977 resultados para magma mixing


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In this paper we exploit the nonlinear property of the SiC multilayer devices to design an optical processor for error detection that enables reliable delivery of spectral data of four-wave mixing over unreliable communication channels. The SiC optical processor is realized by using double pin/pin a-SiC:H photodetector with front and back biased optical gating elements. Visible pulsed signals are transmitted together at different bit sequences. The combined optical signal is analyzed. Data show that the background acts as selector that picks one or more states by splitting portions of the input multi optical signals across the front and back photodiodes. Boolean operations such as EXOR and three bit addition are demonstrated optically, showing that when one or all of the inputs are present, the system will behave as an XOR gate representing the SUM. When two or three inputs are on, the system acts as AND gate indicating the present of the CARRY bit. Additional parity logic operations are performed using four incoming pulsed communication channels that are transmitted and checked for errors together. As a simple example of this approach, we describe an all-optical processor for error detection and then provide an experimental demonstration of this idea. (C) 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The localization of magma melting areas at the lithosphere bottom in extensional volcanic domains is poorly understood. Large polygenetic volcanoes of long duration and their associated magma chambers suggest that melting at depth may be focused at specific points within the mantle. To validate the hypothesis that the magma feeding a mafic crust, comes from permanent localized crustal reservoirs, it is necessary to map the fossilized magma flow within the crustal planar intrusions. Using the AMS, we obtain magmatic flow vectors from 34 alkaline basaltic dykes from São Jorge, São Miguel and Santa Maria islands in the Azores Archipelago, a hot-spot related triple junction. The dykes contain titanomagnetite showing a wide spectrum of solid solution ranging from Ti-rich to Ti-poor compositions with vestiges of maghemitization. Most of the dykes exhibit a normal magnetic fabric. The orientation of the magnetic lineation k1 axis is more variable than that of the k3 axis, which is generally well grouped. The dykes of São Jorge and São Miguel show a predominance of subhorizontal magmatic flows. In Santa Maria the deduced flow pattern is less systematic changing from subhorizontal in the southern part of the island to oblique in north. These results suggest that the ascent of magma beneath the islands of Azores is predominantly over localized melting sources and then collected within shallow magma chambers. According to this concept, dykes in the upper levels of the crust propagate laterally away from these magma chambers thus feeding the lava flows observed at the surface.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Estruturas e Geotecnia (elaborada no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil no âmbito do protocolo entre a FCT-UNL e o LNEC)


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica-Geotecnia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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A one-step melt-mixing method is proposed to study dispersion and re-agglomeration phenomena of the as-received and functionalized graphite nanoplates in polypropylene melts. Graphite nanoplates were chemically modified via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of an azomethine ylide and then grafted with polypropylene-graft-maleic anhydride. The effect of surface functionalization on the dispersion kinetics, nanoparticle re-agglomeration and interface bonding with the polymer is investigated. Nanocomposites with 2 or 10 wt% of as-received and functionalized graphite nanoplates were prepared in a small-scale prototype mixer coupled to a capillary rheometer. Samples were collected along the flow axis and characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electrical conductivity measurements. The as-received graphite nanoplates tend to re-agglomerate upon stress relaxation of the polymer melt. The covalent attachment of a polymer to the nanoparticle surface enhances the stability of dispersion, delaying the re-agglomeration. Surface modification also improves interfacial interactions and the resulting composites presented improved electrical conductivity.


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Artigo publicado a convite da Society for Polymer Engineers


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In several industrial applications, highly complex behaviour materials are used together with intricate mixing processes, which difficult the achievement of the desired properties for the produced materials. This is the case of the well-known dispersion of nano-sized fillers in a melt polymer matrix, used to improve the nanocomposite mechanical and/or electrical properties. This mixing is usually performed in twin-screw extruders, that promote complex flow patterns, and, since an in loco analysis of the material evolution and mixing is difficult to perform, numerical tools can be very useful to predict the evolution and behaviour of the material. This work presents a numerical based study to improve the understanding of mixing processes. Initial numerical studies were performed with generalized Newtonian fluids, but, due to the null relaxation time that characterize this type of fluids, the assumption of viscoelastic behavior was required. Therefore, the polymer melt was rheologically characterized, and, a six mode Phan-Thien-Tanner and Giesekus models were used to fit the rheological data. These viscoelastic rheological models were used to model the process. The conclusions obtained in this work provide additional and useful data to correlate the type and intensity of the deformation history promoted to the polymer nanocomposite and the quality of the mixing obtained.


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El batolito de Achala es uno de los macizos graníticos más grandes de las Sierras Pampeanas, el cual se localiza en las Sierras Grandes de Córdoba. Si bien el batolito de Achala ha sido objeto de diversos estudios geológicos, principalmente debido a sus yacimientos de uranio, el mismo todavía no posee un inequívoco modelo petrogéntico. Tampoco existe, en la actualidad, un inequívoco modelo que explique la preconcentración de uranio en las rocas graníticas portadores de este elemento. Este Proyecto tiene como objetivo general realizar estudios petrológicos y geoquímicos en la región conocida como CAÑADA del PUERTO, un lugar estratégicamente definido debido a la abundancia de granitos equigranulares de grano fino y/o grano medio biotíticos, emplazados durante el desarrollo de cizallas magmáticas tardías, y que constituirían las rocas fuentes de uranio. El objetivo específico requiere estudios detallados de las diferentes facies del batolito de Achala en el área seleccionada, incluyendo investigaciones petrológicas, geoquímicas de roca total, geoquímica de isótopos radiactivos y química mineral, con el fin de definir un MODELO PETROGENÉTICO que permita explicar: (a) el origen del magma padre y el subsiguiente proceso de cristalización de las diferentes facies graníticas aflorantes en el área de estudio, (b) identificar el proceso principal que condujo a la PRECONCENTRACIÓN uranífera de los magmas graníticos canalizados en las cizallas magmáticas tardías. Ambos objetivos se complementan y no son compartimentos estancos, ya que el logro combinado de estos objetivos permitirá comprender de mejor manera el proceso geoquímico que gobernó la distribución y concentración del U. De esta manera, se intentará definir un MODELO de PRECONCENTRACIÓN URANÍFERA EXTRAPOLABLE a otras áreas graníticas enriquecidas en uranio, constituyendo una poderosa herramienta de investigación aplicada a la exploración uranífera. En particular, el conocimiento de los recursos uraníferos es parte de una estrategia nacional con vistas a triplicar antes del 2025 la disponibilidad energética actual, en cuyo caso, el uranio constituye la materia prima de las centrales nucleares que se están planificando y en construcción. Por otro lado, la Argentina adhirió al Protocolo de Kioto y, junto a los países adherentes, deben disminuir de manera progresiva el uso de combustibles fósiles (que producen gases de efecto invernadero), reemplazándola por otras fuentes de energía, entre ellas, la ENERGÍA NUCLEAR. Este Proyecto, si bien NO es un Proyecto de exploración y/o prospección minera, es totalmente consistente con la política energética nacional promocionada desde el Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios (v. sitio WEB CNEA), que ha invertido, desde 2006, importantes sumas de dinero, en el marco del Programa de Reactivación de la Actividad Nuclear.Los estudios referidos serán conducidos por los Drs. Dahlquist (CONICET-UNC) y Zarco (CNEA) quienes integrarán sus experiencias desarrolladas en el campo de las Ciencias Básicas con aquel logrado en el campo de las Ciencias Aplicadas, respectivamente. Se pretende, por tanto, aplicar conocimientos académicos-científicos a un problema de geología con potencial significado económico-energético, vinculando las instituciones referidas, esto es, CONICET-UNC y CNEA, con el fin de contribuir a la actividad socioeconómica de la provincia de Córdoba en particular y de Argentina en general.Finalmente, convencidos de que el progreso de la Ciencia y el Desarrollo Tecnológico está íntimamente vinculada con la sólida Formación de Recursos Humanos se pretende que este Proyecto contribuya SIGNIFICATIVAMENTE a las investigaciones de Doctorado que iniciará la Geóloga Carina Bello, actual Becaria de la CNEA.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012


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Cross-Flow, Radial Jets Mixing, Temperature Homogenization, Optimization, Combustion Chamber, CFD


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Let M be a compact hyperbolic 3-manifold with incompressible boundary. Consider a complete hyperbolic metric on int(M). To each geometrically finite end of int(M) are traditionnaly associated 3 different invariants : the hyperbolic metric associated to the conformal structure at infinity, the hyperbolic metric on the boundary of the convex core and the bending measured lamination of the convex core. In this note we show how invariants of different types can be realised in the different ends.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte ha estat generalitzar i integrar la funcionalitat de dos projectes anteriors que ampliaven el tractament que oferia el Magma respecte a les matrius de Hadamard. Hem implementat funcions genèriques que permeten construir noves matrius Hadamard de qualsevol mida per a cada rang i dimensió de nucli, i així ampliar la seva base de dades. També hem optimitzat la funció que calcula el nucli, i hem desenvolupat funcions que calculen la invariant Symmetric Hamming Distance Enumerator (SH-DE) proposada per Kai-Tai Fang i Gennian Gei que és més sensible per a la detecció de la no equivalència de les matrius Hadamard.


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The Mont Collon mafic complex is one of the best preserved examples of the Early Permian magmatism in the Central Alps, related to the intra-continental collapse of the Variscan belt. It mostly consists (> 95 vol.%) of ol+hy-nonnative plagioclase-wehrlites, olivine- and cpx-gabbros with cumulitic structures, crosscut by acid dikes. Pegmatitic gabbros, troctolites and anorthosites outcrop locally. A well-preserved cumulative, sequence is exposed in the Dents de Bertol area (center of intrusion). PT-calculations indicate that this layered magma chamber emplaced at mid-crustal levels at about 0.5 GPa and 1100 degrees C. The Mont Collon cumulitic rocks record little magmatic differentiation, as illustrated by the restricted range of clinopyroxene mg-number (Mg#(cpx)=83-89). Whole-rock incompatible trace-element contents (e.g. Nb, Zr, Ba) vary largely and without correlation with major-element composition. These features are characteristic of an in-situ crystallization process with variable amounts of interstitial liquid L trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distribution in the latter is homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in-situ crystallization equation successfully duplicated the REE concentrations in cumulitic minerals of all rock facies of the intrusion. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 20%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. However, the in-situ crystallization model reaches its limitations with rock containing high modal content of REE-bearing minerals (i.e. zircon), such as pegmatitic gabbros. Dikes of anorthositic composition, locally crosscutting the layered lithologies, evidence that the Mont Collon rocks evolved in open system with mixing of intercumulus liquids of different origins and possibly contrasting compositions. The proposed model is not able to resolve these complex open systems, but migrating liquids could be partly responsible for the observed dispersion of points in some correlation diagrams. Absence of significant differentiation with recurrent lithologies in the cumulitic pile of Dents de Bertol points to an efficiently convective magma chamber, with possible periodic replenishment, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La finalitat d'aquest projecte és aconseguir representar codis binaris no lineals de manera eficient en un ordinador. Per fer-ho, hem desenvolupat funcions per representar un codi binari a partir del super dual. Hem millorat la funció de càlcul del kernel d'un codi binari, implementada en projectes d'anys anteriors. També hem desenvolupat un paquet software per l'intèrpret MAGMA. Aquest paquet ens proveeix d'eines per al tractament de codis binaris no necessàriament lineals.