337 resultados para leites fermentados


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Were used 64 piglets submitted eight treatments: ration with skim milk (SM), three rations with crescent levels of swine plasma (SP), three rations with whole egg (WE) and a ration with high inclusion of soybean meal (SB). Were monitored the blood parameters (BP) in pigs at 27 and at 34 days of age. The piglets were slaugther at 28 and at 35 days of age, for collections pancreas and posterior mensurements of absolut (AW) and relative weigth (RW) of pancreas and trypsin activity (TA). Treatments not influencied AW and TA. Significant effect of the crescent levels was verified of SP, with lineal reduction of the leukocytes and increase of the globular volume, to the 27 days; while to the 34 days, lineal increase of the hematias was observed. At 27 days, animals feds rations with crescent levels of SP have inferior percentage of eosinophils than others that consumed crescent levels of WE. The utilization of SP promoted smaller stimulus to the immune reply, while the use of WE promoted larger humoral reply of the piglets.


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The present work analyzed 150 UHT whole milk samples from three different brands, commercialized in city of Palotina (Paraná, Brazil), between October of 2004 and February of 2005. Mesophilic aerobic bacteria counting results were compared to the Agriculture Ministry of Brazil official standards (RTIQ) for UHT milk. 36 (24%) of the sample presented higher mesophilic bacteria counting according to the standards. Also, were proceeded physic-chemical analyses of those samples. 7.3% of the acidity results, 29% of crude fat and 50.7% of dry matter without fat were disagreeing to RTIQ. All samples accorded to the standards for cryoscopy and alcohol stability tests.


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Two trials were conducted: in the first trial, 96 weaning pigs at the age of 21 days were used, in a block design, with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (two sources of carbohydrate and two weaning weight classes). In the second trial, 48 pigs were used, in a block design, with 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 factorial arrangement (two weaning weight classes x two sources of carbohydrate x two portions of the small intestine x three slaughter periods). The effects of the replacement of lactose by maltodextrin in diets of weaning pigs, with different weights, were evaluated on daily feed intake, daily weight gain, feed:gain ratio, villus height, crypt depth and thickness of the mucosa. In the first trial, from 0 to 17 days and from 0 to 29 days after weaning, effects of weight classes were detected on daily weight gain and daily feed intake. In the second trial, maltodextrin resulted in an increase in the average thickness of the intestinal mucosa and in average crypt depth, only in lighter animals. Maltodextrin can be used as an alternative to lactose in diets of weaning pigs.


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Were used 64 weaned pigs, distributed in eight treatments: ration with skim milk (SM), three rations with crescent levels of swine plasma (SP), three rations with whole egg (WE) and a ration with high inclusion of soybean meal (SB). Daily weight gain (DWG), daily feed intake (DFI) and feed conversion (FC) were evaluated. The animals that consumed ration SB have the mean of DWG higher that other treatments, and inferior FC, from 35 to 48 days of age. The crescent levels of SP promoted linear reduction in DWG, from 21 to 35, and from 35 to 48 days of age, in DFI from 48 to 138 days of age and linear increased in FC from 21 to 35 of age. Considering the weaned phase until finishing, initial rations can be formulated with SP and WE substituted partially the CP of skim milk in 25 and 45%, respectively.


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In two experimental assays it was evaluated the diet acidifier supplementation effect on performance (assay 1) and on nutrient apparent digestibility coefficients (assay 2). During 42 days in assay 1, 120 piglets weaned at 21-days years old were allotted in8eight experimental block design with3three pigs per experimental unit. The treatments were a control and4four acidified diets. In assay 2,0ten piglets with an average weight of 16,4 kg were allotted in two experimental block design receiving two treatments under five replications (control diet without acidifier or supplied with 1,0% fumaric acid). On performance study the fumaric acid inclusion in the diet permitted a feed intake increase from 0 to 15 days, and weight gain from 0 to 32 days and from 0 to 42 days. In assay 2, the diet 1,0% of fumaric acid inclusion did not modified the apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter and moreover diet chemical compounds. The similar apparent digestibility coefficient of dietetic nutrients with the acidifier inclusio, probabl, occurred due to the short period of evaluation. The fumaric acid inclusion in weaned piglet diets improved performance of piglets.


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It was evaluated the effect of the addition of glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids or cellular wall of yeast to the diet of weaned pigs on the activity of the pancreatic enzymes (lipase, amylase and trypsin) and the intestinal mucous membrane (dipeptidase, sucrase and maltase) and on the performance. Forty-five weaned pigs were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline, with four diets (T1 - basal diet (BD); T2 - BR + 1% glutamine; T3 - BD + 0,2% cellular wall of yeast; T4 - BD + 5% fish oil) and two slaughter ages (seven and 14 days post weaning). The performance was measured in the first two weeks post-weaning. The addition of 1% glutamine in the diet of pigs increased the specific and total activity of the amylase, and total activity of the trypsin in the second week post weaning. The others supplements not change the activity of the digestive enzymes in the pigs. Also an increase was observed in the total activity of the lipase, and specific activity of the trypsin and maltase in function of the age post-weaning. In general, the activities of the digestive enzymes were correlated positively, except for the dipeptidase that was not correlated with any other enzyme. Positive correlation was observed between weight gain and activity of the lipase and of the amylase. The supplements included in the diet not influence the performance of weaned pigs.


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Two experiments (experiment 1 - conventional feeding and experiment 2 - feeding of the sows, starting at 109 days of pregnancy and during lactation, and the lactating piglets, with rations without soybean meal) were conducted to evaluate the effects of sources of protein (soybean meal-SBM, extruded semi-integral soybean-ESISB, and milk products-MP) on the intestinal morphology of piglets slaughtered at the 0, 5 and 15 days later at weaning. Twenty-seven piglets weaned with 25 days of age were used, being nine piglets slaughter in each slaughtering age. A 3 ×3 factorial (3 diets × 3 slaughtering ages) was studied, according to a randomized block design. The results showed that animals receiving SBM, presented lower values of villi height and villus: crypt ratio when compared to those that received ESISB or MP. The villi height and the villus: crypt ratio were not affected by the differential feeding of the sows and of the piglets before the weaning. The depth of the crypt was not affected by diets or slaughtering ages in none of the segments studied being, however, smaller in the duodenum and bigger in the jejunum and ileo of the animals of exp. 2. It was concluded that the SBM was the affected the height of the villi and the relationship villi: Crypt negatively after it weans. The intestinal morphology was more affected at five days, showing signals of recovering at 15 days after weaning and that the feeding of the sows did not affect the morphology of the segments of the thin intestine.


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An experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of piglets fed rations containing fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex. Sixty four piglets, littermates, were used. The experimental design was based on random block with two dietary treatments. One of these contained a basal diet (DB) with ZnO e CuSO 4 and the other one with the DB, but without CuSO 4 and with the addition of fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex (SLF Lact +ZnCuAA). There were eight replicate pens per treatment, and pigs were grouped at 4 per pen. The SLF Lact + ZnCuAA didn't not affect (p>0.05) final live weight of the piglets. However, live weight was different (p<0.01) between males and females (24.3 vs. 24.0 kg) at end of experiment. The feed intake of animals feed with SLF Lact+ZnCuAA was higher (p<0.01) in 8% in the first 14 days (0.261 vs. 0.239 kg/d), 15% from 15 to 28 days (0.756 vs. 0.675 kg/ d) and 12% from 29 to 42 days (1.091 vs. 0.962 kg/ d) compared to control group. Daily average feed intake in the experimental period was 11% higher (p<0.01) for the animals fed with the diet contained SLF Lact+ZnCuAA. Weight gain of the treatment with SLFL act+ZnCuAA was higher (p<0.01) by 14% from 0 to 14 days (0.176 vs. 0.152 kg/d), 11% from 15 to 28 days (0.564 vs. 0.500 kg/d) and 12% from 29 to 42 days (0,572 vs. 0,501 kg/d). Average daily weight gain of 42 days of trial of treatment with SLF Lact +ZnCuAA was 12% higher (p<0.01) compared to control group (0.437 vs. 0.384 kg/d). Feed conversion ratio was 8% lower (p<0.01) for treatment with SLF Lact+ZnCuAA in the first 14 days (1.487 vs. 1.614). Supplementation with fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex in diets containing zinc oxide improved growth performance of weanling piglets.


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Two assays were conducted to determine the coefficients of digestibility (CD) and the digestible nutrients (DN) of the extruded semi-whole soybean (Assay 1 conventional feeding and Assay 2 feeding for sows, starting at 109 days of pregnancy and during the lactation and for lactating piglets and in the initial phase, with rations without soybean meal). Each assay was divided into two phases (32 and 50 days of age). Eight piglets weaned at 25 days of age were used. Total feces collection method was used. The following variables were analyzed in feed and in feces: dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and gross energy. The following average values were obtained: CDDM 88.87%; CDCP 86.81%; CDEE 85.41%; CDCF 78.22%; CDGE 80.21% and CMDE 95.71%, which allowed the calculation of the digestible nutrients: DDM 81.28%; DP 34.49%; DEE 14.02%; DF 4.49%; DEa 4087.86 kcal/kg and MEa 3912.73 kcal/kg. The different coefficients of digestibility were not affected by the differential feeding for sows and piglets nor by the different ages of the animals. Moreover, the extruded semi-whole soybean presented good levels of DN, concerning mainly the digestible and metabolizable energy.


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An assay was carried out to evaluate the use of mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) in piglet diets on performance, diarrhea incidence and blood parameters. Different levels of MOS inclusion (0, 0.1 and 0.2%) for pig diets were compared. A total of 72 piglets of Topigs lineage weaned at 21 days of age with 5.28±0.90 kg of live weight were used. It was used a randomized block design to control differences between initial weights of replicates. The results show that MOS inclusion in weaning pig diets did not promote better results on daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed conversion. Although reduction in diarrhea incidence was observed in animals fed with 0.2% MOS diet, this prebiotic did not improve the immune response of piglets. Any level of MOS evaluated is recommended for piglets.


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This study aimed to evaluate different inulin and probiotic levels as supplement in diets for piglets on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance. Twenty four crossbred barrows (Pietráin × Landrace × Large White), with initial average weight of 18.00 ± 0.38 kg, were individually housed in metabolic cages. The experimental design was a completely randomized block, in a 2 × 3 factorial scheme (probiotic levels: 0.30 and 0.60 %; inulin levels: 0.00, 0.25 and 0.50 %), with four replications. The probiotic used was a mix of Lactobacillus acidophillus, Streptococcus faecium and Bifidobacterium bifidum. The inulin was the prebiotic used in this study, characterized as an indigestible carbohydrate formed by fructooligosaccharides. Inulin levels provided a quadratic effect (p<0.05) on the digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter and ether extract, and the better responses were obtained supplementing 0.194, 0.185 and 0.188 %. Quadratic effects were observed for the nitrogen excreted in feces, total nitrogen excretion, nitrogen efficiency use and nitrogen digestibility. The inulin levels of 0.194 and 0.216 %, in piglet diets, were the better for dry matter digestibility and total nitrogen excretion, respectively.


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The widespread use of cooling technology as a tool for maintaining the microbiological and organoleptic characteristics of milk, Without effective hygienic practices throughout the milk production, caused the psychrotrophic micro-organisms to become major deteriorative bacteria in the dairy industry. The present study aimed to assess how the proteolytic psychrotrophic metabolism responds to different milk storage temperatures, drawing a parallel among psychrotrophic growth, amount of micro-organisms capable of breaking down proteins and amount of GMP (glycomacropeptide) released. Milk samples were collected directly from the cooling tank and subjected to count of psychrotrophs, count of proteolytic micro-organisms and the concentration of GMP at different storage times and temperatures. There was no linearity between the microbiological parameters and the GMP measured, according to the time/temperature binomial. The highest concentration of GMP (5.07 mg/mL) was measured in the binomial 8°C/24h (T8/ M24). The data make clear the need for further studies about questions involving the psychrotrophic microbiota in order to clarify extremely important basic questions about their metabolism.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)