1000 resultados para mistura de fertilizantes


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O abacate é uma fruta de alta expressividade no cenário frutícola brasileiro. Dos fatores limitantes na expansão racional dessa frutífera, destaca-se a dificuldade de obtenção de mudas de alta qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a obtenção de porta-enxertos de abacateiro 'Quintal', em condições de telado, com o uso de fertilizante de liberação lenta e solução nutritiva, com diferentes doses de N, P e K. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido no Setor de Fruticultura do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras-MG, de maio a outubro de 2009. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2X4 (duas fontes de fertilizantes e quatro doses) com um tratamento adicional (controle), com quatro repetições, sendo a parcela experimental composta de dez plantas. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro doses de fertilizante de liberação lenta 15-10-10 (N-P2O5-K2O), nas dosagens 4; 8; 16 e 24 kg m-3 de solo usado como substrato e quatro doses de solução nutritiva, sendo o NPK aplicado numa mistura de ureia, nitrato de potássio e monoamônio fosfato, na mesma proporção do outro fertilizante. As plantas foram enxertadas, utilizando-se como copa da cultivar Fortuna. As características do porta-enxerto avaliadas foram: altura (cm), diâmetro (mm), matéria seca das folhas, raízes e caule (g), teor de N, P e K nas folhas (mg kg-1) e porcentagem de pegamento da enxertia (%). Houve interação significativa entre os fatores para a altura, diâmetro, matéria seca das folhas, raízes, caule e porcentagem de pegamento da enxertia. O uso de fertilizante de liberação lenta propiciou maior crescimento e desenvolvimento dos porta-enxertos de abacateiro cultivar Quintal comparado à solução nutritiva. Doses acima de 4 kg m-3 de fertilizante de liberação lenta e solução nutritiva não produziram efeito positivo na formação de porta-enxertos de abacateiro 'Quintal'.


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Os fertilizantes de liberação lenta são usados para reduzir a frequência das adubações por disponibilizar gradualmente os nutrientes às plantas. Entretanto, a liberação de nutrientes deve coincidir com a demanda nutricional das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a disponibilidade de N, P e K e o crescimento de dois porta-enxertos de citros quando fertilizados com fertilizantes de liberação lenta e fertilizantes convencionais. Foram avaliados dois manejos de adubação em substrato comercial (com fertilizantes de liberação lenta e somente com fertilizantes convencionais), dois porta-enxertos (limoeiro 'Cravo' e tangerineira 'Sunki') e cinco épocas de avaliação (30; 60; 90; 120 e 180 dias após o replantio das mudas), com cinco repetições e duas plantas por parcela. O emprego do fertilizante de liberação lenta aumentou o diâmetro de caule, número de folhas, teores de P nas folhas e disponibilidade de P e K no substrato, quando comparado ao emprego da fertilização convencional.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the availability of the toxic heavy metals: cadmium, lead and chromium, in soybean, from some fertilizers. Five fertilizers and soluble salts contend Cd, Pb and Cr were used. All the treatments were accomplished in vases of 2,5 L with application of two doses, 50 and 100 kg.ha-1 for the fertilizers and 25 and 50 kg.ha-1 for the salts.


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Fluoride concentration was determined in rainwater, ground water and soil in the zone of fertilizer industry in the city of Rio Grande. In contaminated rainwater fluorine concentration was registered up to the value of 4,4 mg.L-1. Fluorine concentration in the shallow ground water in general reflects its distribution in the atmosphere, but cannot be used as marker of atmosphere contamination in the urban area due to dissolving influence of residential effluents. The 0,01% HCl extracts from the set of surface soil samples demonstrates fluoride distribution in the zone of influence of industrial emissions, which coincides to the numerical simulation of fluorides dispersion in the air.


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The aim of this paper is to present a simple way of treating the general equation for acid-base titrations based on the concept of degree of dissociation, and to propose a new spreadsheet approach for simulating the titration of mixtures of polyprotic compounds. The general expression, without any approximation, is calculated a simple iteration method, making number manipulation easy and painless. The user-friendly spreadsheet was developed by using MS-Excel and Visual-Basic-for-Excel. Several graphs are drawn for helping visualizing the titration behavior. A Monte Carlo function for error simulation was also implemented. Two examples for titration of alkalinity and McIlvaine buffer are presented.


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The solubility of Mn in different fertilizers (MnSO4.H2O-p.a., MnO2-p.a.+MnO-Ind., MnO2-Ind.+MnO-Ind., MnO2-p.a., MnO2-Ind. and MnO-Ind.) was determined using different methodologies: total content and soluble contents in water, 10% H2SO4, citric acid at 20 g L-1, diluted neutral ammonium citrate, (1+9) and DTPA at 0.005 mol L-1. The Mn solubilities in the latter three extractors were assessed after agitation of the sample for one hour and after boiling for 5 minutes. The extraction procedure using neutral ammonium citrate (1+9), at 1:100, with agitation for one hour, was shown to be the most adequate to assess the availability of Mn in fertilizers.


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the interactions that occur in binary and ternary fat blends between medium and long chain triacylglycerols and their structured lipids obtained by chemical interesterification through the analysis of their physico-chemical properties. The synthesized structured triacylglycerols presented from 14.8 to 58.4% medium chain fatty acids, from 15.7 to 37.2% saturated fatty acids, from 19.2 to 47.5% monounsaturated fatty acids, and from 6.7 to 15.2% essential fatty acids. Chemical interesterification modified the behavior of binary and ternary mixtures and new types of triacylglycerol groups were formed.


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The aim of the present work is to investigate the effects of blending and chemical interesterification reactions on the softening and melting behavior of chicken fat, its stearin and medium chain triacylglycerols, and blends thereof in various ratios. Chemical interesterification is a promising alternative to the current processes of modifying the physical properties of fats. In the experimental design 7 samples corresponding to 7 different blend proportions were used. The results were represented in triangular diagrams. The addition of stearin influenced the softening and melting points. The mixture response surface methodology proved to be an extremely useful tool for the optimization of the fat mixtures.


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Considered the best substitute for diesel, biodiesel can be blended with diesel in any ratio, bringing lots of environmental, economic and social advantages. Brazilian law Nº 11097/2005, proposes the introduction of biodiesel in to the Brazilian energy matrix, mixed with diesel at a minimum percentage of 2%. For consumers and sellers to be sure that the commercialized mixture of biodiesel:diesel contains the correct percentage, it is necessary to develop analytical methodologies to quantify the amount of biodiesel added. This work presents a fast, low-cost and simple methodology to determine the biodiesel proportion in mixtures of biodiesel:diesel, based on infrared spectroscopy.


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This paper describes the procedures for analysing pollutant gases emitted by engines, such as volatile organic compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene) by using high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC). For IC engine burning, in a broad sense, the use of the B10 mixture reduces drastically the emissions of aromatic compounds. Especially for benzene the reduction of concentrations occurs at the level of about 24.5%. Although a concentration value below 1 µg mL-1 has been obtained, this reduction is extremely significant since benzene is a carcinogenic compound.


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The synthesis of chiral acetylenic regioisomers was described by using an appropriate intermediate such as isopropylidene glycerol, a synthon widely used in the enantioselective syntheses. This intermediate was prepared from D-mannitol. The nine obtained compounds have been characterized by their respective spectral data. The mixture of chiral acetylenic alcohols showed activity against Escherichia coli when tested through the monitoring of CO2 released during microbial respiration by using a conductimetric system.


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Antioxidants are an alternative to prevent or slow the degradation of the biofuel. In this study, it was evaluated the oxidative stability of B100 biodiesel from soybean oil in the presence of three commercial synthetic antioxidants, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), pure or blended, from the experimental design of simplex-centroid mixture. The reaction order and rate constant were also calculated for all tests. The treatment containing pure TBHQ proved to be the most effective, proven by design, the optimum mix obtained and the rate constant. Binary and ternary mixtures containing TBHQ also showed appreciable antioxidant effect.


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This work proposes a separation, recovery and reuse procedure of chemical residues with chromium. This residue was generated by the determination of oxidizable carbon in organic fertilizers samples. The Cr(VI) of the residue was reduced with ethanol and precipitated with NaOH. The Cr(OH)3 precipitate was separated and oxidized to dichromate ions with hydrogen peroxide. This solution was used another time in organic carbon determination. The uses of recycled dichromate solution were appropriated in four successive recycling. The accuracy was proven using potassium hydrogen phthalate and ten organic fertilizer samples. The organic carbon results, determined with recycled solutions, were similar the conventional solution.


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Clay is often employed as a catalyst, but quartz impurities can decrease the catalytic efficiency. Fine particles of clay can be purified by flotation. We examined the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), the anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the non-ionic TRITON X-100 for separating the quartz impurities from clay. Using X-ray diffraction, the separation was monitored for changes in the peaks corresponding to clay and quartz. Cationic surfactant HTAB was most effective in separating the quartz-clay mixture and the selectivity can be explained by internal adsorption of the surfactant onto the clay and external adsorption onto the quartz.


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The kinetics of biodegradation by the fungus Ganoderma sp of textile dyes Yellow, Blue and Red Procion were studied in effluents using UV-Vis spectroscopy, Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS) and univariate analysis. The kinetic of the reactions were founded intermediate between first and second orders and the rate constants were calculated. The biodegradation after 72 h at 28 ºC were 33.6, 43.5 and 57.7% for the dyes Yellow, Blue and Red Procion, respectively. The quantitative analysis of the effluent by HPLC method can not be used without previous separation.