941 resultados para protein cross linking


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The cis-acting response element, A2RE, which is sufficient for cytoplasmic mRNA trafficking in oligodendrocytes, binds a small group of rat brain proteins. Predominant among these is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a trans-acting factor for cytoplasmic trafficking of RNAs bearing A2RE-like sequences. We have now identified the other A2RE-binding proteins as hnRNP A1/A1(B), hnRNP B1, and four isoforms of hnRNP A3. The rat and human hnRNP A3 cDNAs have been sequenced, revealing the existence of alternatively spliced mRNAs. In Western blotting, 38-, 39-, 41 -, and 41.5-kDa components were all recognized by antibodies against a peptide in the glycine-rich region of hnRNP A3, but only the 41- and 41.5-kDa bands bound antibodies to a 15-residue N-terminal peptide encoded by an alternatively spliced part of exon 1. The identities of these four proteins were verified by Edman sequencing and mass spectral analysis of tryptic fragments generated from electrophoretically separated bands. Sequence-specific binding of bacterially expressed hnRNP A3 to A2RE has been demonstrated by biosensor and UV cross-linking electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Mutational analysis and confocal microscopy data support the hypothesis that the hnRNP A3 isoforms have a role in cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA.


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When grown in the presence of exogenous collagen I, Mycobacterium bovis BCG was shown to form clumps. Scanning electron microscopy examination of these clumps revealed the presence of collagen fibres cross-linking the bacilli. Since collagen is a major constituent of the eukaryotic extracellular matrices, we assayed BCG cytoadherence in the presence of exogenous collagen I. Collagen increased the interaction of the bacilli with A549 type II pneumocytes or U937 macrophages, suggesting that BCG is able to recruit collagen to facilitate its attachment to host cells. Using an affinity chromatography approach, we have isolated a BCG collagen-binding protein corresponding to the previously described mycobacterial laminin-binding histone-like protein (LBP/Hlp), a highly conserved protein associated with the mycobacterial cell wall. Moreover, Mycobacterium leprae LBP/Hlp, a well-characterized adhesin, was also able to bind collagen I. Finally, using recombinant fragments of M. leprae LBP/Hlp, we mapped the collagen-binding activity within the C-terminal domain of the adhesin. Since this protein was already shown to be involved in the recognition of laminin and heparan sulphate-containing proteoglycans, the present observations reinforce the adhesive activities of LBP/Hlp, which can be therefore considered as a multifaceted mycobacterial adhesin, playing an important role in both leprosy and tuberculosis pathogenesis.


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Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is considered a multifunctional protein with defined functions in numerous mammalian cellular processes. GAPDH functional diversity depends on various factors such as covalent modifications, subcellular localization, oligomeric state and intracellular concentration of substrates or ligands, as well as protein-protein interactions. In bacteria, alternative GAPDH functions have been associated with its extracellular location in pathogens or probiotics. In this study, new intracellular functions of E. coli GAPDH were investigated following a proteomic approach aimed at identifying interacting partners using in vivo formaldehyde cross-linking followed by mass spectrometry. The identified proteins were involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis and folding or DNA repair. Some interacting proteins were also identified in immunopurification experiments in the absence of cross-linking. Pull-down experiments and overlay immunoblotting were performed to further characterize the interaction with phosphoglycolate phosphatase (Gph). This enzyme is involved in the metabolism of 2-phosphoglycolate formed in the DNA repair of 3"-phosphoglycolate ends generated by bleomycin damage. We show that interaction between Gph and GAPDH increases in cells challenged with bleomycin, suggesting involvement of GAPDH in cellular processes linked to DNA repair mechanisms.


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Endometrium is one of the fastest growing human tissues. Sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, in interaction with several growth factors, control its growth and differentiation. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) interacts with cell surface receptors and also with specific soluble binding proteins. IGF-binding proteins (IGF-BP) have been shown to modulate IGF-1 action. Of six known isoforms, IGF-BP-1 has been characterized as a marker produced by endometrial stromal cells in the late secretory phase and in the decidua. In the current study, IGF-1-BP concentration and affinity in the proliferative and secretory phase of the menstrual cycle were measured. Endometrial samples were from patients of reproductive age with regular menstrual cycles and taking no steroid hormones. Cytosolic fractions were prepared and binding of 125I-labeled IGF-1 performed. Cross-linking reaction products were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.5%) followed by autoradiography. 125I-IGF-1 affinity to cytosolic proteins was not statistically different between the proliferative and secretory endometrium. An approximately 35-kDa binding protein was identified when 125I-IGF-1 was cross-linked to cytosol proteins. Secretory endometrium had significantly more IGF-1-BP when compared to proliferative endometrium. The specificity of the cross-linking process was evaluated by the addition of 100 nM unlabeled IGF-1 or insulin. Unlabeled IGF-1 totally abolished the radioactivity from the band, indicating specific binding. Insulin had no apparent effect on the intensity of the labeled band. These results suggest that IGF-BP could modulate the action of IGF-1 throughout the menstrual cycle. It would be interesting to study this binding protein in other pathologic conditions of the endometrium such as adenocarcinomas and hyperplasia.


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The control of nitrogen metabolism in pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria has been studied in a variety of species and is involved with the expression of virulence factors. To date, no data have been reported regarding nitrogen metabolism in the odontopathogenic species Streptococcus mutans. GlnR, which controls nitrogen assimilation in the related bacterial species, Bacillus subtilis, was assessed in S. mutans for its DNA and protein binding activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of the S. mutans GlnR protein indicated that GlnR binds to promoter regions of the glnRA and amtB-glnK operons. Cross-linking and pull-down assays demonstrated that GlnR interacts with GlnK, a signal transduction protein that coordinates the regulation of nitrogen metabolism. Upon formation of this stable complex, GlnK enhances the affinity of GlnR for the glnRA operon promoter. These results support an involvement of GlnR in transcriptional regulation of nitrogen metabolism-related genes and indicate that GlnK relays information regarding ammonium availability to GlnR.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of spin labels was used to monitor membrane dynamic changes in erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The lipid spin label, 5-doxyl stearic acid, responded to dramatic reductions in membrane fluidity, which was correlated with increases in the protein content of the membrane. Membrane rigidity, associated with the binding of hemoglobin (Hb) to the erythrocyte membrane, was also indicated by a spin-labeled maleimide, 5-MSL, covalently bound to the sulfhydryl groups of membrane proteins. At 2% hematocrit, these alterations in membrane occurred at very low concentrations of H2O2 (50 µM) after only 5 min of incubation at 37°C in azide phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Lipid peroxidation, suggested by oxidative hemolysis and malondialdehyde formation, started at 300 µM H2O2 (for incubation of 3 h), which is a concentration about six times higher than those detected with the probes. Ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol protected the membrane against lipoperoxidation, but did not prevent the binding of proteins to the erythrocyte membrane. Moreover, the antioxidant (+)-catechin, which also failed to prevent the cross-linking of cytoskeletal proteins with Hb, was very effective in protecting erythrocyte ghosts from lipid peroxidation induced by the Fenton reaction. This study also showed that EPR spectroscopy can be useful to assess the molecular dynamics of red blood cell membranes in both the lipid and protein domains and examine oxidation processes in a system that is so vulnerable to oxidation.


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Les systèmes bactériens de sécrétion de type IV (T4SS) sont constitués d’un ensemble de 8 à 12 protéines conservées. Ces dernières sont utilisées lors de la translocation de protéines, la translocation de complexes ADN-protéines mais aussi pour le transport de ces derniers au travers de la membrane cellulaire. Les T4SS, en tant que facteurs de virulence pour beaucoup de pathogènes comme Brucella suis, sont donc d’excellents modèles cibles pour le développement de médicaments d’antivirulence. Ces médicaments, en privant le pathogène de son facteur essentiel de virulence : le T4SS, constituent une alternative ou encore une amélioration des traitements antibiotiques utilisés actuellement. VirB8, un facteur d’assemblage conservé dans le T4SS, forme des dimères qui sont importants pour la fonction des T4SS dans ces pathogènes. De par ses interactions multiples, VirB8 est un excellent modèle pour l’analyse des facteurs d’assemblage mais aussi en tant que cible de médicaments qui empêcheraient son interaction avec d’autres protéines et qui, in fine, désarmeraient les bactéries en les privant de leur fonctions essentielles de virulence. À ce jour, nous savons qu’il existe un équilibre monomère-dimère et un processus d’homodimerization de VirB8 dont l’importance est vitale pour la fonctionnement biologique des T4SSs. En se basant sur des essais quantitatifs d’interaction, nous avons identifié (i) des sites potentiels d’interaction avec d’autres protéines VirB du T4SS mais aussi (ii) isolé des petites molécules inhibitrices afin de tester la fonction protéique de VirB8. Afin de déterminer les acides aminés importants pour l’hétérodimérization de VirB8 avec VirB10, nous avons effectué des expériences de mutagenèse aléatoire, de phage display et d’arrimage moléculaire in silico. Ces expériences ont démontré l’importance de trois acides aminés localisés sur le feuillet β : R160, S162, T164 et I165. Ces derniers seraient importants pour l’association de VirB8 avec VirB10 étant donné que leur mutagenèse entraine une diminution de la formation du complexe VirB8-VirB10. L’objectif actuel de notre projet de recherche est de pouvoir mieux comprendre mais aussi d’évaluer le rôle de VirB8 dans l’assemblage du T4SS. Grace à un méthode de criblage adaptée à partir de la structure de VirB8, nous avons pu identifié une petite molécule inhibitrice BAR-068, qui aurait un rôle prometteur dans l’inhibition du T4SS. Nous avons utilisé la spectroscopie par fluorescence, l’essai à deux hybrides, le cross-linking et la cristallographie afin de déterminer le mécanisme d'interaction existant entre VirB8 et BAR-068. Ces travaux pourraient permettre de nombreuses avancées, notamment en termes de compréhension des mécanismes d’inhibition du T4SS. Notre objectif ultime est de pouvoir caractériser la séquence d’évènements essentiels à l’assemblage et au fonctionnement du T4SS. De manière globale, notre projet de recherche permettrait de révéler les grands principes d’assemblage des protéines membranaires, les processus de sécrétion de protéines chez les bactéries mais aussi de proposer une nouvelle stratégie lors du développement de drogues antimicrobiennes.


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Both gelatin and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) can be cross linked with glutaraldehyde (GLU). In the case of gelatin, the GLU reacts with each e-NH2 functional group of adjacent lysine residues, while for PVA, the GLU reacts with two adjacent hydroxyl groups, forming acetal bridges. Thus it can be considered possible to cross link adjacent macromolecules of gelatin and PVA using GLU. In this context, the aims of this work were the development of biodegradable films based on blends of gelatin and poly(vinyl alcohol) cross linked with GLU, and the characterization of some of their main physical and functional properties. All the films were produced from film-forming solutions (FFS) containing 2 g macromolecules (PVA + gelatin)/100 g FFS, 25 g glycerol/100 g macromolecules, and 4 g GLU (25% solution)/100 g FFS. The FFS were prepared with two concentrations of PVA (20 or 50 g PVA/100 g macromolecules) and two reaction temperatures: 90 or 55 degrees C, applied for 30 min. The films were obtained after drying (30 degrees C/24 h) and conditioning at 25 degrees C and 58% of relative humidity for 7 days, and were then characterized. The results for the color parameters, mechanical properties, phase transitions and infrared spectra showed that some chemical modifications occurred, principally for the gelatin. However, in general, all the characteristics of the films were either typical of films based on blends of these macromolecules without cross linking, or slightly higher. A greater improvement in the properties of this material was probably not observed due to the crystallinity of the PVA, which has a melting point above 90 degrees C. The presence of microcrystals in the polymer chain probably reduced macromolecular mobility, hindering the reaction. Thus more research is necessary to produce biodegradable films with improved properties. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Allergies are a complex of symptoms derived from altered IgE-mediated reactions of the immune system towards substances known as allergens. Allergic sensibilization can be of food or respiratory origin and, in particular, apple and hazelnut allergens have been identified in pollens or fruits. Allergic cross-reactivity can occur in a patient reacting to similar allergens from different origins, justifying the research in both systems as in Europe a greater number of people suffers from apple fruit allergy, but little evidence exists about pollen. Apple fruit allergies are due to four different classes of allergens (Mal d 1, 2, 3, 4), whose allergenicity is related both to genotype and tissue specificity; therefore I have investigated their presence also in pollen at different time of germination to clarify the apple pollen allergenic potential. I have observed that the same four classes of allergens found in fruit are expressed at different levels also in pollen, and their presence might support that the apple pollen can be considered allergenic as the fruit, deducing that apple allergy could also be indirectly caused by sensitization to pollen. Climate changes resulting from increases in temperature and air pollution influence pollen allergenicity, responsible for the dramatic raise in respiratory allergies (hay fever, bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis). Although the link between climate change and pollen allergenicity is proven, the underlying mechanism is little understood. Transglutaminases (TGases), a class of enzymes able to post-translationally modify proteins, are activated under stress and involved in some inflammatory responses, enhancing the activity of pro-inflammatory phospholipase A2, suggesting a role in allergies. Recently, a calcium-dependent TGase activity has been identified in the pollen cell wall, raising the possibility that pollen TGase may have a role in the modification of pollen allergens reported above, thus stabilizing them against proteases. This enzyme can be involved also in the transamidation of proteins present in the human mucosa interacting with surface pollen or, finally, the enzyme itself can represent an allergen, as suggested by studies on celiac desease. I have hypothesized that this pollen enzyme can be affected by climate changes and be involved in exhacerbating allergy response. The data presented in this thesis represent a scientific basis for future development of studies devoted to verify the hypothesis set out here. First, I have demonstrated the presence of an extracellular TGase on the surface of the grain observed either at the apical or the proximal parts of the pollen-tube by laser confocal microscopy (Iorio et al., 2008), that plays an essential role in apple pollen-tube growth, as suggested by the arrest of tube elongation by TGase inhibitors, such as EGTA or R281. Its involvement in pollen tube growth is mainly confirmed by the data of activity and gene expression, because TGase showed a peak between 15 min and 30 min of germination, when this process is well established, and an optimal pH around 6.5, which is close to that recorded for the germination medium. Moreover, data show that pollen TGase can be a glycoprotein as the glycosylation profile is linked both with the activation of the enzyme and with its localization at the pollen cell wall during germination, because from the data presented seems that the active form of TGase involved in pollen tube growth and pollen-stylar interaction is more exposed and more weakly bound to the cell wall. Interestingly, TGase interacts with fibronectin (FN), a putative SAMs or psECM component, inducing possibly intracellular signal transduction during the interaction between pollen-stylar occuring in the germination process, since a protein immunorecognised by anti-FN antibody is also present in pollen, in particular at the level of pollen grain cell wall in a punctuate pattern, but also along the shank of the pollen tube wall, in a similar pattern that recalls the signal obtained with the antibody anti TGase. FN represents a good substrate for the enzyme activity, better than DMC usually used as standard substrate for animal TGase. Thus, this pollen enzyme, necessary for its germination, is exposed on the pollen surface and consequently can easily interact with mucosal proteins, as it has been found germinated pollen in studies conducted on human mucus (Forlani, personal communication). I have obtained data that TGase activity increases in a very remarkable way when pollen is exposed to stressful conditions, such as climate changes and environmental pollution. I have used two different species of pollen, an aero allergenic (hazelnut, Corylus avellana) pollen, whose allergenicity is well documented, and an enthomophylus (apple, Malus domestica) pollen, which is not yet well characterized, to compare data on their mechanism of action in response to stressors. The two pollens have been exposed to climate changes (different temperatures, relative humidity (rH), acid rain at pH 5.6 and copper pollution (3.10 µg/l)) and showed an increase in pollen surface TGase activity that is not accompanied to an induced expression of TGase immunoreactive protein with AtPNG1p. Probably, climate change induce an alteration or damage to pollen cell wall that carries the pollen grains to release their content in the medium including TGase enzyme, that can be free to carry out its function as confirmed by the immunolocalisation and by the in situ TGase activity assay data; morphological examination indicated pollen damage, viability significantly reduced and in acid rain conditions an early germination of apple pollen, thus possibly enhancing the TGase exposure on pollen surface. Several pollen proteins were post-translationally modified, as well as mammalian sPLA2 especially with Corylus pollen, which results in its activation, potentially altering pollen allergenicity and inflammation. Pollen TGase activity mimicked the behaviour of gpl TGase and AtPNG1p in the stimulation of sPLA2, even if the regulatory mechanism seems different to gpl TGase, because pollen TGase favours an intermolecular cross-linking between various molecules of sPLA2, giving rise to high-molecular protein networks normally more stable. In general, pollens exhibited a significant endogenous phospholipase activity and it has been observed differences according to the allergenic (Corylus) or not-well characterized allergenic (Malus) attitude of the pollen. However, even if with a different intensity level in activation, pollen enzyme share the ability to activate the sPLA2, thus suggesting an important regulatory role for the activation of a key enzyme of the inflammatory response, among which my interest was addressed to pollen allergy. In conclusion, from all the data presented, mainly presence of allergens, presence of an extracellular TGase, increasing in its activity following exposure to environmental pollution and PLA2 activation, I can conclude that also Malus pollen can behave as potentially allergenic. The mechanisms described here that could affect the allergenicity of pollen, maybe could be the same occurring in fruit, paving the way for future studies in the identification of hyper- and hypo- allergenic cultivars, in preventing environmental stressor effects and, possibly, in the production of transgenic plants.


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Staphylococcus carnosus ist ein fakultativ anaerobes Bakterium, das aerobe Atmung, anaerobe Nitratatmung und Gärungsstoffwechsel betreiben kann. Die Expression des Nitratstoffwechsels wird durch das Dreikomponentensystem NreABC reguliert.rnUnter anaeroben Bedingungen besitzt die Sensorhistidinkinase NreB in ihrer PAS-Domäne ein [Fe4S4]2+-Cluster. Das aktive (anaerobe) [Fe4S4]2+-NreB überträgt nach Autophosphorylierung die Phosphorylgruppe auf den Antwortregulator NreC, welcher dann die Expression der Gene der Nitratatmung aktiviert. Nitrat wirkt mit Hilfe des NreA-Proteins auf diese Gene induzierend. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass NreA ein GAF-Domänen-Protein und ein neuartiger Nitratrezeptor ist.rnDie Natur von NreA als GAF-Domänen-Protein bestätigte sich beim Vergleich der Kristallstruktur mit denen anderer GAF-Domänen. GAF-Domänen sind weit verbreitet und binden typischer Weise kleine Moleküle. Als physiologischer Ligand von NreA zeigte sich Nitrat, das innerhalb einer definierten Bindetasche gebunden wird. NreA bindet vermutlich in dimerer Form an dimeres NreB und inhibiert dadurch die Phosphorylierung der Sensorhistidinkinase NreB. Die Interaktion von NreA mit NreB wurde in vivo durch BACTH-Messungen und sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro durch Cross-Linking Experimente gezeigt. Nitrat reduziert den Ergebnissen nach die Interaktion von NreA mit NreB.rnDurch Sequenzvergleiche von NreA mit Homologen wurden konservierte Aminosäuren identifiziert. Über gerichtete Mutagenese wurden 25 NreA-Varianten hergestellt und bezüglich ihres Verhaltens in Abhängigkeit von Nitrat in narG-lip-Reportergenstudien getestet. Anhand ihres Phänotyps wurden sie als Wildtyp, NreA- und NreABC-Mutanten klassifiziert. Die Nitratbindetasche war in sechs Fällen betroffen. Die Phänotypen der Mutationen in der Peripherie lassen sich mit Auswirkungen auf die vermutete Konformationsänderung oder auf die Interaktion mit NreB erklären. Mutationen von konservierten, oberflächenexponierten Resten führten vermehrt zu NreA/ON-Varianten. Es ließen sich Bereiche auf der Proteinoberfläche identifizieren, die für NreA/NreA- oder NreA/NreB-Interaktionen wichtig sein könnten.rnDie Untersuchungen zeigten, dass NreA mit NreB interagiert und dass dadurch ein NreA/NreB-Sensorkomplex für die gemeinsame Erkennung von Nitrat und Sauerstoff gebildet wird.


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Aggregation of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) with the low-affinity IgG receptor (FcγRIIb) on basophils or mast cells has been shown to inhibit allergen-induced cell degranulation. Molecules cross-linking these two receptors might therefore be of interest for the treatment of allergic disorders. Here, we demonstrate the generation of a novel bispecific fusion protein efficiently aggregating FcεRI-bound IgE with FcγRIIb on the surface of basophils to prevent pro-inflammatory mediator release.


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The initial step in coronavirus-mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) replication is the synthesis of negative strand RNA from a positive strand genomic RNA template. Our approach to studying MHV RNA replication is to identify the cis-acting signals for RNA synthesis and the protein(s) which recognizes these signals at the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA of MHV. To determine whether host cellular and/or virus-specific proteins interact with the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the coronavirus genome, an RNase T$\sb1$ protection/gel mobility shift electrophoresis assay was used to examine cytoplasmic extracts from either mock- or MHV-JHM-infected 17Cl-1 murine cells for the ability to form complexes with defined regions of the genomic RNA. A conserved 11 nucleotide sequence UGAAUGAAGUU at nucleotide positions 36 to 26 from the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA was identified to be responsible for the specific binding of host proteins, by using a series of RNA probes with deletions and mutations in this region. The RNA probe containing the 11 nucleotide sequence bound approximately four host cellular proteins with a highly labeled 120 kDa and three minor species with sizes of 103, 81 and 55 kDa, assayed by UV-induced covalent cross-linking. Mutation of the 11 nucleotide motif strongly inhibited cellular protein binding, and decreased the amount of the 103 and 81 kDa proteins in the complex to undetectable levels and strongly reduced the binding of the 120 kDa protein. Less extensive mutations within this 11 nucleotide motif resulted in variable decreases in RNA-protein complex formation depending on each probe tested. The RNA-protein complexes observed with cytoplasmic extracts from MHV-JHM-infected cells in both RNase protection/gel mobility shift and UV cross-linking assays were indistinguishable to those observed with extracts from uninfected cells.^ To investigate the possible role of this 3$\sp\prime$ protein binding element in viral RNA replication in vivo, defective interfering RNA molecules with complete or partial mutations of the 11 nucleotide conserved sequence were transcribed in vitro, transfected to host 17Cl-1 cells in the presence of helper virus MHV-JHM and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, competitive RT-PCR and direct sequencing of the RT-PCR products. Both negative strand synthesis and positive strand replication of DI RNA were affected by mutation that disrupts RNA-protein complex formation, even though the 11 mutated nucleotides were converted to wild type sequence, presumably by recombination with helper virus. Kinetic analysis indicated that recombination between DI RNA and helper virus occurred 5.5 to 7.5 hours post infection when replication of positive strand DI RNA was barely observed. Replication of positive strand DI RNAs carrying partial mutations within the 11 nucleotide motif was dependent upon recombination events after transfection. Replication was strongly inhibited when reversion to wild type sequence did not occur, and after recombination, reached similar levels as wild type DI RNA. A DI RNA with mutation upstream of the protein binding motif replicated as efficiently as wild type without undergoing recombination. Thus the conserved 11 nucleotide host protein binding motif appears to play an important role in viral RNA replication. ^


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The DNA breakage effect of the anticancer agent 3,6-diaziridinyl-2,5-bis(carboethoxyamino)-1,4-benzoquinone (AZQ, NSC-182986) on bacteriophage PM2 DNA was investigated using agarose gel electrophoresis. AZQ caused both single-stranded and double-stranded breaks after reduction with NaBH(,4), but it was not active in the native state. At 120 (mu)M, it degraded 50% of the closed circular form I DNA into 40% form II DNA (single-stranded break) and 10% form III DNA (double-stranded break). It produced a dose-response breakage between 1 (mu)M and 320 (mu)M. The DNA breakage exhibited a marked pH dependency. At 320 (mu)M, AZQ degraded 80% and 60% of form I DNA at pH 4 and 10 respectively, but none between pH 6 to 8. The DNA breakage at physiologic pH was greatly enhanced when 10 (mu)M cupric sulfate was included in the incubation mixture. The DNA strand scission was inhibited by catalase, glutathione, KI, histidine, Tiron, and DABCO. These results suggest that the DNA breakage may be caused by active oxygen metabolites including hydroxyl free radical. The bifunctional cross-linking activity of reduced AZQ on isolated calf thymus DNA was investigated by ethidium fluorescence assay. The cross-linking activity exhibited a similar pH dependency; highest in acidic and alkaline pH, inactive under neutral conditions. Using the alkaline elution method, we found that AZQ induced DNA single-stranded breaks in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with 50 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The single-stranded break frequencies in rad equivalents were 17 with 50 (mu)M and 140 with 100 (mu)M of AZQ. In comparison, DNA cross-links appeared in cells treated with only 1 to 25 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The cross-linking frequencies in rad equivalents were 39 and 90 for 1 and 5 (mu)M of AZQ, respectively. Both DNA-DNA and DNa-protein cross-links were induced by AZQ in CHO cells as revealed by the proteinas K digestion assay. DNA cross-links increased within the first 4 hr of incubation in drug-free medium and slightly decreased by 12 hr, and most of the cross-links disappeared after cells were allowed to recovered for 24 hr.^ By electrochemical analysis, we found that AZQ was more readily reduced at acidic pH. However, incubation of AZQ with NaBH(,4) at pH 7.8 or 10, but not at 4, produced superoxide anion. The opening of the aziridinyl rings of AZQ at pH 4 was faster in the presence of NaBH(,4) than in its absence; no ring-opening was detected at pH 7.8 regardless of the inclusion of NaBH(,4). . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Membrane proteins are critical to every aspect of cell physiology, with their association mediating important biological functions. The transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are known to be important for their association. In order to characterize their role in detail, we have applied different biophysical techniques in detergent micelles to two model systems. The first study involves FcRγ, a single transmembrane domain protein existing as a disulfide linked homodimer. We investigated the role of a conserved transmembrane polar residue and the cytoplasmic tail in FcRγ homo-interactions. Our results by various biophysical techniques including SDS-PAGE, circular dichroism and sedimentation equilibrium in detergent micelles indicate importance of both the transmembrane polar residue and cytoplasmic tail in maintaining proper conformation for FcRγ homo-interactions. A contrasting second study was on L-selectin, another single transmembrane domain protein with a large extracellular domain and a short cytoplasmic tail. Previous cross-linking experiments indicate its possible dimerization. However, the purified fragment of L-selectin and corresponding mutants did not dimerize when analyzed by TOXCAT assay, sedimentation equilibrium and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. It was likely that the presence of juxtamembrane positively charged residues led to decreased migrational rates in SDS PAGE. In conclusion, complementary biophysical techniques should be used with care when studying membrane protein association in detergent micelles. As an extension to our study on L-selectin, we also investigated its interaction with Calmodulin (CaM) in detergent micelles. CaM was found to interact with different detergents. We applied fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy to characterize the interaction of both the apo and Ca 2+ bound form of CaM, with commonly used detergents, below and above their respective critical micelle concentrations. The interaction of apo-CaM with detergents was found to vary with the nature of the detergent head group, whereas Ca2+-CaM interacted with individual detergent molecules irrespective of the nature of their head group. NMR titration experiments of CaM with detergents indicated involvement of specific residues from the N-lobe, linker and C-lobe of CaM. ^


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The purpose of this work was to examine the possible mechanisms for the regulation of cytochrome c gene expression in response to increased contractile activity in rat skeletal muscle. The working hypothesis was that increased contractile activity enhances cytochrome c gene expression through a cis-element. A 110% increase in cytochrome c mRNA concentration was observed in tibialis anterior (TA) muscle after 9 days of chronic stimulation. Similar difference (120%) exists between soleus (SO) muscle of higher contractile activity and white vastus lateralis (WV) muscle of lower contractile activity. These results suggest that the endogenous cytochrome c gene expression is regulated by contractile activity. Cytochrome c-reporter genes were injected into skeletal muscles to identify the cis-element that is responsible for the regulation. Although the data was inconclusive, part of it suggested the importance of the 3$\sp\prime$-untranslated region (3$\sp\prime$-UTR) in mediating the response to increased contractile activity.^ RNA gel mobility shift (GMSA) and ultraviolet (UV) cross-linking assays revealed specific RNA-protein interaction in a 50-nucleotide region of the 3$\sp\prime$-UTR in unstimulated TA muscle. Computer analysis predicted a stem-loop structure of 17 nucleotides, which provides a structural basis for RNA-protein interaction. These 17 nucleotides are 100% conserved among rat, mouse and human cytochrome c genes and their 13 pseudogenes, suggesting a functional role for this region. The RNA-protein interaction was significantly less in highly active SO muscle than in inactive WV muscle and was dramatically decreased in stimulated TA muscle due to a protein inhibitor(s) associated with ribosome. It is possible that cytochrome c mRNAs undergoing translation are subject to a compartmentalized regulatory influence.^ The conclusion from these results is that increases in contractile activity induce or activate a protein inhibitor(s) associated with ribosome in rat skeletal muscle. The inhibitor decreases RNA-protein interaction in the 3$\sp\prime$-UTR of cytochrome c mRNA, which may result in increased mRNA stability and/or translation. ^