991 resultados para platinum(II)
Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) electrochemiluminescence detection in a capillary electrophoresis separation system was used for the determination of diphenhydramine. In this study, platinum disk electrode (300 mum in diameter) was used as a working electrode and the influence of applied potential and buffer conditions were investigated. Under optimal conditions: 1.2 V applied potential, pH 8.50, 15 kV separation voltage and 10 mmol l(-1) running buffer, the calibration curve of diphenhydramine was linear over the range of 4 x 10(-8) to 1 x 10(-5) Mol l(-1). This technique gave satisfactory precision, and relative standard deviations of migration times and chemiluminescence peak intensities were less than 1 and 6%, respectively. The technique was applied to animal studies for determination of diphenhydramine extracted from rabbit plasma and urine samples, and the extraction efficiency were between 92 and 98.5%.
Reaction of thiamine or thiamine monophosphate (TMP) with K2Pt(NO2)(4) afforded a metal complex, Pt(thiamine)(NO2)(3) (1), and two salt-type compounds, (H-thiamine)[Pt(NO2)(4)]. 2H(2)O (2) and (TMP)(2)[Pt(NO2)(4)]. 2H(2)O (3), which were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction. In 1, the square-planar Pt2+ ion is coordinated to the pyrimidine N(1'), a usual metal-binding site, and three NO2- groups. The thiamine molecule exists as a monovalent cation in 1 and a divalent cation in 2 while the TMP molecule is a monovalent cation in 3. In each compound, thiamine or TMP adopts the usual F conformation and forms two types of host-guest-like interactions with anions, which are of the bridging forms, C(2)-H . . . anion . . . pyrimidine-ring and N(4'1)-H(...)anion(...)thiazolium-ring. In 3, there is an additional anion-bridging interaction between the pyrimidine and thiazolium rings of TMP, being of the form C(6')-H . . . anion . . . thiazolium-ring. The salts 2 and 3 show similar hydrogen-bonded cyclic dimers of thiamine or TMP between which the anions are held. Results are compared with those of the other thiamine-platinum complexes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
CO oxidation on PtO2(110) has been studied using density functional theory calculations. Four possible reaction mechanisms were investigated and the most feasible one is the following: (i) the O at the bridge site of PtO2(110) reacts with CO on the coordinatively unsaturated site (CUS) with a negligible barrier; (ii) O-2 adsorbs on the bridge site and then interacts with CO on the CUS to form an OO-CO complex; (iii) the bond of O-OCO breaks to produce CO2 with a small barrier (0.01 eV). The CO oxidation mechanisms on metals and metal oxides are rationalized by a simple model: The O-surface bonding determines the reactivity on surfaces; it also determines whether the atomic or molecular mechanism is preferred. The reactivity on metal oxides is further found to be related to the 3rd ionization energy of the metal atom.
Electrochemically modified ethylene oxidation over a PI film supported on the Na+ ion conductor beta '' alumina has been studied over a range of conditions encompassing both promotion and poisoning, The system exhibits reversible behavior, and the data are interpreted in terms of (i) Na-enhanced oxygen chemisorption and (ii) poisoning of the surface by accumulation of Na compounds. At low Na coverages the first effect results in increased competitive adsorption of oxygen at the expense of ethylene, resulting in an increased rate, At very negative catalyst potentials (high Na coverage) both effects operate to poison the system: the increased strength of the Pt-O bond and coverage of the catalytic surface by compounds of Na strongly suppress the rate, Kinetic and spectroscopic results for ethylene oxidation over a Pt(111)-Na model catalyst shed light on important aspects of the electrochemically controlled system, Low levels of Na promote the reaction and high levels poison it, mirroring the behavior observed under electrochemical control and strongly suggesting that sodium pumped from the solid electrolyte is the key species, XP and Auger spectra show that under reaction conditions, the sodium exists as a surface carbonate. Post-reaction TPD spectra and the use of (CO)-C-13 demonstrate that CO is formed as a stable reaction intermediate, The observed activation energy (56 +/- 3 kJ/mol) is similar to that measured for CO oxidation under comparable conditions, suggesting that the rate limiting step is CO oxidation. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
By combining density functional theory calculation and microkinetic analysis, NO oxidation on the platinum group metal oxides (PtO(2), IrO(2), OsO(2)) is investigated, aiming at shedding light on the activities of metal oxides and exploring the activity variations of metal oxides compared to their corresponding metals. A microkinetic model, taking into account the possible low diffusion of surface species on metal oxide surfaces, is proposed for NO oxidation. The resultant turnover frequencies of NO oxidation show that under the typical experimental condition, T = 600 K, p(O2) = 0.1 atm, p(NO) = 3 x 10(-4) atm, p(NO2) = 1.7 x 10(-4) atm; (i) IrO(2)(110) exhibits higher activity than PtO(2)(110) and OsO(2)(110), and (ii) compared to the corresponding metallic Pt, Ir, and Os, the activity of PtO(2) to catalyze NO oxidation is lower, but interestingly IrO(2) and OsO(2) exhibit higher activities. The reasons for the activity differences between the metals and oxides are addressed. Moreover, other possible reaction pathways of NO oxidation on PtO(2)(110), involving O(2) molecule (NO + O(2) -> OONO) and lattice bridge-O(2c), are also found to give low activities. The origin of the Pt catalyst deactivation is also discussed.
Os únicos complexos metálicos presentemente utilizados em quimioterapia compreendem exclusivamente compostos de platina, com as desvantagens de apresentarem um leque de acção restrito e de provocarem sérios efeitos secundários. Na constante procura por novos fármacos antineoplásicos metálicos, os complexos de ruténio têm sido apresentados como uma alternativa adequada e existem já dois complexos de Ru(III) em ensaios clínicos. Estes são descritos como pró-fármacos, postulando-se que o seu mecanismo de acção envolva redução in vivo para originar complexos de Ru(II) activos. Assim, o actual desenvolvimento de fármacos antitumorais baseados em ruténio passará por criar novos complexos de Ru(II). O trabalho aqui descrito enquadra-se neste objectivo, tendo sido sintetizados complexos de ruténio(II)-tritiaciclononano com ligandos biologicamente activos, e avaliada a sua actividade antitumoral in vitro. Os ligandos utilizados compreendem um hidroxifenilpirazole, aminoácidos e derivados, flavonóides e quinonas. No primeiro capítulo do trabalho são apresentados os actuais desafios no desenvolvimento de complexos metálicos para quimioterapia e é ilustrada a importância dos complexos de Ru(II) aqui descritos no panorama actual de investigação. No capítulo dois, é apresentada uma descrição pormenorizada dos procedimentos experimentais, materiais e equipamentos utilizados na síntese, caracterização e ensaios biológicos. O capítulo três é dividido em duas sub-secções, a primeira analisando os resultados das sínteses e a caracterização estrutural dos complexos, e a segunda apresentando os resultados da sua actividade antiproliferativa. Foram obtidos onze novos complexos de ruténio(II)-tritiaciclononano, com rendimentos razoáveis. São apresentadas propostas das suas estruturas moleculares, sendo que estas mostram uma variedade interessante de modos de coordenação de acordo com os diferentes ligandos, ou seja, N, N,O, O,O e O. A actividade antiproliferativa dos complexos e dos respectivos ligandos foi avaliada em quatro linhas celulares tumorais, representativas de três tipos de cancro: osso (MG-63), próstata (PC-3) e mama (MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231). Quatro dos novos complexos demonstraram uma actividade antiproliferativa promissora, ou seja, aqueles que apresentam um hidroxifenilpirazole, a 3,7-dihidroxiflavona, a plumbagina ou a juglona na sua esfera de coordenação. Entre estes resultados, destacam-se os valores de IC50 para a linha celular MDA-MB-231 por se apresentarem inferiores ao apresentado pelo complexo de Ru(II)-tritiaciclononano mais activo descrito na literatura.
El cisplatí, PtCl2(NH3)2, ha estat una de les drogues més utilitzades en la quimioteràpia del càncer des del descobriment de la seva activitat. Però degut a la seva alta toxicitat i greus efectes secundaris, s'han sintetitzat nous compostos amb la finalitat de reduir aquests inconvenients. En aquest sentit, el treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat la síntesi i caracterització de tretze complexos de Pt(II) amb la finalitat d'estudiar llur activitat antitumoral. Aquests complexos presenten unes característiques estructurals comunes: geometria cis, dos lligands làbils de tipus clorur i un lligand diaminoquelatant derivat dels àcids d,l-2,3-diaminopropiònic (Hdap) i d,l-2,4-diaminobutíric (Hdab). S'han dissenyat unes estratègies sintètiques a partir de les quals els lligands han estat funcionalitzats amb diferents grups de tipus éster, aminoàcid i peptídic: Etdap·2HCl, Etdab·2HCl, [(dap-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2)·2CF3COOH], essent Metala= éster metílic de L-alanina, phe= L-fenilalanina, Mettrp= éster metílic del L-triptofà. Aquests lligands diaminoquelatants s'han utilitzat per sintetitzar els corresponents complexos de Pt(II): PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dab-phe), PtCl2(dap-Mettrp), PtCl2(dab-Mettrp), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2). A través de diferents tècniques i assaigs biològics (dicroisme circular, electroforesi en gel d'agarosa, microscopia de forces atòmiques, citometria de flux, assaigs de proliferació cel·lular) s'ha pogut demostrar l'activitat antitumoral d'aquests compostos. A través de la tècnica de dicroisme circular (DC) s'ha pogut demostrar que els lligands lliures no interaccionen covalentment amb el DNA de Calf Thymus i no modifiquen l'estructura secundària de la doble hèlix. En canvi, els respectius complexos han demostrat tenir capacitat per interaccionar amb el DNA i modificar la seva estructura secundària. Els complexos PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab) i PtCl2(dab-phe) mostren un comportament similar al cisplatí, generant adductes cis-bifuncionals que distorcionen la doble hèlix de forma no desnaturalitzant amb obertura de la doble cadena. Els complexos PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) quan interaccionen amb el DNA generen un canvi en la conformació del DNA de la forma B a la forma C, produint-se un augment de la curvatura de l'hèlix per rotació de les bases nitrogenades. En aquests estudis s'ha comprovat que l'estructura del complex influeix en l'efecte generat sobre l'estructura secundària de l'àcid nucleic. En primer lloc, existeix una diferència en el comportament en funció del tamany del lligand diaminoquelatant, de manera que els complexos amb el lligand (dab) provoquen un efecte més remarcable. També s'observa aquest canvi de comportament al passar dels complexos que tenen el grup funcional esterificat als que el tenen protonat. D'aquesta manera, s'observa un major efecte sobre l'estructura secundària del DNA en aquells complexos que tenen el lligand diaminoquelatant de tres metilens (dab) i amb el grup carboxilat terminal protonat. Per tal de modelitzar la interacció d'aquests complexos amb el DNA, s'ha estudiat la interacció d'aquests compostos de Pt(II) amb 5'-GMP a través de RMN-1H, observant la variació dels senyals corresponents al H8 de 5'-GMP. Així s'ha pogut demostrar que aquests compostos interaccionen amb la 5'-GMP a través d'un enllaç covalent Pt-N7, de la mateixa manera a com interacciona el cisplatí. A través d'electroforesi en gel d'agarosa i microscopia de forces atòmiques (AFM) s'ha pogut determinar l'efecte que generen els lligands lliures i els respectius complexos de Pt(II) sobre l'estructura terciària del plasmidi pBR322. Els lligands provoquen un augment de l'agregació de les molècules de DNA i un lleuger augment de la compactació de l'estructura terciària. Aquests resultats s'atribueixen a la capacitat d'aquests compostos a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb el DNA. Els corresponents complexos de Pt(II) provoquen un augment de l'agregació i una important compactació, degut per una banda a la capacitat de l'àtom de Pt a interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA, i per altra banda, a la capacitat del lligand a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb l'àcid nucleic. Finalment s'ha estudiat l'activitat citotòxica d'aquests complexos de Pt(II) en diferents línies cel·lulars: A431 (línia de carcinoma epidermoide), HeLa (línia de carcinoma de coll d'úter) i HL-60 (línia promielocítica de leucèmia). Els complexos moderadament solubles en aigua, PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe) i PtCl2(dab-phe), han demostrat ser actius. L'activitat depèn de la concentració de complex, del temps d'incubació i de la línia cel·lular. Per temps d'incubació alts i concentracions de complex elevades s'observa la màxima activitat. Els complexos de l'alanina, PtCl2(dap-ala) i PtCl2(dab-ala), són els que mostren més activitat, mentre que els compostos de la fenilalanina són els menys actius, degut probablement a la voluminositat del lligand, la qual pot impedir o dificultar el transport del compost a través de la membrana cel·lular. L'activitat citotòxica dels complexos insolubles en aigua, PtCl2(Etdap) i PtCl2(Etdab), queda bloquejada per l'elevada concentració de DMSO (12%) necessària per solubilitzar els compostos. Aquests resultats permeten deduir que la presència d'un 12% de DMSO anul·la l'activitat d'aquests complexos, ja que el DMSO pot coordinar-se amb el Pt ocupant les posicions làbils del complex i evitant que es pugui coordinar amb el DNA. Els assaigs de proliferació cel·lular del complex PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) i del pèptid lliure ASTTTNYT-NH2 han demostrat que ambdós compostos són actius. Tot i això, l'activitat del complex és superior a la del pèptid lliure, ja que el Pt pot interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA i augmentar l'efecte citotòxic. Per tant, el complex presenta un lligand portador biològicament actiu que pot transportar el metall a través de la membrana cel·lular i facilitar així la seva interacció amb el DNA. A través de la tècnica de citometria de flux s'ha comprovat que en tots els casos la mort cel·lular produïda pels complexos ha estat per apoptosi. Per últim, s'ha sintetitzat i caracteritzat un complex trinuclear de Pt(II), {[Pt(Me2Bpy)2][PtCl2(Me2Bpy)]2}, essent Me2Bpy= 4,4'-dimetil-2,2'-dipiridil. La resolució de la seva estructura per difracció de Raig-X ha permès determinar l'existència d'una interacció intramolecular Pt-Pt de 3.474 Å.
The reaction of cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(N-N)], dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane, complexes with the ligand HSpymMe(2), 4,6-dimethyl-2-mercaptopyrimidine, yielded the cationic complexes [Ru(SpymMe(2))(dppb)(N-N)]PF6, N-N = bipy (1) and Me-bipy (2), bipy = 2,2`-bipyridine and Me-bipy = 4,4`dimethyl-2,2`-bipyridine, which were characterized by spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques and X-ray crystallography and elemental analysis. Additionally, preliminary in vitro tests for antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv ATCC 27264 and antitumor activity against the MDA-MB-231 human breast tumor cell line were carried out on the new complexes and also on the precursors cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(N-N)], N-N = bipy (3) and Me-bipy (4) and the free ligands dppb, bipy, Me-bipy and SpymMe(2). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of compounds needed to kill 90% of mycobacterial cells and the IC50 values for the antitumor activity were determined. Compounds 1-4 exhibited good in vitro activity against M. tuberculosis, with MIC values ranging between 0.78 and 6.25 mu g/mL, compared to the free ligands (MIC of 25 to >50 mu g/mL) and the drugs used to treat tuberculosis. Complexes I and 2 also showed promising antitumor activity, with IC50 values of 0.46 +/- 0.02 and 0.43 +/- 0.08 mu M, respectively, against MDA-MB-231 breast tumor cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Canonical Monte Carlo simulations for the Au(210)/H(2)O interface, using a force field recently proposed by us, are reported. The results exhibit the main features normally observed in simulations of water molecules in contact with different noble metal surfaces. The calculations also assess the influence of the surface topography on the structural aspects of the adsorbed water and on the distribution of the water molecules in the direction normal to the metal surface plane. The adsorption process is preferential at sites in the first layer of the metal. The analysis of the density profiles and dipole moment distributions points to two predominant orientations. Most of the molecules are adsorbed with the molecular plane parallel to surface, while others adsorb with one of the O-H bonds parallel to the surface and the other bond pointing towards the bulk liquid phase. There is also evidence of hydrogen bond formation between the first and second solvent layers at the interface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, chitosan was used as a coating of pure perlite in order to increase the accessibility of the groups OH- e NH2+the adsorptionof ions Mn2+ e Zn2+.The characterization results of the expanded perlite classified as microporous and whose surface area 3,176 m2 g-1after the change resulted in 4,664 m2g-1.From the thermogravimetry(TG) it was found that the percentage of coating was34,3%.The infrared analysis can prove the presence of groups Si-OH, Si-O e Al-O-Siresulting from the perlite and C=O, NH2and OH characterization of chitosan. The experiments on experiments on the adsorption of Mn and Zn were performed in the concentration range of10 a 50 mgL-1and the adsorption capacity inpH 5,8 e 5,2 was 19,49 and 23,09 mgg-1to 25 oC,respectively.The adsorption data were best fitted to Langmuir adsorption model to Langmuir adsorption model for both metalionsisindicative of monolayer adsorption. The kinetics of adsorption were calculated from the equation of Lagergren fitting the model pseudo-second-order for all initial concentrations, suggesting that adsorption of ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ follows the kinetics of pseudo-second-order and whose constant Speedk2(g/mg.min) are 0,105 e 3,98 and capacity and maximum removal qe 4,326 e 3,348,respectively.In this study we used a square wave voltammetry cathodic stripping voltammetry to quantify the adsorbed ions, and the working electrode glassy carbon, reference electrode silver / silver chloride and a platinum auxiliary electrode. The attainment of the peaks corresponding to ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ was evaluated in and electrochemical cell with a capacity of 30 mL using a buffer system (Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4)at pH 4 and was adjusted with solutionsH3PO4 0,1molL-1and NaOH 0,1 molL-1and addition of the analyte has been a cathodic peak in- 0,873 Vand detection limit of2,55x10-6molL-1para Zn.The dough used for obtaining the adsorption isotherm was 150 mg and reached in 120 min time of equilibrium for both metal ions.The maximum adsorption for 120 min with Mn concentration 20 mgL-1 and Zn 10 mgL-1,was91, 09 e 94, 34%, respectively
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The influence of the axial organic ligand R on the electrochemical oxidation of the compounds [RCoIII(salen)DMF)], where salen is bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediimine, and R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, s-C4H9, i-C4H9, CH2Cl, CF3CH2, c-C6H11CH2, c-C6H11, C6H5, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2, and p-NO2C6H4CH2, was studied by means of cyclic voltametry in dimethylformamide (DMF), 0.2 M in tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP), at 25 and -20°C, with a platinum disc working electrode. The above-mentioned compounds can be classified according to their electrochemical behavior. (a) The complexes with R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, c-C6H11CH2, and C6H5 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation in the 10-50 V s-1 potential scan range. At slower scan rates, the oxidized product decomposes chemically. At -20°C, this chemical step is slow, and a reversible one-electron electrochemical oxidation is observed. (b) The compounds with R CH2Cl, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2 and p-NO2C6H4CH2 undergo a quasi-reversible one-electron oxidation at room temperaure. At -20°C, the electrochemical process becomes more complex. A following chemical reactions is coupled to the quasi-reversible one-electron transfer. Two reduction peaks are observed. (c) The compounds with R i-C4H9, s-C4H9, and c-C6H11 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation at -20°C. At room temperature, the irreversible chemical reaction following the electron transfer step is too fast to allow the isolation of the electrochemical step. (d) At -20°C, the derivatives with R C2H5, c-C6H11 CH2 and c-C6H11 are adsorbed at the electrode surface. Evidence indicates that the reagent in these reactions is the pentacoordinated species [RCoIII(salen)]. A linear free-energy relationship between E1/2 (for reversible processes) and the Taft polar parameters o* was obtained with a slope of ρ* = 0.25 ± 0.03. As expected, the benzyl derivatives which present mesomeric effects do not fit this polar correlation. The rated of the electrochemical oxidation is also affected by the nature of the ligand R. For the ligands which are strong electron-withdrawing groups and for the benzyl derivatives, the rate of the electrochemical oxidation of the metal ion decreases at room temperature. At lower temperatures, it is suggested that the oxidation to the CoIV-R species is followed by a chemical reaction in which this complex is partly transformed into a CoIII(R*) species, which is reduced at a much more cathodic potential than the Co(IV) species. © 1979.
Due to their low cost and high resistance to corrosion, ceramic crucibles can be used for the melting of PBG glasses (PbO-BiO 1.5GaO 1.5). These glasses present good window transmission from ultra-violet to infrared, making their use as optical fibres promising. However, their disadvantage is the high reactivity, leading to the corrosion of different crucibles, including gold and platinum ones. In this work, the corrosion of Al 2O 3, SnO 2 and ZrO 2 crucibles after melting at temperatures varying from 850 to 1000°C, was evaluated by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) in conjunction with microanalysis by EDS. The lead diffusion profile in the crucible material was obtained. Diffusion coefficients were calculated according to the Fick and Fisher theories. Results indicated that the different crucibles presented similar behaviour: in the region near the interface, diffusion occurs in the volumetric way and in regions away from the interface, diffusion occurs through grain boundary.
In this work, the effect of gamma radiation on the optical properties of polymetallayne poly[1,1'-bis(ethynyl)-4,4'-biphenyl(bis-tributylphosphine)Pt(II) ] (Pt-DEBP) in chloroform solution is studied. The samples were irradiated at room temperature with doses from 0.01 Gy to 1 Gy using a 60Co gamma ray source. A new band at 420 nm is observed in the emission spectra, in superposition to the emission maximum at 398 nm, linearly dependent on dose. We propose to use the ratio of the emission amplitude bands as the dosimetric parameter. This method proved to be robust, accurate, and can be used as a dosimeter in medical applications. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)