965 resultados para phasor measurement unit (PMU)


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Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) optimized allocation allows control, monitoring and accurate operation of electric power distribution systems, improving reliability and service quality. Good quality and considerable results are obtained for transmission systems using fault location techniques based on voltage measurements. Based on these techniques and performing PMUs optimized allocation it is possible to develop an electric power distribution system fault locator, which provides accurate results. The PMUs allocation problem presents combinatorial features related to devices number that can be allocated, and also probably places for allocation. Tabu search algorithm is the proposed technique to carry out PMUs allocation. This technique applied in a 141 buses real-life distribution urban feeder improved significantly the fault location results. © 2004 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Healthcare, Human Computer Interfaces (HCI), Security and Biometry are the most promising application scenario directly involved in the Body Area Networks (BANs) evolution. Both wearable devices and sensors directly integrated in garments envision a word in which each of us is supervised by an invisible assistant monitoring our health and daily-life activities. New opportunities are enabled because improvements in sensors miniaturization and transmission efficiency of the wireless protocols, that achieved the integration of high computational power aboard independent, energy-autonomous, small form factor devices. Application’s purposes are various: (I) data collection to achieve off-line knowledge discovery; (II) user notification of his/her activities or in case a danger occurs; (III) biofeedback rehabilitation; (IV) remote alarm activation in case the subject need assistance; (V) introduction of a more natural interaction with the surrounding computerized environment; (VI) users identification by physiological or behavioral characteristics. Telemedicine and mHealth [1] are two of the leading concepts directly related to healthcare. The capability to borne unobtrusiveness objects supports users’ autonomy. A new sense of freedom is shown to the user, not only supported by a psychological help but a real safety improvement. Furthermore, medical community aims the introduction of new devices to innovate patient treatments. In particular, the extension of the ambulatory analysis in the real life scenario by proving continuous acquisition. The wide diffusion of emerging wellness portable equipment extended the usability of wearable devices also for fitness and training by monitoring user performance on the working task. The learning of the right execution techniques related to work, sport, music can be supported by an electronic trainer furnishing the adequate aid. HCIs made real the concept of Ubiquitous, Pervasive Computing and Calm Technology introduced in the 1988 by Marc Weiser and John Seeley Brown. They promotes the creation of pervasive environments, enhancing the human experience. Context aware, adaptive and proactive environments serve and help people by becoming sensitive and reactive to their presence, since electronics is ubiquitous and deployed everywhere. In this thesis we pay attention to the integration of all the aspects involved in a BAN development. Starting from the choice of sensors we design the node, configure the radio network, implement real-time data analysis and provide a feedback to the user. We present algorithms to be implemented in wearable assistant for posture and gait analysis and to provide assistance on different walking conditions, preventing falls. Our aim, expressed by the idea to contribute at the development of a non proprietary solutions, driven us to integrate commercial and standard solutions in our devices. We use sensors available on the market and avoided to design specialized sensors in ASIC technologies. We employ standard radio protocol and open source projects when it was achieved. The specific contributions of the PhD research activities are presented and discussed in the following. • We have designed and build several wireless sensor node providing both sensing and actuator capability making the focus on the flexibility, small form factor and low power consumption. The key idea was to develop a simple and general purpose architecture for rapid analysis, prototyping and deployment of BAN solutions. Two different sensing units are integrated: kinematic (3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscopes) and kinetic (foot-floor contact pressure forces). Two kind of feedbacks were implemented: audio and vibrotactile. • Since the system built is a suitable platform for testing and measuring the features and the constraints of a sensor network (radio communication, network protocols, power consumption and autonomy), we made a comparison between Bluetooth and ZigBee performance in terms of throughput and energy efficiency. Test in the field evaluate the usability in the fall detection scenario. • To prove the flexibility of the architecture designed, we have implemented a wearable system for human posture rehabilitation. The application was developed in conjunction with biomedical engineers who provided the audio-algorithms to furnish a biofeedback to the user about his/her stability. • We explored off-line gait analysis of collected data, developing an algorithm to detect foot inclination in the sagittal plane, during walk. • In collaboration with the Wearable Lab – ETH, Zurich, we developed an algorithm to monitor the user during several walking condition where the user carry a load. The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. Chapter I gives an overview about Body Area Networks (BANs), illustrating the relevant features of this technology and the key challenges still open. It concludes with a short list of the real solutions and prototypes proposed by academic research and manufacturers. The domain of the posture and gait analysis, the methodologies, and the technologies used to provide real-time feedback on detected events, are illustrated in Chapter II. The Chapter III and IV, respectively, shown BANs developed with the purpose to detect fall and monitor the gait taking advantage by two inertial measurement unit and baropodometric insoles. Chapter V reports an audio-biofeedback system to improve balance on the information provided by the use centre of mass. A walking assistant based on the KNN classifier to detect walking alteration on load carriage, is described in Chapter VI.


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Tracking activities during daily life and assessing movement parameters is essential for complementing the information gathered in confined environments such as clinical and physical activity laboratories for the assessment of mobility. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are used as to monitor the motion of human movement for prolonged periods of time and without space limitations. The focus in this study was to provide a robust, low-cost and an unobtrusive solution for evaluating human motion using a single IMU. First part of the study focused on monitoring and classification of the daily life activities. A simple method that analyses the variations in signal was developed to distinguish two types of activity intervals: active and inactive. Neural classifier was used to classify active intervals; the angle with respect to gravity was used to classify inactive intervals. Second part of the study focused on extraction of gait parameters using a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) attached to the pelvis. Two complementary methods were proposed for gait parameters estimation. First method was a wavelet based method developed for the estimation of gait events. Second method was developed for estimating step and stride length during level walking using the estimations of the previous method. A special integration algorithm was extended to operate on each gait cycle using a specially designed Kalman filter. The developed methods were also applied on various scenarios. Activity monitoring method was used in a PRIN’07 project to assess the mobility levels of individuals living in a urban area. The same method was applied on volleyball players to analyze the fitness levels of them by monitoring their daily life activities. The methods proposed in these studies provided a simple, unobtrusive and low-cost solution for monitoring and assessing activities outside of controlled environments.


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Despite several clinical tests that have been developed to qualitatively describe complex motor tasks by functional testing, these methods often depend on clinicians' interpretation, experience and training, which make the assessment results inconsistent, without the precision required to objectively assess the effect of the rehabilitative intervention. A more detailed characterization is required to fully capture the various aspects of motor control and performance during complex movements of lower and upper limbs. The need for cost-effective and clinically applicable instrumented tests would enable quantitative assessment of performance on a subject-specific basis, overcoming the limitations due to the lack of objectiveness related to individual judgment, and possibly disclosing subtle alterations that are not clearly visible to the observer. Postural motion measurements at additional locations, such as lower and upper limbs and trunk, may be necessary in order to obtain information about the inter-segmental coordination during different functional tests involved in clinical practice. With these considerations in mind, this Thesis aims: i) to suggest a novel quantitative assessment tool for the kinematics and dynamics evaluation of a multi-link kinematic chain during several functional motor tasks (i.e. squat, sit-to-stand, postural sway), using one single-axis accelerometer per segment, ii) to present a novel quantitative technique for the upper limb joint kinematics estimation, considering a 3-link kinematic chain during the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment and using one inertial measurement unit per segment. The suggested methods could have several positive feedbacks from clinical practice. The use of objective biomechanical measurements, provided by inertial sensor-based technique, may help clinicians to: i) objectively track changes in motor ability, ii) provide timely feedback about the effectiveness of administered rehabilitation interventions, iii) enable intervention strategies to be modified or changed if found to be ineffective, and iv) speed up the experimental sessions when several subjects are asked to perform different functional tests.


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L’analisi del cammino è uno strumento in grado di fornire importanti informazioni sul ciclo del passo; in particolare è fondamentale per migliorare le conoscenze biomeccaniche del cammino, sia normale che patologico, e su come questo viene eseguito dai singoli soggetti. I parametri spazio temporali del passo rappresentano alcuni degli indici più interessanti per caratterizzare il cammino ed il passo nelle sue diverse fasi. Essi permettono infatti il confronto e il riconoscimento di patologie e disturbi dell’andatura. Negli ultimi anni è notevolmente aumentato l’impiego di sensori inerziali (Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU), che comprendono accelerometri, giroscopi e magnetometri. Questi dispositivi, utilizzati singolarmente o insieme, possono essere posizionati direttamente sul corpo dei pazienti e sono in grado fornire, rispettivamente, il segnale di accelerazione, di velocità angolare e del campo magnetico terrestre. A partire da questi segnali, ottenuti direttamente dal sensore, si è quindi cercato di ricavare i parametri caratteristici dell’andatura, per valutare il cammino anche al di fuori dell’ambiente di laboratorio. Vista la loro promettente utilità e la potenziale vasta applicabilità nell’analisi del ciclo del cammino; negli ultimi anni un vasto settore della ricerca scientifica si è dedicata allo sviluppo di algoritmi e metodi per l’estrazione dei parametri spazio temporali a partire da dati misurati mediante sensori inerziali. Data la grande quantità di lavori pubblicati e di studi proposti è emersa la necessità di fare chiarezza, riassumendo e confrontando i metodi conosciuti, valutando le prestazioni degli algoritmi, l’accuratezza dei parametri ricavati, anche in base alla tipologia del sensore e al suo collocamento sull’individuo, e gli eventuali limiti. Lo scopo della presente tesi è quindi l’esecuzione di una revisione sistematica della letteratura riguardante la stima dei parametri spazio temporali mediante sensori inerziali. L’intento è di analizzare le varie tecniche di estrazione dei parametri spazio temporali a partire da dati misurati con sensori inerziali, utilizzate fino ad oggi ed indagate nella letteratura più recente; verrà utilizzato un approccio prettamente metodologico, tralasciando l’aspetto clinico dei risultati.


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L’analisi della postura e del movimento umano costituiscono un settore biomedico in forte espansione e di grande interesse dal punto di vista clinico. La valutazione delle caratteristiche della postura e del movimento, nonché delle loro variazioni rispetto ad una situazione di normalità, possono essere di enorme utilità in campo clinico per la diagnosi di particolari patologie, così come per la pianificazione ed il controllo di specifici trattamenti riabilitativi. In particolare è utile una valutazione quantitativa della postura e del movimento che può essere effettuata solo utilizzando metodologie e tecnologie ‘ad hoc’. Negli ultimi anni la diffusione di sensori MEMS e lo sviluppo di algoritmi di sensor fusion hanno portato questi dispositivi ad entrare nel mondo della Motion Capture. Queste piattaforme multi-sensore, comunemente chiamate IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), possono rappresentare l’elemento base di una rete sensoriale per il monitoraggio del movimento umano.


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Lo studio dello sviluppo delle attività motorie fondamentali (FMS) nei bambini sta acquisendo in questi anni grande importanza, poiché la padronanza di queste ultime sembra essere correlata positivamente sia con la condizione di benessere fisico, sia con il mantenimento di alti livelli di autostima; si ritiene inoltre che possano contribuire al mantenimento di uno stile di vita sano in età adulta. In questo elaborato di tesi viene preso in considerazione un test di riferimento per la valutazione delle FMS, il TMGD – 2. Lo scopo è quello di fornire una valutazione quantitativa delle performance delle FMS, sulla base degli standard proposti dal protocollo TGMD-2, mediante una versione strumentata del test, utilizzando delle Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Questi sensori consentono di superare il limite posto dalla soggettività nella valutazione dell’operatore e permettono di esprimere un giudizio in maniera rapida e automatica. Il TGMD-2 è stato somministrato, in versione strumentata, a 91 soggetti di età compresa tra i 6 e i 10 anni. Sono stati ideati degli algoritmi che, a partire dai segnali di accelerazione e velocità angolare acquisiti mediante le IMU, consentono di conferire una valutazione a ciascuno dei task impartito dal TGMD – 2. Gli algoritmi sono stati validati mediante il confronto fra i risultati ottenuti e i giudizi di un valutatore esperto del TGMD-2, mostrando un alto grado di affinità, in genere tra l’80% e il 90%.


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In questa tesi si è realizzato un nuovo algoritmo di "Landing Detection",il quale utilizza i dati rilevati dall’accelerometro e dal giroscopio, situati all’interno dell’IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), e i segnali PWM inviati ad i motori, rappresentati dai livelli dei canali di radiocomunicazione (RC).


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In the current market system, power systems are operated at higher loads for economic reasons. Power system stability becomes a genuine concern in such operating conditions. In case of failure of any larger component, the system may become stressed. These events may start cascading failures, which may lead to blackouts. One of the main reasons of the major recorded blackout events has been the unavailability of system-wide information. Synchrophasor technology has the capability to provide system-wide real time information. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are the basic building block of this technology, which provide the Global Positioning System (GPS) time-stamped voltage and current phasor values along with the frequency. It is being assumed that synchrophasor data of all the buses is available and thus the whole system is fully observable. This information can be used to initiate islanding or system separation to avoid blackouts. A system separation strategy using synchrophasor data has been developed to answer the three main aspects of system separation: (1) When to separate: One class support machines (OC-SVM) is primarily used for the anomaly detection. Here OC-SVM was used to detect wide area instability. OC-SVM has been tested on different stable and unstable cases and it is found that OC-SVM has the capability to detect the wide area instability and thus is capable to answer the question of “when the system should be separated”. (2) Where to separate: The agglomerative clustering technique was used to find the groups of coherent buses. The lines connecting different groups of coherent buses form the separation surface. The rate of change of the bus voltage phase angles has been used as the input to this technique. This technique has the potential to exactly identify the lines to be tripped for the system separation. (3) What to do after separation: Load shedding was performed approximately equal to the sum of power flows along the candidate system separation lines should be initiated before tripping these lines. Therefore it is recommended that load shedding should be initiated before tripping the lines for system separation.


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The localization of persons in indoor environments is nowadays an open problem. There are partial solutions based on the deployment of a network of sensors (Local Positioning Systems or LPS). Other solutions only require the installation of an inertial sensor on the person’s body (Pedestrian Dead-Reckoning or PDR). PDR solutions integrate the signals coming from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), which usually contains 3 accelerometers and 3 gyroscopes. The main problem of PDR is the accumulation of positioning errors due to the drift caused by the noise in the sensors. This paper presents a PDR solution that incorporates a drift correction method based on detecting the access ramps usually found in buildings. The ramp correction method is implemented over a PDR framework that uses an Inertial Navigation algorithm (INS) and an IMU attached to the person’s foot. Unlike other approaches that use external sensors to correct the drift error, we only use one IMU on the foot. To detect a ramp, the slope of the terrain on which the user is walking, and the change in height sensed when moving forward, are estimated from the IMU. After detection, the ramp is checked for association with one of the existing in a database. For each associated ramp, a position correction is fed into the Kalman Filter in order to refine the INS-PDR solution. Drift-free localization is achieved with positioning errors below 2 meters for 1,000-meter-long routes in a building with a few ramps.


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There is clear evidence that investment in intelligent transportation system technologies brings major social and economic benefits. Technological advances in the area of automatic systems in particular are becoming vital for the reduction of road deaths. We here describe our approach to automation of one the riskiest autonomous manœuvres involving vehicles – overtaking. The approach is based on a stereo vision system responsible for detecting any preceding vehicle and triggering the autonomous overtaking manœuvre. To this end, a fuzzy-logic based controller was developed to emulate how humans overtake. Its input is information from the vision system and from a positioning-based system consisting of a differential global positioning system (DGPS) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Its output is the generation of action on the vehicle’s actuators, i.e., the steering wheel and throttle and brake pedals. The system has been incorporated into a commercial Citroën car and tested on the private driving circuit at the facilities of our research center, CAR, with different preceding vehicles – a motorbike, car, and truck – with encouraging results.


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The main problem of pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR) using only a body-attached inertial measurement unit is the accumulation of heading errors. The heading provided by magnetometers in indoor buildings is in general not reliable and therefore it is commonly not used. Recently, a new method was proposed called heuristic drift elimination (HDE) that minimises the heading error when navigating in buildings. It assumes that the majority of buildings have their corridors parallel to each other, or they intersect at right angles, and consequently most of the time the person walks along a straight path with a heading constrained to one of the four possible directions. In this article we study the performance of HDE-based methods in complex buildings, i.e. with pathways also oriented at 45°, long curved corridors, and wide areas where non-oriented motion is possible. We explain how the performance of the original HDE method can be deteriorated in complex buildings, and also, how severe errors can appear in the case of false matches with the building's dominant directions. Although magnetic compassing indoors has a chaotic behaviour, in this article we analyse large data-sets in order to study the potential use that magnetic compassing has to estimate the absolute yaw angle of a walking person. Apart from these analysis, this article also proposes an improved HDE method called Magnetically-aided Improved Heuristic Drift Elimination (MiHDE), that is implemented over a PDR framework that uses foot-mounted inertial navigation with an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The EKF is fed with the MiHDE-estimated orientation error, gyro bias corrections, as well as the confidence over that corrections. We experimentally evaluated the performance of the proposed MiHDE-based PDR method, comparing it with the original HDE implementation. Results show that both methods perform very well in ideal orthogonal narrow-corridor buildings, and MiHDE outperforms HDE for non-ideal trajectories (e.g. curved paths) and also makes it robust against potential false dominant direction matchings.


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Hoy en día, el desarrollo tecnológico en el campo de los sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS por sus siglas en inglés) ha permitido dotar a los vehículos con diversos sistemas de ayuda a la conducción (ADAS, del inglés advanced driver assistance system), mejorando la experiencia y seguridad de los pasajeros, en especial del conductor. La mayor parte de estos sistemas están pensados para advertir al conductor sobre ciertas situaciones de riesgo, como la salida involuntaria del carril o la proximidad de obstáculos en el camino. No obstante, también podemos encontrar sistemas que van un paso más allá y son capaces de cooperar con el conductor en el control del vehículo o incluso relegarlos de algunas tareas tediosas. Es en este último grupo donde se encuentran los sistemas de control electrónico de estabilidad (ESP - Electronic Stability Program), el antibloqueo de frenos (ABS - Anti-lock Braking System), el control de crucero (CC - Cruise Control) y los más recientes sistemas de aparcamiento asistido. Continuando con esta línea de desarrollo, el paso siguiente consiste en la supresión del conductor humano, desarrollando sistemas que sean capaces de conducir un vehículo de forma autónoma y con un rendimiento superior al del conductor. En este trabajo se presenta, en primer lugar, una arquitectura de control para la automatización de vehículos. Esta se compone de distintos componentes de hardware y software, agrupados de acuerdo a su función principal. El diseño de la arquitectura parte del trabajo previo desarrollado por el Programa AUTOPIA, aunque introduce notables aportaciones en cuanto a la eficiencia, robustez y escalabilidad del sistema. Ahondando un poco más en detalle, debemos resaltar el desarrollo de un algoritmo de localización basado en enjambres de partículas. Este está planteado como un método de filtrado y fusión de la información obtenida a partir de los distintos sensores embarcados en el vehículo, entre los que encontramos un receptor GPS (Global Positioning System), unidades de medición inercial (IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit) e información tomada directamente de los sensores embarcados por el fabricante, como la velocidad de las ruedas y posición del volante. Gracias a este método se ha conseguido resolver el problema de la localización, indispensable para el desarrollo de sistemas de conducción autónoma. Continuando con el trabajo de investigación, se ha estudiado la viabilidad de la aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje y adaptación al diseño de controladores para el vehículo. Como punto de partida se emplea el método de Q-learning para la generación de un controlador borroso lateral sin ningún tipo de conocimiento previo. Posteriormente se presenta un método de ajuste on-line para la adaptación del control longitudinal ante perturbaciones impredecibles del entorno, como lo son los cambios en la inclinación del camino, fricción de las ruedas o peso de los ocupantes. Para finalizar, se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante un experimento de conducción autónoma en carreteras reales, el cual se llevó a cabo en el mes de Junio de 2012 desde la población de San Lorenzo de El Escorial hasta las instalaciones del Centro de Automática y Robótica (CAR) en Arganda del Rey. El principal objetivo tras esta demostración fue validar el funcionamiento, robustez y capacidad de la arquitectura propuesta para afrontar el problema de la conducción autónoma, bajo condiciones mucho más reales a las que se pueden alcanzar en las instalaciones de prueba. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the technological advances in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) field have led the development of several driving assistance systems (ADAS). These solutions are designed to improve the experience and security of all the passengers, especially the driver. For most of these systems, the main goal is to warn drivers about unexpected circumstances leading to risk situations such as involuntary lane departure or proximity to other vehicles. However, other ADAS go a step further, being able to cooperate with the driver in the control of the vehicle, or even overriding it on some tasks. Examples of this kind of systems are the anti-lock braking system (ABS), cruise control (CC) and the recently commercialised assisted parking systems. Within this research line, the next step is the development of systems able to replace the human drivers, improving the control and therefore, the safety and reliability of the vehicles. First of all, this dissertation presents a control architecture design for autonomous driving. It is made up of several hardware and software components, grouped according to their main function. The design of this architecture is based on the previous works carried out by the AUTOPIA Program, although notable improvements have been made regarding the efficiency, robustness and scalability of the system. It is also remarkable the work made on the development of a location algorithm for vehicles. The proposal is based on the emulation of the behaviour of biological swarms and its performance is similar to the well-known particle filters. The developed method combines information obtained from different sensors, including GPS, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and data from the original vehicle’s sensors on-board. Through this filtering algorithm the localization problem is properly managed, which is critical for the development of autonomous driving systems. The work deals also with the fuzzy control tuning system, a very time consuming task when done manually. An analysis of learning and adaptation techniques for the development of different controllers has been made. First, the Q-learning –a reinforcement learning method– has been applied to the generation of a lateral fuzzy controller from scratch. Subsequently, the development of an adaptation method for longitudinal control is presented. With this proposal, a final cruise control controller is able to deal with unpredictable environment disturbances, such as road slope, wheel’s friction or even occupants’ weight. As a testbed for the system, an autonomous driving experiment on real roads is presented. This experiment was carried out on June 2012, driving from San Lorenzo de El Escorial up to the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR) facilities in Arganda del Rey. The main goal of the demonstration was validating the performance, robustness and viability of the proposed architecture to deal with the problem of autonomous driving under more demanding conditions than those achieved on closed test tracks.