250 resultados para permutation


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西南地区在我国的经济发展和生态环境建设中占重要地位,但也是我国生态环境最脆弱的地区之一,生态系统退化,生态功能减弱,严重制约着西南林业的可持续经营与发展。本项目采用DNA 分子标记SSR 研究不同生境条件下粗枝云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示粗枝云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。粗枝云杉适应性强,生长迅速,在植树造林和工业用材方面占有重要地位,研究成果可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. SSR 位点变异丰富,等位基因频率的分布格局多样。7 个SSR 标记全是多态位点,每位点的等位基因数变化范围为13~24,平均为19.9 个。SSR 位点的等位基因片段长度范围变化较大。73.1%的等位基因变异遵循逐步突变模型(SSM)而发生1 个重复基元的变化,22.3%和4.6%的变异分别按两阶段突变模型(TMP)发生1 个重复基元以上的变化和在SSR 位点侧翼区发生1 个碱基变化的插入-删除事件。 2. 粗枝云杉拥有中等偏高水平的遗传多样性和相对大的群体间遗传分化。通过分析代表10 个群体的250 个个体在7 个SSR位点的变化,调查了源自中国西南山区的粗枝云杉的微卫星变异。相当高的遗传多样性和强烈的群体分化发生在粗枝云杉中, 其群体平均Nei's 期望杂合度为0.707 , 群体间遗传距离为0.121~0.224(FST)和0.100~0.537(RST)。然而,群体间遗传距离与地理距离之间无相关性,从而排除了简单的距离分离模式并暗示迁移不是影响粗枝云杉遗传变异格局的主要因素。事实上,使用私有等位基因估算的基因流数量非常低,仅等于0.753。等位基因置换检验(Allele permutation tests)揭示逐步突变及遗传漂变都对群体间分化有贡献。另外,在多数位点检测到显著的群体间遗传差异,这个结果说明自然选择,假设通过环境压力,是引起粗枝云杉微地理分化的主要因素之一。根据SSR基因型,250 个粗枝云杉个体的70%被正确地归类入其各自的来源群体,结果表明微卫星(SSR)对区分来自中国不同生态地理位点的粗枝云杉基因型是有效的。 3. 在SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 位点,显著的群体间遗传结构被发现的,但三种标记间遗传分化程度和群体遗传关系有差异。利用来自10 个群体的247 个个体,我们报告了关于样本粗枝云杉群体间遗传关系的总体看法。根据各自对评价遗传关系的信息能力和适用性,SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记被选用,三种技术非常有效地区别这些基因型。使用的SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记分别估计平均Dice 相似性系数。Mantel 检验产生显著但相对低的共表型适合度(RAPD = 0.63£AFLP = 0.60和SSR = 0.75)。比较三种标记系统,RAPD 和AFLP 共表型指数相对高地相关(r =0.59),而RAPD 和SSR 及SSR 和AFLP 之间的相关系数分别是0.53 和0.35。所有系统树,包括不同标记资料结合获得的系统树,反映了多数群体依据它们的地理条件而成某种特定关系。结果暗示单个或结合标记系统能用来深入洞察粗枝云杉遗传研究,并且不同标记系统合并资料能提供更可靠的信息。 Southwestern region plays an important role in economic developmentand ecological construction in China. Yet, it is also one of the weak regionsof ecological environment in China with degraded ecosystem and imperfectfunction, which restricts the sustaining management and development ofsouthwestern forestry. The genetic variation and spatial distribution patternof P. asperata populations originating from different habitats wereinvestigated using SSR molecular markers in this study. The correlationsbetween genetic variation and ecological and environmental conditionswere detected, and the interaction between P. asperata populations andenvironmental system and the mechanism of ecological adaption -molecular evolution were revealed. Given the significant ecological andeconomic roles of the fast-growing and wide-adaptive species in reforestation and production of pulp wood and timber, the study couldprovide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for thesustaining management of subalpine natural forest, and the afforestationand rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The genetic variation at SSR loci was abundant and the distributionof allelic frequencies was uneven. All seven loci were polymorphic, and thenumber of alleles per locus varied from 13 to 24 with a mean valueequaling 19.9. The allele sizes at SSR loci were found to vary widely.73.1% of allelic variation followed stepwise mutation model (SSM) whichresults increase or decrease by one repeat type, and 22.3% and 4.6% wereresulted from two-phase mutation model (TMP) with allele size varying bymore than one repeat type and from insertion-deletion events in theflanking regions at SSR loci with a single basepair changing, respectively. 2. P. asperata possessed a moderate to high level of genetic diversityand considerable genetic differentiation. Microsatellite variation of P.asperata. originating from the mountains of southwestern China wasinvestigated by analyzing variation at seven SSR loci in 250 individualsrepresenting ten populations. A fair degree of genetic diversity and strongpopulation subdivision occurred with the mean gene diversity (H) of 0.707,and genetic distances among populations varying between 0.121 and 0.224(FST) and between 0.100 and 0.537 (RST). However, inter-populationgenetic distances showed no correlation with geographic distances between the population sites. This ruled out a simple isolation by distance modeland suggested that migration does not have a great impact. In fact, theamount of gene flow, detected using private alleles, was very low, equalingonly 0.753. Allele permutation tests revealed that stepwise-like mutations,coupled with genetic drift, could contribute to population differentiation.Moreover, significant genetic differences between populations weredetected at most loci. The results indicate that natural selection, presumablythrough environmental stress, may be one of the main factors causingmicro-geographical differentiation in the genetic structure of P. asperata.Based on SSR genotypes, 70% of the 250 individuals were correctlyclassified into their sites of origin. This suggests that microsatellites (SSRs) are effective in distinguishing genotypes of P. asperata originating fromdiverse eco-geographical sites in China. 3. Using a set of 247 individuals from ten P. asperata populations wereport an overview on the genetic relationship among the sampled P.asperata populations. RAPD, AFLP and SSR were used in terms of theirinformativeness and applicability for evaluate relationship and all threetechniques discriminated the genotypes very effectively. Mean Dicesimilarities coefficient were estimated using RAPD, AFLP and SSR,respectively. The Mantel test resulted in a significant but relatively low fit(RAPD = 0.63, AFLP = 0.60 and SSR = 0.75) of cophenetic values.Comparing the three marker systems to each other, RAPD and AFLP cophenetic indices were highly correlated (r = 0.59), while correlationcoefficient between RAPD and SSR was r = 0.53 and between SSR andAFLP was r = 0.35. For all markers a relatively high similarity indendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences wereobserved. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combineduse of all the marker data, reflect some relationships for most of thepopulations according to their geographic conditions. The results indicatethat single or combined marker system could be used to insight into geneticstudy in P. asperata and the combined data of different marker systems canprovide more reliable information.


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Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed. The results of canonical correspondence analysis show that summer sea-surface salinity (SSS) is highly positively correlated with winter SSS and so is summer sea-surface temperature (SST) with winter SST. The correlations between SSSs and SSTs are less positively correlated, which may be due to interactions of regional current pattern and monsoon climate. The correlations between diatom species, sample sites and environmental variables concur with known diatom ecology and regional oceanographic characters. The results of forward selection of the environmental variables and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests of the statistical significance of each variable suggest that summer SSS and winter SST are the main environmental factors affecting the diatom distribution in the area and therefore preserved diatom data from down core could be used for reconstructions of summer SSS and winter SST in the region.


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We constructed genetic linkage maps for the bay scallop Argopecten irradians using AFLP and microsatellite markers and conducted composite interval mapping (CIM) of body-size-related traits. Three hundred seventeen AFLP and 10 microsatellite markers were used for map construction. The female parent map contained 120 markers in 15 linkage groups, spanning 479.6 cM with an average interval of 7.0 cM. The male parent map had 190 markers in 17 linkage groups, covering 883.8 cM at 7.2 cM per marker. The observed coverage was 70.4% for the female and 81.1% for the male map. Markers that were distorted toward the same direction were closely linked to each other on the genetic maps, suggesting the presence of genes important for survival. Six size-related traits, shell length, shell height, shell width, total weight, soft tissue weight, and shell weight, were measured for QTL mapping. The size data were significantly correlated with each other. We subjected the data, log transformed firstly, to a principle component analysis and use the first principle component for QTL mapping. CIM analysis revealed one significant QTL (LOD=2.69, 1000 permutation, P<0.05) in linkage group 3 on the female parent map. The mapping of size-related QTL in this study raises the possibility of improving the growth of bay scallops through marker-assisted selection. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We propose a new approach to the fermion sign problem in systems where there is a coupling U such that when it is infinite the fermions are paired into bosons, and there is no fermion permutation sign to worry about. We argue that as U becomes finite, fermions are liberated but are naturally confined to regions which we refer to as fermion bags. The fermion sign problem is then confined to these bags and may be solved using the determinantal trick. In the parameter regime where the fermion bags are small and their typical size does not grow with the system size, construction of Monte Carlo methods that are far more efficient than conventional algorithms should be possible. In the region where the fermion bags grow with system size, the fermion bag approach continues to provide an alternative approach to the problem but may lose its main advantage in terms of efficiency. The fermion bag approach also provides new insights and solutions to sign problems. A natural solution to the "silver blaze problem" also emerges. Using the three-dimensional massless lattice Thirring model as an example, we introduce the fermion bag approach and demonstrate some of these features. We compute the critical exponents at the quantum phase transition and find ν=0.87(2) and η=0.62(2). © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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BACKGROUND: Many analyses of microarray association studies involve permutation, bootstrap resampling and cross-validation, that are ideally formulated as embarrassingly parallel computing problems. Given that these analyses are computationally intensive, scalable approaches that can take advantage of multi-core processor systems need to be developed. RESULTS: We have developed a CUDA based implementation, permGPU, that employs graphics processing units in microarray association studies. We illustrate the performance and applicability of permGPU within the context of permutation resampling for a number of test statistics. An extensive simulation study demonstrates a dramatic increase in performance when using permGPU on an NVIDIA GTX 280 card compared to an optimized C/C++ solution running on a conventional Linux server. CONCLUSIONS: permGPU is available as an open-source stand-alone application and as an extension package for the R statistical environment. It provides a dramatic increase in performance for permutation resampling analysis in the context of microarray association studies. The current version offers six test statistics for carrying out permutation resampling analyses for binary, quantitative and censored time-to-event traits.


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MOTIVATION: Technological advances that allow routine identification of high-dimensional risk factors have led to high demand for statistical techniques that enable full utilization of these rich sources of information for genetics studies. Variable selection for censored outcome data as well as control of false discoveries (i.e. inclusion of irrelevant variables) in the presence of high-dimensional predictors present serious challenges. This article develops a computationally feasible method based on boosting and stability selection. Specifically, we modified the component-wise gradient boosting to improve the computational feasibility and introduced random permutation in stability selection for controlling false discoveries. RESULTS: We have proposed a high-dimensional variable selection method by incorporating stability selection to control false discovery. Comparisons between the proposed method and the commonly used univariate and Lasso approaches for variable selection reveal that the proposed method yields fewer false discoveries. The proposed method is applied to study the associations of 2339 common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with overall survival among cutaneous melanoma (CM) patients. The results have confirmed that BRCA2 pathway SNPs are likely to be associated with overall survival, as reported by previous literature. Moreover, we have identified several new Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway SNPs that are likely to modulate survival of CM patients. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The related source code and documents are freely available at https://sites.google.com/site/bestumich/issues. CONTACT: yili@umich.edu.


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We study the special case of the m machine flow shop problem in which the processing time of each operation of job j is equal to pj; this variant of the flow shop problem is known as the proportionate flow shop problem. We show that for any number of machines and for any regular performance criterion we can restrict our search for an optimal schedule to permutation schedules. Moreover, we show that the problem of minimizing total weighted completion time is solvable in O(n2) time. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of providing flexibility to solutions of two-machine shop scheduling problems. We use the concept of group-scheduling to characterize a whole set of schedules so as to provide more choice to the decision-maker at any decision point. A group-schedule is a sequence of groups of permutable operations defined on each machine where each group is such that any permutation of the operations inside the group leads to a feasible schedule. Flexibility of a solution and its makespan are often conflicting, thus we search for a compromise between a low number of groups and a small value of makespan. We resolve the complexity status of the relevant problems for the two-machine flow shop, job shop and open shop. A number of approximation algorithms are developed and their worst-case performance is analyzed. For the flow shop, an effective heuristic algorithm is proposed and the results of computational experiments are reported.


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In this paper we provide a fairly complete complexity classification of various versions of the two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan in which some of the jobs have to be processed with no-wait in process. For some version, we offer a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme and a 43-approximation algorithm.


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This investigation examined whether pigs form long-term preferential associations or ‘friendships’ and factors that may influence the formation of these relationships. Thirty-three pigs from 16 litters were housed together from 4 weeks of age. At 10 weeks they were split into two groups of 16 and 17 pigs and each introduced into 3.05 m × 3.66 m observation pens (1st pen). At 17 weeks the two groups swapped pens (2nd pen). The lying patterns of each group were recorded over 3 weeks in both the 1st and 2nd pens. To identify dyads with preferential associations, association indices were calculated for each pair based on their lying patterns and analysed using SOCPROG1.3 and the permutation method [Whitehead, H., 1999. Programs for analysing social structure. SOCPROG 1.2, http://is.dal.cal/~whitelab/index.htm]. Dyads with high association indices for at least 2 out of 3 weeks in either pen, i.e. =0.10 (twice the mean), were classed as having preferential associations. Mantel tests were used to examine the relationship between the relative sex, weight, familiarity and relatedness of a dyad and their level of association and to examine consistency of associations between pens. The existence of preferential associations was identified in both groups, since the standard deviations for the observed half-weight association index means were significantly higher than for the randomly permuted half-weight association index means (P < 0.001). Of the 33 pigs observed, 32 formed preferential associations with one or more pigs in their group, resulting in 50 dyads. Only six dyads (12 pigs) formed preferential associations in both pens, suggesting that the remaining dyads either formed short-term associations only or were simply displaying a shared preference for the same lying location. Levels of association between pens showed no significant correlation. The relative sex, weight, familiarity and relatedness of dyad members also showed no significant correlation with their level of association. These findings suggest that unrelated pigs are capable of forming preferential associations. However, it is unclear whether such associations are widespread or important to pigs, since most dyads’ preferential associations were not consistent between pens.


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We present nine newly observed transits of TrES-3, taken as part of a transit timing program using the RISE instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. A Markov-Chain Monte Carlo analysis was used to determine the planet star radius ratio and inclination of the system, which were found to be R-p/R-star = 0.1664(-0.0018)(+0.0011) and i = 81.73(-0.04)(+0.13), respectively, consistent with previous results. The central transit times and uncertainties were also calculated, using a residual-permutation algorithm as an independent check on the errors. A re-analysis of eight previously published TrES-3 light curves was conducted to determine the transit times and uncertainties using consistent techniques. Whilst the transit times were not found to be in agreement with a linear ephemeris, giving chi(2) = 35.07 for 15 degrees of freedom, we interpret this to be the result of systematics in the light curves rather than a real transit timing variation. This is because the light curves that show the largest deviation from a constant period either have relatively little out-of-transit coverage or have clear systematics. A new ephemeris was calculated using the transit times and was found to be T-c(0) = 2454632.62610 +/- 0.00006 HJD and P = 1.3061864 +/- 0.0000005 days. The transit times were then used to place upper mass limits as a function of the period ratio of a potential perturbing planet, showing that our data are sufficiently sensitive to have probed sub-Earth mass planets in both interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, assuming that the additional planet is in an initially circular orbit.


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We present seven light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3, taken as part of a transit timing programme using the rapid imager to search for exoplanets instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. The light curves are analysed using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to update the parameters of the system. The inclination is found to be i = 86.75+0.22-0.21°, the planet-star radius ratio to be Rp/R* = 0.1098+0.0010-0.0012 and the stellar radius to be R* = 0.834+0.018-0.026Rsolar, consistent with previous results but with a significant improvement in the precision. Central transit times and uncertainties for each light curve are also determined, and a residual permutation algorithm is used as an independent check on the errors. The transit times are found to be consistent with a linear ephemeris, and a new ephemeris is calculated as Tc(0) = 2454856.70118 +/- 0.00018 HJD and P = 2.899738 +/- 0.000007 d. Model timing residuals are fitted to the measured timing residuals to place upper mass limits for a hypothetical perturbing planet as a function of the period ratio. These show that we have probed for planets with masses as low as 0.33 and 1.81 M? in the interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, respectively, assuming the planets are initially in circular orbits.