938 resultados para platelet intracellular calcium response


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Le Costimulateur Inductible (ICOS) est un récepteur exprimé à la surface des cellules T CD4 auxiliaires et T CD8 cytotoxiques. Il fut démontré à l’aide de modèles murins de transplantation de moelle osseuse que ICOS joue un rôle important dans l’induction de la maladie du greffon contre l’hôte aigüe (GVHD). ICOS potentialise deux signaux médiés par le récepteur de cellules T (TCR) : l’activation de la phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) ainsi que la mobilisation interne de calcium. En conditions in vitro, dans les cellules CD4 et CD8, ICOS réussi à potentialiser le flux de calcium médié par le TCR indépendamment de PI3K. La voie de signalisation de ICOS impliquée dans la GVHD demeure inconnue. Cependant, en utilisant une lignée de souris ‘knock-in’ nommée ICOS-Y181F, dans laquelle le cellules T ont sélectivement perdu la capacité d’activer PI3K par l’entremise d’ICOS, nous avons démontré que les cellules T peuvent utiliser un mécanisme ICOS indépendant de PI3K afin d’induire la GVHD. La mobilisation interne du Ca2+ mène à l’activation de NFAT, un facteur de transcription clé régulant des gènes comme IFN-γ, qui exprime une des cytokines clés impliquées dans la GVHD. Nous émettons comme hypothèse que la capacité pathogénique intacte des cellules T ICOSY181F à induire la GVHD, repose sur la signalisation du Ca2+ indépendante de PI3K. Le but de mon projet est d’identifier les résidus responsables de cette signalisation de Ca2+ médiée par ICOS ainsi que le mécanisme par lequel ce récepteur fonctionne. À l’aide de la mutagénèse dirigée, j’ai généré des mutants d’ICOS et j’ai analysé par cytométrie en flux leur capacité à activer le flux de Ca2+. J’ai ainsi identifié un groupe de lysine sur la queue cytoplasmique d’ICOS situé à proximité de la membrane comme étant essentiel à la fonction de potentialisation du flux de Ca2+. Je fournis également des preuves de l’implication de la kinase Lck, membre de la famille de kinases Src, dans la voie de signalisation de ICOS médiant la potentialisation du flux de Ca2+. Ainsi, ICOS s’associe à Lck et mène à une augmentation de l’activation de PLCγ1, la protéine effectrice clé causant la sortie de Ca2+ de la réserve intracellulaire. En conclusion, notre étude permet de comprendre davantage une des voies de signalisation d’ICOS. L’influx de Ca2+ dans les cellules T implique la voie ICOS-Lck-PLCγ1. Une compréhension plus approfondie de cette voie de signalisation pourrait s’avérer bénéfique afin d’élaborer de nouvelles stratégies menant à la prévention de maladies reliées à ICOS, comme la GVHD.


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La comunicación neuronal en el sistema nervioso está mediada, en la gran mayoría de animales, por la transmisión sináptica química. Generalmente esta comunicación ocurre mediante la liberación de una sustancia transmisora en el terminal presináptico. Este transmisor sináptico se une a receptores postsinápticos y da lugar a una respuesta postsináptica en la célula blanco. La liberación del transmisor en la región presináptica, al parecer, es desencadenada por un aumento transitorio del calcio intracelular en el sitio de liberación. Este aumento se logra, principalmente, por la activación de canales de calcio dependientes de voltaje (VGCC), lo que da lugar a un ingreso de iones de calcio en el citosol presináptico, que desencadena la fusión de las vesículas sinápticas y la liberación del neurotransmisor. En este artículo se revisan las características moleculares y funcionales de los VGCC necesarias para la comprensión de alteraciones patológicas como las canalopatías y la transmisión sináptica anormal. Metodología: se consultaron las bases de datos Medline, Pubmed y los e-journals de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Columbia, correspondientes a los años 1990 a 2004. Resultados: durante la última década se han logrado avances significativos en los aspectos moleculares y en la genética de los canales dependientes de voltaje. La integración de este conocimiento con la neurofisiología funcional y la neurología clínica apenas se está iniciando.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPARbeta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXRalpha and RXRbeta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPAR beta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXR alpha, and RXR beta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families. (C) 2007 by The American Society of Hematology.


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OBJECTIVES: Aspirin therapy is usually continued throughout the perioperative period to reduce the risk for thromboembolic stroke and myocardial infarction after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Aspirin irreversibly binds cyclooxygenase-1, thereby reducing platelet aggregation for the lifetime of each platelet. However, recent research from this unit has shown that aggregation in response to arachidonic acid increases significantly, but transiently, during CEA, which suggests that the anti-platelet effect of aspirin is temporarily reversed. The purpose of the current study was to determine when this phenomenon occurs and to identify the possible mechanisms involved. METHODS: Platelet aggregation was measured in platelet-rich plasma from 41 patients undergoing CEA who were stabilized with 150 mg of aspirin daily. Blood was taken at 8 time points: before anesthesia, after anesthesia, before heparinization, 3 minutes after heparinization, 3 minutes after shunt insertion, 10 minutes after flow restoration, 4 hours postoperatively, and 24 hours postoperatively. Platelet aggregation was also measured at similar times in a group of 18 patients undergoing peripheral angioplasty without general anesthesia. RESULTS: All patient platelets were effectively inhibited by aspirin at the start of the operation. There was a significant intraoperative increase in platelet response to arachidonic acid in both groups of patients, which occurred within 3 minutes of administration of unfractionated heparin. In the CEA group this resulted in a greater than 10-fold increase in mean aggregation, to 5 mmol/L of arachidonic acid (5 mmol/L), rising from 3.9% +/- 2.2% preoperatively to 45.1% +/- 29.3% after administration of heparin ( P <.0001). This increased aggregation persisted into the early postoperative period, but by 24 hours post operation aggregation had returned to near preoperative values. Aggregation in response to other platelet agonists (adenosine diphosphate, thrombin receptor agonist peptide) showed only a small increase at the same time, which could be accounted for by a parallel increase in the level of spontaneous aggregation. CONCLUSION: Administration of heparin significantly increases platelet aggregation in response to arachidonic acid, despite adequate inhibition by aspirin administered preoperatively. This apparent reversal in anti-platelet activity persisted into the immediate early postoperative period, and could explain why a small proportion of patients are at increased risk for acute cardiovascular events after major vascular surgery, despite aspirin therapy.


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PECAM-1 is a member of the superfamily of immunoglobulins (Ig) and is expressed on platelets at moderate level. PECAM-1 has been reported to have contrasting effects on platelet activation by the collagen receptor GPVI and the integrin, alphaIIbbeta3, even though both receptors signal through Src-kinase regulation of PLCgamma2. The present study compares the role of PECAM-1 on platelet activation by these two receptors and by the lectin receptor, CLEC-2, which also signals via PLCgamma2. Studies using PECAM-1 knockout-mice and cross-linking of PECAM-1 using specific antibodies demonstrated a minor inhibitory role on platelet responses to the above three receptors and also under some conditions to the G-protein agonist thrombin. The degree of inhibition was considerably less than that produced by PGI2, which elevates cAMP. There was no significant difference in thrombus formation on collagen in PECAM-1-/- platelets relative to litter-matched controls. The very weak inhibitory effect of PECAM-1 on platelet activation relative to that of PGI2 indicate that the Ig-receptor is not a major regulator of platelet activation. PECAM-1 has been reported to have contrasting effects on platelet activation. The present study demonstrates a very mild or negligible effect on platelet activation in response to stimulation by a variety of agonists, thereby questioning the physiological role of the immunoglobulin receptor as a major regulator of platelet activation.


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Microcystins (MCs) produced by some freshwater cyanobacterial species possess potent liver toxicity as evidenced by acute neutrophil infiltration. Here, we investigate the ability of three structurally distinct toxins (MC-LA, MC-LR, and MC-YR) to evoke neutrophil recruitment per se and their effects on migration pathways. Intravital Microscopic Studies showed that topical application of only MC-LR enhanced the numbers of rolling and adhered leukocytes in the endothelium of postcapillary mesenteric venules. The latter effects may be dependent upon induction of the synthesis and expression Of L-selectin and beta(2)-integrin in neutrophils, as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR, respectively. Conversely, the three toxins promoted direct locomotion of neutrophils and enhanced their migration in response to NO, as measured by Boyden chamber assays, and increased intracellular calcium, a messenger in the chemotaxic process. In conclusion, our results show that MCs act on specific pathways of neutrophil recruitment, indicating their potential effect on neutrophils activation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Leite-Dellova DC, Oliveira-Souza M, Malnic G, Mello-Aires M. Genomic and nongenomic dose-dependent biphasic effect of aldosterone on Na(+)/H(+) exchanger in proximal S3 segment: role of cytosolic calcium. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 295: F1342-F1352, 2008. First published August 20, 2008; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00048.2008.-The effects of aldosterone on the intracellular pH recovery rate (pHirr) via Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and on the [Ca(2+)](i) were investigated in isolated rat S3 segment. Aldosterone [10(-12), 10(-10), or 10(-8) M with 1-h, 15- or 2-min preincubation (pi)] caused a dose-dependent increase in the pHirr, but aldosterone (10(-6) M with 1-h, 15- or 2-min pi) decreased it (these effects were prevented by HOE694 but not by S3226). After 1 min of aldosterone pi, there was a transient and dose-dependent increase of the [Ca(2+)](i) and after 6-min pi there was a new increase of [Ca(2+)](i) that persisted after 1 h. Spironolactone, actinomycin D, or cycloheximide did not affect the effects of aldosterone (15 -or 2-min pi) but inhibited the effects of aldosterone (1-h pi) on pHirr and on [Ca(2+)](i). RU 486 prevented the stimulatory effect of aldosterone (10(-12) M, 15 -or 2-min pi) on both parameters and maintained the inhibitory effect of aldosterone (10(-6) M, 15- or 2-min pi) on the pHirr but reversed its stimulatory effect on the [Ca(2+)](i) to an inhibitory effect. The data indicate a genomic (1 h, via MR) and a nongenomic action (15 or 2 min, probably via GR) on [Ca(2+)](i) and on the basolateral NHE1 and are compatible with stimulation of the NHE1 by increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in the lower range (at 10(-12) M aldosterone) and inhibition by increases at high levels (at 10(-6) M aldosterone) or decreases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-6) M aldosterone plus RU 486).


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The in vitro effect of testosterone on human neutrophil function was investigated. Blood neutrophils from healthy male subjects were isolated and treated with 10 nM, 0.1 and 10 mu M testosterone for 24 h. As compared with untreated cells, the testosterone treatment produced a significant decrease of superoxide production as indicated by the measurement of extra- and intracellular superoxide content. An increment in the production of nitric oxide was observed at 0.1 and 10 mu M testosterone concentrations, whereas no effect was found for 10 nM. Intracellular calcium mobilization was significantly increased at 10 nM, whereas it was reduced at 10 mu M testosterone. There was an increase in phagocytic capacity at 10 nM and a decrease of microbicidal activity in neutrophils treated with testosterone at 10 mu M. Glutathione reductase activity was increased by testosterone treatment, whereas no effect was observed in other antioxidant enzyme activities. An increase in the content of thiol groups was observed at all testosterone concentrations. Lipid peroxidation in neutrophils evaluated by levels of TBARS was decreased at 10 nM and 0.1 mu M testosterone. These results indicate the antioxidant properties of testosterone in neutrophils as suggested by reduction of superoxide anion production, and lipid peroxidation, and by the increase in nitric oxide production, glutathione reductase activity and the content of thiol groups. Therefore, the plasma levels of testosterone are important regulators of neutrophil function and so of the inflammatory response. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Peptides have been proposed to function in intracellular signaling within the cytosol. Although cytosolic peptides are considered to be highly unstable, a large number of peptides have been detected in mouse brain and other biological samples. In the present study, we evaluated the peptidome of three diverse cell lines: SH-SY5Y, MCF7, and HEIC293 cells. A comparison of the peptidomes revealed considerable overlap in the identity of the peptides found in each cell line. The majority of the observed peptides are not derived from the most abundant or least stable proteins in the cell, and approximately half of the cellular peptides correspond to the N- or C- termini of the precursor proteins. Cleavage site analysis revealed a preference for hydrophobic residues in the PI position. Quantitative peptidomic analysis indicated that the levels of most cellular peptides are not altered in response to elevated intracellular calcium, suggesting that calpain is not responsible for their production. The similarity of the peptidomes of the three cell lines and the lack of correlation with the predicted cellular degradome implies the selective formation or retention of these peptides, consistent with the hypothesis that they are functional in the cells.


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Gomesin is an antimicrobial peptide isolated from hemocytes of a common Brazilian tarantula spider named Acanthoscurriagomesiana. This peptide exerts antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo by an unknown mechanism. In this study, the cytotoxic mechanism of gomesin in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells was investigated. Gomesin induced necrotic cell death and was cytotoxic to SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells. The peptide evoked a rapid and transient elevation of intracellular calcium levels in Fluo-4-AM loaded PC12 cells, which was inhibited by nimodipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker. Preincubation with nimodipine also inhibited cell death induced by gomesin in SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells. Gomesin-induced cell death was prevented by the pretreatment with MAPK/ERK, PKC or PI3K inhibitors, but not with PKA inhibitor. In addition, gomesin generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in SH-SY5Y cells, which were blocked with nimodipine and MAPK/ERK, PKC or PI3K inhibitors. Taken together, these results suggest that gomesin could be a useful anticancer agent, which mechanism of cytotoxicity implicates calcium entry through L-type calcium channels, activation of MAPK/ERK, PKC and PI3K signaling as well as the generation of reactive oxygen species. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of verapamil modulating collagen biosynthesis have prompted us to study the role of this drug in cultured fibroblasts. In this article, we describe the effects of verapamil on fibroblast behaviour, with special emphasis to phenotypic modifications, reorganisation of actin filaments and secretion of MMP1. Human dermal fibroblasts treated with 50-mu M verapamil changed their normal spindle-shaped morphology to stellate. Treated cells showed discrete reorganisation of actin filaments, as revealed by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin staining and confocal microscopy. We hypothesised that these effects would be associated to lower levels of cytosolic Ca(2+). Indeed, short time loading with calcium green confirmed that verapamil-treated fibroblasts exhibited lower intracellular calcium levels compared to controls. We also observed that verapamil increases the secretion of MMP1 in cultured fibroblasts, as demonstrated by zymography, specific substrate assays and immunoblot. The morphological alterations induced by verapamil are neither cytotoxic nor associated with other dramatic cytoskeleton alterations. Thus we may conclude that this drug enhances collagenase secretion and does not disrupt the major tracks necessary to deliver these enzymes in the extracellular space. The present results suggested that verapamil could be used at physiological levels to enhance collagen I breakdown, and maybe considered a potential candidate for intralesional therapy of wound healing and fibrocontractive diseases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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The clearance of apoptotic cells by phagocytes is a fundamental process during tissue remodeling and resolution of inflammation. In turn, the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells generates signals that suppress pro-inflammatory activation of macrophages. These events occur during the resolution phase of inflammation and therefore the malfunctioning of this process may lead to inflammation-related tissue damage. Here, we demonstrate that the calcium-binding protein S100A9, normally abundant in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and also released by apoptotic neutrophils, is involved in the suppression of macrophages after the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils. Both, spontaneous and induced production of inflammatory species (nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and TNF-alpha) as well as the phagocytic activity were inhibited when macrophages were in presence of apoptotic neutrophils, conditioned medium from neutrophil cultures or a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of S100A9 protein. On the other hand, macrophages kept in the conditioned medium of neutrophils that was previously depleted of S100A9 were shown to resume the activated status. Finally, we demonstrate that the calcium-binding property of S100A9 might play a role in the suppression process, since the stimulation of intracellular calcium release with ionomycin significantly reversed the effects of the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils in macrophages. In conclusion, we propose that S100A9 is a novel component of the regulatory mechanisms of inflammation, acting side-by-side with other suppressor factors generated upon ingestion of apoptotic cells. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Sedentary and trained men respond differently to the same intensity of exercise, this is probably related to their platelet reactivity and antioxidant capacity. There is growing interest in the utilization of antioxidant-rich plant extracts as dietary food supplements. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an acute bout of sub maximal exercise on platelet count and differential response of platelet activation in trained and sedentary subjects and to observe if cocoa polyphenols reverse the effect of exercise on platelet function. The practical significance of this study was that many sedentary people engage in occasional strenuous exercise that may predispose them to risk of heart disease. Fasting blood samples were collected from 16 male subjects, pre and post 1-h cycling exercise at 70% of maximal aerobic power (VO2max) before and after consumption of cocoa or placebo. Agonist stimulated citrated whole blood was utilized for measuring platelet aggregation, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release and platelet activation. Baseline platelet count (221 ± 33 times 109/L) and ATP release (1.4 ± 0.6 nmol) increased significantly (P < 0.05) after exercise in all subjects. Baseline platelet numbers in the trained were higher (P < 0.05) than in the sedentary (235 ± 37 vs. 208 ± 34 times 109/L), where as platelet activation in trained was lower (P < 0.05) than sedentary (51 ± 6 vs. 59 ± 5%). Seven days of cocoa polyphenol supplementation had little effect on any of the parameters measured. We conclude that trained subjects show decreased activation of stimulated platelets when compared to the sedentary subjects and short-term cocoa polyphenol supplementation did not decrease platelet activity in response to exercise independent of prior training status.


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Anticonvulsants, including valproate and carbamazepine, have established efficacy in the treatment of mania. The anticonvulsant, lamotrigine. has been reported to have antimanic and antidepressant efficacy, and mood-stabilising effects in case reports and preliminary open trials. The efficacy and tolerability of lamotrigine has been compared with olanzapine and lithium in a randomised, prospective, controlled fashion over a period of 4 weeks treatment in a total of 45 hospitalised patients with DSM-IV-defined mania. Significant improvements of a similar magnitude were observed for all treatment groups and lamotrigine was well tolerated. Mechanisms of action proposed to explain the antimanic activity of lamotrigine include inhibition of voltage-sensitive and use-dependent sodium channels, inhibition of glutamate release and calcium channel blockade. Platelet studies have indicated supersensitivity of glutamate receptors and increased intracellular calcium concentrations in patients with mania. Further clinical and mechanistic studies of lamotrigine use in mania are warranted.