954 resultados para ion-selective electrode


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In this elaborate, a textile-based Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT) was first developed for the determination of uric acid in wound exudate based on the conductive polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS), which was then coupled to an electrochemically gated textile transistor consisting of a composite of iridium oxide particles and PEDOT:PSS for pH monitoring in wound exudate. In that way a sensor for multiparameter monitoring of wound health status was assembled, including the ability to differentiate between a wet-dry status of the smart bandage by implementing impedance measurements exploiting the OECT architecture. Afterwards, for both wound management as well as generic health status tracking applications, a glass-based calcium sensor was developed employing polymeric ion-selective membranes on a novel architecture inspired by the Wrighton OECT configuration, which was later converted to a Proof-of-Concept textile prototype for wearable applications. Lastly, in collaboration with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia) under the supervision of Prof. Sahika Inal, different types of ion-selective thiophene-based monomers were used to develop ion-selective conductive polymers to detect sodium ion by different methods, involving standard potentiometry and OECT-based approaches. The textile OECTs for uric acid detection performances were optimized by investigating the geometry effect on the instrumental response and the properties of the different textile materials involved in their production, with a special focus on the final application that implies the operativity in flow conditions to simulate the wound environment. The same testing route was followed for the multiparameter sensor and the calcium sensor prototype, with a particular care towards the ion-selective membrane composition and electrode conditioning protocol optimization. The sodium-selective polymer electrosynthesis was optimized in non-aqueous environments and was characterized by means of potentiostatic and potentiodynamic techniques coupled with Quartz Crystal Microbalance and spectrophotometric measurements.


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This paper describes the recent progress in the development of polymeric membranes for ion-selective electrodes. The importance of knowing the mechanism of potential development in membranes for ion-selective electrodes to reach lower detection limits and improve selectivity are discussed. Recent advances and future trends of research on ion-selective electrodes are also reported.


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The copper and cadmium complexation properties in natural sediment suspensions of reservoirs of the Tietê River were studied using the solid membrane copper and cadmium ion-selective electrodes. The complexation and the average conditional stability constants were determined under equilibrium conditions at pH=6.00 ± 0.05 in a medium of 1.0 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The copper and cadmium electrodes presented Nernstian behavior from 1x10-6 to 1x10-3 mol L-1 of total metal concentration. Scatchard graphs suggest two classes of binding sites for both metals. A multivariate study was done to correlate the reservoirs and the variables: complexation properties, size, total organic carbon, volatile acid sulfide, E II and pH.


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The present study aimed to compare the fluoride (F-) release pattern of a nanofilled resin-modified glass ionomer cement (GIC) (Ketac N100 - KN) with available GICs used in dental practice (resin-modified GIC - Vitremer - V; conventional GIC - Ketac Molar - KM) and a nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme - RC). Discs of each material (n=6) were placed into 4 mL of deionized water in sealed polyethylene vials and shaken, for 15 days. F- release (μg F-/cm²) was measured each day using a fluoride-ion specific electrode. Cumulative F- release means were statistically analyzed by linear regression analysis. In order to analyze the differences among materials and the influence of time in the daily F- release, 2-way ANOVA test was performed (α=0.05). The linear fits between the cumulative F- release profiles of RC and KM and time were weak. KN and V presented a strong relationship between cumulative F- release and time. There were significant differences between the daily F- release overtime up to the third day only for GICs materials. The daily F- release means for RC were similar overtime. The results indicate that the F- release profile of the nanofilled resin-modified GIC is comparable to the resin-modified GIC.


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The title compound, C(13)H(9)F(3)N(2)O(2)S, crystallizes with two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The central thiourea core is roughly coplanar with the furan and benzene rings, showing O-C-N-C(S) torsion angles of 2.3 (4) and -11.4 (2) degrees and (S) C -N-C-C torsion angles of -2.4 (4) and -28.8 (4) degrees, respectively, in the two independent molecules. The trans-cis geometry of the thiourea fragment is stabilized by an intramolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond between the H atom of the cis thioamide and the carbonyl O atom. In the crystal structure, intermolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot S hydrogen bonds form centrosymmetric dimers extending along the b axis.


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Objective: This study assessed the percentage of the amount of dentifrice loaded onto the toothbrush that is ingested by children, taking into account age, the amount of dentifrice used during toothbrushing, and the dentifrice flavor. Methods: The sample consisted of 155 children of both genders attending public kindergartens and schools in Bauru, Brazil, divided into 5 groups (n = 30-32) of children aged 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old. The dentifrices used were Sorriso(TM) (1219 ppm F, peppermint-flavored) and Tandy(TM) (959 ppm F, tutti-frutti-flavored). The assessment of fluoride intake from dentifrices was carried out six times for each child, using 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 g of each dentifrice, following a random, crossover distribution. Brushing was performed by the children or their parents/caregivers according to the home habits and under the observation of the examiner. Fluoride present in the expectorant and on toothbrush was analyzed with an ion-specific electrode after HMDS-facilitated diffusion. Fluoride ingestion was indirectly derived. Results were analyzed by 3-way repeated-measures anova and Tukey`s tests (P < 0.05) using the percent dentifrice ingested as response variable. Results: Age and percent dentifrice ingested for both dentifrices, and the three amounts used were inversely related (P < 0.0001). Percent dentifrice ingested was significantly higher after the use of Tandy(TM) under all conditions of the study when compared with Sorriso(TM) (P < 0.0001). Significant differences were observed when brushing with 0.3 g when compared with 1.2 g, for both dentifrices tested (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that all variables tested must be considered in preventive measures aiming to reduce the amount of fluoride ingested by young children.


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A novel biomimetic sensor for the potentiometric transduction of oxytetracycline is presented. The artificial host was imprinted in methacrylic acid and/or acrylamide based polymers. Different amounts of molecularly imprinted and non-imprinted polymers were dispersed in different plasticizing solvents and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. Only molecularly imprinted based sensors allowed a potentiometric transduction, suggesting the existence of host–guest interactions. These sensors exhibited a near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations; slopes and detection limits ranged 42–63 mV/decade and 2.5–31.3 µg/mL, respectively. Sensors were independent from the pH of test solutions within 2–5. Good selectivity was observed towards glycine, ciprofloxacin, creatinine, acid nalidixic, sulfadiazine, cysteine, hydroxylamine and lactose. In flowing media, the biomimetic sensors presented good reproducibility (RSD of ±0.7%), fast response, good sensitivity (65 mV/decade), wide linear range (5.0×10−5 to 1.0×10−2 mol/L), low detection limit (19.8 µg/mL), and a stable baseline for a 5×10−3M citrate buffer (pH 2.5) carrier. The sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of drugs and urine. This work confirms the possibility of using molecularly imprinted polymers as ionophores for organic ion recognition in potentiometric transduction.


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O trabalho descrito compreende o desenvolvimento de um anticorpo plástico (MIP, do inglês Molecularly Imprinted Polymer) para o antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA, do inglês Carcinoembriogenic Antigen) e a sua aplicação na construção de dispositivos portáteis, de tamanho reduzido e de baixo custo, tendo em vista a monitorização deste biomarcador do cancro do colo-retal em contexto Point-of-Care (POC). O anticorpo plástico foi obtido por tecnologia de impressão molecular orientada, baseada em eletropolimerização sobre uma superfície condutora de vidro recoberto por FTO. De uma forma geral, o processo foi iniciado pela electropolimerização de anilina sobre o vidro, seguindo-se a ligação por adsorção do biomarcador (CEA) ao filme de polianilina, com ou sem monómeros carregados positivamente (Cloreto de vinilbenziltrimetilamónio, VB). A última fase consistiu na electropolimerização de o-fenilenodiamina (oPD) sobre a superfície, seguindo-se a remoção da proteína por clivagem de ligações peptídicas, com o auxílio de tripsina. A eficiência da impressão do biomarcador CEA no material polimérico foi controlada pela preparação de um material análogo, NIP (do inglês, Non-Imprinted Polymer), no qual nem a proteína nem o monómero VB estavam presentes. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados quimicamente por técnicas de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR, do inglês, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) e microscopia confocal de Raman. Os materiais sensores preparados foram entretanto incluídos em membranas poliméricas de Poli(cloreto de vinilo) (PVC) plastificado, para construção de sensores (biomiméticos) seletivos a CEA, tendo-se avaliado a resposta analítica em diferentes meios. Obteve-se uma boa resposta potenciométrica em solução tampão de Ácido 4-(2-hidroxietil)piperazina-1-etanosulfónico (HEPES), a pH 4,4, com uma membrana seletiva baseada em MIP preparada com o monómero carregado VB. O limite de deteção foi menor do que 42 pg/mL, observando-se um comportamento linear (versus o logaritmo da concentração) até 625 pg/mL, com um declive aniónico igual a -61,9 mV/década e r2>0,9974. O comportamento analítico dos sensores biomiméticos foi ainda avaliado em urina, tendo em vista a sua aplicação na análise de CEA em urina. Neste caso, o limite de deteção foi menor do que 38 pg/mL, para uma resposta linear até 625 pg/mL, com um declive de -38,4 mV/década e r2> 0,991. De uma forma geral, a aplicação experimental dos sensores biomiméticos evidenciou respostas exatas, sugerindo que os biossensores desenvolvidos prossigam estudos adicionais tendo em vista a sua aplicação em amostras de indivíduos doentes.


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Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um material sensor para creatinina por impressão molecular em estrutura polimérica (MIP) e a sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de natureza potenciométrica para a determinação da molécula alvo em fluidos biológicos. A creatinina é um dos biomarcadores mais utilizados no acompanhamento da doença renal, já que é um bom indicador da taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG). Os materiais biomiméticos desenhados para interação com a creatinina foram obtidos por polimerização radicalar, recorrendo a monómeros de ácido metacríclico ou de vinilpiridina e a um agente de reticulação apropriado. De modo a aferir o efeito da impressão da creatinina na resposta dos materiais MIP à sua presença, foram também preparados e avaliados materiais de controlo, obtidos sem impressão molecular (NIP). O controlo da constituição química destes materiais, incluindo a extração da molécula impressa, foi realizado por Espectroscopia de Raman e de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourrier. A afinidade de ligação entre estes materiais e a creatinina foi também avaliada com base em estudos cinéticos. Todos os materiais descritos foram integrados em membranas selectivas de elétrodos seletivos de ião, preparadas sem ou com aditivo iónico lipófilo, de carga negativa ou positiva. A avaliação das características gerais de funcionamento destes elétrodos, em meios de composição e pH diferentes, indicaram que as membranas com materiais impressos e aditivo aniónico eram as únicas com utilidade analítica. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos em solução tampão Piperazine-N,N′-bis(2- ethanesulfonic acid), PIPES, de pH 2,8, condição que permitiu obter uma resposta quasi-Nernstiana, a partir de 1,6×10-5 mol L-1. Estes elétrodos demonstraram ainda uma boa selectividade ao apresentaram uma resposta preferencial para a creatinina quando na presença de ureia, carnitina, glucose, ácido ascórbico, albumina, cloreto de cálcio, cloreto de potássio, cloreto de sódio e sulfato de magnésio. Os elétrodos foram ainda aplicados com sucesso na análise de amostras sintéticas de urina, quando os materiais sensores eram baseados em ácido metacrilico, e soro, quando os materiais sensores utilizados eram baseados em vinilpiridina.


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This work shows that the synthesis of protein plastic antibodies tailored with selected charged monomersaround the binding site enhances protein binding. These charged receptor sites are placed over a neutralpolymeric matrix, thus inducing a suitable orientation the protein reception to its site. This is confirmed bypreparing control materials with neutral monomers and also with non-imprinted template. This concepthas been applied here to Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), the protein of choice for screening prostate can-cer throughout the population, with serum levels >10 ng/mL pointing out a high probability of associatedcancer.Protein Imprinted Materials with charged binding sites (C/PIM) have been produced by surfaceimprinting over graphene layers to which the protein was first covalently attached. Vinylben-zyl(trimethylammonium chloride) and vinyl benzoate were introduced as charged monomers labellingthe binding site and were allowed to self-organize around the protein. The subsequent polymerizationwas made by radical polymerization of vinylbenzene. Neutral PIM (N/PIM) prepared without orientedcharges and non imprinted materials (NIM) obtained without template were used as controls.These materials were used to develop simple and inexpensive potentiometric sensor for PSA. Theywere included as ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes, and tested over electrodes of solid or liq-uid conductive contacts, made of conductive carbon over a syringe or of inner reference solution overmicropipette tips. The electrodes with charged monomers showed a more stable and sensitive response,with an average slope of -44.2 mV/decade and a detection limit of 5.8 × 10−11mol/L (2 ng/mL). The cor-responding non-imprinted sensors showed lower sensitivity, with average slopes of -24.8 mV/decade.The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum, with recoveries ranging from 96.9to 106.1% and relative errors of 6.8%.


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Myoglobin (Mb) is among the cardiac biomarkers playing a major role in urgent diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Its monitoring in point-of-care is therefore fundamental. Pursuing this goal, a novel biomimetic ionophore for the potentiometric transduction of Mb is presented. It was synthesized by surface molecular imprinting (SMI) with the purpose of developing highly efficient sensor layers for near-stereochemical recognition of Mb. The template (Mb) was imprinted on a silane surface that was covalently attached to silica beads by means of self-assembled monolayers. First the silica was modified with an external layer of aldehyde groups. Then, Mb was attached by reaction with its amine groups (on the external surface) and subsequent formation of imine bonds. The vacant places surrounding Mb were filled by polymerization of the silane monomers 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) and propyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS). Finally, the template was removed by imine cleavage after treatment with oxalic acid. The results materials were finely dispersed in plasticized PVC selective membranes and used as ionophores in potentiometric transduction. The best analytical features were found in HEPES buffer of pH 4. Under this condition, the limits of detection were of 1.3 × 10−6 mol/L for a linear response after 8.0 × 10−7 mol/L with an anionic slope of −65.9 mV/decade. The imprinting effect was tested by preparing non-imprinted (NI) particles and employing these materials as ionophores. The resulting membranes showed no ability to detect Mb. Good selectivity was observed towards creatinine, sacarose, fructose, galactose, sodium glutamate, and alanine. The analytical application was conducted successfully and showed accurate and precise results.


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Potentiometric detection with homemade polymeric membrane microelectrodes was coupled to a magnetic sandwich immunoassay for Salmonella typhimurium determination. Cadmium and sodium ion selective electrodes were used respectively as indicator and pseudo-reference electrodes and were prepared in pipette tips to allow potentiometric measurements in microliter sample volumes. In the proposed method, the concentration of S. typhimurium was proportional to the amount of cadmium released upon dissolution of a CdS nanoparticle labeled to the secondary detection antibody. The limit of detection was 2 cells per 100 μL. The immunomagnetic assay with potentiometric detection is suitable for sensitive and rapid (average total time per assay of 75 minutes) detection of S. typhimurium in milk samples. The proposed method is easy to perform, safe, sensitive, and low cost and has potential for in situ analysis.


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J Biol Inorg Chem (2011) 16:443–460 DOI 10.1007/s00775-010-0741-z


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PURPOSE: To evaluate preretinal partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) gradients before and after experimental pars plana vitrectomy. METHODS: Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 gradients were recorded in 7 minipigs during slow withdrawal of oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes (10-μm tip diameter) from the vitreoretinal interface to 2 mm into the vitreous cavity. Recordings were repeated after pars plana vitrectomy and balanced salt solution (BSS) intraocular perfusion. RESULTS: Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 at the vitreoretinal interface were 62.3 ± 13.8, 22.5 ± 3.3, and 17.0 ± 7.5 mmHg, respectively, before vitrectomy; 97.7 ± 19.9, 40.0 ± 21.9, and 56.3 ± 28.4 mmHg, respectively, immediately after vitrectomy; and 59.0 ± 27.4, 25.2 ± 3.0, and 21.5 ± 4.5 mmHg, respectively, 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 2 mm from the vitreoretinal interface was 28.4 ± 3.6 mmHg before vitrectomy; 151.8 ± 4.5 mmHg immediately after vitrectomy; and 34.8 ± 4.1 mmHg 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 gradients were still present after vitrectomy, with the same patterns as before vitrectomy. CONCLUSION: Preretinal PO2 gradients are not eliminated after pars plana vitrectomy. During BSS perfusion, vitreous cavity PO2 is very high. Interruption of BSS perfusion evokes progressive equilibration of vitreous cavity PO2 with concomitant progressive return of preretinal PO2 gradients to their previtrectomy patterns. This indicates that preretinal diffusion of oxygen is not altered after vitrectomy. The beneficial effect of vitrectomy in ischemic retinal diseases or macular edema may be related to other mechanisms, such as increased oxygen convection currents or removal of growth factors and cytokines secreted in the vitreous.