A transit timing analysis of seven RISE light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3

Autoria(s): Gibson, N. P.; Pollacco, D. L.; Barros, S.; Benn, C.; Christian, D.; Hrudkova, M.; Joshi, Y. C.; Keenan, F. P.; Simpson, E. K.; Skillen, I.; Steele, I. A.; Todd, I.



We present seven light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3, taken as part of a transit timing programme using the rapid imager to search for exoplanets instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. The light curves are analysed using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to update the parameters of the system. The inclination is found to be i = 86.75+0.22-0.21°, the planet-star radius ratio to be Rp/R* = 0.1098+0.0010-0.0012 and the stellar radius to be R* = 0.834+0.018-0.026Rsolar, consistent with previous results but with a significant improvement in the precision. Central transit times and uncertainties for each light curve are also determined, and a residual permutation algorithm is used as an independent check on the errors. The transit times are found to be consistent with a linear ephemeris, and a new ephemeris is calculated as Tc(0) = 2454856.70118 +/- 0.00018 HJD and P = 2.899738 +/- 0.000007 d. Model timing residuals are fitted to the measured timing residuals to place upper mass limits for a hypothetical perturbing planet as a function of the period ratio. These show that we have probed for planets with masses as low as 0.33 and 1.81 M? in the interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, respectively, assuming the planets are initially in circular orbits.









Gibson , N P , Pollacco , D L , Barros , S , Benn , C , Christian , D , Hrudkova , M , Joshi , Y C , Keenan , F P , Simpson , E K , Skillen , I , Steele , I A & Todd , I 2010 , ' A transit timing analysis of seven RISE light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3 ' Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , vol 401 , pp. 1917-1923 . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15770.x

Palavras-Chave #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1900/1912 #Space and Planetary Science #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/3100/3103 #Astronomy and Astrophysics
