353 resultados para pecten conglomerate


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar cuáles son las variables que repercuten en la efectividad de las redes empresariales. Esto, con base en la búsqueda de literatura existente de la efectividad en equipos, en organizaciones y en las redes interorganizacionales, así como el análisis de modelos y estudios empíricos que permitieron el análisis. De acuerdo con la búsqueda, se encontró que variables como la estructura de la red, la estabilidad del sistema, el compromiso de los empleados en cada una de las organizaciones que hacen parte de la red, la confianza dentro de la red, la transferencia de conocimiento y la apertura del sistema son las variables que en conclusión, mostraron ser buenas predictoras de efectividad dentro de las redes empresariales.


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En este proyecto analizaremos como las organizaciones se relacionan con el medio y marketing. La idea es determinar cuáles son los métodos de análisis de las comunidades de clientes mediante la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing. Por medio del mercadeo se puede conocer el entorno y determinar qué métodos de análisis utilizar para conocer a la comunidad de clientes. Las personas de mercadeo se ocupan de todo lo que ocurre en el entorno, de estar al tanto para saber cuándo hay oportunidades que puedan ser provechosas para la organización o por otro lado cuando hay amenazas de las que debe tener cuidado. Dependiendo del entorno, la organización diseña sus actividades de mercadeo enfocadas en satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor. Las actividades del consumidor se conceptualizan en producto, precio, promoción y plaza que se definen y diseñan basados en la comunidad en la que este inmersa la organización. Es importante buscar información confiable sobre el grupo objetivo al cual se le va ofrecer el producto o servicio, ya que toca analizarlos y comprender a estas personas para diseñar una buena oferta que satisfaga sus necesidades y deseos. Esta persona que recibe el producto o servicio por parte de la organización es el cliente. Los clientes son las personas que llegan a una organización en búsqueda de satisfacer necesidades a través de los bienes y servicios que las empresas ofrecen. Es esencial determinar que los clientes viven en comunidad, es decir comparten ideas por la comunicación tan estrecha que tienen y viven en conjunto bajo las mismas costumbres. Debido a estos es que hoy en día, los consumidores se conglomeran en comunidades de clientes, y para saberles llegar a estos clientes, toca analizarlos por medio de diversos métodos. El uso de las estrategias comunitarias es necesario ya que por medio del marketing se analiza el entorno y se buscan los métodos para analizar a la comunidad de clientes, que comparten características y se analizan en conjunto no por individuo. Es necesario identificar los métodos para relacionarse con la comunidad de clientes, para poder acercarnos a estos y conocerlos bien, saber sus necesidades y deseos y ofrecerles productos y servicios de acuerdo a éstos. En la actualidad estos métodos no son muy comunes ni conocidos, es por esto que nuestro propósito es indagar e identificar estos métodos para saber analizar a las comunidades. En este proyecto se utilizara una metodología de estudio tipo teórico-conceptual buscando las fuentes de información necesarias para llevar a cabo nuestra investigación. Se considera trabajar con El Grupo de Investigación en Perdurabilidad Empresarial y se escogió la línea de gerencia ya que permite entrar en la sociedad del conocimiento, siendo capaces de identificar oportunidades gerenciales en el entorno. Es interesante investigar sobre estos métodos, ya que los clientes esperan un servicio excelente, atento y que se preocupe por ellos y sus necesidades.


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Los asistentes virtuales son herramientas inteligentes que ayudan a los usuarios a buscar información en un conglomerado de recursos web. El despliegue natural de los mismos se realiza en las propias páginas web, donde permiten resolver las dudas de los usuarios formuladas en lenguaje natural usando técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial. En este artículo presentamos las características más relevantes del asistente virtual Elvira y su integración en la página web de la Universidad de Granada. De forma paralela a la aparición de los asistentes virtuales, en la última década, los avances tecnológicos han hecho que el acceso a la información se produzca desde diferentes fuentes, trasladando la necesidad de la asistencia artificial a otros ámbitos. En este trabajo, detallamos la ampliación de los despliegues del asistente virtual Elvira sobre dispositivos móviles y redes sociales.


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Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cemented emerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area


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Deposits of coral-bearing, marine shell conglomerate exposed at elevations higher than 20 m above present-day mean sea level (MSL) in Bermuda and the Bahamas have previously been interpreted as relict intertidal deposits formed during marine isotope stage (MIS) I I, ca. 360-420 ka before present. On the strength of this evidence, a sea level highstand more than 20 m higher than present-day MSL was inferred for the MIS I I interglacial, despite a lack of clear supporting evidence in the oxygen-isotope records of deep-sea sediment cores. We have critically re-examined the elevated marine deposits in Bermuda, and find their geological setting, sedimentary relations, and microfaunal assemblages to be inconsistent with intertidal deposition over an extended period. Rather, these deposits, which comprise a poorly sorted mixture of reef, lagoon and shoreline sediments, appear to have been carried tens of meters inside karst caves, presumably by large waves, at some time earlier than ca. 310-360 ka before present (MIS 9-11). We hypothesize that these deposits are the result of a large tsunami during the mid-Pleistocene, in which Bermuda was impacted by a wave set that carried sediments from the surrounding reef platform and nearshore waters over the eolianite atoll. Likely causes for such a megatsunami are the flank collapse of an Atlantic island volcano, such as the roughly synchronous Julan or Orotava submarine landslides in the Canary Islands, or a giant submarine landslide on the Atlantic continental margin. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. To describe the changes in the use of maternal and child health care services by residents of three municipalities-Embu, Itapecerica da Serra, and Taboao da Serra-in the Sao Paulo metropolitan area, 12 years after the implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, and to analyze the potential of population-based health care surveys as sources of data to evaluate these changes. Methods. Two population-based, cross-sectional surveys were carried out in 1990 and 2002 in municipalities located within the Sao Paulo metropolitan area. For children under 1 year of age, the two periods were compared in terms of outpatient services utilization and hospital admission; for the mothers, the periods were compared in terms of prenatal care and deliveries. In both surveys, stratified and multiple-stage conglomerate sampling was employed, with standardization of interview questions. Results. The most important changes observed were regarding the location of services used for prenatal care, deliveries, and hospitalization of children less than 1 year of age. There was a significant increase in the use of services in the surrounding region or hometown, and decrease in the utilization of services in the city of Sao Paulo (in 1990, 80% of deliveries and almost all admissions for children less than 1 year versus 32% and 46%, respectively, in 2002). The use of primary care units and 24-hour walk-in clinics also increased. All these changes reflect care provided by public resources. In the private sector, there was a decrease in direct payments and payments through company-paid health insurance and an increase in payments through self-paid health insurance. Conclusions. The major changes observed in the second survey occurred simultaneous to the changes that resulted from the implementation of the SUS. Population-based health surveys are adequate for analyzing and comparing the utilization of health care services at different times.


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This thesis aims to open a theoretical discussion on the importance of cluster for the development of Small and Medium Enterprises. The methodology applied was based on bibliographical and qualitative research. The basic questions raised by this study can be summarized as follows: How the creation of a cluster will help in the development of the SME?. Consequently, the final objective of the work is to identify which are the characteristics that help into the success of a Small & Medium Enterprises inserted in a cluster. The answer to this question led the research to a better understanding of (i) the characterization of the Small & Medium Enterprises; (ii) the clusters theory; (iii) evidence for a developed (Italy) and a developing (Chile) country that support our proposition to verify. The main results confirm the relevance of the cluster for the development of the Small and Medium Enterprises because of the collective efficiency that generates, improving the funding conditions, the exporter capacity and diminishing the activities costs of the small companies that are part of the conglomerate.


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The segment of Carnaubais Fault located in the southeasthern portion of Guamaré Graben (Potiguar Basin) was studied. Several structures were detected and some of them strongly suggest that the last movements in Carnaubais Fault are of Neotectonic age. The study comprises an integrated interpretation of geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (gravimetry, magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods). According to the size of the studied areas, two approaches were used in this research. The first approach is of a regional nature and was conducted in an area, hereafter named Regional Area, having approximately 6,000 km2 and localized in the northern portion of Rio Grande do Norte state, around Macau city. The second approach comprises detailled studies of two small areas inside the Regional Area: the Camurupim and São Bento areas. Gravimetric and topographic data were used in the Regional Area. A separation into regional and residual components were conducted both on gravimetric and topographic data. The interpretation of the residual component of the gravimetric data allows a precise mapping of the borders of the Guamaré Graben. The regional component features of the topographic data are controlled by the pair of conjugate faults composed by the Carnaubais Fault (NE direction) and the Afonso Bezerra Fault (NW direction). On the other hand, the residual component of the topographic data shows that river valleis of NW direction are sharply interrupted where they intersect Carnaubais Fault. This fact is interpreted as an evidency that the last significant moviments occured in the Carnaubais Fault. Geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods) were used in the Camurupim Area. The geologic mapping allows to identify five lithophacies unities. The first two unities (from base to top) were interpreted as composing a marine (or transitional) depositional sequency while the other were interpreted is composing a continental depositional sequence. The two sequences are clearly separated of an erosional discordance. The unities grouped in the marine sequence are composed by calcarenites (Unity A) and mudstones (Unity B). Unity A was deposited in a shalow plataform while Unity B, in a tidal flat. The unities grouped in the continental sequence are composed of conglomerate (Unity C) and sandstones (Unities D and E). Unities C and D are fluvial deposits while unity E is an eolian deposit. Unities A and B can be stratigraphycally correlated with Guamaré Formation. Unities C and D present three possible correlations. They may be correlated with Tibau Formation; or with Barreiras Formation; or with a clastic sediment deposit, commonly found in some rivers of Rio Grande do Norte state, and statigraphycally positioned above Barreiras Formation. Based on the decrease of the grain sizes from base to top both on unities C and D, it is proposed that these unities are correlated with the clastic sediment above mentioned. In this case, these unities would have, at least, Pleistocenic age. Finally, it is proposed that Unity E represent an eolian deposit that sufferred recent changes (at least in the Quaternary). The integrated interpretation of hydrographic, morphologic and geophysical data from Camurupim Area shows that Carnaubais Fault is locally composed by a system of several paralel subvertical faults. The fault presenting the larger vertical slip controls the valley of Camurupim river and separates the area in two blocks; in the nothern block the top of the Jandaira limestone is deeper than in the southern block. In addition, at least one of the faults in the northern block is cutting the whole sedimentary section. Because unities C , D, and/or E may be of Quaternary age, tectonic moviments possibly occured in Carnaubais Fault during this period. Detailled geologic mapping were conducted in beachrocks found in São Bento Area. This area is located at the intersection of the coast line with the Carnaubais Fault. The detected structures in the beachrocks are very similar to those caused by fragile deformations. The structures mapped in the beachrocks are consistent with a stress field with maximun compressional stress in E-W direction and extensional stress in the N-S direction. Since the Carnaubais Fault has a NE direction, it is optimally positioned to suffer tectonic movements under the action of such stress field. In addition, the shape of the coastal line appear to be controlled by the Carnaubais Fault. Furthemore, the observed structures in Camurupim Área are consistent with this stress field. These facts are interpreted as evidences that Carnaubais Fault and beachrocks suffered coupled tectonic movements. These moviments are of Neotectonic age because the beachrocks present ages less than 16,000 years


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The study area is located in the NW portion of the Ceará state nearby the city of Santana do Acaraú. Geologically it lies along the Sobral-Pedro II lineament which limits the domains of Ceará Central and Noroeste do Ceará, both belonging to the Borborema Province.The object of study was a NE trending 30km long siliciclastic body (sandstone and conglomerate) bounded by transcurrent dextral faults. The sediments are correlated to the Ipú Formation (Serra Grande Group) from the Parnaiba basin, which age is thought to be Siluro-Devonian. Existing structural data shown that bedding has higher but variable dips (70-45) near the borders faults and much lower to subhorizontal inward the body. The brittle deformation was related to a reactivation, in lower crustal level, of the Sobral-Pedro II lineament (Destro (1987, 1999; Galvão, 2002).The study presented here was focused in applying geophysicals methods (gravimetry and seismic) to determine the geometry of the sandstone/conglomeratic body and together with the structural data, to propose a model to explain its deformation. The residual anomalies maps indicate the presence of two main graben-like structures. The sedimentary pile width was estimated from 2D gravimetric models to be about 500-600 meters. The 3D gravimetric model stressed the two maximum width regions where a good correlation is observed between the isopach geometry and the centripetal strike/dip pattern displayed by the sediments bedding. Two main directions (N-S and E-W) of block moving are interpreted from the distribution pattern of the maximum width regions of the sedimentary rock


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Objectives. To describe the changes in the use of maternal and child health care services by residents of three municipalities-Embu, Itapecerica da Serra, and Taboao da Serra-in the São Paulo metropolitan area, 12 years after the implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, and to analyze the potential of population-based health care surveys as sources of data to evaluate these changes.Methods. Two population-based, cross-sectional surveys were carried out in 1990 and 2002 in municipalities located within the São Paulo metropolitan area. For children under 1 year of age, the two periods were compared in terms of outpatient services utilization and hospital admission; for the mothers, the periods were compared in terms of prenatal care and deliveries. In both surveys, stratified and multiple-stage conglomerate sampling was employed, with standardization of interview questions.Results. The most important changes observed were regarding the location of services used for prenatal care, deliveries, and hospitalization of children less than 1 year of age. There was a significant increase in the use of services in the surrounding region or hometown, and decrease in the utilization of services in the city of São Paulo (in 1990, 80% of deliveries and almost all admissions for children less than 1 year versus 32% and 46%, respectively, in 2002). The use of primary care units and 24-hour walk-in clinics also increased. All these changes reflect care provided by public resources. In the private sector, there was a decrease in direct payments and payments through company-paid health insurance and an increase in payments through self-paid health insurance.Conclusions. The major changes observed in the second survey occurred simultaneous to the changes that resulted from the implementation of the SUS. Population-based health surveys are adequate for analyzing and comparing the utilization of health care services at different times.


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O processo de co-cristalização consiste na concentração de um xarope de sacarose até a supersaturação, quando então é adicionado o material a ser encapsulado. A partir daí, a mistura é submetida a uma intensa agitação que induz à nucleação e à aglomeração do produto. Neste trabalho, a encapsulação de suco concentrado de maracujá em sacarose por co-cristalização foi avaliada, determinandose o efeito da fração de suco adicionada e do pH do suco sobre a umidade, solubilidade, densidade aparente e ângulo de repouso do produto final e acompanhando-se a cinética de cristalização em um reo-reator, constituído de um cristalizador acoplado a um reômetro rotacional de cilindros concêntricos, cujo cilindro interno foi substituído por um agitador. A cinética de co-cristalização foi representada por um modelo empírico ajustado aos dados obtidos. A co-cristalização foi acelerada em função do aumento do pH e da redução da porcentagem de suco. Os produtos co-cristalizados apresentaram menor umidade e maior solubilidade em baixas concentrações de suco. A densidade aparente e o ângulo de repouso foram similares aos da matriz encapsulante e situaram-se na faixa em que se encontram a maioria dos pós alimentícios.


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Tempestitos grossos constituem camadas delgadas de conglomerado gradando a arenito, com estratificação cruzada seguida de laminação ondulada truncante a simétrica e de drape/flaser de siltito/folhelho. Cinco exemplos extraídos do Permiano da bacia do Paraná ilustram esse tipo de depósito: três deles são de rochas siliciclásticas, contendo bioclastos de bivalves e vertebrados (Formação Rio Bonito-Membro Triunfo e Formação Palermo), enquanto os outros dois são de rochas carbonática e fosfática (respectivamente, formações Teresina e Corumbataí do Grupo Passa Dois). O componente tracional da base do tempestito grosso apresenta-se como arenite quartzoso/lítico ou grainstone oolítico com cimento calcífero preenchendo poros (casos das formações Palermo e Teresina). em sua maioria, os tempestitos grossos constituem pavimentos transgressivos intercalados em folhelhos ou tempestitos finos (arenitos muito finos a folhelhos com estratificação ondulada truncante-hummocky). em outro caso, extraído de subsuperfície, o pavimento transgressivo ocorre na base de uma sucessão progradante de barra de plataforma. O tempestito grosso da Formação Teresina constitui um evento transgressivo sobreposto a depósitos de barra de plataforma.


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Mast cells are present in the eye of Gallus domesticus, appearing in the anterior uvea in embryos at stage 39 HH (13th day). In hatching and adult birds, they are present in the sclera, uvea, pectinate Ligament, and conjunctiva. Mast cells are absent in the cornea, retina, and pecten oculi.Maturing mast cells in the anterior eye segment appear as round cells having eccentric nuclei and a few cytoplasmic metachromatic granules, whose fluorescence increases during development. Mature cells are more numerous in late development, and their cytoplasm is rich in metachromatic and intensely fluorescent granules. Ultrastructurally, maturing mast cells display progranules and a few electron dense and homogeneous granules on one side of the cell. Mast cells of adult birds possess homogeneous cytoplasmic granules, some of which display protuberances that penetrate hollows of adjoining granules. Heterogeneous granules exhibiting latticed and mottled patterns are also present. The existence of mast cells in the anterior eye segment indicates that these cells might perform a physiological role during development and in aqueous humor outflow. They might modulate exchanges between blood and aqueous humor through chemical mediators present in their granules. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This study investigated the structure and properties of a tropical stream food web in a small spatial scale, characterizing its planktonic, epiphytic and benthic compartments. The study was carried out in the Potreirinho Creek, a second-order stream located in the south-east of Brazil. Some attributes of the three subwebs and of the conglomerate food web, composed by the trophic links of the three compartments plus the fish species, were determined. Among compartments, the food webs showed considerable variation in structure. The epiphytic food web was consistently more complex than the planktonic and benthic webs. The values of number of species, number of links and maximum food chain length were significantly higher in the epiphytic compartment than in the other two. Otherwise, the connectance was significantly lower in epiphyton. The significant differences of most food web parameters were determined by the increase in the number of trophic species, represented mainly by basal and intermediate species. High species richness, detritus-based system and high degree of omnivory characterized the stream food web studied. The aquatic macrophytes probably provide a substratum more stable and structurally complex than the sediment. We suggest that the greater species richness and trophic complexity in the epiphytic subweb might be due to the higher degree of habitat complexity supported by macrophyte substrate. Despite differences observed in the structure of the three subwebs, they are highly connected by trophic interactions, mainly by fishes. The high degree of fish omnivory associated with their movements at different spatial scales suggests that these animals have a significant role in the food web dynamic of Potreirinho Creek. This interface between macrophytes and the interconnections resultant from fish foraging, diluted the compartmentalization of the Potreirinho food web.