978 resultados para personal responsibility


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The literature acknowledges a distinction between immoral, amoral and moral management (Carroll, 1987; Crane 2000). This paper makes a case for the manager as a moral agent, even though the paper begins by highlighting a body of evidence which suggests that individual moral agency is sacrificed at work and is compromised in deference to other pressures. This leads to a discussion of the notion of managerial discretion and an examination of a separate, contrary body of literature which indicates that some managers in corporations may use their discretion to behave in a socially entrepreneurial manner. The underlying assumption of the study is that CSR isn’t solely driven by economics and that it may also be championed as a result of a personal morality, inspired by an individual’s own socially oriented personal values. A conceptual framework is put forward and it is suggested that individuals may be categorized as Active or Frustrated Corporate Social Entrepreneurs; Conformists or Apathetics: distinguished by individualistic or collectivist personal values. In a discussion of the nature of values, this paper highlights how values may act as drivers of our behavior and pays particular attention to the values of the entrepreneur, thereby linking the existing debate on moral agency with the field of corporate social responsibility.


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The literature acknowledges a distinction between immoral, amoral and moral management. This paper makes a case for the employee (at any level) as a moral agent, even though the paper begins by highlighting a body of evidence which suggests that individual moral agency is sacrificed at work and is compromised in deference to other pressures. This leads to a discussion about the notion of discretion and an examination of a separate, contrary body of literature which indicates that some individuals in corporations may use their discretion to behave in a socially entrepreneurial manner. My underlying assumption is that CSR isn’t solely driven by economics and that it may also be championed as a result of a personal morality, inspired by employees’ own socially oriented personal values. A conceptual framework is put forward and it is suggested that individuals may be categorized as Active or Frustrated Corporate Social Entrepreneurs; Conformists or Apathetics, distinguished by their individualistic or collectivist personal values. In a discussion of the nature of values, this paper highlights how values may act as drivers of our behavior and pays particular attention to the values of the entrepreneur, thereby linking the existing debate on moral agency with the field of corporate social responsibility.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a multi-disciplinary subject and definitions vary with regard to the perceived scope or boundaries of the corporation’s responsibility. In this paper, corporate motives for CSR are explored, along with the notion of an altruistic ethical impulse among business leaders or managers, perhaps motivated by religious beliefs. It is suggested that the formal adoption of CSR by corporations could be associated with the changing personal values of managers and that there may be an association between different industries, the personal values of the managers who work in them and their commitment to CSR. This paper is preparatory to an empirical investigation that will address how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is interpreted and institutionalised by organisations, including an analysis of firms’ perceptions of the boundaries regarding where and to whom their corporate social responsibilities lie.


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Tanulmányunkban a European Values Study adatai alapján megvizsgáljuk, miben tér el Európában a vállalkozók értékrendje más társadalmi csoportokétól, különös tekintettel az egyéni és a kormányzati felelősségvállalás megítélésére. Kísérletet teszünk a vállalkozói értékrend különböző szintjei – személyes, társadalmi és kormányzattal kapcsolatos értékrend – közötti összefüggések feltárására. Összehasonlítjuk, mennyire jellemzi a vállalkozói értékrend az egyes európai országok lakosságát, kiemelt figyelmet fordítva Magyarországra. Egy hazai vállalkozói adatbázis alapján megvizsgáljuk, hogy a magyar vállalkozók értékrendje eltér-e az európai átlagtól, továbbá milyen törésvonalak húzódnak a vállalkozói populáción belül az értékrend szempontjából. _____ Data from the European Values Study are used to examine what sets apart the normative views of entrepreneurs from those of other social groups in Europe about individual and state responsibility. Different levels of an individual’s value system are distinguished: personal, social and state-related values are differentiated. The interrelationships among these levels are explored. Using multivariate statistical analysis, we examine the prevalence of ‘entrepreneurial’ views in European countries, especially in Hungary. Relying on data from a survey of 300 Hungarian small entrepreneurs, we explore if their value system differs from the average value system of European entrepreneurs. Finally, we examine the factors social and economic factors that influence entrepreneurs’ views on personal and state responsibility.


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This research explores the school constructs of children described as anxious. Little research exists that looks at understanding children’s school-related anxiety through the lens of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP). This qualitative research design includes semi-structured interviews that followed a PCP theoretical framework. The interviews were carried out with five children aged between 7 and 11, who attended state schools in Malta, and who were experiencing school-related anxiety. Participants were asked to comment and produce drawings about the kind of school they would like to attend (their ideal school), and the kind of school they would not like to attend. The children’s constructs were organised according to whether they related to adults in school, their peers, the school and classroom environment, and the participants themselves in each of these two imaginary schools. Participants were also asked to think of how the school they currently attend can become more like their ideal school. Findings indicate the importance of relationships between teachers and pupils, relationships amongst pupils themselves, a positive learning environment within the classroom and the belongingness to a common value system and school ethos to which anxious children can relate. This research aims to shed light on the responsibility of professionals working with children with school-related anxiety to look beyond within-child factors and understand possible stressors in the child’s environment as potentially contributing to heightening their anxiety.


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Antecedentes. La ejecución de las Normas de Bioseguridad, es una responsabilidad de la institución donde se incluye a todos los funcionarios. En el servicio de partos existen elementos nocivos o potencialmente peligrosos, como los productos biológicos provenientes de los pacientes y los reactivos químicos de diferente naturaleza. Es necesario reconocer estos peligros para establecer y aplicar medidas de prevención y seguridad (1). Objetivo: Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del personal médico y de enfermería en la sala de partos del hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, en la aplicación de las normas de bioseguridad en la atención del recién nacido, Cuenca 2015. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo - descriptivo, la muestra estaba constituida por 50 profesionales de la sala de partos del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Las técnicas de investigación fueron la encuesta, la observación y la revisión bibliográfica, los instrumentos utilizados fueron ficha de registro, y la encuesta. Los resultados fueron analizados en tablas simples y de contingencia mediante los programas de Word. Excel y SPSS versión 21. Resultados: el 98% del personal desecha correctamente el material corto punzantes, el 86% del personal siempre lava sus manos antes y después de atender a la madre. Conclusiones: Al finalizar podemos decir que el 98% de los profesionales conoce lo que es bioseguridad, pero el 80% de los profesionales no aplica estas normas en el servicio. Para mejorar esto se debe elaborar y mejorar estrategias de capacitación.


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Enhancing the educational experience and social connectedness for international students is the responsibility of different involved parties among whom international students themselves and host institutions play a key role. However, the question of how the condition of cross-border mobility has shaped and re-shaped international students’ responsibility towards the home and host country and other social relationships that have been formed via their mobility experiences is often neglected. This paper examines the social nature of international students’ responsibility. It is derived from a research project funded by the Australian Research Council that includes fieldwork and semi-structured interviews with 155 staff and international students from 25 institutions in Australia over 4 years. Using positioning theory as a conceptual framework, the study shows that it is important to take into account the tangible aspects of transnational mobility in understanding international student responsibility rather than merely locating their responsibility in simple cultural, personal or institutional parameters. The study suggests the important roles of host institutions and community in creating conducive conditions and opportunities for international students to exercise responsibility as social members and intercultural learners. Enhancing student social responsibility and capacity for enacting responsibility is essential for nurturing meaningful transnational citizenship.


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The purpose of this project was to investigate student learning in the areas of earth science and environmental responsibility using the subject of coal fires. Eastern Kentucky, where this study was performed, has several coal fires burning that affect the local air quality and may also affect the health of people living near them. This study was conducted during the regular education of 9th grade Earth Science classroom in Russell Independent Schools, located in Russell, Kentucky. Students conducted internet research, read current articles on the subject of coal fire emissions and effect on local ecology, and demonstrated what they learned through summative assessments. There were several aspects of coalmines and coal fires that students studied. Students were able to take this knowledge and information and use it as a learning tool to gain a better understanding of their own environment. Using the local history and geology of coalmines, along with the long tradition of mine production, was a very beneficial starting point, allowing students to learn about environmental impact, stewardship of their local environment, and methods of preserving and protecting the ecosystem.


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Nacional e internacionalmente, la sostenibilidad se ha convertido en el punto clave de las grandes organizaciones, sus actividades y los participantes que se encuentran involucrados. Una empresa es sostenible cuando ha encontrado el equilibrio entre el aspecto económico, social y ambiental, logrando sin lugar a dudas éxito y perdurabilidad en el entorno al que pertenece. Es por esto que el principal objetivo de este proyecto es el diseño e implementación de estrategias de sensibilización en valores corporativos para el personal administrativo de OMA, el cual se enfoca en la creación y desarrollo de actividades que permitan la concientización y cambios en el comportamiento ambiental de los colaboradores de la compañía. A partir de múltiples herramientas como conceptos básicos, normatividad y actividades dinámicas se logró informar y capacitar a los colaboradores de la compañía en temas como la importancia del desarrollo sostenible, política ambiental y prácticas ambientales adecuadas dentro del entorno laboral y sus hogares.


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El ejercicio de labores asistenciales en el personal de la salud, las largas horas de trabajo y la responsabilidad en la ejecución de sus tareas, llevan consigo la exposición a riesgos psicosociales; que de no ser debidamente controlados pueden llevar al individuo a generar respuestas inadecuadas a nivel cognitivo, emocional e intelectual, las cuales se manifiestan en algunos casos con la aparición de sintomatología osteomuscular y/o asociada al estrés. OBJETIVO Identificar la relación entre las demandas de la tarea, el control sobre las mismas y la presencia e intensidad de síntomas de estrés y osteo-musculares en médicos, especialistas y personal de enfermería de una institución hospitalaria de IV nivel en Bogotá. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal en una muestra de 100 profesionales de la salud. Se utilizaron tres instrumentos: cuestionario Nórdico para la detección y análisis de síntomas músculo esqueléticos, cuestionario Karasek para identificar la percepción del trabajo y la relación del entorno profesional y el cuestionario de Estrés del Ministerio de la Protección Social validado para la población colombiana. Se obtuvo previa autorización del Comité de Investigaciones y Comité de Ética del Hospital. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el IBM SPSS Statistics versión 2.0 Resultados Se observó que los síntomas osteomusculares con mayor prevalencia estuvieron relacionados con afectaciones en espalda 43% y cuello 36%; no se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los distintos profesionales. En cuanto a presencia de sintomatología asociada al estrés, la mayor prevalencia se presentó en síntomas osteomusculares en cuello y espalda en el 84% de los casos, dolor de cabeza en el 74%, trastornos del sueño y cansancio en el 64% y percepción de sobrecarga laboral en el 63%. Para el análisis de prevalencia de los factores psicosociales laborales se utilizó la clasificación de la combinación de altas o bajas demandas y alto o bajo control, el resultado de estos teniendo en cuenta el modelo Demanda-control fue la siguiente: trabajo de alta tensión 34%; trabajo activo 40%; trabajo aburrido 13% y trabajo pasivo 13%. Se encontró una asociación entre la sintomatología y las variables toma de decisiones en médicos especialistas (OR 3,12; IC 95%: 2,80 – 3,49) lo que ratifica que este tipo de profesional tiene una mayor libertad para generar decisiones en su actuar médico y control sobre la tarea para especialistas (OR 3,23; IC 95%: 2,82 – 3,70) y enfermeros jefes (OR 3,36; IC 95%: 2,91 – 3,89); lo que permite inferir que cada uno de estos profesionales posee las herramientas para asumir las exigencias y dar respuesta a los distintos aspectos que están ligados a la tarea. Conclusiones: La presencia de síntomas osteo musculares en zonas como cuello y espalda son propios de la actividad del personal de la salud y se asocia a las posturas inadecuadas y el puesto de trabajo, así como al estrés. En cuanto a la sintomatología asociada al estrés se ratifica la presencia de sintomatología osteo muscular (cuello y espalda), como manifestaciones asociadas al cansancio, trastornos del sueño, sobrecarga laboral, dolor de cabeza y en menor porcentaje dificultades para relacionarse con otros. Respecto a los factores de riesgo psicosocial, se observó que el trabajo activo es la condición predominante en el personal de la salud, pero se observa además que un porcentaje importante experimenta episodios de tensión laboral, asociados a condiciones propias de las demandas psicológicas y el control sobre la tarea. Por lo anterior, se deben establecer acciones encaminadas a favorecer espacios saludables, y programas tendientes a la mejora de las condiciones de tal manera que disminuya la presencia de sintomatología osteomuscular y/o sintomatología derivada del estrés.


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In 2001 the International Law Commission finally adopted on second reading the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts with commentaries, bringing to an end nearly 50 years of ILC work on the subject. This article reviews the final group of changes to the text, focusing on the definitions of ‘injury’ and ‘damage’, assurances of non‐repetition in the light of the LaGrand case, procedural aspects of countermeasures and the controversy over measures taken in response to a breach by states which are not individually injured. The focus of debate now turns to the UNGA Sixth Committee, which will have to decide what to make of the Draft Articles. The ILC itself recommended an initial resolution taking note of the Articles, with subsequent consideration (after a period of years) of a possible diplomatic conference with a view to concluding a convention. This modest proposal allows for further reflection on the text and may help to avoid possibly divisive and inconclusive debate in the Sixth Committee. At the same time it allows time for better understanding of the many changes made as compared with the first reading text (1996).


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