985 resultados para neuronal differentiation


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The gene encoding the dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase DYRK1A maps to the chromosomal segment HSA21q22.2, which lies within the Down syndrome critical region. The reduction in brain size and behavioral defects observed in mice lacking one copy of the murine homologue Dyrk1A (Dyrk1A+/-) support the idea that this kinase may be involved in monosomy 21 associated mental retardation. However, the structural basis of these behavioral defects remains unclear. In the present work, we have analyzed the microstructure of cortical circuitry in the Dyrk1A+/- mouse and control littermates by intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow in fixed cortical tissue. We found that labeled pyramidal cells were considerably smaller, less branched and less spinous in the cortex of Dyrk1A+/- mice than in control littermates. These results suggest that Dyrk1A influences the size and complexity of pyramidal cells, and thus their capability to integrate information. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The function of the prion protein gene (PRNP) and its normal product PrPC is elusive. We used comparative genomics as a strategy to understand the normal function of PRNP. As the reliability of comparisons increases with the number of species and increased evolutionary distance, we isolated and sequenced a 66.5 kb BAC containing the PRNP gene from a distantly related mammal, the model Australian marsupial Macropus eugenii (tammar wallaby). Marsupials are separated from eutherians such as human and mouse by roughly 180 million years of independent evolution. We found that tammar PRNP, like human PRNP, has two exons. Prion proteins encoded by the tammar wallaby and a distantly related marsupial, Monodelphis domestica (Brazilian opossum) PRNP contain proximal PrP repeats with a distinct, marsupial-specific composition and a variable number. Comparisons of tammar wallaby PRNP with PRNPs from human, mouse, bovine and ovine allowed us to identify non-coding gene regions conserved across the marsupial-eutherian evolutionary distance, which are candidates for regulatory regions. In the PRNP 3' UTR we found a conserved signal for nuclear-specific polyadenylation and the putative cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), indicating that post-transcriptional control of PRNP mRNA activity is important. Phylogenetic footprinting revealed conserved potential binding sites for the MZF-1 transcription factor in both upstream promoter and intron/intron 1, and for the MEF2, MyTI, Oct-1 and NFAT transcription factors in the intron(s). The presence of a conserved NFAT-binding site and CPE indicates involvement of PrPC in signal transduction and synaptic plasticity. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neogenin, a close relative of the axon guidance receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), has been shown to be a receptor for members of the Netrin and Repulsive Guidance Molecule (RGM) families. While Netrin-l-Neogenin interactions result in a chernoattractive axon guidance response, the interaction between Neogenin and RGMa induces a chemorepulsive response. Evidence is now accumulating that Neogenin is a multi-functional receptor regulating many diverse developmental processes, including neural tube and mammary gland formation, myogenesis and angiogenesis. Little is known of the function of Neogenin in the adult, however, a novel role in the regulation of iron homeostasis is now emerging. While the signal transduction pathways activated by Neogenin are poorly understood, it is clear that the functional outcome of Neogenin activation, at least in the embryo, depends on both the developmental context as well as the nature of the ligand. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway participates in the control of numerous cellular processes, including cell proliferation. Since its activation kinetics are critical for to its biological effects, they are tightly regulated. We report that the protein translation factor, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit a (eIF3a), binds to SHC and Raf-1, two components of the ERK pathway. The interaction of eIF3a with Raf-1 is increased by ß-arrestin2 expression and transiently decreased by epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation in a concentration-dependent manner. The EGF-induced decrease in Raf-1-eIF3a association kinetically correlates with the time course of ERK activation. eIF3a interferes with Raf-1 activation and eIF3a downregulation by small interfering RNA enhances ERK activation, early gene expression, DNA synthesis, expression of neuronal differentiation markers in PC12 cells, and Ras-induced focus formation in NIH 3T3 cells. Thus, eIF3a is a negative modulator of ERK pathway activation and its biological effects.


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Developmental neurotoxicity is a major issue in human health and may have lasting neurological implications. In this preliminary study we exposed differentiating Ntera2/clone D1 (NT2/D1) cell neurospheres to known human teratogens classed as non-embryotoxic (acrylamide), weakly embryotoxic (lithium, valproic acid) and strongly embryotoxic (hydroxyurea) as listed by European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) and examined endpoints of cell viability and neuronal protein marker expression specific to the central nervous system, to identify developmental neurotoxins. Following induction of neuronal differentiation, valproic acid had the most significant effect on neurogenesis, in terms of reduced viability and decreased neuronal markers. Lithium had least effect on viability and did not significantly alter the expression of neuronal markers. Hydroxyurea significantly reduced cell viability but did not affect neuronal protein marker expression. Acrylamide reduced neurosphere viability but did not affect neuronal protein marker expression. Overall, this NT2/D1 -based neurosphere model of neurogenesis, may provide the basis for a model of developmental neurotoxicity in vitro.


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The human brain stores, integrates, and transmits information recurring to millions of neurons, interconnected by countless synapses. Though neurons communicate through chemical signaling, information is coded and conducted in the form of electrical signals. Neuroelectrophysiology focus on the study of this type of signaling. Both intra and extracellular approaches are used in research, but none holds as much potential in high-throughput screening and drug discovery, as extracellular recordings using multielectrode arrays (MEAs). MEAs measure neuronal activity, both in vitro and in vivo. Their key advantage is the capability to record electrical activity at multiple sites simultaneously. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is characterized by neurofibrillar tangles and aggregates of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides, which lead to the loss of synapses and ultimately neuronal death. Currently, there is no cure and the drugs available can only delay its progression. In vitro MEA assays enable rapid screening of neuroprotective and neuroharming compounds. Therefore, MEA recordings are of great use in both AD basic and clinical research. The main aim of this thesis was to optimize the formation of SH-SY5Y neuronal networks on MEAs. These can be extremely useful for facilities that do not have access to primary neuronal cultures, but can also save resources and facilitate obtaining faster high-throughput results to those that do. Adhesion-mediating compounds proved to impact cell morphology, viability and exhibition of spontaneous electrical activity. Moreover, SH-SY5Y cells were successfully differentiated and demonstrated acute effects on neuronal function after Aβ addition. This effect on electrical signaling was dependent on Aβ oligomers concentration. The results here presented allow us to conclude that the SH-SY5Y cell line can be successfully differentiated in properly coated MEAs and be used for assessing acute Aβ effects on neuronal signaling.


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Proper organ patterning depends on a tight coordination between cell proliferation and differentiation. The patterning of Drosophila retina occurs both very fast and with high precision. This process is driven by the dynamic changes in signaling activity of the conserved Hedgehog (Hh) pathway, which coordinates cell fate determination, cell cycle and tissue morphogenesis. Here we show that during Drosophila retinogenesis, the retinal determination gene dachshund (dac) is not only a target of the Hh signaling pathway, but is also a modulator of its activity. Using developmental genetics techniques, we demonstrate that dac enhances Hh signaling by promoting the accumulation of the Gli transcription factor Cubitus interruptus (Ci) parallel to or downstream of fused. In the absence of dac, all Hh-mediated events associated to the morphogenetic furrow are delayed. One of the consequences is that, posterior to the furrow, dac- cells cannot activate a Roadkill-Cullin3 negative feedback loop that attenuates Hh signaling and which is necessary for retinal cells to continue normal differentiation. Therefore, dac is part of an essential positive feedback loop in the Hh pathway, guaranteeing the speed and the accuracy of Drosophila retinogenesis.


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The generation of neurons from neural stem cells requires large-scale changes in gene expression that are controlled to a large extent by proneural transcription factors, such as Ascl1. While recent studies have characterized the differentiation genes activated by proneural factors, less is known on the mechanisms that suppress progenitor cell identity. Here, we show that Ascl1 induces the transcription factor MyT1 while promoting neuronal differentiation. We combined functional studies of MyT1 during neurogenesis with the characterization of its transcriptional program. MyT1 binding is associated with repression of gene transcription in neural progenitor cells. It promotes neuronal differentiation by counteracting the inhibitory activity of Notch signaling at multiple levels, targeting the Notch1 receptor and many of its downstream targets. These include regulators of the neural progenitor program, such as Hes1, Sox2, Id3, and Olig1. Thus, Ascl1 suppresses Notch signaling cell-autonomously via MyT1, coupling neuronal differentiation with repression of the progenitor fate.


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The neural crest is a group of migratory, multipotent stem cells that play a crucial role in many aspects of embryonic development. This uniquely vertebrate cell population forms within the dorsal neural tube but then emigrates out and migrates long distances to different regions of the body. These cells contribute to formation of many structures such as the peripheral nervous system, craniofacial skeleton, and pigmentation of the skin. Why some neural tube cells undergo a change from neural to neural crest cell fate is unknown as is the timing of both onset and cessation of their emigration from the neural tube. In recent years, growing evidence supports an important role for epigenetic regulation as a new mechanism for controlling aspects of neural crest development. In this thesis, I dissect the roles of the de novo DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) 3A and 3B in neural crest specification, migration and differentiation. First, I show that DNMT3A limits the spatial boundary between neural crest versus neural tube progenitors within the neuroepithelium. DNMT3A promotes neural crest specification by directly mediating repression of neural genes, like Sox2 and Sox3. Its knockdown causes ectopic Sox2 and Sox3 expression at the expense of neural crest territory. Thus, DNMT3A functions as a molecular switch, repressing neural to favor neural crest cell fate. Second, I find that DNMT3B restricts the temporal window during which the neural crest cells emigrate from the dorsal neural tube. Knockdown of DNMT3B causes an excess of neural crest emigration, by extending the time that the neural tube is competent to generate emigrating neural crest cells. In older embryos, this resulted in premature neuronal differentiation. Thus, DNMT3B regulates the duration of neural crest production by the neural tube and the timing of their differentiation. My results in avian embryos suggest that de novo DNA methylation, exerted by both DNMT3A and DNMT3B, plays a dual role in neural crest development, with each individual paralogue apparently functioning during a distinct temporal window. The results suggest that de novo DNA methylation is a critical epigenetic mark used for cell fate restriction of progenitor cells during neural crest cell fate specification. Our discovery provides important insights into the mechanisms that determine whether a cell becomes part of the central nervous system or peripheral cell lineages.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/42848/2008, através do Programa MIT_Portugal em Sistemas de Bioengenharia; projectos PTDC/SAUNEU/104415/2008 e Projecto ref. 96542 da Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian


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Spinal cord neuronal restricted progenitor (NRP) cells, when transplanted into the neonatal anterior forebrain subventricular zone, migrate to distinct regions throughout the forebrain including the olfactory bulb, frontal cortex, and occipital cortex but not to the hippocampus. Their migration pattern and differentiation potential is distinct from anterior forebrain subventricular zone NRPs. Irrespective of their final destination, NRP cells do not differentiate into glia. Rather they synthesize neurotransmitters, acquire region-specific phenotypes, and receive synapses from host neurons after transplantation. Spinal cord NRPs express choline acetyl transferase even in regions where host neurons do not express this marker. The restricted distribution of transplanted spinal cord NRP cells and their acquisition of varied region-specific phenotypes suggest that their ultimate fate and phenotype is dictated by a combination of intrinsic properties and extrinsic cues from the host.