990 resultados para polarity, sentiment analysis chat NLP word2vec wordembedding RNNLM liblinear
[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduan testu koherenteetan kausa taldeko erlazioak (KAUSA, ONDORIOA eta HELBURUA) automatikoki hautematea eta bereiztea erabilgarria da galdera-erantzun automatikoko sistemak eraikitzerako orduan. Horretarako Egitura Erretorikoaren Teoria (Rhetorical Structure Theory, aurrerantzean RST) eta bere erlazioak erabiliko ditugu, corpus bezala RST Treebank -a (Iruskieta et al., 2013) hartuta, zientziako laburpen-testuz osatutako corpusa, hain zuzen ere. Corpus hori XML formatuan deskargatu eta hortik XPATH tresnaren bidez informazio garrantzitsuena eskuratzen dugu. Lan honek 3 helburu nagusi ditu: lehendabizi, kausa taldeko erlazioak elkarren artean bereiztea, bigarrenez, kausa taldeko erlazio hauek beste erlazio guztiekin bereiztea, eta azkenik, EBALUAZIOA eta INTERPRETAZIOA erlazioak bereiztea sentimendu analisian aplikatu ahal izateko. Ataza horiek egiteko, RhetDB tresnarekin eskuratu diren patroi ensaguratsuenak erabili eta bi aplikazio garatu ditugu. Alde batetik, bilatu nahi ditugun patroiak adierazi eta erlazio-egitura duen edonolako testuetan bilaketak egiten dituen bilatzailea, eta bestetik, patroi esanguratsuenak emanda erlazioak etiketatzen dituen etiketatzailea. Bi aplikazio hauek gainera, ahalik eta modu parametrizagarrienean erabiltzeko garatu ditugu, kodea aldatu gabe edonork erabili ahal izateko antzeko atazak egiteko. Etiketatzaileak ebaluatu ondoren, identifikatzeko erlaziorik errazena HELBURUA erlazioa dela ikusi dugu eta KAUSA eta ONDORIOA bereizteko arazo gehiago dauzkagula ere ondorioztatu dugu. Modu berean, EBALUAZIOA eta INTERPRETAZIOA ere elkarren artean bereiz dezakegula ikusi dugu.
TARO (Tons of Articles Ready to Outline) è un progetto che ha come scopo quello di realizzare un sistema per la raccolta, l'analisi e il confronto di articoli di giornali online. Sono state scelte come fonti testate giornalistiche internazionali e i loro canali di pubblicazione, come ad esempio i Feed RSS e le Homepage. Gli articoli vengono quindi analizzati attraverso NER e Sentiment Analysis per poi individuare quali argomenti siano trattati da più testate e quali invece risultino esclusivi di una sola, sfruttando algoritmi di similarità. Il progetto è sviluppato in Python e sono utilizzate diverse librerie, tra cui Scrapy, per la raccolta di articoli, Argos, per la traduzione delle notizie al fine di allinearle linguisticamente, SpaCy, per le analisi semantiche, e Pandas per la visualizzazione dei risultati ottenuti. Uno degli obiettivi è sfruttare questa pipeline al fine di effettuare analisi socio-culturali interessanti utilizzando le informazioni date dagli articoli giornalistici stessi, oltre che osservare le potenzialità delle analisi semantiche fatte su notiziari.
The malic enzyme (ME) gene is a target for both thyroid hormone receptors and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR). Within the ME promoter, two direct repeat (DR)-1-like elements, MEp and MEd, have been identified as putative PPAR response elements (PPRE). We demonstrate that only MEp and not MEd is able to bind PPAR/retinoid X receptor (RXR) heterodimers and mediate peroxisome proliferator signaling. Taking advantage of the close sequence resemblance of MEp and MEd, we have identified crucial determinants of a PPRE. Using reciprocal mutation analyses of these two elements, we show the preference for adenine as the spacing nucleotide between the two half-sites of the PPRE and demonstrate the importance of the two first bases flanking the core DR1 in 5'. This latter feature of the PPRE lead us to consider the polarity of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer bound to its cognate element. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the polarity of RXR/TR and RXR/RAR bound to DR4 and DR5 elements respectively, PPAR binds to the 5' extended half-site of the response element, while RXR occupies the 3' half-site. Consistent with this polarity is our finding that formation and binding of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer requires an intact hinge T region in RXR while its integrity is not required for binding of the RXR/TR heterodimer to a DR4.
Time series of hourly electricity spot prices have peculiar properties. Electricity is by its nature difficult to store and has to be available on demand. There are many reasons for wanting to understand correlations in price movements, e.g. risk management purposes. The entire analysis carried out in this thesis has been applied to the New Zealand nodal electricity prices: offer prices (from 29 May 2002 to 31 March 2009) and final prices (from 1 January 1999 to 31 March 2009). In this paper, such natural factors as location of the node and generation type in the node that effects the correlation between nodal prices have been reviewed. It was noticed that the geographical factor affects the correlation between nodes more than others. Therefore, the visualisation of correlated nodes was done. However, for the offer prices the clear separation of correlated and not correlated nodes was not obtained. Finally, it was concluded that location factor most strongly affects correlation of electricity nodal prices; problems in visualisation probably associated with power losses when the power is transmitted over long distance.
The highly hydrophobic fluorophore Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2-(dimethylaminonaphthalene)) has been widely used as a fluorescent probe to monitor lipid membranes. Actually, it monitors the structure and polarity of the bilayer surface, where its fluorescent moiety is supposed to reside. The present paper discusses the high sensitivity of Laurdan fluorescence through the decomposition of its emission spectrum into two Gaussian bands, which correspond to emissions from two different excited states, one more solvent relaxed than the other. It will be shown that the analysis of the area fraction of each band is more sensitive to bilayer structural changes than the largely used parameter called Generalized Polarization, possibly because the latter does not completely separate the fluorescence emission from the two different excited states of Laurdan. Moreover, it will be shown that this decomposition should be done with the spectrum as a function of energy, and not wavelength. Due to the presence of the two emission bands in Laurdan spectrum, fluorescence anisotropy should be measured around 480 nm, to be able to monitor the fluorescence emission from one excited state only, the solvent relaxed state. Laurdan will be used to monitor the complex structure of the anionic phospholipid DMPG (dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol) at different ionic strengths, and the alterations caused on gel and fluid membranes due to the interaction of cationic peptides and cholesterol. Analyzing both the emission spectrum decomposition and anisotropy it was possible to distinguish between effects on the packing and on the hydration of the lipid membrane surface. It could be clearly detected that a more potent analog of the melanotropic hormone alpha-MSH (Ac-Ser(1)-Tyr(2)-Ser(3)-Met(4)-Glu(5)-His(6)-Phe(7)-Arg(8)-Trp(9)-Gly(10)-Lys(11)-Pro(12)-Val(13)-NH(2)) was more effective in rigidifying the bilayer surface of fluid membranes than the hormone, though the hormone significantly decreases the bilayer surface hydration.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This is a research paper in which we discuss “active learning” in the light of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), a powerful framework to analyze human activity, including teaching and learning process and the relations between education and wider human dimensions as politics, development, emancipation etc. This framework has its origin in Vygotsky's works in the psychology, supported by a Marxist perspective, but nowadays is a interdisciplinary field encompassing History, Anthropology, Psychology, Education for example.
This paper presents an approach to create what we have called a Unified Sentiment Lexicon (USL). This approach aims at aligning, unifying, and expanding the set of sentiment lexicons which are available on the web in order to increase their robustness of coverage. One problem related to the task of the automatic unification of different scores of sentiment lexicons is that there are multiple lexical entries for which the classification of positive, negative, or neutral {P, Z, N} depends on the unit of measurement used in the annotation methodology of the source sentiment lexicon. Our USL approach computes the unified strength of polarity of each lexical entry based on the Pearson correlation coefficient which measures how correlated lexical entries are with a value between 1 and -1, where 1 indicates that the lexical entries are perfectly correlated, 0 indicates no correlation, and -1 means they are perfectly inversely correlated and so is the UnifiedMetrics procedure for CPU and GPU, respectively. Another problem is the high processing time required for computing all the lexical entries in the unification task. Thus, the USL approach computes a subset of lexical entries in each of the 1344 GPU cores and uses parallel processing in order to unify 155802 lexical entries. The results of the analysis conducted using the USL approach show that the USL has 95.430 lexical entries, out of which there are 35.201 considered to be positive, 22.029 negative, and 38.200 neutral. Finally, the runtime was 10 minutes for 95.430 lexical entries; this allows a reduction of the time computing for the UnifiedMetrics by 3 times.
In the chemical textile domain experts have to analyse chemical components and substances that might be harmful for their usage in clothing and textiles. Part of this analysis is performed searching opinions and reports people have expressed concerning these products in the Social Web. However, this type of information on the Internet is not as frequent for this domain as for others, so its detection and classification is difficult and time-consuming. Consequently, problems associated to the use of chemical substances in textiles may not be detected early enough, and could lead to health problems, such as allergies or burns. In this paper, we propose a framework able to detect, retrieve, and classify subjective sentences related to the chemical textile domain, that could be integrated into a wider health surveillance system. We also describe the creation of several datasets with opinions from this domain, the experiments performed using machine learning techniques and different lexical resources such as WordNet, and the evaluation focusing on the sentiment classification, and complaint detection (i.e., negativity). Despite the challenges involved in this domain, our approach obtains promising results with an F-score of 65% for polarity classification and 82% for complaint detection.
Joint sentiment-topic (JST) model was previously proposed to detect sentiment and topic simultaneously from text. The only supervision required by JST model learning is domain-independent polarity word priors. In this paper, we modify the JST model by incorporating word polarity priors through modifying the topic-word Dirichlet priors. We study the polarity-bearing topics extracted by JST and show that by augmenting the original feature space with polarity-bearing topics, the in-domain supervised classifiers learned from augmented feature representation achieve the state-of-the-art performance of 95% on the movie review data and an average of 90% on the multi-domain sentiment dataset. Furthermore, using feature augmentation and selection according to the information gain criteria for cross-domain sentiment classification, our proposed approach performs either better or comparably compared to previous approaches. Nevertheless, our approach is much simpler and does not require difficult parameter tuning.