim como pelas diferentes causas percebidas de incumprimento da promessa. Após uma análise factorial, foram extraídos 5 factores (Características da Função, Relação Laboral, Compensação, Recursos e Progressão e Recompensas com base na performance). Os resultados demonstraram que os trabalhadores mais velhos percepcionam que a sua empresa lhes proporciona menos do que o prometido relativamente à Compensação, resultados igualmente obtidos para os trabalhadores com mais antiguidade na empresa. Uma posterior análise correlacional demonstrou que a idade está associada com a antiguidade dos trabalhadores. Quanto à causa percebida de incumprimento, os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria dos trabalhadores atribui o incumprimento das promessas à Renegação. Por outras palavras, os trabalhadores entendem que a sua organização não cumpriu as promessas que lhes fez, simplesmente porque assim o quis.


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O processo de employee branding tem demonstrado promover e reforçar o contrato psicológico entre os colaboradores e a organização, pelo incremento e potenciação do sentimento de comprometimento e lealdade do colaborador de acordo com Miles e Mangold. Esta investigação foca-se no estudo do impacto da mentoria e relações de ajuda no processo de employee branding, numa visão integrada da gestão de recursos humanos e do comportamento organizacional, com base nas relações de troca do marketing do relacionamento numa perspetiva da gestão por competências e foco nas Pessoas. Com a introdução da nova variável (mentoria e relações de ajuda) esta investigação, ao enriquecer e incrementar o processo de employee branding de Miles e Mangold proposto em 2004 e 2005, apresenta a construção de um instrumento de diagnóstico do inovador processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado. A investigação decorreu em 30 organizações, com um total de 725 questionários, que permitiu a validação e fiabilidade do instrumento, bem como demonstra através de métodos estatísticos a influência das ações de mentoria e relações de ajuda e da atuação das relações interpessoais que promovem o processo employee branding. Se o processo de employee branding já incrementava os resultados organizacionais, com esta investigação, pode-se afirmar que o processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado não só incrementa como também impulsiona a imagem de marca da organização pela atuação dinâmica e catalisadora das relações interpessoais dos seus colaboradores, dentro e fora da organização, com a introdução e promoção de ações mentoria e relações de ajuda entre chefias e chefiados; ABSTRACT: The employee branding process has shown as to promote and strengthen the psychological contract between employees and the organization, by increasing and maximizing the sense of employees’ commitment and loyalty, according with Miles and Mangold. This research focuses on the impact of mentoring and helping relationships in the employee branding process, in an integrated view of human resources management and organizational behavior, based on the exchange ratio of the relationship marketing in a perspective of management by competencies and people focused approach. With the introduction of the new variable (mentoring and helping relationships), this research enriches and enhances the Miles and Mangold employee branding process proposed in 2004 and 2005 and presents the construction of an diagnostic instrument for the innovative process of Employee Brand Effect. This research took place in 30 organizations with a total of 725 questionnaires, which allowed the validation and reliability of the instrument and the evidence through statistical methods of the influence of mentoring and helping relationships actions and of the interaction of interpersonal relationships promoting the employee branding process. If the employee branding process was already boosting organizational results with this research, it can be stated that the Employee Brand Effect process not only increases, but also boosts the organization’s brand image by the actuation of the dynamics of employees’ interpersonal relationships, inside and outside the organization, with the introduction and promotion of mentoring and helping relationships actions between leaders and followers.


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Doutoramento em Gestão.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Project sponsorship is assumed to be critical to the success of information systems development and implementation. However, there is limited research on the effect of vendor-based sponsorship on the management of information technology (IT) projects. This paper contributes to that emerging body of evidence. Drawing on literature on psychological contract, management control and project sponsorship, the authors propose that vendor-based sponsors influence project performance in two main ways. One is to protect project quality by renegotiating contract with the client; and the other is to resource the project. Based on a survey of senior managers in IT services vendor organisations, it reports that project sponsorship improves the quality, but not the cost or timeliness, of vendor delivery of IT projects. The findings suggest that IT services vendors can improve their project delivery capability by appointing project sponsors.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.


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The beneficial effects of blue environments have been well documented; however, we do not know how marine litter might modify these effects. Three studies adopted a picture-rating task to examine the influence of litter on preference, perceived restorative quality, and psychological impacts. Photographs varied the presence of marine litter (Study 1) and the type of litter (Studies 2 and 3). The influence of tide and the role of connectedness were also explored. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, it was shown that litter can undermine the psychological benefits that the coast ordinarily provides, thus demonstrating that, in addition to environmental costs of marine litter, there are also costs to people. Litter stemming from the public had the most negative impact. This research extends our understanding of the psychological benefits from natural coastal environments and the threats to these benefits from abundant and increasing marine litter


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Aims To examine the associations between psychological adjustment to Type 2 diabetes and the reported quality and type of relationships with partners. Methods All participants (n = 88) completed a number of questionnaires, including twomeasures of relationship quality: the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and the PersonalAssessment of Intimacy inRelationships Scale, theDiabetesQuality of Life Scale and the ATT-19 (which assesses personal integration of diabetes). Additionally, HbA1c levels were obtained from medical notes. Results Measures of relationship quality significantly contributed to the explanation of two outcomes: personal integration of diabetes and satisfaction with the burden of self-management behaviours. More specifically, the findings demonstrate that a specific aspect of relationship quality—intimacy in recreational activities—is positively associated with the outcomesmentioned above. Conclusions People with Type 2 diabetes who are not taking insulin, who share engagement in physical activities with their partner are more likely to be psychologically well-adjusted to their diagnosis of diabetes.


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This paper extends the build-operate-transfer (BOT) concession model (BOTCcM) to a new method for identifying a concession period by using bargaining-game theory. Concession period is one of the most important decision variables in arranging a BOT-type contract, and there are few methodologies available for helping to determine the value of this variable. The BOTCcM presents an alternative method by which a group of concession period solutions are produced. Nevertheless, a typical weakness in using BOTCcM is that the model cannot recommend a specific time span for concessionary. This paper introduces a new method called BOT bargaining concession model (BOTBaC) to enable the identification of a specific concession period, which takes into account the bargaining behavior of the two parties concerned in engaging a BOT contract, namely, the investor and the government concerned. The application of BOTBaC is demonstrated through using an example case.


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This thesis investigated the psychological impact of an education intervention, Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE), in adults with type 1 diabetes. The results demonstrated that the education programme improved participants' subjective wellbeing, self-efficacy and reduced diabetes-related distress compared to a comparison group that engaged in usual care. The portfolio examined the use of mindfulness-based strategies, in particular Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in four case studies which illustrated that the impact of the therapy is directly related to the the willingness of the client to engage in the practices.