970 resultados para nosocomial infection


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Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most common infectious diseases of humans and are the most common nosocomial infections in the developed world. It is estimated that 40–50% of women and 5% of men will develop a UTI in their lifetime, and UTI accounts for more than 1 million hospitalizations and $1.6 billion in medical expenses each year in the USA. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the primary cause of UTI. This review presents an overview of recent discoveries related to the primary virulence factors of UPEC and major innate immune responses to infection of the lower urinary tract. New and emerging themes in UPEC research are discussed in the context of the interface between host and pathogen.


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There is a wide range of potential study designs for intervention studies to decrease nosocomial infections in hospitals. The analysis is complex due to competing events, clustering, multiple timescales and time-dependent period and intervention variables. This review considers the popular pre-post quasi-experimental design and compares it with randomized designs. Randomization can be done in several ways: randomization of the cluster [intensive care unit (ICU) or hospital] in a parallel design; randomization of the sequence in a cross-over design; and randomization of the time of intervention in a stepped-wedge design. We introduce each design in the context of nosocomial infections and discuss the designs with respect to the following key points: bias, control for nonintervention factors, and generalizability. Statistical issues are discussed. A pre-post-intervention design is often the only choice that will be informative for a retrospective analysis of an outbreak setting. It can be seen as a pilot study with further, more rigorous designs needed to establish causality. To yield internally valid results, randomization is needed. Generally, the first choice in terms of the internal validity should be a parallel cluster randomized trial. However, generalizability might be stronger in a stepped-wedge design because a wider range of ICU clinicians may be convinced to participate, especially if there are pilot studies with promising results. For analysis, the use of extended competing risk models is recommended.


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Background Surgical site infections (SSIs) are wound infections that occur after invasive (surgical) procedures. Preoperative bathing or showering with an antiseptic skin wash product is a well-accepted procedure for reducing skin bacteria (microflora). It is less clear whether reducing skin microflora leads to a lower incidence of surgical site infection. Objectives To review the evidence for preoperative bathing or showering with antiseptics for preventing hospital-acquired (nosocomial) surgical site infections. Search methods For this fifth update we searched the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (searched 18 December 2014); the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2014 Issue 11); Ovid MEDLINE (2012 to December Week 4 2014), Ovid MEDLINE (In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations December 18, 2014); Ovid EMBASE (2012 to 2014 Week 51), EBSCO CINAHL (2012 to December 18 2014) and reference lists of articles. Selection criteria Randomised controlled trials comparing any antiseptic preparation used for preoperative full-body bathing or showering with non-antiseptic preparations in people undergoing surgery. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently assessed studies for selection, risk of bias and extracted data. Study authors were contacted for additional information. Main results We did not identify any new trials for inclusion in this fifth update. Seven trials involving a total of 10,157 participants were included. Four of the included trials had three comparison groups. The antiseptic used in all trials was 4% chlorhexidine gluconate (Hibiscrub/Riohex). Three trials involving 7791 participants compared chlorhexidine with a placebo. Bathing with chlorhexidine compared with placebo did not result in a statistically significant reduction in SSIs; the relative risk of SSI (RR) was 0.91 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.80 to 1.04). When only trials of high quality were included in this comparison, the RR of SSI was 0.95 (95%CI 0.82 to 1.10). Three trials of 1443 participants compared bar soap with chlorhexidine; when combined there was no difference in the risk of SSIs (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.57 to 1.84). Three trials of 1192 patients compared bathing with chlorhexidine with no washing, one large study found a statistically significant difference in favour of bathing with chlorhexidine (RR 0.36, 95%CI 0.17 to 0.79). The smaller studies found no difference between patients who washed with chlorhexidine and those who did not wash preoperatively. Authors' conclusions This review provides no clear evidence of benefit for preoperative showering or bathing with chlorhexidine over other wash products, to reduce surgical site infection. Efforts to reduce the incidence of nosocomial surgical site infection should focus on interventions where effect has been demonstrated.


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Objective: The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship of surveillance and control activities in Canadian hospitals with rates of nosocomial methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), C. difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD), and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). Methods: Surveys were sent to Infection Control programs in hospitals that participated in an earlier survey of infection control practices in Canadian acute care hospitals. Results: One hundred and twenty of 145 (82.8%) hospitals responded to the survey. The mean MRSA rate was 2.0 (SD 2.9) per 1,000 admissions, the mean CDAD rate was 3.8 (SD 4.3), and the mean VRE rate was 0.4 (SD 1.5). Multiple stepwise regression analysis found hospitals that reported infection rates by specific risk groups (r = - 0.27, p < 0.01) and that kept attendance records of infection control teaching activities (r = - 0.23, p < 0.01) were associated with lower MRSA rates. Multiple stepwise regression analysis found larger hospitals (r = 0.25, p < 0.01) and hospitals where infection control committees or staff had the direct authority to close a ward or unit to further admissions due to outbreaks (r = 0.22, p < 0.05) were associated with higher CDAD rates. Multiple logistic regression analysis found larger hospitals (OR = 1.6, CI 1.2 - 2.0, p = 0.003) and teaching hospitals (OR = 3.7, CI 1.2 - 11.8, p = 0.02) were associated with the presence of VRE. Hospitals were less likely to have VRE when infection control staff frequently contacted physicians and nurses for reports of new infections (OR = 0.5, CI 0.3 - 0.7, p = 0.02) and there were in-service programs for updating nursing and ancillary staff on current infection control practices (OR = 0.2, CI 0.1 - 0.7, p = 0.01). Conclusions: Surveillance and control activities were associated with MRSA and CDAD rates and the presence of VRE. Surveillance and control activities might be especially beneficial in large and teaching hospitals.


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Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major nosocomial pathogen worldwide. A wide range of factors have been suggested to influence the spread of MRSA. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of antimicrobial drug use and infection control practices on nosocomial MRSA incidence in a 426-bed general teaching hospital in Northern Ireland.

Methods: The present research involved the retrospective collection of monthly data on the usage of antibiotics and on infection control practices within the hospital over a 5 year period (January 2000–December 2004). A multivariate ARIMA (time-series analysis) model was built to relate MRSA incidence with antibiotic use and infection control practices.

Results: Analysis of the 5 year data set showed that temporal variations in MRSA incidence followed temporal variations in the use of fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, macrolides and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (coefficients = 0.005, 0.03, 0.002 and 0.003, respectively, with various time lags). Temporal relationships were also observed between MRSA incidence and infection control practices, i.e. the number of patients actively screened for MRSA (coefficient = -0.007), the use of alcohol-impregnated wipes (coefficient = -0.0003) and the bulk orders of alcohol-based handrub (coefficients = -0.04 and -0.08), with increased infection control activity being associated with decreased MRSA incidence, and between MRSA incidence and the number of new patients admitted with MRSA (coefficient = 0.22). The model explained 78.4% of the variance in the monthly incidence of MRSA.

Conclusions: The results of this study confirm the value of infection control policies as well as suggest the usefulness of restricting the use of certain antimicrobial classes to control MRSA.


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Hospital-acquired infections pose both a major risk to patient wellbeing and an economic burden on global healthcare systems, with the problem compounded by the emergence of multidrug resistant and biocide tolerant bacterial pathogens. Many inanimate surfaces can act as a reservoir for infection, and adequate disinfection is difficult to achieve and requires direct intervention. In this study we demonstrate the preparation and performance of materials with inherent photodynamic, surface-active, persistent antimicrobial properties through the incorporation of photosensitizers into high density poly(ethylene) (HDPE) using hot-melt extrusion, which require no external intervention except a source of visible light. Our aim is to prevent bacterial adherence to these surfaces and eliminate them as reservoirs of nosocomial pathogens, thus presenting a valuable advance in infection control. A two-layer system with one layer comprising photosensitizer-incorporated HDPE, and one layer comprising HDPE alone is also described to demonstrate the versatility of our approach. The photosensitizer-incorporated materials are capable of reducing the adherence of viable bacteria by up to 3.62 Log colony forming units (CFU) per square centimeter of material surface for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and by up to 1.51 Log CFU/cm2 for Escherichia coli. Potential applications for the technology are in antimicrobial coatings for, or materials comprising objects, such as tubing, collection bags, handrails, finger-plates on hospital doors, or medical equipment found in the healthcare setting.


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Nosocomial transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) frequently results in chronic respiratory tract carriage. This is an increasing problem, adds to the burden of glycopeptide antibiotic use in hospitals, and represents a relative contraindication to lung transplantation. The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to eradicate MRSA with prolonged oral combination antibiotics, and whether this treatment is associated with improved clinical status. Adult CF patients (six male, one female) with chronic MRSA infection were treated for six months with rifampicin and sodium fusidate. Outcome data were examined for six months before treatment, on treatment and after treatment. The patients had a mean age of 29.3 (standard deviation=6.3) years and FEV(1) of 36.1% (standard deviation=12.7) predicted. The mean duration of MRSA isolation was 31 months. MRSA isolates identified in these patients was of the same lineage as the known endemic strain at the hospital when assessed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Five of the seven had no evidence of MRSA during and for at least six months after rifampicin and sodium fusidate. The proportion of sputum samples positive for MRSA was lower during the six months of treatment (0.13) and after treatment (0.19) compared with before treatment (0.85) (P<0.0001). There was a reduction in the number of days of intravenous antibiotics per six months with 20.3+/-17.6 on treatment compared with 50.7 before treatment and 33.0 after treatment (P=0.02). There was no change in lung function. Gastrointestinal side effects occurred in three, but led to therapy cessation in only one patient. Despite the use of antibiotics with anti-staphylococcal activity for treatment of respiratory exacerbation, MRSA infection persists. MRSA can be eradicated from the sputum of patients with CF and chronic MRSA carriage by using rifampicin and sodium fusidate for six months. This finding was associated with a significant reduction in the duration of intravenous antibiotic treatment during therapy.


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Sommaire La situation actuelle des infections nosocomiales dans les établissements de santé est préoccupante. En ce qui concerne le Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), son émergence et son impact sur la morbidité et la mortalité sont bien connus. De plus, la population vieillissante est à risque élevé d’avoir des diarrhées associées au C. difficile et, de ce fait, de se retrouver en isolement de contact. Les personnes âgées sont déjà vulnérables au moment d’une hospitalisation, alors qu’en est-il lors d’un isolement de contact relié à une infection au C. difficile? Dans cette perspective, les connaissances sur l’expérience des personnes âgées lors d’un isolement étant peu développées, cette étude s’est intéressée au vécu des personnes âgées durant l’isolement de contact et aux effets de cet isolement sur leur vécu. Le but de cette étude phénoménologique, prenant appui sur la Théorie de l’humain en devenir de Parse (2003), était de décrire et comprendre l’expérience de personnes âgées de 75 ans et plus lors d’un isolement de contact en milieu hospitalier causé par une infection au C. difficile. Ainsi, des entrevues semi-structurées furent réalisées auprès de cinq personnes âgées qui ont accepté de participer à l’étude, puis la transcription de leurs propos fut analysée selon la méthode proposée par Giorgi (1997). De cette analyse sont ressortis trois thèmes : 1) Vivre les effets du Clostridium difficile; 2) Vivre de l’inquiétude et 3) Vivre de la déception dans la relation avec le personnel soignant. Poussant plus loin l’analyse des thèmes et sous-thèmes, il a été possible de proposer que l’essence de l’expérience de personnes âgées de 75 ans et plus lors d’un isolement de contact en milieu hospitalier causé par une infection au C. difficile était de « vivre à la fois en conjonction avec le besoin d’être isolé pour protéger son univers et en séparation avec le besoin de recevoir des soins qui respectent leur dignité, et ce, malgré la vulnérabilité induite par leur état de santé ». Ces résultats pourront sensibiliser les personnes soignantes qui accompagnent au quotidien les personnes âgées en isolement. La compréhension de leur vécu pourra favoriser la mise en place de soins davantage centrés sur la personne qui tiennent compte de leurs inquiétudes, de leurs craintes et de l’importance de préserver leur dignité. Mots clés : Effets psychologiques, expérience de l’isolement de contact, Clostridium difficile, personnes âgées, phénoménologie, théorie de l’humain en devenir.


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Las entidades de salud de alta complejidad, atienden pacientes generalmente en condición crítica, requiriendo intervenciones y procedimientos especializados con uso frecuente de las unidades de cuidado intensivo, dado que su condición clínica puede estar seriamente afectada y su pronóstico no siempre ser satisfactorio, generando a la vez altos costos en la atención y prolongación de las estancias. La infección nosocomial constituye un factor relevante que afecta frecuentemente la evolución y el pronóstico de los pacientes en cuidado crítico, que afrontan situaciones como eventos de inmunosupresión, procedimientos invasivos diagnósticos o terapéuticos que los predisponen a adquirir infecciones dentro del hospital.


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BACKGROUND: The objective was to determine the contribution of transfusion in the past to the risk of current infection with hepatitis B or C among patients attending a large hospital for endoscopic procedures.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood samples had been tested for hepatitis markers by routine methods. Patients completed a comprehensive risk factor questionnaire and results were analyzed using computer software.
RESULTS: Twenty-seven percent of the 2120 participants in the study received transfusions in the past. There was no increase in prevalence of hepatitis B among those transfused. Compared with nontransfused participants, recipients of blood before the implementation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening in 1990 had a 4.6-fold increased risk of HCV infection, whereas those transfused with screened blood had a 3-fold increased risk. The difference between the odds ratios for patients before and after screening was not significant.
CONCLUSIONS: Because screening has almost completely eliminated HCV from the blood supply, our finding of a continuing association of HCV infection with transfusion was unexpected. It implies that there are significant other nosocomial risks for hepatitis C transmission associated with the clinical situations where patients received blood. These should be actively investigated.


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A pneumonia nosocomial é a principal causa de infecção nosocomial em unidades de tratamento intensivo e possui alta morbi/mortalidade. A incidência cumulativa varia, conforme os autores, entre limites amplos desde 8% até 51%, dependendo do tipo de paciente e do uso de instrumentação das vias respiratórias. Nos casos específicos das pneumonias de má resolução e da pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica, o diagnóstico é problemático devido à ausência de uma padronização definitiva, decorrente não só da grande variabilidade fisiopatológica como também da pouca acurácia dos critérios clínicos, microbiológicos e radiológicos. Estes fatos ensejaram a utilização progressiva de técnicas invasivas sofisticadas para coleta de amostras respiratórias endobrônquicas. Entretanto, a validação dessas técnicas para uso sistemático depende ainda de estudos que avaliem não só o seu custo/benefício em cenários clínicos diversos como também a comparação de seu desempenho para o diagnóstico com um padrão-ouro histopatológico. Além disso, o rendimento das técnicas invasivas é freqüentemente limitado quando são aplicadas em pacientes sob antibioticoterapia, que constituem a maioria dos casos em unidades de cuidados intensivos. A otimização desses testes, discutindo suas indicações e avaliando sua capacidade técnica para a confirmação ou exclusão de pneumonia, é justificada pela necessidade da instituição precoce e correta do tratamento, pois disto resulta menor mortalidade, redução de custos e permanência no hospital. Entre os testes que podem auxiliar no diagnóstico encontra-se o exame direto do lavado broncoalveolar, que proporciona resultados precoces e úteis para a tomada de decisão, mas não suficientemente testados em diferentes situações clínicas ou experimentais. Com o objetivo de avaliar o rendimento diagnóstico do exame direto precoce e das culturas quantitativas obtido por lavado broncoalveolar, estudou-se sua utilização em um modelo experimental de pneumonia provocada através de inoculação bacteriana intrabrônquica em ratos. O estudo comparou a acurácia do exame direto e dos exames culturais em três grupos de animais: Grupo A com pneumonia pneumocócica (37 animais); Grupo P com pneumonia por P. aeruginosa (26 animais) e Grupo B controle (10 animais), utilizando a histopatologia dos pulmões como teste de referência para o diagnóstico. Os Grupos A e P foram ainda randomizados em dois subgrupos cada, para tratamento ou não com antibióticos, usando penicilina no grupo pneumococo e amicacina no grupo Pseudomonas. Como resultado, observou-se que nos animais com pneumonia e ausência de antibióticos a pesquisa de bactéria fagocitada (BIC) no exame direto mostrou um rendimento elevado para o diagnóstico, sendo superior ao das culturas quantitativas. No grupo com pneumonia pneumocócica a BIC mostrou: S:94,4% a 100%, E:100%, VPP:100% e VPN:100%; e as culturas quantitativas mostraram: S:77,8%, E:100%, VPP:100%, VPN:40%. Nos com pneumonia por Pseudomonas a BIC obteve: S: 69%, E:100%; VPP:100% e VPN:71,4%); e as culturas quantitativas mostraram valores muito baixos: S:28,6%, E:100%, VPP:100% e VPN:50%). Nos animais com pneumonia pneumocócica sob tratamento antibiótico havia uma queda acentuada de sensibilidade das culturas quantitativas (S:21%) e, em menor grau da BIC (S:57,9%), mas sem perda da especificidade de ambos os exames. Ao contrário, nos animais com pneumonias por Pseudomonas sob tratamento não havia alteração no rendimento dos dois exames, cujos resultados foram semelhantes aos dos animais sem tratamento. Não havia diferenças de leitura da BIC para o diagnóstico, contando a sua positividade em macrófagos ou em neutrófilos infectados. A avaliação global dos casos estudados, reunindo todos os grupos (tratados e não-tratados) em ambos os modelos de pneumonia, mostrou que a acurácia do exame direto, representado pela pesquisa da BIC, foi superior (66%) ao das culturas quantitativas (53%). As conclusões principais do estudo foram: 1) o exame direto do lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) mostrou-se um teste útil e de alto rendimento para o diagnóstico de pneumonia quando realizado na ausência de antibióticos; 2) o LBA feito na vigência de antibióticos efetivos para a pneumonia perde mais de 50% de sua acurácia, mas não é afetado quando o antibiótico for ineficaz ou houver resistência ao mesmo; 3) a pesquisa de BIC no LBA é um exame de resultado precoce, de alta especificidade e com melhor rendimento do que as culturas quantitativas.