414 resultados para plurality


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Polyol sugars, displaying a plurality Of hydroxyl groups, were shown to modulate tetra hydroxyborate (borate) cross-linking in lidocaine hydrochloride containing poly(vinyl alcohol) scini-solid hydrogels. Without polyol, demixing of borate cross-linked PVA hydrogels into two distinct phases was noticeable upon lidocaine hydrochloride addition, preventing further use as a topical System. D-Mannitol incorporation was found to be particularly suitable in cicumventing network constriction induced by ionic and pH effects upon adding the hydrochloride salt of lidocaine. A test formulation (4% w/v lidocaine HCl, 2% W/V D-mannitol, 10% w/v PVA and 2.5%, w/v THB) was shown to constitute an effective delivery system, which was characterised by an initial burst release and a drug release mechanism dependent on temperature, changing from a diffusion-controlled system to one with the properties of a reservoir system. The novel flow properties and innocuous adhesion of PVA-tetrahydroxyborate hydrogels Support their application for drug delivery to exposed epithelial surfaces, Such as lacerated wounds. Furthermore, addition of a polyol, such as mannitol, allows incorporation of soluble salt forms of active therapeutic agents by modulation of cross-linking density. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this article is to explore the recent Bill of Rights debate in the UK. This is deliberately located in the UK’s complex ‘national question’ because of the obsessive focus on achieving a proper grounding for human rights. A new form of national human rights protectionism appears to be emerging and merits careful consideration. The article suggests that it is better to acknowledge and accept the existence of a plurality of nationalisms in the UK in these discussions and understand how an essentially ‘British nationalist’ discourse sounds and works in that overall context. The concern is that the Bill of Rights debate is becoming an inadequate surrogate for the more challenging constitutional conversations that are required, and human rights discourse thus invested with expectations of national renewal that it can never meet and does not have the internal resources to resolve. If the process does go forward it may be better to prepare the ground for a deeper and wider constitutional dialogue across these islands than stumble clumsily and divisively into this territory simply via ‘another’ UK Bill of Rights.


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Sketches and photographs are a familiar tool of the traveller-writer, who commonly draws on them when transforming experience into a textual narrative. The verbal thus displaces the visual — the latter retained, if at all, as mere illustration — in ways that echo James Heffernan's definition of ekphrasis as the ‘verbal description of visual representation’. Yet Nicolas Bouvier's 1963 travel narrative L'Usage du monde challenges conventional conceptions of ekphrasis. Juxtaposing the stark ink drawings of Thierry Vernet — Bouvier's travelling companion — with Bouvier's textual narrative, L'Usage du monde shifts representation away from a hierarchical relationship between verbal and visual; it offers instead an account of other cultures that is grounded in polyphony and exchange. This article applies Bouvier's own image of travel as a mosaic to the dual narrative form (or ‘iconotext’, to use Michael Nerlich's term) in order to consider a range of fluid relationships between Bouvier's text and Vernet's drawings. In examining these relationships of amplification, reduction, and absence, the article argues that the plurality of the narrative prompts a rethinking of conventional, binary paradigms of intercultural contact. Ultimately, the iconotextual nature of L'Usage du monde can be interpreted as a metaphor for the processes of cultural translation and transculturation that are central to Bouvier's travelling ethos.


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This article explores the ethics and aesthetics of representing travel and intercultural encounter in textual and photographic forms. Taking as its starting point two textual accounts of journeys in the course of which photographic narratives were also produced, the article explores the possibilities and limitations of textuality and visuality and thus considers the implications of, or new opportunities afforded by, reading – and ultimately publishing – these narratives as iconotexts. Focusing on Pierre Loti's L'Inde (sans les Anglais) (1901) and Ella Maillart's Oasis interdites (1937), the article also offers an alternative perspective on writers whose work is commonly associated with an imperialist or exoticist discourse, with cliché and one-dimensionality. As such, it aims to replace the monolithic, orientalist vision often attributed to these writers with ambiguity, ethical hesitation and a plurality of perspectives. Using these examples as a springboard, the article seeks to argue that verbal/visual mobility in narratives representing mobility contributes to resisting static, monolithic perceptions of other cultures. Using the work of British graffiti artist Banksy as a foil for exploring photography as cultural commodification and art as commodity, the article also seeks to engage with current debates in Humanities research on ekphrasis and iconotextuality and on the problematics of representing other cultures within an ethical and/or humanist frame.


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Though intimate partner violence (IPV) is predominately understood as a women’s health issue most often emerging within heterosexual relationships, there is increasing recognition of the existence of male victims of IPV. In this qualitative study we explored connections between masculinities and IPV among gay men. The findings show how recognising IPV was based on an array of participant experiences, including the emotional, physical and sexual abuse inflicted by their partner, which in turn led to three processes. Normalising and concealing violence referred to the participants’ complicity in accepting violence as part of their relationship and their reluctance to disclose that they were victims of IPV. Realising a way out included the participants’ understandings that the triggers for, and patterns of, IPV would best be quelled by leaving the relationship. Nurturing recovery detailed the strategies employed by participants to mend and sustain their wellbeing in the aftermath of leaving an abusive relationship. In terms of masculinities and men’s health research, the findings reveal the limits of idealising hegemonic masculinities and gender relations as heterosexual, while highlighting a plurality of gay masculinities and the need for IPV support services that bridge the divide between male and female as well as between homosexual and heterosexual.


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According to the axiomatic literature on consensus methods, the best collective choice by one method of preference aggregation can easily be the worst by another. Are award committees, electorates, managers, online retailers, and web-based recommender systems stuck with an impossibility of rational preference aggregation? We investigate this social choice conundrum for seven social choice methods: Condorcet, Borda, Plurality, Antiplurality, the Single Transferable Vote, Coombs, and Plurality Runoff. We rely on Monte Carlo simulations for theoretical results and on twelve ballot datasets from American Psychological Association (APA) presidential elections for empirical results. Each of these elections provides partial rankings of five candidates from about 13,000 to about 20,000 voters. APA preferences are neither domain-restricted nor generated by an Impartial Culture. We find virtually no trace of a Condorcet paradox. In direct contrast with the classical social choice conundrum, competing consensus methods agree remarkably well, especially on the overall best and worst options. The agreement is also robust under perturbations of the preference prole via resampling, even in relatively small pseudosamples. We also explore prescriptive implications of our findings.


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Whether or not a legislature is uni- or bi-cameral has been found to have important consequences. Ireland's 1937 constitution provided for a directly elected lower chamber (Dáil Éireann) and an indirectly elected upper chamber (Seanad Éireann). With the appointment to government in 2011 of two political parties with a common electoral commitment to abolish bicameralism, the subsequent coalition agreement included a promise to hold a referendum offering voters the option to move to a unicameral parliamentary system. On 4 October 2013, the electorate voted to retain the upper chamber, albeit by a narrow majority of 51.7 per cent, on a turnout of 39.17 per cent. The outcome was arguably surprising, given that opinion polls signalled a plurality of voters favoured abolition, and there was a general public antipathy towards political institutions in the midst of a major economic crisis. Public opinion research suggests that a combination of factors explained voting behaviour, including a lack of interest amongst those who did not vote. A cost savings argument was a significant factor for those favouring abolition, while concerns over government control of the legislative process appear to have been most prominent in the minds of those who voted to retain the upper chamber.


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Land wars in India: Contestations, social forces and evolving neoliberal urban transformation
The recent incidents of ‘land wars’ in India have highlighted the contradictions and challenges of the neoliberal urban transformation through a range of issues across governance, equity and empowerment in the development agenda. Simply put, a strong top down approach and corporate-political nexus have determined the modality of land acquisition, compensation and ultimately the nature of its consumption leaving out majority urban poor from its benefits. The paper focuses on the concept of neoliberalism as a modality of urban governance and emergence of the grassroots activism as a countermagnate to neoliberalist hegemony by examining the inequity and marginalization that embody these ‘land wars’ in India and the forms of resistance from the grassroots - their capacity, relationship and modus operandi. Emerging lessons suggest the potential for advancing governance from the bottoms up leading to more equitable distribution of resources. It is however argued that there is a need for a stronger conception of the ‘grassroots’ in both epistemological and empirical context. In particular, the preconditions for the ‘grassroots organisations’ to foster and play a more effective role requires a more inclusive notion of ‘institutionality and plurality’ within the current political economic context. The empirical focus of the paper is ‘land wars’ observed in Kolkata, West Bengal, however references to other examples across the country have also been made.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender, no contexto geopolítico de Timor-Leste, quais as imagens, funções e estatutos das línguas que aí circulam e, simultaneamente, percecionar de que modo a Escola gere essa pluralidade linguística. Para o efeito, tivemos em conta as representações/imagens relativamente às línguas, às suas funções e estatutos, não só dos alunos e dos diferentes atores educativos (professores, diretores de escola e formadores do 1.º e 2.º ciclo), mas também aquelas que circulam em contexto social alargado, onde incluímos os intervenientes e os responsáveis pelas políticas educativas e outros elementos da população. Foi deste modo que procurámos perceber de que forma tais representações se influenciam reciprocamente e se refletem na Escola. O estudo realizado foi de cariz etnográfico. Assim, o investigadorobservador, colocado no terreno, foi produzindo um diário do observador e recolhendo informação etnográfica, através da sua convivência com a sociedade timorense (escritos do quotidiano, questionário à polícia, observação de aula, entre outros), auscultando as “vozes” quer dos alunos (por meio de biografias linguísticas e desenhos), quer dos atores educativos (através de biografias linguísticas e entrevistas), quer ainda dos intervenientes nas políticas educativas (com recurso a entrevistas) e de alguns jovens timorenses, recorrendo de novo às entrevistas. Simultaneamente, foi feita uma recolha documental, ao longo de todo o período em que o estudo decorreu, que integrou fontes escritas (documentos oficiais, como sejam os documentos reguladores das políticas linguísticas e os manuais, fontes não oficiais, incluindo documentos vários e testemunhos e fontes estatísticas, como os Censos) e fontes não escritas (imagens e sons registados, estes posteriormente transcritos). Todos estes dados foram classificados em dados primários e secundários, em função da sua relevância para o estudo. Para a sua análise socorremo-nos da análise de conteúdo para as biografias, as entrevistas e os manuais de língua portuguesa, estes no quadro de uma abordagem para a diversidade linguística e cultural, de uma análise documental para os documentos reguladores do Sistema Educativa e outros documentos oficiais relativos às línguas e, finalmente, recorremos a uma análise biográfica (Molinié, 2011) para os desenhos realizados pelos alunos. Os resultados obtidos vieram evidenciar o multilinguismo social e escolar que se vive no país, as imagens e as funções que as línguas desempenham nestes dois contextos, o escolar e o da sociedade alargada, permitindo-nos compreender que a Escola não é apenas um microcosmos dentro da sociedade, mas um espaço de encontro, por vezes de confronto, entre diversas línguas, culturas e identidades. Ela é também espaço onde as questões do plurilinguismo são mais desafiantes na medida em que as línguas não são apenas objeto de ensino aprendizagem, mas desempenham igualmente funções importantes na aquisição dos saberes escolares, na interação social e no desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos. Nestes contextos, ocorrem duas situações relevantes, uma é o facto de a Escola ser um lugar onde os repertórios linguísticos plurilingues dos alunos entram em contacto com as línguas de escolarização, o português, o tétum e o malaio indonésio e outra é que saberes escolares e saberes culturais utilizam línguas diferentes, isto é, os primeiros são veiculados em tétum e português, eventualmente em malaio indonésio, mas os saberes culturais são expressos nas línguas autóctones, ameaçadas, porém, por uma crescente expansão do tétum. Contudo, estas línguas criam também espaços privados, identitários e de coesão social dentro da grande cidade que é Díli. São línguas “secretas” e “de defesa.” Por fim, referiremos a urgência para que se tomem medidas no sentido de se criar um consenso sobre a normalização do tétum, que conduza à sua aplicação em contexto educativo e ao seu desenvolvimento funcional, isto é, que leve à planificação do seu estatuto. Visa-se, com este estudo, contribuir para que os atores, acima referidos, possam «repensar» a Escola, em Timor Leste, e, em particular, no que diz respeito à gestão das línguas que nela circulam, através de uma política linguística (educativa) que beneficie o Sistema Educativo, com eventuais repercussões no âmbito do currículo, da produção de materiais e da formação de professores. Face aos resultados obtidos, ainda que consideremos este estudo como parcelar, pelo facto de ter decorrido, sobretudo, na capital timorense, permitimo-nos sugerir a necessidade de esbater fronteiras entre o espaço escolar e as realidades dos alunos, encontrando uma gestão escolar deste plurilinguismo que crie um currículo mais integrador dos saberes linguísticos dos alunos.


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: In this paper, I look at Joanne Leonard’s Being in Pictures and engage in a critical dialogue with an assemblage of visual and textual narratives that comprise her intimate photo memoir. In doing this I draw on Hannah Arendt’s take on narratives as tangible traces of uniqueness and plurality, political traits par excellence in the cultural histories of the human condition. Being aware of my role as a reader/viewer/interpreter of a woman artist’s auto/biographical narratives, I move beyond dilemmas of representation or questions of unveiling “the real Leonard”. The artist is instead configured as a narrative persona, whose narratives respond to three interrelated themes of inquiry, namely the visualization of spatial technologies, vulnerability and the gendering of memory. Key words: gendered memories, narrative persona, spatial technologies, photo memoir, vulnerability


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Au cours des dernières décennies, la recherche scientifique, toutes disciplines confondues, s’est particulièrement intéressée aux phénomènes et questionnements identitaires, notamment en ce qui concerne les groupes et les mouvements minoritaires ou marginaux, mais également en ce qui concerne la question des identités nationales dont se délectent à leur tour politiciens et médias. Véritable reflet d’un des enjeux majeurs de nos sociétés contemporaines, cet intérêt des chercheurs pour les phénomènes identitaires a particulièrement porté sur l’étude des processus de construction et d’affirmation des identités individuelles et collectives, c’est-à-dire sur les modes et les modalités à partir desquels les identités se construisent, se structurent et sont affirmées dans un rapport comparatif, compétitif et dialogique entre le Soi et l’Autre. Si notre compréhension des phénomènes identitaires s’est considérablement précisée et nuancée depuis la publication dans les années 1950, voire antérieurement, des études fondamentales et fondatrices, il n’en demeure pas moins que le concept d’identité, peu importe les multiples terminologies qu’il peut prendre selon les disciplines, pose actuellement de nombreux problèmes et s’avère abondamment galvaudé par certaines recherches récentes qui en font usage sans nécessairement le définir, voire pire, le maîtriser, comme un champ d’études à la mode qu’il convient d’investir afin d’alimenter un lectorat avide de ces questions et problèmes identitaires. Il est vrai que les travaux scientifiques sur les identités paraissent à un rythme soutenu, voire insoutenable tant cette production est abondante et diversifiée. Tour à tour, les identités ethniques, nationales, provinciales, régionales, politiques, culturelles, religieuses, de genre, des groupes ou mouvements minoritaires et marginaux, pour ne nommer que certains des principaux champs d’investigation, ont été interrogées. Loin de se limiter aux sociétés, aux individus et aux collectivités modernes, les identités du passé, toutes périodes confondues, ont également été revisitées à la lumière des outils d’interprétation développés, entre autres, par la sociologie, par l’anthropologie culturelle et par la psychologie sociale. Bien évidemment, les spécialistes de l’Antiquité n’ont pas échappé à cette tendance, partant à leur tour à la conquête de l’identité (ou des identités) grecque(s), romaine(s), barbare(s), judéenne(s) et chrétienne(s). Leur intérêt s’est également porté sur les identités propres aux diverses catégories ou collectivités sociales, politiques, juridiques, religieuses et professionnelles. Toutefois, aborder la question des identités dans l’Antiquité oblige à délaisser les définitions et compréhensions modernes au profit d’un tout autre mode raisonnement identitaire et d’appartenance propre aux sociétés et collectivités anciennes en prenant en considération les dimensions « – emic » et « – etic » que requiert l’utilisation de cette notion afin d’en avoir recours comme une catégorie d’analyse adéquate pour cette période particulière, une approche double et complémentaire trop souvent négligée par une majorité de recherches dont les résultats aboutissent inévitablement à une compréhension anachronique et « distorsionnée » des réalités anciennes, ce qui est d’autant plus le cas en histoire des religions et des communautés socioreligieuses de l’Antiquité en raison de nombreux présupposés idéologiques et théologiques qui dominent encore tout un pan de l’historiographie actuelle. Bien que le concept même d’identité n’existe pas dans l’Antiquité, le terme « identitas » renvoyant à une tout autre réalité, cela ne signifie pas pour autant que les Anciens n’avaient aucune conscience de leur(s) identité(s) et qu’il est impossible pour nous modernes d’étudier les phénomènes et les discours identitaires antiques. Toutefois, cela impose d’aborder ces phénomènes avec une très grande prudence et beaucoup de nuances en évitant les généralisations hâtives et en circonscrivant bien les contextes d’énonciation dans lesquels ces identités se sont construites et ont été affirmées, car, déterminées par les appartenances, la définition de ces identités s’est constamment élaborée et réélaborée sur un rapport Soi / Autre, inclusion / exclusion et a reposé sur des stratégies discursives qui ont varié selon les époques, les lieux, les auteurs et les contextes d’énonciation. L’enjeu principal est alors de comprendre les stratégies et les mécanismes mis en œuvre par les auteurs anciens dans les processus discursifs de construction identitaire de leur groupe d’appartenance. Produit d’une rhétorique, l’étude des identités anciennes oblige donc de distinguer, ce qui est certes complexe, discours et réalités sociales, du moins cela oblige, encore une fois, à une extrême prudence et beaucoup de nuances afin de ne pas confondre discours et réalités. Si les discours ont effectivement pour effet d’ériger des frontières identitaires fixes et imperméables entre les différents groupes et collectivités, l’étude de la réalité vécue par les acteurs sociaux montre que ces frontières étaient plutôt fluides et perméables. Pour étudier la question des identités dans l’Antiquité, plusieurs postes d’observation peuvent êtres sollicités en s’intéressant, notamment, à la formation des identités, à l’identité en auto-définition, à l’identité dans le miroir de l’Autre, à l’impact des interactions entre le Soi et l’Autre sur les définitions identitaires, aux frontières identitaires et à leurs transgresseurs, aux marqueurs identitaires, etc. Ces différentes approches, notamment lorsqu’elles sont combinées les unes aux autres, contribuent à mettre en évidence la complexité des processus de construction des identités dans l’Antiquité dont on reconnaît désormais le caractère fluide, dynamique et discursif, malgré les idéologies de stabilité sur lesquelles elles se sont élaborées et polémiquées. Loin de susciter de vains débats, les études sur les identités dans l’Antiquité permettent d’aborder sous un angle novateur certains acquis de la recherche et de leur apporter de riches nuances. Cependant, interpréter les phénomènes identitaires anciens à partir de paradigmes, de terminologies et de catégories erronés ou anachroniques a également pour conséquence indéniable de parvenir à une relecture « distorsionnée », si ce n’est orientée, du passé, en lui imposant des catégories de définition et d’auto-définition identitaires qui n’existaient pas dans l’Antiquité. C’est pourquoi il importe également, lorsqu’on tente d’aborder ces phénomènes identitaires, de réfléchir sur les paradigmes, les terminologies et les catégories qui sont invoqués par en parler et ne pas hésiter à les remettre en question en refusant d’adhérer, de manière consciente ou inconsciente, à un quelconque modèle préétabli. S’inscrivant dans ce courant réflexif majeur de l’historiographique actuelle sur l’étude des phénomènes de construction identitaire dans l’Antiquité, notre recherche s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux processus de construction de discours d’appartenance dans la littérature judéenne et chrétienne aux Ier et IIe siècles. Sans avoir cherché à circonscrire une définition unique et unilatérale des identités judéennes et chrétiennes de cette période – définition qui s’avère, selon nous, plus utopique que réaliste en raison de la pluralité des mouvements qui composent le « judaïsme » et le « christianisme » anciens et des auteurs qui ont tenté, par leurs discours, de définir et présenter ces identités – ou tenter d’établir une liste de critères à respecter pour délimiter ce qu’est l’identité judéenne ou chrétienne – et, par conséquent, ceux qui peuvent ou non se réclamer d’être Judéens ou chrétiens –, la perspective que nous adoptons dans cette recherche est plutôt de réfléchir à la manière dont il convient d’aborder les identités anciennes et les processus de construction identitaire dans l’Antiquité. Notre réflexion se veut donc d’abord et avant tout une réflexion méthodologique, épistémologique, terminologique et historiographique des questions et phénomènes identitaires dans l’Antiquité, notamment en ce qui concerne les identités judéennes et chrétiennes des Ier et IIe siècles qui sont abordées à partir de divers postes d’observation et dans une perspective socio-historique qui adopte une démarche « – emic » et « – etic ». Notre recherche est divisée en trois parties. La première sera consacrée aux discussions d’ordre « – etic », c’est-à-dire aux réflexions et aux remarques méthodologiques, épistémologiques, terminologiques et historiographies sur l’approche des phénomènes identitaires et de l’identité chrétienne dans l’Antiquité. Le chapitre I présentera des remarques historiographiques sur les travaux récents en histoire du « christianisme » ancien. Dans le chapitre II, nous discuterons des concepts modernes d’« identité », de « race » et d’« ethnie ». Le chapitre III présentera quelques réflexions épistémologiques et méthodologiques sur l’application des théories et concepts modernes aux réalités antiques dans l’approche des phénomènes identitaires. Finalement, le chapitre IV reviendra sur les différents paradigmes interprétatifs qui ont été utilisés dans le débat moderne sur la question du Parting of the Ways. La deuxième partie sera consacrée à la présentation des cadres contextuels du « judaïsme » et du « christianisme » anciens. Le chapitre V dressera un portrait général de la pluralité qui caractérise le « judaïsme » ancien à la période romaine (Ier – IIe siècles) et des principaux marqueurs identitaires des communautés judéennes de cette époque. Dans le chapitre VI, il sera question de l’origine et de l’expansion du « judaïsme chrétien » dans l’Empire romain (Ier – IIe siècles) de même que de la pluralité des courants chrétiens. La troisième partie abordera la dimension « – emic » de notre recherche en s’intéressant aux processus discursifs de construction de l’identité chrétienne à partir de différents postes d’observation. Le chapitre VII analysera la présentation que l’auteur des Actes des apôtres fait des conditions d’entrée et des premières règles de vie dans la communauté chrétienne. Le chapitre VIII s’intéressera aux enjeux liés à la perception et à la représentation du Soi et de l’Autre en tentant de comprendre comment le mouvement chrétien a tenté de s’auto-définir et comment il a été défini par l’Altérité. Finalement, le chapitre IX analysera la manière dont les auteurs chrétiens se sont approprié le terme « γένος » et comment ils l’ont redéfini sur la base de critères cultuels ou religieux afin de présenter l’originalité distinctive du mouvement chrétien.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Supervisão e Orientação da Prática Profissional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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This paper takes a sociotechnical viewpoint of knowledge management system (KMS) implementation in organizations considering issues such as stakeholder disenfranchisement, lack of communication, and the low involvement of key personnel in system design asking whether KMS designers could learn from applying sociotechnical principles to their systems. The paper discusses design elements drawn from the sociotechnical principles essential for the success of IS and makes recommendations to increase the success of KMS in organizations. It also provides guidelines derived from Clegg’s Principles (2000) for KMS designers to enhance their designs. Our data comes from the application of a plurality of analysis methods on a large comprehensive global survey conducted from 2007 to 2011 of 1034 participants from 76 countries. The survey covers a variety of organizations of all types and sizes from a comprehensive selection of economic sectors and industries. Our results showed that users were not satisfied with the information and knowledge systems that they were being offered. In addition to multiple technology and usability issues, there were human and organisational barriers that prevented the systems from being used to their full potential. We recommend that users of KMS are integrated into the design team so that these usability and other barriers can be addressed during the feasibility stage as well as the actual design and implementation phases.


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Historians of Chinese medicine acknowledge the plurality of Chinese medicine along both synchronic and diachronic dimensions. Yet, there remains a tendency to think of tradition as being defined by some unchanging features. The Chinese medical body is a case in point. This is assumed to have been formalised by the late Han dynasty around a system of internal organs, conduits, collaterals, and associated body structures. Although criticism was voiced from time to time, this body and the micro/ macrocosmic cosmological resonances that underpin it are seen to persist until the present day. I challenge this view by attending to attempts by physicians in China and Japan in the period from the mid 16th to the late 18th century to reimagine this body. Working within the domain of cold damage therapeutics and combining philological scholarship, empirical observations, and new hermeneutic strategies these physicians worked their way towards a new territorial understanding of the body and of medicine as warfare that required an intimate familiarity with the body’s topography. In late imperial China this new view of the body and medicine was gradually re-absorbed into the mainstream. In Japan, however, it led to a break with this orthodoxy that in the Republican era became influential in China once more. I argue that attending further to the innovations of this period—commonly portrayed as one of decline—from a transnational perspective may help to go beyond the modern insistence to frame East Asian medicines as traditional.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico