786 resultados para online course design
Les difficultés croissantes de l’enseignement supérieur en matière d’accessibilité aux formations et de disponibilité de filières de qualité, dans les pays en voie de développement de l’Afrique de l’Ouest notamment, conjuguées avec le développement vertigineux des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), suscitent un grand espoir de faire de la formation à distance une solution alternative crédible des formations présentielles (OCDE, 2006). Or, si la littérature s’accorde à reconnaitre aux TIC et l’interactivité qu’elles procurent des facteurs favorisant l’apprentissage (Karsenti, 2006), la réalité du terrain éducatif lui impose de reconnaitre que non seulement la révolution de la formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD) n’est pas encore d’actualité (OCDE, 2006), mais qu’elle ne le sera que si, pour faire face à la distance transactionnelle, plus accrue en formation à distance, l’apprenant ne se contente plus d’apprendre, mais d’apprendre à apprendre, ce qui exige de lui des compétences d’autonomie. Or, malgré des décennies d’intérêt et d’investissement de la recherche, le développement de l’autonomie sur le terrain reste toujours marginal, les débats philosophiques ayant pris le pas sur la quête de solutions pratiques (Albero ,2003). La question de savoir comment les éducateurs de la FOAD utilisent les solutions existantes, censées favoriser l’autonomie de l’apprenant, telles certaines formes de tutorat et de travail de groupes, n’est pas sans intérêt, puisqu’elle permet de mieux comprendre le terrain cible et sa part de responsabilité dans cet insuccès de l’autonomie. S’inscrivant en droite ligne des travaux d’Albero (2003), la présente étude organise les principes d’autonomie suivant un cadre conceptuel privilégiant l’action et le développement, selon une dimension dynamique symbolisant l’importance du soutien à accorder à l’apprenant, une dimension topologique indiquant la nécessité pour ce soutien de prendre en compte les différents aspects sur lesquels l’apprenant peut exercer son autonomie et une dimension chronologique exprimant l’importance du désétayage. De façon pratique, cette étude, démarrée en 2009 dans le contexte de la FOAD du 2IE (Institut International des Ingénieurs de l’Eau et de l’Environnement), sis à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso, s’organise en trois articles : le premier tente de comprendre si les conditions d’efficacité de la FOAD, selon les apprenants, formulent un besoin d’apprentissage en autonomie; le second tente de comprendre, à partir des propos des tuteurs, si l’encadrement des apprenants respecte les principes d’autonomie; enfin, le troisième article s’est penché, sur la base des intentions exprimées par les concepteurs, sur le respect des principes d’autonomie par les cours. L’éloignement des apprenants et l’objectif de comprendre leurs perceptions de la FOAD, nous ont fait préférer une approche de recherche de type mixte, à la fois qualitative pour mieux comprendre leur perception (Karsenti & Savoie-Zajc, 2004) et quantitative, pour tenir compte de leur éloignement. Pour la perception des éducateurs, nous avons opté pour une approche qualitative/descriptive plus appropriée dès que l’étude vise la compréhension du phénomène social abordé (Karsenti & Savoie-Zajc, 2004). Des résultats obtenus, la perception des 62 apprenants sur les 170 initialement invités par courriel à répondre au questionnaire, semble confirmer l’autonomie de l’apprenant comme une condition de leur réussite en FOAD. La demande des apprenants pour un soutien accru, malgré l’effort actuellement consenti par l’encadrement, effort reconnu par les apprenants eux-mêmes et qu’attestent les 10 tuteurs interviewés sur une quarantaine au 2IE, devrait, toutefois, inviter à la réflexion, puisque ne s’opposant pas réellement à un apprentissage en hétéronomie. À l’analyse, il apparait que l’insatisfaction des apprenants s’expliquerait par la non-prise en compte des différents aspects susceptibles d’influencer leur apprentissage. De plus, en nous référant aux entretiens avec les 11 concepteurs de cours sur un total de 30, il apparait que, bien que conscients de la nécessité d’adapter les cours au contexte de la FOAD, ni la modularité des contenus, ni la flexibilité de la structure des cours ne semblent être prises en compte. Au final, l’étude révèle l’urgence de lutter contre les habitudes acquises en formation présentielle et la nécessité d’employer des pédagogues professionnels formés pour une pédagogie d’autonomisation. Encore faudrait-il que l’autonomie soit véritablement consacrée par la littérature comme une praxis pour signifier qu’elle n’a d’autre fin qu’elle-même, et non comme une poiesis, pour dire que l’autonomie vise une production et cesserait dès que son objectif est atteint.
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.sc.) en soins infirmiers option formation
Die empirische Studie untersucht das Wechselspiel zwischen der fachbezogenen Sprachentwicklung und dem Fachlernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern bei der Einführung in den Kraftbegriff. Sie betrachtet also sowohl sprachliche wie auch kognitive Aspekte des Lernens in der Mechanik. Dafür wurde ein Unterrichtskonzept entwickelt, das den Gebrauch des Fachwortes Kraft in der Wissenschaft und in der alltäglichen Sprache besonders thematisiert. Dieses Unterrichtskonzept basiert auf Empfehlungen und Ergebnissen der Kognitionspsychologie, Linguistik, Philosophie, Sprachlehrforschung und der Didaktiken der Physik und der Fremdsprachen. Im Rahmen des Unterrichts wurden die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit zwei Aufgabentypen konfrontiert: Beim ersten Aufgabentyp waren die Lerner aufgefordert, den Kraftbegriff so zu verwenden, wie es einer fachsprachlich angemessenen Form entspräche, etwa um die Bewegung eines Zuges zu beschreiben. Aufgaben des zweiten Typs sahen vor, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler kurze Texte danach klassifizierten, ob sie der Alltagssprache oder der Fachsprache angehörten. Diese als Metadiskurs bezeichnete Form der Auseinandersetzung mit sprachlichen Aspekten verhalf den Schülerinnen und Schülern zu einer Gelegenheit, ihr eigenes Verständnis des Kraftbegriffs zu thematisieren. Weiter lieferte der Metadiskurs wichtige Hinweise darauf, ob die Schülerinnen und Schüler sich bei ihren Beurteilungen eher auf formal-sprachliche oder inhaltliche Aspekte der Sprache bezogen. Für die Datenerhebung wurden alle Unterrichtsstunden videografiert und transkribiert. Zusammen mit schriftlichen Arbeitsergebnissen und Tests stand ein umfangreicher Datensatz zur Verfügung, für dessen Auswertung ein inhaltsanalytisches Verfahren Anwendung fand. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Lernen im Fach Physik bestimmte Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Lernen einer Fremdsprache zeigt: Wenn die Schülerinnen und Schüler den Kraftbegriff fachsprachlich verwenden sollen, sehen sie sich oft einer Alternativentscheidung gegenüber. Entweder sie versuchen, einer fachsprachlichen Form zu gehorchen und verlieren dabei den Inhalt aus den Augen, oder sie konzentrieren sich auf den Inhalt, drücken sich dabei aber in ihrer Alltagssprache aus und folgen Alltagskonzepten, die weit entfernt von den fachlich intendierten liegen. Ähnliche Beobachtungen kann man im Sprachunterricht machen, wenn Schüler eine neue grammatische Regel einüben: Sie konzentrieren sich entweder auf die neu zu erlernende Regel, oder aber auf den Inhalt des Gesagten, wobei sie die grammatische Regel, die an sich Gegenstand der Übung ist, verletzen. Meistens fällt diese Entscheidung derart, dass die Konzentration auf den Inhalt des Gesagten gerichtet ist, nicht oder wenig auf seine Form. Im Unterschied zum Sprachunterricht ist der Physikunterricht allerdings nicht nur darauf gerichtet, fachsprachlich angemessene Formen einzuüben, sondern insbesondere darauf, den Blick für neue und ungewohnte Konzepte zu öffnen. Damit müssen die Schülerinnen und Schüler hier häufig sprachliche und kognitive Hürden zur selben Zeit bewältigen. Die detaillierte Analyse des Metadiskurses zeigt, dass das Problem des Nebeneinanders zweier unterschiedlicher Anforderung entschäft werden kann: Während die Schüler im Metadiskurs unterschiedliche Aspekte der Sprache diskutieren, sind sie eher in der Lage, sowohl formale wie inhaltsbezogene Merkmale der Sprache wahrzunehmen. Der Text referiert weitere Parallelen zwischen dem Physikunterricht und dem Fremdsprachenlernen, sodass die Auffassung gerechtfertigt ist, dass die Fremdsprachendidaktik als Ideenlieferantin dafür dienen kann, neue Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für den Physikunterricht aufzufinden.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
For the last few years, I have been working on an extensive digital model of ancient Rome as it appeared in the early 4th Century AD. This sort of visualisation lends itself to many applications in diverse fields: I am currently using it for research work into illumination and sightlines in the ancient city, have licensed it for broadcast in TV documentaries and publication in magazines, and am working with a computer games studio to turn it into an online game where players will be able to walk round the streets and buildings of the entire city (when not engaged in trading with or assassinating one another). Later this year I will be making a free online course, or MOOC, about the architecture of ancient Rome, which will largely be illustrated by this model.
1. IntroductionMuch of the support that students have in a traditional classroom is absent in a distance learning course. In the traditional classroom, the learner is together with his or her classmates and the teacher; learning is socially embedded. Students can talk to each other and may learn from each other as they go through the learning process together. They also witness the teacher’s expression of the knowledge firsthand. The class participants communicate to each other not only through their words, but also through their gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice, and the teacher can observe the students’ progress and provide guidance and feedback in an as-needed basis. Further, through the habit of meeting in a regular place at a regular time, the participants reinforce their own and each other’s commitment to the course. A distance course must somehow provide learners other kinds of supports so that the distance learner also has a sense of connection with a learning community; can benefit from interaction with peers who are going through a similar learning process; receives feedback that allows him or her to know how he or she is progressing; and is guided enough so that he or she continues to progress towards the learning objectives. This cannot be accomplished if the distance course does not simultaneously promote student autonomy, for the distance course format requires students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. This chapter presents one distance learning course that was able to address all of these goals. The English Department at Högskolan Dalarna, Sweden, participates in a distance learning program with Vietnam National University. Students enrolled in this program study half-time for two years to complete a Master’s degree in English Linguistics. The distance courses in this program all contain two types of regular class meetings: one type is student-only seminars conducted through text chat, during which students discuss and complete assignments that prepare them for the other type of class meeting, also conducted through text chat, where the teacher is present and is the one to lead the discussion of seminar issues and assignments. The inclusion of student-only seminars in the course design allows for student independence while at the same time it encourages co-operation and solidarity. The teacher-led seminars offer the advantages of a class led by an expert.In this chapter, we present chatlog data from Vietnamese students in one distance course in English linguistics, comparing the role of the student in both student-only and teacher-led seminars. We discuss how students navigate their participation roles, through computer-mediated communication (CMC), according to seminar type, and we consider the emerging role of the autonomous student in the foreign-language medium, distance learning environment. We close by considering aspects of effective design of distance learning courses from the perspective of a foreign language (FL) environment.
A educação a distância tem passado por grandes transformações, principalmente após o advento da internet e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs). Inúmeras perguntas sobre qualidade e resultados de aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais foram geradas com o crescimento da modalidade. Pesquisadores têm investigado métodos de avaliação dos benefícios promovidos pelo e-learning sob um número diversificado de perspectivas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o impacto dos construtos qualidade do sistema, qualidade da informação e qualidade do serviço na satisfação do aluno e no uso de Sistemas Virtuais de Aprendizagem em ambientes de e-learning, utilizando como base teórica o modelo de Sucesso de e-learning, adaptado do modelo de Delone e McLean por Holsapple e Lee-Post. A metodologia de pesquisa tipo survey foi administrada por meio de um curso on-line ofertado a 291 estudantes de instituições públicas e privadas de todas as regiões do Brasil. Para o tratamento e análise dos dados, utilizaram-se técnicas de modelagem de equações estruturais e análise fatorial confirmatória. Os resultados demonstram que o uso do sistema é impactado pela variação dos construtos qualidade do sistema, qualidade da informação e qualidade dos serviços, já a satisfação do aluno é antecedida pela qualidade percebida da informação e do serviço. Muitos dos benefícios gerados pela educação a distância são causados pela satisfação do aluno e pela intensidade com que este utiliza o sistema de aprendizagem. Ao identificar os indicadores que antecedem estas variáveis, os gestores educacionais podem planejar seus investimentos visando atender às demandas mais importantes, além de utilizar a informação para lidar com um dos maiores problemas em EaD: a evasão.
New information and communication technologies may be useful for providing more in-depth knowledge to students in many ways, whether through online multimedia educational material, or through online debates with colleagues, teachers and other area professionals in a synchronous or asynchronous manner. This paper focuses on participation in online discussion in e-learning courses for promoting learning. Although an important theoretical aspect, an analysis of literature reveals there are few studies evaluating the personal and social aspects of online course users in a quantitative manner. This paper aims to introduce a method for diagnosing inclusion and digital proficiency and other personal aspects of the student through a case study comparing Information System, Public Relations and Engineering students at a public university in Brazil. Statistical analysis and analysis of variances (ANOVA) were used as the methodology for data analysis in order to understand existing relations between the components of the proposed method. The survey methodology was also used, in its online format, as a research instrument. The method is based on using online questionnaires that diagnose digital proficiency and time management, level of extroversion and social skills of the students. According to the sample studied, there is no strong correlation between digital proficiency and individual characteristics tied to the use of time, level of extroversion and social skills of students. The differences in course grades for some components are partly due to subject 'Introduction to Economics' being offered to freshmen in Public Relations, whereas subject 'Economics in Engineering' is offered in the final semesters of Engineering and Information Systems courses. Therefore, the difference could be more tied to the respondent's age than to the course. Information Systems students were observed to be older, with access to computers and Internet at the workplace, compared to the other students who access the Internet more often from home. This paper presents a pilot study aimed at conducting a diagnosis that permits proposing actions for information and communication technology to contribute towards student education. Three levels of digital inclusion are described as a scale to measure whether information technology increases personal performance and professional knowledge and skills. This study may be useful for other readers interested in themes related to education in engineering. © 2013 IEEE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The inclusive education policy implemented by state and municipal educational systems of Brazil, contemplates that students with hearing loss can study in regular education classes. In this context, the use and knowledge of the Brazilian sign language is essential. Therefore, in 2009, an extension course of Libras of 120 hours in distance mode was developed in partnership with the FFC / UNESP, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers, the SEESP - MEC for Brazilian public school teachers. In the presence of this reality, this research sought to examine the course content, the evaluation of teachers about it and also verify the impression of teachers on a course offered in distance mode. We analyzed: the course design, the scientific report and the evaluation sheets filled in by pupils. It was found that the course had three modules: introduction to distance education; theoretical reflection on the use of Libras in inclusive education, practical activities and the use of Libras. 548 public school teachers linked to 19 departments and/ or boards of education in various regions of Brazil participated in the study. The analysis showed that teachers evaluated the course satisfactorily, pointing out that they favored the interaction with deaf students. Regarding the use of the modality of distance learning, the teacher students had difficulties with the Internet, which hampered access to the materials. However, the teachers considered distance learning interesting, because they learned to tinker with previously unknown tools, and had the opportunity to hone their technology skills.
Through my experiences as a teacher assistant in a free course design, I seek to understand the intentions and needs of children and youth with the design, so as to work it in a more consistent as the season and wishes of each student. For this I seek aid in studies on children's drawing of Derdyk Edith and also in observing the relationships that children and young people have with the drawing held in my practice as a teacher. Still reflect on the design in some of its particulars, especially concerning the optics of some artists and scholars of the practice of drawing. At the end of the study, propose suggestions for practices to be developed with children and young people who would be various forms of working drawing with experimental forms of building graphics, aiming so that students can add these unique experiences to broaden their understanding of design as well as its arch graphic possibilities. Thus inspired, especially in Derdyk considerations about the experimental design, I can conclude that through experimentation, we can offer young people a diverse thinking design and the possibilities of conceiving it.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR